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Gauge32, mib-2
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LAST-UPDATED "200308130000Z"
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"WG charter:
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
Mailing Lists:
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022b05 |
General Discussion: atommib@research.telcordia.com
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022b05 |
To Subscribe: atommib-request@research.telcordia.com
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
Editor: Kaj Tesink
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022b05 |
Postal: Telcordia Technologies
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022b05 |
331 Newman Springs Road
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022b05 |
Red Bank, NJ 07701
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
Tel: +1 732 758 5254
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022b05 |
E-mail: kaj@research.telcordia.com"
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022b05 |
"This MIB Module provides Textual Conventions
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022b05 |
to be used by systems supporting 15 minute
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022b05 |
based performance history counts.
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).
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022b05 |
This version of this MIB module is part of
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022b05 |
RFC 3593; see the RFC itself for full
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022b05 |
legal notices."
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022b05 |
REVISION "200308130000Z"
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
"Contact information and references updated.
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022b05 |
No technical changes have been applied.
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022b05 |
Published as RFC 3593."
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022b05 |
REVISION "199811071100Z"
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
"The RFC 2493 version of this MIB module."
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022b05 |
::= { mib-2 58 }
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
-- The Textual Conventions defined below are organized
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022b05 |
-- alphabetically
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
-- Use of these TCs assumes the following:
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022b05 |
-- 0 The agent supports 15 minute based history
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022b05 |
-- counters.
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022b05 |
-- 0 The agent is capable of keeping a history of n
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022b05 |
-- intervals of 15 minute performance data. The
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022b05 |
-- value of n is defined by the specific MIB
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022b05 |
-- module but shall be 0 < n =< 96.
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022b05 |
-- 0 The agent may optionally support performance
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022b05 |
-- data aggregating the history intervals.
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022b05 |
-- 0 The agent will keep separate tables for the
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022b05 |
-- current interval, the history intervals, and
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022b05 |
-- the total aggregates.
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022b05 |
-- 0 The agent will keep the following objects.
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022b05 |
-- If performance data is kept for multiple instances
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022b05 |
-- of a measured entity, then
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022b05 |
-- these objects are applied to each instance of
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022b05 |
-- the measured entity (e.g., interfaces).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- xyzTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
-- SYNTAX INTEGER (0..899)
Packit |
022b05 |
-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
-- STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- "The number of seconds that have elapsed since
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022b05 |
-- the beginning of the current measurement period.
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022b05 |
-- If, for some reason, such as an adjustment in the
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022b05 |
-- system's time-of-day clock, the current interval
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022b05 |
-- exceeds the maximum value, the agent will return
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022b05 |
-- the maximum value."
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ::= { xxx }
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- xyzValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
-- SYNTAX INTEGER (0..<n>)
Packit |
022b05 |
-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
-- STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- "The number of previous near end intervals
Packit |
022b05 |
-- for which data was collected.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- [ The overall constraint on <n> is 1 =< n =< 96; ]
Packit |
022b05 |
-- [ Define any additional constraints on <n> here. ]
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The value will be <n> unless the measurement was
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022b05 |
-- (re-)started within the last (<n>*15) minutes, in which
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022b05 |
-- case the value will be the number of complete 15
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022b05 |
-- minute intervals for which the agent has at least
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022b05 |
-- some data. In certain cases (e.g., in the case
Packit |
022b05 |
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- where the agent is a proxy) it is possible that some
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022b05 |
-- intervals are unavailable. In this case, this
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022b05 |
-- interval is the maximum interval number for
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022b05 |
-- which data is available."
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ::= { xxx }
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- xyzInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
-- SYNTAX INTEGER (0..<n>)
Packit |
022b05 |
-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
-- STATUS current
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- "The number of intervals in the range from
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022b05 |
-- 0 to xyzValidIntervals for which no
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022b05 |
-- data is available. This object will typically
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022b05 |
-- be zero except in cases where the data for some
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022b05 |
-- intervals are not available (e.g., in proxy
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022b05 |
-- situations)."
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022b05 |
-- ::= { xxx }
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022b05 |
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A counter associated with a
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022b05 |
performance measurement in a current 15
Packit |
022b05 |
minute measurement interval. The value
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022b05 |
of this counter starts from zero and is
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022b05 |
increased when associated events occur,
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022b05 |
until the end of the 15 minute interval.
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022b05 |
At that time the value of the counter is
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022b05 |
stored in the first 15 minute history
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022b05 |
interval, and the CurrentCount is
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022b05 |
restarted at zero. In the
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022b05 |
case where the agent has no valid data
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022b05 |
available for the current interval the
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022b05 |
corresponding object instance is not
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022b05 |
available and upon a retrieval request
Packit |
022b05 |
a corresponding error message shall be
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022b05 |
returned to indicate that this instance
Packit |
022b05 |
does not exist (for example, a noSuchName
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022b05 |
error for SNMPv1 and a noSuchInstance for
Packit |
022b05 |
SNMPv2 GET operation)."
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022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
PerfIntervalCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A counter associated with a
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022b05 |
performance measurement in a previous
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022b05 |
15 minute measurement interval. In the
Packit |
022b05 |
case where the agent has no valid data
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022b05 |
available for a particular interval the
Packit |
022b05 |
corresponding object instance is not
Packit |
022b05 |
available and upon a retrieval request
Packit |
022b05 |
a corresponding error message shall be
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022b05 |
returned to indicate that this instance
Packit |
022b05 |
does not exist (for example, a noSuchName
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022b05 |
error for SNMPv1 and a noSuchInstance for
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022b05 |
SNMPv2 GET operation).
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022b05 |
In a system supporting
Packit |
022b05 |
a history of n intervals with
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022b05 |
IntervalCount(1) and IntervalCount(n) the
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022b05 |
most and least recent intervals
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022b05 |
respectively, the following applies at
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022b05 |
the end of a 15 minute interval:
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022b05 |
- discard the value of IntervalCount(n)
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022b05 |
- the value of IntervalCount(i) becomes that
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022b05 |
of IntervalCount(i-1) for n >= i > 1
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022b05 |
- the value of IntervalCount(1) becomes that
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022b05 |
of CurrentCount
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022b05 |
- the TotalCount, if supported, is adjusted."
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022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
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022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A counter associated with a
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022b05 |
performance measurements aggregating the
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022b05 |
previous valid 15 minute measurement
Packit |
022b05 |
intervals. (Intervals for which no valid
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022b05 |
data was available are not counted)"
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |