Blame mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-TC

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    TimeTicks         FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
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-- definition of textual conventions
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                  "STATUS" Status
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                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
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                  "SYNTAX" Syntax
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                   value(VALUE Syntax)      -- adapted ASN.1
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    DisplayPart ::=
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                  "DISPLAY-HINT" Text
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                | empty
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    Status ::=
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                | "deprecated"
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                | "obsolete"
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    ReferPart ::=
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                  "REFERENCE" Text
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                | empty
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    -- a character string as defined in [2]
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    Text ::= value(IA5String)
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    Syntax ::=   -- Must be one of the following:
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                       -- a base type (or its refinement), or
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                       -- a BITS pseudo-type
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                | "BITS" "{" NamedBits "}"
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    NamedBits ::= NamedBit
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                | NamedBits "," NamedBit
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    NamedBit ::=  identifier "(" number ")" -- number is nonnegative
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    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
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    STATUS       current
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            "Represents textual information taken from the NVT ASCII
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            character set, as defined in pages 4, 10-11 of RFC 854.
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            To summarize RFC 854, the NVT ASCII repertoire specifies:
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              - the use of character codes 0-127 (decimal)
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              - the graphics characters (32-126) are interpreted as
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                US ASCII
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              - NUL, LF, CR, BEL, BS, HT, VT and FF have the special
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                meanings specified in RFC 854
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              - the other 25 codes have no standard interpretation
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              - the sequence 'CR LF' means newline
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              - the sequence 'CR NUL' means carriage-return
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              - an 'LF' not preceded by a 'CR' means moving to the
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                same column on the next line.
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              - the sequence 'CR x' for any x other than LF or NUL is
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                illegal.  (Note that this also means that a string may
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                end with either 'CR LF' or 'CR NUL', but not with CR.)
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            Any object defined using this syntax may not exceed 255
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            characters in length."
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    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
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    DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
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    STATUS       current
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            "Represents media- or physical-level addresses."
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    DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
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    STATUS       current
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            "Represents an 802 MAC address represented in the
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            `canonical' order defined by IEEE 802.1a, i.e., as if it
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            were transmitted least significant bit first, even though
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            802.5 (in contrast to other 802.x protocols) requires MAC
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            addresses to be transmitted most significant bit first."
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    STATUS       current
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            "Represents a boolean value."
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    SYNTAX       INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
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    STATUS       current
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            "Represents integer-valued information used for atomic
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            operations.  When the management protocol is used to specify
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            that an object instance having this syntax is to be
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            modified, the new value supplied via the management protocol
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            must precisely match the value presently held by the
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            instance.  If not, the management protocol set operation
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            fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'.  Otherwise, if
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            the current value is the maximum value of 2^31-1 (2147483647
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            decimal), then the value held by the instance is wrapped to
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            zero; otherwise, the value held by the instance is
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            incremented by one.  (Note that regardless of whether the
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            management protocol set operation succeeds, the variable-
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            binding in the request and response PDUs are identical.)
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            The value of the ACCESS clause for objects having this
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            syntax is either `read-write' or `read-create'.  When an
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            instance of a columnar object having this syntax is created,
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            any value may be supplied via the management protocol.
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            When the network management portion of the system is re-
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            initialized, the value of every object instance having this
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            syntax must either be incremented from its value prior to
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            the re-initialization, or (if the value prior to the re-
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            initialization is unknown) be set to a pseudo-randomly
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            generated value."
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    SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
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    STATUS       current
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            "Represents an independently extensible type identification
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            value.  It may, for example, indicate a particular sub-tree
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            with further MIB definitions, or define a particular type of
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            protocol or hardware."
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InstancePointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
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    STATUS       obsolete
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            "A pointer to either a specific instance of a MIB object or
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            a conceptual row of a MIB table in the managed device.  In
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            the latter case, by convention, it is the name of the
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            particular instance of the first accessible columnar object
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            in the conceptual row.
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            The two uses of this textual convention are replaced by
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            VariablePointer and RowPointer, respectively."
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VariablePointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
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    STATUS       current
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            "A pointer to a specific object instance.  For example,
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            sysContact.0 or ifInOctets.3."
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    STATUS       current
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            "Represents a pointer to a conceptual row.  The value is the
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            name of the instance of the first accessible columnar object
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            in the conceptual row.
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            For example, ifIndex.3 would point to the 3rd row in the
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            ifTable (note that if ifIndex were not-accessible, then
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            ifDescr.3 would be used instead)."
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    STATUS       current
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            "The RowStatus textual convention is used to manage the
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            creation and deletion of conceptual rows, and is used as the
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            value of the SYNTAX clause for the status column of a
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            conceptual row (as described in Section 7.7.1 of [2].)
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            The status column has six defined values:
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                 - `active', which indicates that the conceptual row is
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                 available for use by the managed device;
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                 - `notInService', which indicates that the conceptual
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                 row exists in the agent, but is unavailable for use by
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                 the managed device (see NOTE below); 'notInService' has
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                 no implication regarding the internal consistency of
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                 the row, availability of resources, or consistency with
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                 the current state of the managed device;
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                 - `notReady', which indicates that the conceptual row
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                 exists in the agent, but is missing information
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                 necessary in order to be available for use by the
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                 managed device (i.e., one or more required columns in
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                 the conceptual row have not been instanciated);
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                 - `createAndGo', which is supplied by a management
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                 station wishing to create a new instance of a
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                 conceptual row and to have its status automatically set
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                 to active, making it available for use by the managed
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                 - `createAndWait', which is supplied by a management
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                 station wishing to create a new instance of a
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                 conceptual row (but not make it available for use by
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                 the managed device); and,
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                 - `destroy', which is supplied by a management station
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                 wishing to delete all of the instances associated with
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                 an existing conceptual row.
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            Whereas five of the six values (all except `notReady') may
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            be specified in a management protocol set operation, only
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            three values will be returned in response to a management
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            protocol retrieval operation:  `notReady', `notInService' or
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            `active'.  That is, when queried, an existing conceptual row
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            has only three states:  it is either available for use by
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            the managed device (the status column has value `active');
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            it is not available for use by the managed device, though
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            the agent has sufficient information to attempt to make it
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            so (the status column has value `notInService'); or, it is
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            not available for use by the managed device, and an attempt
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            to make it so would fail because the agent has insufficient
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            information (the state column has value `notReady').
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                                     NOTE WELL
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                 This textual convention may be used for a MIB table,
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                 irrespective of whether the values of that table's
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                 conceptual rows are able to be modified while it is
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                 active, or whether its conceptual rows must be taken
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                 out of service in order to be modified.  That is, it is
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                 the responsibility of the DESCRIPTION clause of the
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                 status column to specify whether the status column must
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                 not be `active' in order for the value of some other
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                 column of the same conceptual row to be modified.  If
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                 such a specification is made, affected columns may be
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                 changed by an SNMP set PDU if the RowStatus would not
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                 be equal to `active' either immediately before or after
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                 processing the PDU.  In other words, if the PDU also
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                 contained a varbind that would change the RowStatus
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                 value, the column in question may be changed if the
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                 RowStatus was not equal to `active' as the PDU was
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                 received, or if the varbind sets the status to a value
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                 other than 'active'.
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            Also note that whenever any elements of a row exist, the
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            RowStatus column must also exist.
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            To summarize the effect of having a conceptual row with a
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            status column having a SYNTAX clause value of RowStatus,
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            consider the following state diagram:
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              |      A       |     B     |      C      |      D
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              |              |status col.|status column|
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              |status column |    is     |      is     |status column
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    ACTION    |does not exist|  notReady | notInService|  is active
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set status    |noError    ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
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column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
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createAndGo   |inconsistent- |           |             |
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              |         Value|           |             |
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set status    |noError  see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
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column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
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createAndWait |wrongValue    |           |             |
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set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError
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column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
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active        |              |           |             |
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              |              |     or    |             |
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              |              |           |             |
Packit 022b05
              |              |see 2   ->D|see 8     ->D|          ->D
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set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError   ->C
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column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
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notInService  |              |           |             |
Packit 022b05
              |              |     or    |             |      or
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              |              |           |             |
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              |              |see 3   ->C|          ->C|see 6
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set status    |noError       |noError    |noError      |noError   ->A
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column to     |              |           |             |      or
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destroy       |           ->A|        ->A|          ->A|see 7
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set any other |see 4         |noError    |noError      |see 5
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column to some|              |           |             |
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value         |              |      see 1|          ->C|          ->D
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            (1) goto B or C, depending on information available to the
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            (2) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU,
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            provide values for all columns which are missing but
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            required, and all columns have acceptable values, then
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            return noError and goto D.
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            (3) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU,
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            provide legal values for all columns which are missing but
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            required, then return noError and goto C.
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            (4) at the discretion of the agent, the return value may be
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                 inconsistentName:  because the agent does not choose to
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                 create such an instance when the corresponding
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                 RowStatus instance does not exist, or
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                 inconsistentValue:  if the supplied value is
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                 inconsistent with the state of some other MIB object's
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                 value, or
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                 noError: because the agent chooses to create the
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            If noError is returned, then the instance of the status
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            column must also be created, and the new state is B or C,
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            depending on the information available to the agent.  If
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            inconsistentName or inconsistentValue is returned, the row
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            remains in state A.
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            (5) depending on the MIB definition for the column/table,
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            either noError or inconsistentValue may be returned.
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            (6) the return value can indicate one of the following
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                 wrongValue: because the agent does not support
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                 notInService (e.g., an agent which does not support
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                 createAndWait), or
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                 inconsistentValue: because the agent is unable to take
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                 the row out of service at this time, perhaps because it
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                 is in use and cannot be de-activated.
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            (7) the return value can indicate the following error:
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                 inconsistentValue: because the agent is unable to
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                 remove the row at this time, perhaps because it is in
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                 use and cannot be de-activated.
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            (8) the transition to D can fail, e.g., if the values of the
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            conceptual row are inconsistent, then the error code would
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            be inconsistentValue.
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            NOTE: Other processing of (this and other varbinds of) the
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            set request may result in a response other than noError
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            being returned, e.g., wrongValue, noCreation, etc.
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                              Conceptual Row Creation
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            There are four potential interactions when creating a
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            conceptual row:  selecting an instance-identifier which is
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            not in use; creating the conceptual row; initializing any
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            objects for which the agent does not supply a default; and,
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            making the conceptual row available for use by the managed
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            Interaction 1: Selecting an Instance-Identifier
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            The algorithm used to select an instance-identifier varies
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            for each conceptual row.  In some cases, the instance-
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            identifier is semantically significant, e.g., the
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            destination address of a route, and a management station
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            selects the instance-identifier according to the semantics.
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            In other cases, the instance-identifier is used solely to
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            distinguish conceptual rows, and a management station
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            without specific knowledge of the conceptual row might
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            examine the instances present in order to determine an
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            unused instance-identifier.  (This approach may be used, but
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            it is often highly sub-optimal; however, it is also a
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            questionable practice for a naive management station to
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            attempt conceptual row creation.)
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            Alternately, the MIB module which defines the conceptual row
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            might provide one or more objects which provide assistance
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            in determining an unused instance-identifier.  For example,
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            if the conceptual row is indexed by an integer-value, then
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            an object having an integer-valued SYNTAX clause might be
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            defined for such a purpose, allowing a management station to
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            issue a management protocol retrieval operation.  In order
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            to avoid unnecessary collisions between competing management
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            stations, `adjacent' retrievals of this object should be
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            Finally, the management station could select a pseudo-random
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            number to use as the index.  In the event that this index
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            was already in use and an inconsistentValue was returned in
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            response to the management protocol set operation, the
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            management station should simply select a new pseudo-random
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            number and retry the operation.
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            A MIB designer should choose between the two latter
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            algorithms based on the size of the table (and therefore the
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            efficiency of each algorithm).  For tables in which a large
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            number of entries are expected, it is recommended that a MIB
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            object be defined that returns an acceptable index for
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            creation.  For tables with small numbers of entries, it is
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            recommended that the latter pseudo-random index mechanism be
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            Interaction 2: Creating the Conceptual Row
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            Once an unused instance-identifier has been selected, the
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            management station determines if it wishes to create and
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            activate the conceptual row in one transaction or in a
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            negotiated set of interactions.
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            Interaction 2a: Creating and Activating the Conceptual Row
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            The management station must first determine the column
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            requirements, i.e., it must determine those columns for
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            which it must or must not provide values.  Depending on the
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            complexity of the table and the management station's
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            knowledge of the agent's capabilities, this determination
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            can be made locally by the management station.  Alternately,
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            the management station issues a management protocol get
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            operation to examine all columns in the conceptual row that
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            it wishes to create.  In response, for each column, there
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            are three possible outcomes:
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                 - a value is returned, indicating that some other
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                 management station has already created this conceptual
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                 row.  We return to interaction 1.
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                 - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned,
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                 indicating that the agent implements the object-type
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                 associated with this column, and that this column in at
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                 least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB
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                 view used by the retrieval were it to exist. For those
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                 columns to which the agent provides read-create access,
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                 the `noSuchInstance' exception tells the management
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                 station that it should supply a value for this column
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                 when the conceptual row is to be created.
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                 - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating
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                 that the agent does not implement the object-type
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                 associated with this column or that there is no
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                 conceptual row for which this column would be
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                 accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval.  As
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                 such, the management station can not issue any
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                 management protocol set operations to create an
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                 instance of this column.
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            Once the column requirements have been determined, a
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            management protocol set operation is accordingly issued.
Packit 022b05
            This operation also sets the new instance of the status
Packit 022b05
            column to `createAndGo'.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            When the agent processes the set operation, it verifies that
Packit 022b05
            it has sufficient information to make the conceptual row
Packit 022b05
            available for use by the managed device.  The information
Packit 022b05
            available to the agent is provided by two sources:  the
Packit 022b05
            management protocol set operation which creates the
Packit 022b05
            conceptual row, and, implementation-specific defaults
Packit 022b05
            supplied by the agent (note that an agent must provide
Packit 022b05
            implementation-specific defaults for at least those objects
Packit 022b05
            which it implements as read-only).  If there is sufficient
Packit 022b05
            information available, then the conceptual row is created, a
Packit 022b05
            `noError' response is returned, the status column is set to
Packit 022b05
            `active', and no further interactions are necessary (i.e.,
Packit 022b05
            interactions 3 and 4 are skipped).  If there is insufficient
Packit 022b05
            information, then the conceptual row is not created, and the
Packit 022b05
            set operation fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'.
Packit 022b05
            On this error, the management station can issue a management
Packit 022b05
            protocol retrieval operation to determine if this was
Packit 022b05
            because it failed to specify a value for a required column,
Packit 022b05
            or, because the selected instance of the status column
Packit 022b05
            already existed.  In the latter case, we return to
Packit 022b05
            interaction 1.  In the former case, the management station
Packit 022b05
            can re-issue the set operation with the additional
Packit 022b05
            information, or begin interaction 2 again using
Packit 022b05
            `createAndWait' in order to negotiate creation of the
Packit 022b05
            conceptual row.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                                     NOTE WELL
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Regardless of the method used to determine the column
Packit 022b05
                 requirements, it is possible that the management
Packit 022b05
                 station might deem a column necessary when, in fact,
Packit 022b05
                 the agent will not allow that particular columnar
Packit 022b05
                 instance to be created or written.  In this case, the
Packit 022b05
                 management protocol set operation will fail with an
Packit 022b05
                 error such as `noCreation' or `notWritable'.  In this
Packit 022b05
                 case, the management station decides whether it needs
Packit 022b05
                 to be able to set a value for that particular columnar
Packit 022b05
                 instance.  If not, the management station re-issues the
Packit 022b05
                 management protocol set operation, but without setting
Packit 022b05
                 a value for that particular columnar instance;
Packit 022b05
                 otherwise, the management station aborts the row
Packit 022b05
                 creation algorithm.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            Interaction 2b: Negotiating the Creation of the Conceptual
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            The management station issues a management protocol set
Packit 022b05
            operation which sets the desired instance of the status
Packit 022b05
            column to `createAndWait'.  If the agent is unwilling to
Packit 022b05
            process a request of this sort, the set operation fails with
Packit 022b05
            an error of `wrongValue'.  (As a consequence, such an agent
Packit 022b05
            must be prepared to accept a single management protocol set
Packit 022b05
            operation, i.e., interaction 2a above, containing all of the
Packit 022b05
            columns indicated by its column requirements.)  Otherwise,
Packit 022b05
            the conceptual row is created, a `noError' response is
Packit 022b05
            returned, and the status column is immediately set to either
Packit 022b05
            `notInService' or `notReady', depending on whether it has
Packit 022b05
            sufficient information to (attempt to) make the conceptual
Packit 022b05
            row available for use by the managed device.  If there is
Packit 022b05
            sufficient information available, then the status column is
Packit 022b05
            set to `notInService'; otherwise, if there is insufficient
Packit 022b05
            information, then the status column is set to `notReady'.
Packit 022b05
            Regardless, we proceed to interaction 3.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            Interaction 3: Initializing non-defaulted Objects
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            The management station must now determine the column
Packit 022b05
            requirements.  It issues a management protocol get operation
Packit 022b05
            to examine all columns in the created conceptual row.  In
Packit 022b05
            the response, for each column, there are three possible
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 - a value is returned, indicating that the agent
Packit 022b05
                 implements the object-type associated with this column
Packit 022b05
                 and had sufficient information to provide a value.  For
Packit 022b05
                 those columns to which the agent provides read-create
Packit 022b05
                 access (and for which the agent allows their values to
Packit 022b05
                 be changed after their creation), a value return tells
Packit 022b05
                 the management station that it may issue additional
Packit 022b05
                 management protocol set operations, if it desires, in
Packit 022b05
                 order to change the value associated with this column.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned,
Packit 022b05
                 indicating that the agent implements the object-type
Packit 022b05
                 associated with this column, and that this column in at
Packit 022b05
                 least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB
Packit 022b05
                 view used by the retrieval were it to exist. However,
Packit 022b05
                 the agent does not have sufficient information to
Packit 022b05
                 provide a value, and until a value is provided, the
Packit 022b05
                 conceptual row may not be made available for use by the
Packit 022b05
                 managed device.  For those columns to which the agent
Packit 022b05
                 provides read-create access, the `noSuchInstance'
Packit 022b05
                 exception tells the management station that it must
Packit 022b05
                 issue additional management protocol set operations, in
Packit 022b05
                 order to provide a value associated with this column.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating
Packit 022b05
                 that the agent does not implement the object-type
Packit 022b05
                 associated with this column or that there is no
Packit 022b05
                 conceptual row for which this column would be
Packit 022b05
                 accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval.  As
Packit 022b05
                 such, the management station can not issue any
Packit 022b05
                 management protocol set operations to create an
Packit 022b05
                 instance of this column.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            If the value associated with the status column is
Packit 022b05
            `notReady', then the management station must first deal with
Packit 022b05
            all `noSuchInstance' columns, if any.  Having done so, the
Packit 022b05
            value of the status column becomes `notInService', and we
Packit 022b05
            proceed to interaction 4.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            Interaction 4: Making the Conceptual Row Available
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            Once the management station is satisfied with the values
Packit 022b05
            associated with the columns of the conceptual row, it issues
Packit 022b05
            a management protocol set operation to set the status column
Packit 022b05
            to `active'.  If the agent has sufficient information to
Packit 022b05
            make the conceptual row available for use by the managed
Packit 022b05
            device, the management protocol set operation succeeds (a
Packit 022b05
            `noError' response is returned).  Otherwise, the management
Packit 022b05
            protocol set operation fails with an error of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                                     NOTE WELL
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 A conceptual row having a status column with value
Packit 022b05
                 `notInService' or `notReady' is unavailable to the
Packit 022b05
                 managed device.  As such, it is possible for the
Packit 022b05
                 managed device to create its own instances during the
Packit 022b05
                 time between the management protocol set operation
Packit 022b05
                 which sets the status column to `createAndWait' and the
Packit 022b05
                 management protocol set operation which sets the status
Packit 022b05
                 column to `active'.  In this case, when the management
Packit 022b05
                 protocol set operation is issued to set the status
Packit 022b05
                 column to `active', the values held in the agent
Packit 022b05
                 supersede those used by the managed device.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            If the management station is prevented from setting the
Packit 022b05
            status column to `active' (e.g., due to management station
Packit 022b05
            or network failure) the conceptual row will be left in the
Packit 022b05
            `notInService' or `notReady' state, consuming resources
Packit 022b05
            indefinitely.  The agent must detect conceptual rows that
Packit 022b05
            have been in either state for an abnormally long period of
Packit 022b05
            time and remove them.  It is the responsibility of the
Packit 022b05
            DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate what an
Packit 022b05
            abnormally long period of time would be.  This period of
Packit 022b05
            time should be long enough to allow for human response time
Packit 022b05
            (including `think time') between the creation of the
Packit 022b05
            conceptual row and the setting of the status to `active'.
Packit 022b05
            In the absence of such information in the DESCRIPTION
Packit 022b05
            clause, it is suggested that this period be approximately 5
Packit 022b05
            minutes in length.  This removal action applies not only to
Packit 022b05
            newly-created rows, but also to previously active rows which
Packit 022b05
            are set to, and left in, the notInService state for a
Packit 022b05
            prolonged period exceeding that which is considered normal
Packit 022b05
            for such a conceptual row.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                             Conceptual Row Suspension
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            When a conceptual row is `active', the management station
Packit 022b05
            may issue a management protocol set operation which sets the
Packit 022b05
            instance of the status column to `notInService'.  If the
Packit 022b05
            agent is unwilling to do so, the set operation fails with an
Packit 022b05
            error of `wrongValue' or `inconsistentValue'.  Otherwise,
Packit 022b05
            the conceptual row is taken out of service, and a `noError'
Packit 022b05
            response is returned.  It is the responsibility of the
Packit 022b05
            DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate under
Packit 022b05
            what circumstances the status column should be taken out of
Packit 022b05
            service (e.g., in order for the value of some other column
Packit 022b05
            of the same conceptual row to be modified).
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                              Conceptual Row Deletion
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            For deletion of conceptual rows, a management protocol set
Packit 022b05
            operation is issued which sets the instance of the status
Packit 022b05
            column to `destroy'.  This request may be made regardless of
Packit 022b05
            the current value of the status column (e.g., it is possible
Packit 022b05
            to delete conceptual rows which are either `notReady',
Packit 022b05
            `notInService' or `active'.)  If the operation succeeds,
Packit 022b05
            then all instances associated with the conceptual row are
Packit 022b05
            immediately removed."
Packit 022b05
    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
Packit 022b05
                     -- the following two values are states:
Packit 022b05
                     -- these values may be read or written
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                     -- the following value is a state:
Packit 022b05
                     -- this value may be read, but not written
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                     -- the following three values are
Packit 022b05
                     -- actions: these values may be written,
Packit 022b05
                     --   but are never read
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    STATUS       current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            "The value of the sysUpTime object at which a specific
Packit 022b05
            occurrence happened.  The specific occurrence must be
Packit 022b05
            defined in the description of any object defined using this
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            If sysUpTime is reset to zero as a result of a re-
Packit 022b05
            initialization of the network management (sub)system, then
Packit 022b05
            the values of all TimeStamp objects are also reset.
Packit 022b05
            However, after approximately 497 days without a re-
Packit 022b05
            initialization, the sysUpTime object will reach 2^^32-1 and
Packit 022b05
            then increment around to zero; in this case, existing values
Packit 022b05
            of TimeStamp objects do not change.  This can lead to
Packit 022b05
            ambiguities in the value of TimeStamp objects."
Packit 022b05
    SYNTAX       TimeTicks
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    STATUS       current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            "A period of time, measured in units of 0.01 seconds."
Packit 022b05
    SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    DISPLAY-HINT "2d-1d-1d,1d:1d:1d.1d,1a1d:1d"
Packit 022b05
    STATUS       current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            "A date-time specification.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            field  octets  contents                  range
Packit 022b05
            -----  ------  --------                  -----
Packit 022b05
              1      1-2   year*                     0..65536
Packit 022b05
              2       3    month                     1..12
Packit 022b05
              3       4    day                       1..31
Packit 022b05
              4       5    hour                      0..23
Packit 022b05
              5       6    minutes                   0..59
Packit 022b05
              6       7    seconds                   0..60
Packit 022b05
                           (use 60 for leap-second)
Packit 022b05
              7       8    deci-seconds              0..9
Packit 022b05
              8       9    direction from UTC        '+' / '-'
Packit 022b05
              9      10    hours from UTC*           0..13
Packit 022b05
             10      11    minutes from UTC          0..59
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            * Notes:
Packit 022b05
            - the value of year is in network-byte order
Packit 022b05
            - daylight saving time in New Zealand is +13
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM EDT would be
Packit 022b05
            displayed as:
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            Note that if only local time is known, then timezone
Packit 022b05
            information (fields 8-10) is not present."
Packit 022b05
    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (8 | 11))
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    STATUS       current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            "Describes the memory realization of a conceptual row.  A
Packit 022b05
            row which is volatile(2) is lost upon reboot.  A row which
Packit 022b05
            is either nonVolatile(3), permanent(4) or readOnly(5), is
Packit 022b05
            backed up by stable storage.  A row which is permanent(4)
Packit 022b05
            can be changed but not deleted.  A row which is readOnly(5)
Packit 022b05
            cannot be changed nor deleted.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            If the value of an object with this syntax is either
Packit 022b05
            permanent(4) or readOnly(5), it cannot be written.
Packit 022b05
            Conversely, if the value is either other(1), volatile(2) or
Packit 022b05
            nonVolatile(3), it cannot be modified to be permanent(4) or
Packit 022b05
            readOnly(5).  (All illegal modifications result in a
Packit 022b05
            'wrongValue' error.)
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
            Every usage of this textual convention is required to
Packit 022b05
            specify the columnar objects which a permanent(4) row must
Packit 022b05
            at a minimum allow to be writable."
Packit 022b05
    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
Packit 022b05
                     other(1),       -- eh?
Packit 022b05
                     volatile(2),    -- e.g., in RAM
Packit 022b05
                     nonVolatile(3), -- e.g., in NVRAM
Packit 022b05
                     permanent(4),   -- e.g., partially in ROM
Packit 022b05
                     readOnly(5)     -- e.g., completely in ROM
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    STATUS       current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
          "Denotes a kind of transport service.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
          Some possible values, such as snmpUDPDomain, are defined in
Packit 022b05
          the SNMPv2-TM MIB module.  Other possible values are defined
Packit 022b05
          in other MIB modules."
Packit 022b05
    REFERENCE    "The SNMPv2-TM MIB module is defined in RFC 1906."
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    STATUS       current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
          "Denotes a transport service address.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
          A TAddress value is always interpreted within the context of a
Packit 022b05
          TDomain value.  Thus, each definition of a TDomain value must
Packit 022b05
          be accompanied by a definition of a textual convention for use
Packit 022b05
          with that TDomain.  Some possible textual conventions, such as
Packit 022b05
          SnmpUDPAddress for snmpUDPDomain, are defined in the SNMPv2-TM
Packit 022b05
          MIB module.  Other possible textual conventions are defined in
Packit 022b05
          other MIB modules."
Packit 022b05
    REFERENCE    "The SNMPv2-TM MIB module is defined in RFC 1906."
Packit 022b05
    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05