Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
          ibrpib FROM TUBS-SMI
Packit 022b05
          Unsigned32, Unsigned64,     
Packit 022b05
          Integer32, Integer64, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, pib
Packit 022b05
                  FROM COPS-PR-SPPI   
Packit 022b05
          TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION   
Packit 022b05
                  FROM SNMPv2-TC   
Packit 022b05
          InstanceId, ReferenceId, TagReferenceId, TagId, Prid
Packit 022b05
                  FROM COPS-PR-SPPI-TC
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  FROM POLICY-DEVICE-AUX-MIB
Packit 022b05
          Counter64, ExtUTCTime
Packit 022b05
                  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  FROM DIFFSERV-MIB;
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
      feedbackPolFrameworkPib  MODULE-IDENTITY   
Packit 022b05
          SUBJECT-CATEGORIES  { all }  
Packit 022b05
          LAST-UPDATED "200011171000Z"   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
          CONTACT-INFO "   
Packit 022b05
                        Diana Rawlins   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                        901 International Parkway   
Packit 022b05
                        Richardson, TX 75081   
Packit 022b05
                        Phone: 972 729 1044   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                       Amol Kulkarni   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                       2111 NE 25th Ave   
Packit 022b05
                       Hillsboro, Oregon 97124   
Packit 022b05
                       Phone: 503-712-1168  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                       Kwok Ho Chan  
Packit 022b05
                       Nortel Networks, Inc.  
Packit 022b05
                       600 Technology Park Drive  
Packit 022b05
                       Billerica, MA 01821 USA  
Packit 022b05
                       Phone: 978-288-8175  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                       Martin Bokaemper 
Packit 022b05
                       Unisphere Networks 
Packit 022b05
                       700 Silver Seven Road 
Packit 022b05
                       Kanata, ON, K2V 1C3, Canada 
Packit 022b05
                       Phone: 613-591-2735 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
              "The PIB module containing the base set of policy rule  
Packit 022b05
              classes that are required for support of all policy 
Packit 022b05
              usage  monitoring, tracking and reporting policies" 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            ::= { ibrpib 7 }  -- to be assigned by IANA
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- The feedback report group  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feedbackPolFrameworkPib  1 }   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   --  Feedback Action Table  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionTable OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackActionEntry   
Packit 022b05
        PIB-ACCESS      install   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "This class contains a single PRI that indicates   
Packit 022b05
                 that the PEP is to resume the sending of   
Packit 022b05
                 feedback type reports."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackGroupClasses  1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX  FrwkFeedbackActionEntry   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS  current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "An instance of this class can indicates a action 
Packit 022b05
                    the PEP is to take regarding the usage policies."   
Packit 022b05
        PIB-INDEX { frwkFeedbackActionId} 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackActionTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {   
Packit 022b05
           frwkFeedbackActionId                 InstanceId,   
Packit 022b05
           frwkFeedbackActionIndicator          INTEGER, 
Packit 022b05
           frwkFeedbackActionSpecificPri        INTEGER, 
Packit 022b05
           frwkFeedbackActionList               TagReferenceId
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionId  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX        InstanceId
Packit 022b05
        STATUS        current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           " An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an   
Packit 022b05
            instance of the frwkFeedbackActionTable class."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackActionEntry 1}  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionIndicator OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX  INTEGER {  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        STATUS  current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The value indicates if the PEP is to send cached   
Packit 022b05
                   usage policies via feedback type report messages.  
Packit 022b05
                   The enumeration values are:   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   (1)  SUSPEND_REPORTS_ONLY  
Packit 022b05
                   (2)  RESUME_USAGE AND REPORTING 
Packit 022b05
                   (3)  SOLICIT USAGE REPORT NOW "   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
          ::= { frwkFeedbackActionEntry 2 }   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionSpecificPri OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX        TruthValue 
Packit 022b05
           STATUS        current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "A value of 0 indicates that the  
Packit 022b05
                   frwkFeedbackActionListId attribute should be 
Packit 022b05
                   ignored, and the action applied to all policies. A 
Packit 022b05
                  value of 1 indicates that the action entry has a 
Packit 022b05
                  specific list of policies to which it is to be 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackActionEntry 3}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionList OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX        TagReferenceId
Packit 022b05
           PIB-TAG       { frwkFeedbackActionListGroup }
Packit 022b05
           STATUS        current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                     "Identifies a list of  
Packit 022b05
                      frwkFeedbackActionListTable instances  
Packit 022b05
                      associated with the action described by 
Packit 022b05
                      this instance" 
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackActionEntry 4}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   --  Feedback Action List Table  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionListTable OBJECT-TYPE    
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackActionListEntry 
Packit 022b05
           PIB-ACCESS      install    
Packit 022b05
           STATUS          current    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                         "This class contains the PRIDs of the  
Packit 022b05
                         linkage instance which are to be impacted by  
Packit 022b05
                         the frwkFeedbackActionIndicator for this 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackGroupClasses  2}    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionListEntry OBJECT-TYPE    
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackActionListEntry 
Packit 022b05
           STATUS          current    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                    "This class identifies a set of linkage instances  
Packit 022b05
                     for which the  PDP is suspending, resuming or  
Packit 022b05
                     soliciting usage feedback." 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           PIB-INDEX {frwkFeedbackActionListId }   
Packit 022b05
           UNIQUENESS { frwkFeedbackActionListGroup, 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackActionListTable 1}    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackActionListEntry::= SEQUENCE {   
Packit 022b05
              frwkFeedbackActionListId          InstanceId,   
Packit 022b05
              frwkFeedbackActionListGroup       TagId, 
Packit 022b05
              frwkFeedbackActionListPRID        Prid  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionListId OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX       InstanceId   
Packit 022b05
           STATUS       current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                     "Arbitrary integer index that uniquely  
Packit 022b05
                     identifies an instance of the class."   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackActionListEntry 1 }   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionListGroup OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX       TagId   
Packit 022b05
           STATUS       current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                       "Represents the binding between the Action 
Packit 022b05
                      table entry and the Action List table entries" 
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackActionListEntry 2 }   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackActionListPRID   OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX       Prid   
Packit 022b05
           STATUS       current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                         "The PRID of the linkage instance(s) belonging  
Packit 022b05
                          to the list of instances identified by the 
Packit 022b05
                          list id upon which the suspend, resume or  
Packit 022b05
                          solicit action is directed." 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackActionListEntry 3 }   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- The Feedback Selection Usage Combination Capability Table 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsTable OBJECT-TYPE 
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry 
Packit 022b05
        PIB-ACCESS       notify 
Packit 022b05
        STATUS           current 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This table defines the valid combinations of the 
Packit 022b05
                 selection criteria PRCs, the usage PRCs and the 
Packit 022b05
                threshold PRCs that the PEP supports." 
Packit 022b05
         ::= { frwkFeedbackGroupClasses 3} 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "The attributes of this class identify valid  
Packit 022b05
                  combinations of selection criteria, usage and 
Packit 022b05
                  threshold PRCs for feedback supported by the PEP 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        PIB-INDEX {frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapId}  
Packit 022b05
        UNIQUENESS { frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapId,   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= {frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {  
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapId         InstanceId,  
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapSelection  OBJECT IDENTIFIER,  
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapUsage      OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapThreshold  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapId OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX        InstanceId  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS        current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           " An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an   
Packit 022b05
             instance of the frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry 1}  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapSelection OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        STATUS        current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           "The PRC of the selection class that is supported by  
Packit 022b05
            the device in the combination defined by this instance."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry 2} 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapUsage OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        STATUS        current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           "The PRC of the usage policy class that is supported by  
Packit 022b05
            the device in combination  with the selection PRC and the 
Packit 022b05
            threshold PRC defined in this instance."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry 3} 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapThreshold OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX        OBJECT IDENTIFIER  
Packit 022b05
           STATUS        current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
              "The PRC of the threshold class that is supported by  
Packit 022b05
               the device in the combination defined by this instance."  
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackSelUsageComboCapsEntry 4} 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- The Feedback Report Linkage Table  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackLinkEntry   
Packit 022b05
        PIB-ACCESS      install   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "This class associates the selection criteria with the  
Packit 022b05
                  usage policy. It also permit the defining of the max  
Packit 022b05
                  interval used for reporting the usage instance."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackGroupClasses  4}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackLinkEntry   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "This class associates the selection criteria with the  
Packit 022b05
                  usage policy. It also permits the defining of the max  
Packit 022b05
                  interval used for reporting the usage instance."  
Packit 022b05
        PIB-INDEX {frwkFeedbackLinkId}  
Packit 022b05
        UNIQUENESS { frwkFeedbackLinkId,   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                    frwkFeedbackLinkUsage }  
Packit 022b05
        ::= {frwkFeedbackLinkTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE {  
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackLinkId         InstanceId,  
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackLinkSel        Prid,  
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackLinkUsage      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,  
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackLinkInterval   Integer32, 
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackLinkThreshold  Prid, 
Packit 022b05
          frwkFeedbackLinkFlags       BITS 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackLinkId OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX        InstanceId  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS        current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           " An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an   
Packit 022b05
             instance of the frwkFeedbackLinkTable class."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackLinkEntry 1}  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackLinkSel OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            "The PRID of the selection criteria instance that   
Packit 022b05
             defines the conditions to use by the PEP for   
Packit 022b05
             monitoring the usage."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackLinkEntry 2}  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackLinkUsage OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
             "The PRC of the usage policy class that the PEP uses to  
Packit 022b05
             monitor, record and report."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackLinkEntry 3}  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackLinkInterval  OBJECT-TYPE       
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX   Integer32  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS   current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Maximum interval in units of the value of the 
Packit 022b05
                Accounting Timer specified by the PDP in the client 
Packit 022b05
                accept message. A frwkFeedbackLinkInterval of 1 is 
Packit 022b05
                equal to the value of the Accounting Timer. This value 
Packit 022b05
                must be 1 or greater. "  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackLinkEntry 4}  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackLinkThreshold  OBJECT-TYPE       
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX   Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS   current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The PRID of the threshold class instance. This 
Packit 022b05
                instance specifies the threshold values for the usage 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackLinkEntry 5}  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
  frwkFeedbackLinkFlags  OBJECT-TYPE       
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX   BITS { 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        STATUS   current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "This value indicates the reporting basis of the usage 
Packit 022b05
                policy. The feed back may be generated on demand, on a 
Packit 022b05
                periodic basis regardless of a change in value from the 
Packit 022b05
                previous report, on a periodic basis if a change in 
Packit 022b05
                value has occurred, or the usage is reported when an 
Packit 022b05
                identified threshold value in the usage instance has 
Packit 022b05
                been reached.  
Packit 022b05
                If the 'periodic' flag is set, the PEP will provide 
Packit 022b05
                unsolicited reports at the rate specified in 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                If the 'periodic' flag is not set, reports will only be 
Packit 022b05
                generated when solicited by the PDP. 
Packit 022b05
                The 'threshold' and 'changeOnly' flags make the 
Packit 022b05
                periodic reports conditional - these flags only make 
Packit 022b05
                sense in combination with the 'periodic' flag." 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackLinkEntry 6} 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- All actual usage classes are in the separate 
Packit 022b05
   -- FrwkFeedbackUsageClasses group 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feedbackPolFrameworkPib  2 } 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- The generic traffic (byte & packet count) usage class   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageTable OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackTrafficUsageEntry   
Packit 022b05
        PIB-ACCESS      report-only   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "This class defines the usage attributes that the PEP 
Packit 022b05
                  is to monitor for plain traffic handling elements 
Packit 022b05
                  like filters. All packets and the bytes contained in 
Packit 022b05
                  these packets are counted. It also contains the PRID 
Packit 022b05
                  of the linkage instance associating the selection 
Packit 022b05
                  criteria instance with the usage instance."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackUsageClasses  1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackTrafficUsageEntry   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "Defines the attributes the PEP is to monitor,  
Packit 022b05
                  record and report."  
Packit 022b05
        PIB-INDEX {frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageId}  
Packit 022b05
        UNIQUENESS { frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageLinkPRID }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= {frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackTrafficUsageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {  
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageId              InstanceId,  
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageLinkPRID        Prid,  
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackTrafficUsagePacketCount     Counter64,    
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageByteCount       Counter64    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageId   OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       InstanceId  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "Arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies  
Packit 022b05
                   an instance of the class."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageEntry 1 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageLinkPRID  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The PRID of the Linkage policy instance used to base 
Packit 022b05
                   this usage policy instance upon."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageEntry 2 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficUsagePacketCount OBJECT-TYPE    
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       Counter64 
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The count of packets handled by the associated 
Packit 022b05
                   element during the reporting interval."    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= {frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageEntry 3}    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageByteCount OBJECT-TYPE    
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       Counter64 
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "The byte count of packets handled by the associated 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackTrafficUsageEntry 4}    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- The traffic usage class, qualified for an interface   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageTable OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry   
Packit 022b05
        PIB-ACCESS      report-only   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "A usage PRC similar to the basic TrafficUsage class 
Packit 022b05
                that also contains a reference to an interface. This 
Packit 022b05
                class should be used with a selection criteria that 
Packit 022b05
                matches an element that is assigned to multiple 
Packit 022b05
                interfaces. The interface field can be used to 
Packit 022b05
                associate the instances of this class with the specific 
Packit 022b05
                element's assignment."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackUsageClasses  2 }   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "Defines the attributes the PEP is to monitor,  
Packit 022b05
                  record and report."  
Packit 022b05
        PIB-INDEX {frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageId}  
Packit 022b05
        UNIQUENESS { frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageLinkPRID, 
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageInterface }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= {frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {  
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageId              InstanceId,  
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageLinkPRID        Prid, 
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageInterface       Prid, 
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsagePacketCount     Counter64,    
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageByteCount       Counter64    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageId   OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       InstanceId  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "Arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies  
Packit 022b05
                   an instance of the class."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry 1 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageLinkPRID  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The PRID of the Linkage policy instance used to base 
Packit 022b05
                   this usage policy instance upon."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry 2 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageInterface  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The PRID of a frwkIfRoleCombo instance, uniquely 
Packit 022b05
                   identifying a specific interface." 
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry 3 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsagePacketCount OBJECT-TYPE    
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       Counter64 
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The count of packets handled by the associated element 
Packit 022b05
                during the reporting interval."    
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry 4 }    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageByteCount OBJECT-TYPE    
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       Counter64 
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "The byte count of packets  
Packit 022b05
                    handled by the associated element." 
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageEntry 5 }    
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- The Threshold class that accompanies the above Usage PRCs 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdEntry   
Packit 022b05
           PIB-ACCESS     install   
Packit 022b05
           STATUS         current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "This class defines the threshold attributes 
Packit 022b05
                  corresponding to usage attributes specified in 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  frwkFeedbackIfTrafficUsageTable and other similar 
Packit 022b05
                  usage classes. 
Packit 022b05
                  The usage object is considered to match the threshold 
Packit 022b05
                  condition if the following expression evaluates to 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                    byteCond = (ByteThreshold != NULL) ? 
Packit 022b05
                            (ByteThreshold > ByteCounter) : FALSE; 
Packit 022b05
                    packetCond (PacketThreshold != NULL) ? 
Packit 022b05
                            (PacketThreshold > PacketCounter) : FALSE; 
Packit 022b05
                    return ( byteCond || packetCond ); 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackUsageClasses  3}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
      frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdEntry   
Packit 022b05
           STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                    "Defines the attributes to hold threshold values."  
Packit 022b05
           PIB-INDEX {frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdId}  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= {frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
      FrwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {  
Packit 022b05
            frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdId          InstanceId,  
Packit 022b05
            frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdPacketThreshold     Integer64,    
Packit 022b05
            frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdByteThreshold       Integer64       
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdId   OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX       InstanceId  
Packit 022b05
           STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                     "Arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies  
Packit 022b05
                      an instance of the class."  
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdEntry 1 } 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdPacketThreshold   OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX       Integer64  
Packit 022b05
           STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                     "The threshold, in terms of packets, that must be 
Packit 022b05
                      exceeded to trigger a report in the next 
Packit 022b05
                      reporting interval."  
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdEntry 2 } 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdByteThreshold   OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX       Integer64  
Packit 022b05
           STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                     "The threshold, in terms of bytes, that must be 
Packit 022b05
                      exceeded to trigger a report in the next 
Packit 022b05
                      reporting interval."  
Packit 022b05
           ::= { frwkFeedbackTrafficThresholdEntry 3 } 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- All Selection classes are in the separate 
Packit 022b05
   -- FrwkFeedbackSelectionClasses group 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feedbackPolFrameworkPib  3 } 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   -- The Set WatchPoint Table  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointTable OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackSetWatchPointEntry   
Packit 022b05
        PIB-ACCESS      install   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "This class defines a selection criteria that 
Packit 022b05
                  identifies a specific processing point to watch 
Packit 022b05
                  for the desired usage. This selection criteria 
Packit 022b05
                  may be useful in PIBs that are designed using a 
Packit 022b05
                  datapath approach where the policies are linked 
Packit 022b05
                  and can be reused within the PIB."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackSelectionClasses  1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackSetWatchPointEntry   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "Defines the attributes the of the selection  
Packit 022b05
                  criteria identifying a specific policy 
Packit 022b05
                  where to monitor the associated usage."  
Packit 022b05
        PIB-INDEX { frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointId }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= {frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackSetWatchPointEntry ::= SEQUENCE {  
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointId                  InstanceId,  
Packit 022b05
         frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointPolicyPRID          Prid
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointId   OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       InstanceId  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "Arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies  
Packit 022b05
                   an instance of the class."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointEntry 1 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointPolicyPRID  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The PRID of the enforcement policy instance where 
Packit 022b05
                   the associated usage is to be monitored."  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackSetWatchPointEntry 2 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- DPE Selection Class 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    frwkFeedbackDPESelectionTable OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackDPESelectionEntry   
Packit 022b05
        PIB-ACCESS      install 
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This class defines a selection criteria that 
Packit 022b05
                identifies a specific data path element to collect 
Packit 022b05
                usage information" 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackSelectionClasses  2}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    frwkFeedbackDPESelectionEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackDPESelectionEntry   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "Defines the attributes the of the selection  
Packit 022b05
                  criteria identifying a specific policy 
Packit 022b05
                  where to monitor the associated usage."  
Packit 022b05
        PIB-INDEX { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionId }  
Packit 022b05
        UNIQUENESS { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionDataPathElement, 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionIfDirection }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= {frwkFeedbackDPESelectionTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackDPESelectionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {  
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionId             InstanceId, 
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionDataPathElement      Prid, 
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionInterface            Prid, 
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionIfDirection   IfDirection 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackDPESelectionId   OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       InstanceId  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "Arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies  
Packit 022b05
                   an instance of the class."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionEntry 1 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackDPESelectionDataPathElement  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The PRID of the element in the data path that we 
Packit 022b05
                   want to collect usage information from. This element 
Packit 022b05
                   must be part of the data path assigned to the 
Packit 022b05
                   interface/direction combination referenced in this 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionEntry 2 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackDPESelectionInterface  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The PRID of a frwkIfRoleCombo instance, uniquely 
Packit 022b05
                   identifying a specific interface" 
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionEntry 3 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackDPESelectionIfDirection  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      IfDirection 
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The direction (ingress/egress) that to which the DPE 
Packit 022b05
                   is attached that we want to match."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionEntry 4 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- DPE Selection Query Class 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryTable OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF FrwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryEntry   
Packit 022b05
        PIB-ACCESS      install 
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This class defines a selection criteria that 
Packit 022b05
                identifies a set of assignments of a data path element 
Packit 022b05
                based on an entry in the Data Path Table 
Packit 022b05
                Each matched assignment will collect and report usage 
Packit 022b05
                independently, so this selection criteria should be 
Packit 022b05
                combined with a Usage PRC that includes an interface 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackSelectionClasses  3}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryEntry OBJECT-TYPE   
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX          FrwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryEntry   
Packit 022b05
        STATUS          current 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "Defines the attributes the of the selection  
Packit 022b05
                  criteria identifying a specific policy 
Packit 022b05
                  where to monitor the associated usage."  
Packit 022b05
        PIB-INDEX { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryId }  
Packit 022b05
        UNIQUENESS { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryDataPath, 
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryDataPathElement }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= {frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryTable 1}   
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   FrwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {  
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryId        InstanceId, 
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryDataPath        Prid, 
Packit 022b05
                     frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryDataPathElement Prid 
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryId   OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX       InstanceId  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS       current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "Arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies  
Packit 022b05
                   an instance of the class."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryEntry 1 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryDataPath  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The PRID of a Data Path instance, identifying a 
Packit 022b05
                   group of data path assignments." 
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryEntry 2 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryDataPathElement  OBJECT-TYPE  
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Prid  
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The PRID of the element in the data path that we 
Packit 022b05
                   want to collect usage information from. This element 
Packit 022b05
                   must be part of the data path referenced from the 
Packit 022b05
                   frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryDataPath field."  
Packit 022b05
        ::= { frwkFeedbackDPESelectionQueryEntry 3 }  
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05