Blame mibs/ietf/MOBILEIPV6-MIB

Packit 022b05
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      MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2, Unsigned32, Integer32, Counter32,
Packit 022b05
      Gauge32, Counter64,
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
      TruthValue, DateAndTime, TimeStamp
Packit 022b05
                 FROM SNMPv2-TC
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 FROM SNMPv2-CONF
Packit 022b05
      InetAddressType, InetAddress
Packit 022b05
                 FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
Packit 022b05
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                 FROM IP-MIB
Packit 022b05
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Packit 022b05
       LAST-UPDATED "200602010000Z"        --  1st February 2006
Packit 022b05
       ORGANIZATION "IETF mip6 Working Group"
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
      "                      Glenn Mansfield Keeni
Packit 022b05
                     Postal: Cyber Solutions Inc.
Packit 022b05
                             6-6-3, Minami Yoshinari
Packit 022b05
                             Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan 989-3204.
Packit 022b05
                        Tel: +81-22-303-4012
Packit 022b05
                        Fax: +81-22-303-4015
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                             Kenichi Nagami
Packit 022b05
                     Postal: INTEC NetCore Inc.
Packit 022b05
                             1-3-3, Shin-suna
Packit 022b05
                             Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0075
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                        Tel: +81-3-5665-5069
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                             Kazuhide Koide
Packit 022b05
                     Postal: Tohoku University
Packit 022b05
                             2-1-1, Katahira
Packit 022b05
                             Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                        Tel: +81-22-217-5454
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                             Sri Gundavelli
Packit 022b05
                     Postal: Cisco Systems
Packit 022b05
                             170 W.Tasman Drive,
Packit 022b05
                             San Jose, CA 95134
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                        Tel: +1-408-527-6109
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
          Support Group E-mail:"
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "The MIB module for monitoring Mobile-IPv6
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Packit 022b05
                   Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2006.  This
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                   version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4295;
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                   see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
Packit 022b05
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Packit 022b05
          REVISION    "200602010000Z"      -- 1st February 2006
Packit 022b05
          DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 4295."
Packit 022b05
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               ::= { mib-2 133 }
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    -- The major groups
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6Notifications        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6MIB 0 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6Objects              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6MIB 1 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6Conformance          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6MIB 2 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6Core                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Objects 1 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6Mn                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Objects 2 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6Cn                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Objects 3 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6Ha                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Objects 4 }
Packit 022b05
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    -- The sub groups
Packit 022b05
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    mip6System               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Core 1 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6Bindings             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Core 2 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6Stats                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Core 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnSystem             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Mn 1 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnConf               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Mn 2 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnRegistration       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Mn 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnSystem             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Cn 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnStats              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Cn 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaAdvertisement      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Ha 1 }
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaStats              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Ha 2 }
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   -- Textual Conventions
Packit 022b05
    Mip6BURequestRejectionCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
Packit 022b05
           STATUS        current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "The value of the status field in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                    Acknowledgment message when the Binding Update
Packit 022b05
                    was rejected.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8"
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX  INTEGER {
Packit 022b05
                   reasonUnspecified               (1),  --(Code 128)
Packit 022b05
                   admProhibited                   (2),  --(Code 129)
Packit 022b05
                   insufficientResource            (3),  --(Code 130)
Packit 022b05
                   homeRegistrationNotSupported    (4),  --(Code 131)
Packit 022b05
                   notHomeSubnet                   (5),  --(Code 132)
Packit 022b05
                   notHomeAgentForThisMobileNode   (6),  --(Code 133)
Packit 022b05
                   duplicateAddressDetectionFailed (7),  --(Code 134)
Packit 022b05
                   sequenceNumberOutOfWindow       (8),  --(Code 135)
Packit 022b05
                   expiredHomeNonceIndex           (9),  --(Code 136)
Packit 022b05
                   expiredCareofNonceIndex         (10), --(Code 137)
Packit 022b05
                   expiredNonces                   (11), --(Code 138)
Packit 022b05
                   registrationTypeChangeDisallowed(12)  --(Code 139)
Packit 022b05
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    mip6Capabilities OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      BITS {
Packit 022b05
                         mobileNode         (0),
Packit 022b05
                         homeAgent          (1),
Packit 022b05
                         correspondentNode  (2)
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This object indicates the Mobile IPv6 functions that
Packit 022b05
                 are supported by this managed entity.  Multiple
Packit 022b05
                 Mobile IPv6 functions may be supported by a single
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Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 3.2, 4.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6System 1 }
Packit 022b05
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    mip6Status OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This object indicates whether the Mobile IPv6
Packit 022b05
                 function is enabled for the managed entity.  If it
Packit 022b05
                 is enabled, the agent discovery and registration
Packit 022b05
                 functions will be operational.
Packit 022b05
                 Changing the status from enabled(1) to disabled(2)
Packit 022b05
                 will terminate the agent discovery and registration
Packit 022b05
                 functions.  On the other hand, changing the status
Packit 022b05
                 from disabled(2) to enabled(1) will start the agent
Packit 022b05
                 discovery and registration functions.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 The value of this object SHOULD remain unchanged
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                 across reboots of the managed entity.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6System 2 }
Packit 022b05
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    -- mip6BindingCache
Packit 022b05
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     mip6BindingCacheTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6BindingCacheEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This table models the Binding Cache on the
Packit 022b05
                 managed entity.  The cache is maintained by home
Packit 022b05
                 agents and correspondent nodes.  It contains
Packit 022b05
                 both correspondent registration entries and home
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                 registration entries.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Entries in this table are not required to survive
Packit 022b05
                 a reboot of the managed entity.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 4.5, 9.1, 10.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6Bindings 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingCacheEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6BindingCacheEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This entry represents a conceptual row in the
Packit 022b05
                 binding cache table.  It represents a single Binding
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Implementors need to be aware that if the total
Packit 022b05
                 number of octets in mip6BindingHomeAddress
Packit 022b05
                 exceeds 113, then OIDs of column
Packit 022b05
                 instances in this row will have more than 128
Packit 022b05
                 sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using
Packit 022b05
                 SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        INDEX  { mip6BindingHomeAddressType, mip6BindingHomeAddress }
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheTable 1 }
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     Mip6BindingCacheEntry ::=
Packit 022b05
        SEQUENCE {
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHomeAddressType   InetAddressType,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHomeAddress       InetAddress,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingCOAType           InetAddressType,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingCOA               InetAddress,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingTimeRegistered    DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingTimeGranted       Gauge32,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingTimeRemaining     Gauge32,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHomeRegn          TruthValue,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingMaxSeq            Unsigned32,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingUsageTS           DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingUsageCount        Gauge32,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingAdminStatus       INTEGER
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingHomeAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The InetAddressType of the mip6BindingHomeAddress
Packit 022b05
                 that follows.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingHomeAddress OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The home address of the mobile node corresponding
Packit 022b05
                 to the Binding Cache entry.  This field is used as
Packit 022b05
                 the key for searching the mobile node's current
Packit 022b05
                 care-of address in the Binding Cache.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 The type of the address represented by this object
Packit 022b05
                 is specified by the corresponding
Packit 022b05
                 mip6BindingHomeAddressType object.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
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Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingCOAType   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The InetAddressType of the mip6BindingCOA that
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingCOA   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The care-of address of the mobile node indicated by
Packit 022b05
                 the home address field (mip6BindingHomeAddress) in
Packit 022b05
                 this Binding Cache entry.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 The type of the address represented by this object
Packit 022b05
                 is specified by the corresponding mip6BindingCOAType
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingTimeRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The timestamp when this Binding Cache entry was
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingTimeGranted OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Gauge32
Packit 022b05
        UNITS       "seconds"
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The lifetime in seconds granted to the mobile node
Packit 022b05
                 for this registration.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Gauge32
Packit 022b05
        UNITS       "seconds"
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The lifetime in seconds remaining for this
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingHomeRegn OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This object indicates whether or not this Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Cache entry is a home registration entry (applicable
Packit 022b05
                 only on nodes that support home agent
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingMaxSeq OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65536)
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The maximum value of the Sequence Number field
Packit 022b05
                 received in previous Binding Updates for this home
Packit 022b05
                 address (mip6BindingHomeAddress).
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.1, 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 9 }
Packit 022b05
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Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingUsageTS OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The timestamp when this entry was last looked up.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 10 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingUsageCount OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Gauge32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of times this entry was looked up.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 11 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
Packit 022b05
                        active     (1),
Packit 022b05
                        inactive   (2)
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This is an administrative object used to control
Packit 022b05
                 the status of a binding cache entry.  By default
Packit 022b05
                 the value will be 'active'(1).
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                 A value of 'inactive'(2) will indicate that the
Packit 022b05
                 validity of the entry is suspended.  It does not
Packit 022b05
                 exist in the binding cache for all practical
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 The state can be changed from 'active' to
Packit 022b05
                 'inactive' by operator intervention.
Packit 022b05
                 Causing the state to change to 'inactive' results
Packit 022b05
                 in the entry being deleted from the cache.
Packit 022b05
                 Attempts to change the status from 'inactive'
Packit 022b05
                 to 'active' will be rejected.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingCacheEntry 12 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
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    -- mip6BindingHistory
Packit 022b05
    -- Once the lifetime expires an entry will be removed from the
Packit 022b05
    -- Binding Cache.
Packit 022b05
    -- For monitoring purposes it will be useful to have access to
Packit 022b05
    -- the history of the Binding Cache.  BindingHistoryTable serves
Packit 022b05
    -- this purpose.  It records the history of the Bindings.
Packit 022b05
    -- The size of the table will be left to implementors.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6BindingHistoryEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "A table containing a record of the bindings.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6Bindings 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6BindingHistoryEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The record of a binding.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Implementors need to be aware that if the total
Packit 022b05
                 number of octets in mip6BindingHstHomeAddress
Packit 022b05
                 exceeds 112, then OIDs of column
Packit 022b05
                 instances in this row will have more than 128
Packit 022b05
                 sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using
Packit 022b05
                 SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        INDEX   { mip6BindingHstHomeAddressType,
Packit 022b05
                  mip6BindingHstHomeAddress ,
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryTable 1 }
Packit 022b05
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Packit 022b05
     Mip6BindingHistoryEntry ::=
Packit 022b05
        SEQUENCE {
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstHomeAddressType   InetAddressType,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstHomeAddress       InetAddress,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstIndex             Unsigned32,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstCOAType           InetAddressType,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstCOA               InetAddress,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstTimeRegistered    DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstTimeExpired       DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstHomeRegn          TruthValue,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstUsageTS           DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
         mip6BindingHstUsageCount        Gauge32
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingHstHomeAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The InetAddressType of the
Packit 022b05
                 mip6BindingHstHomeAddress that follows.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingHstHomeAddress OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Mobile node's home address.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 The type of the address represented by this object
Packit 022b05
                 is specified by the corresponding
Packit 022b05
                 mip6BindingHstHomeAddressType object.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingHstIndex OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The index to uniquely identify this record along
Packit 022b05
                 with the mobile node's HomeAddress type and
Packit 022b05
                 HomeAddress.  It should be monotonically increasing.
Packit 022b05
                 It may wrap after reaching its max value."
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingHstCOAType   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The InetAddressType of the mip6BindingHstCOA that
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6BindingHstCOA   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Mobile node's care-of address.  One mobile node can
Packit 022b05
                 have multiple bindings with different
Packit 022b05
                 care-of addresses.
Packit 022b05
                 The type of the address represented by this object
Packit 022b05
                 is specified by the corresponding
Packit 022b05
                 mip6BindingHstCOAType object.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingHstTimeRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The timestamp when this Binding Cache entry was
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingHstTimeExpired OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The timestamp when this Binding Cache entry expired.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingHstHomeRegn OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This object indicates whether or not this Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Cache entry is a home registration entry (applicable
Packit 022b05
                 only on nodes that support home agent
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingHstUsageTS OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The timestamp when this entry was last looked up.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 9 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6BindingHstUsageCount OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Gauge32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of times this entry was looked up.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6BindingHistoryEntry 10 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- mip6TrafficCounters
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- MIPv6 Traffic will be characterized by
Packit 022b05
    -- IPv6 datagrams which satisfy at least one of the following
Packit 022b05
    -- conditions
Packit 022b05
    --   - the datagrams are tunneled to the mobile node by the HA
Packit 022b05
    --   - the datagrams are reverse tunneled by the MN to the HA
Packit 022b05
    --   - the datagrams have the Routing header type 2 set.
Packit 022b05
    --   - the datagrams have the Home Address option set in the
Packit 022b05
    --     Destination Option extension header
Packit 022b05
    --   - the datagrams have the mobility header
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6TotalTraffic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6Stats 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    --             "RFC 3775 : Section 4.1, 6.3, 6.4"
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6InOctets  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The total number of octets in the MIPv6 datagrams
Packit 022b05
                received by the MIPv6 entity.  This will include
Packit 022b05
                datagrams with the Mobility Header, the Home Address
Packit 022b05
                option in the Destination Option extension header
Packit 022b05
                (Next Header value = 60), or the type 2 Routing
Packit 022b05
                Header.  It will also include the IPv6 datagrams that
Packit 022b05
                are reverse tunneled to a home agent from a mobile
Packit 022b05
                node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HCInOctets  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter64
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The total number of octets in the MIPv6 datagrams
Packit 022b05
                received by the MIPv6 entity.  This will include
Packit 022b05
                datagrams with the Mobility Header, the Home Address
Packit 022b05
                option in the Destination Option extension header
Packit 022b05
                (Next Header value = 60), or the type 2 Routing
Packit 022b05
                Header.  It will also include the IPv6 datagrams that
Packit 022b05
                are reverse tunneled to a home agent from a mobile
Packit 022b05
                node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                This object is a 64-bit version of mip6InOctets.
Packit 022b05
                Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6InPkts    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of MIPv6 datagrams received by the MIPv6
Packit 022b05
                 entity.  This will include datagrams with the
Packit 022b05
                 Mobility Header, the Home Address option in the
Packit 022b05
                 Destination Option extension header (Next Header
Packit 022b05
                 value = 60), or the type 2 Routing Header.
Packit 022b05
                 It will also include the IPv6 datagrams that are
Packit 022b05
                 reverse tunneled to a home agent from a mobile
Packit 022b05
                 node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HCInPkts    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter64
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of MIPv6 datagrams received by the MIPv6
Packit 022b05
                 entity.  This will include datagrams with the
Packit 022b05
                 Mobility Header, the Home Address option in the
Packit 022b05
                 Destination Option extension header (Next Header
Packit 022b05
                 value = 60), or the type 2 Routing Header.  It will
Packit 022b05
                 also include the IPv6 datagrams that are reverse
Packit 022b05
                 tunneled to a home agent from a mobile node's home
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 This object is a 64-bit version of mip6InPkts.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6OutOctets  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The total number of octets in the MIPv6 datagrams
Packit 022b05
                sent by the MIPv6 entity.  This will include
Packit 022b05
                datagrams with the Mobility Header, the Home Address
Packit 022b05
                option in the Destination Option extension header
Packit 022b05
                (Next Header value = 60), or the type 2 Routing
Packit 022b05
                Header.  It will also include the IPv6 datagrams that
Packit 022b05
                are reverse tunneled to a home agent from a mobile
Packit 022b05
                node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HCOutOctets  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter64
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The total number of octets in the MIPv6 datagrams
Packit 022b05
                sent by the MIPv6 entity.  This will include
Packit 022b05
                datagrams with the Mobility Header, the Home Address
Packit 022b05
                option in the Destination Option extension header
Packit 022b05
                (Next Header value = 60), or the type 2 Routing
Packit 022b05
                Header.  It will also include the IPv6 datagrams that
Packit 022b05
                are reverse tunneled to a home agent from a mobile
Packit 022b05
                node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                This object is a 64-bit version of mip6OutOctets.
Packit 022b05
                Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6OutPkts    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of MIPv6 datagrams sent by the MIPv6
Packit 022b05
                 entity.  This will include the datagrams with
Packit 022b05
                 Mobility Header, the Home Address option in the
Packit 022b05
                 Destination Option extension header (Next Header
Packit 022b05
                 value = 60), or the type 2 Routing Header.  It will
Packit 022b05
                 also include the IPv6 datagrams that are reverse
Packit 022b05
                 tunneled to a home agent from a mobile node's home
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HCOutPkts    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter64
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of MIPv6 datagrams sent by the MIPv6
Packit 022b05
                 entity.  This will include datagrams with the
Packit 022b05
                 Mobility Header, the Home Address option in the
Packit 022b05
                 Destination Option extension header (Next Header
Packit 022b05
                 value = 60), or the type 2 Routing Header.  It will
Packit 022b05
                 also include the IPv6 datagrams that are reverse
Packit 022b05
                 tunneled to a home agent from a mobile node's home
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 This object is a 64-bit version of mip6OutPkts.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6CounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion
Packit 022b05
                 at which any one or more of this MIPv6 entities
Packit 022b05
                 global counters, viz., counters with OID prefix
Packit 022b05
                 'mip6TotalTraffic' or 'mip6CnGlobalStats' or
Packit 022b05
                 'mip6HaGlobalStats' suffered a discontinuity.
Packit 022b05
                 If no such discontinuities have occurred since the
Packit 022b05
                 last re-initialization of the local management
Packit 022b05
                 subsystem, then this object will have a zero value.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6TotalTraffic 9 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- mip6NodeTrafficCounters
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6NodeTrafficTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6NodeTrafficEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "A table containing MIPv6 traffic counters per mobile
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6Stats 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6NodeTrafficEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6NodeTrafficEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The MIPv6 traffic statistics for a mobile node.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Implementors need to be aware that if the total
Packit 022b05
                 number of octets in mip6BindingHomeAddress
Packit 022b05
                 exceeds 113, then OIDs of column
Packit 022b05
                 instances in this row will have more than 128
Packit 022b05
                 sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using
Packit 022b05
                 SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        INDEX  { mip6BindingHomeAddressType, mip6BindingHomeAddress }
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficTable 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     Mip6NodeTrafficEntry ::=
Packit 022b05
        SEQUENCE {
Packit 022b05
              mip6NodeInOctets             Counter32,
Packit 022b05
              mip6HCNodeInOctets           Counter64,
Packit 022b05
              mip6NodeInPkts               Counter32,
Packit 022b05
              mip6HCNodeInPkts             Counter64,
Packit 022b05
              mip6NodeOutOctets            Counter32,
Packit 022b05
              mip6HCNodeOutOctets          Counter64,
Packit 022b05
              mip6NodeOutPkts              Counter32,
Packit 022b05
              mip6HCNodeOutPkts            Counter64,
Packit 022b05
              mip6NodeCtrDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6NodeInOctets  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of octets in the MIPv6 datagrams
Packit 022b05
                 received from the mobile node by the MIPv6 entity.
Packit 022b05
                 This will include datagrams with the Mobility
Packit 022b05
                 Header or the Home Address option in the Destination
Packit 022b05
                 Option extension header (Next Header value = 60).
Packit 022b05
                 It will also include the IPv6 datagrams that are
Packit 022b05
                 reverse tunneled to a home agent from the mobile
Packit 022b05
                 node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HCNodeInOctets  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter64
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of octets in the MIPv6 datagrams
Packit 022b05
                 received from the mobile node by the MIPv6 entity.
Packit 022b05
                 This will include datagrams with the Mobility
Packit 022b05
                 Header or the Home Address option in the Destination
Packit 022b05
                 Option extension header (Next Header value = 60).
Packit 022b05
                 It will also include the IPv6 datagrams that are
Packit 022b05
                 reverse tunneled to a home agent from the mobile
Packit 022b05
                 node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                 This object is a 64-bit version of mip6NodeInOctets.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6NodeInPkts    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of MIPv6 datagrams received from the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile node by the MIPv6 entity.  This will include
Packit 022b05
                 the datagrams with the Mobility Header or
Packit 022b05
                 the Home Address option in the Destination
Packit 022b05
                 Option extension header (Next Header value = 60).
Packit 022b05
                 It will also include the IPv6 datagrams that are
Packit 022b05
                 reverse tunneled to a home agent from the mobile
Packit 022b05
                 node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HCNodeInPkts    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter64
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of MIPv6 datagrams received from the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile node by the MIPv6 entity.  This will include
Packit 022b05
                 datagrams with the Mobility Header or the Home
Packit 022b05
                 Address option in the Destination Option extension
Packit 022b05
                 header (Next Header value = 60).  It will also
Packit 022b05
                 include the IPv6 datagrams that are reverse tunneled
Packit 022b05
                 to a home agent from the mobile node's home address.
Packit 022b05
                 This object is a 64-bit version of mip6NodeInPkts.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6NodeOutOctets  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of octets in the MIPv6 datagrams
Packit 022b05
                 sent to the mobile node by the MIPv6 entity.  This
Packit 022b05
                 will include datagrams with the Mobility Header
Packit 022b05
                 or the type 2 Routing Header.  It will also include
Packit 022b05
                 the IPv6 datagrams that are tunneled by a home agent
Packit 022b05
                 to the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HCNodeOutOctets  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter64
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The total number of octets in the MIPv6 datagrams
Packit 022b05
                sent to the mobile node by the MIPv6 entity.  This
Packit 022b05
                will include datagrams with the Mobility Header
Packit 022b05
                or the type 2 Routing Header.  It will also include
Packit 022b05
                the IPv6 datagrams that are tunneled by a home agent
Packit 022b05
                to the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                This object is a 64-bit version of mip6NodeOutOctets.
Packit 022b05
                Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6NodeOutPkts    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of MIPv6 datagrams sent to the mobile
Packit 022b05
                 node by the MIPv6 entity.  This will include
Packit 022b05
                 datagrams with the Mobility Header or the type 2
Packit 022b05
                 Routing Header.  It will also include the IPv6
Packit 022b05
                 datagrams that are tunneled by a home agent to the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HCNodeOutPkts    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter64
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The number of MIPv6 datagrams sent to the mobile
Packit 022b05
                node by the MIPv6 entity.  This will include
Packit 022b05
                datagrams with the Mobility Header or the type 2
Packit 022b05
                Routing Header.  It will also include the IPv6
Packit 022b05
                datagrams that are tunneled by a home agent to the
Packit 022b05
                mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                This object is a 64-bit version of mip6NodeOutOctets.
Packit 022b05
                Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 10.4.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6NodeCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion
Packit 022b05
                 at which any one or more of the counters in this row
Packit 022b05
                 suffered a discontinuity.  The relevant counters are
Packit 022b05
                 the specific instances of any Counter32 or Counter64
Packit 022b05
                 objects in this row.
Packit 022b05
                 If no such discontinuities have occurred since the
Packit 022b05
                 last re-initialization of the local management
Packit 022b05
                 subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6NodeTrafficEntry 9 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- mip6MnSystem Group
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnHomeAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6MnHomeAddressEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "A table containing registration status for all the
Packit 022b05
                 home addresses pertaining to the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnSystem 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6MnHomeAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6MnHomeAddressEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The registration status for a home address.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Implementors need to be aware that if the total
Packit 022b05
                 number of octets in mip6MnHomeAddress
Packit 022b05
                 exceeds 113, then OIDs of column instances in
Packit 022b05
                 this row will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and
Packit 022b05
                 cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        INDEX   { mip6MnHomeAddressType, mip6MnHomeAddress }
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnHomeAddressTable 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     Mip6MnHomeAddressEntry ::=
Packit 022b05
        SEQUENCE {
Packit 022b05
              mip6MnHomeAddressType            InetAddressType,
Packit 022b05
              mip6MnHomeAddress                InetAddress,
Packit 022b05
              mip6MnHomeAddressState           INTEGER
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnHomeAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The InetAddressType of the mip6MnHomeAddress that
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnHomeAddressEntry 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnHomeAddress OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "A unicast routable address assigned to the mobile
Packit 022b05
                node.  This is used as the 'permanent address' of the
Packit 022b05
                mobile node in the sense that it remains unchanged
Packit 022b05
                regardless of the mobile node's current point of
Packit 022b05
                attachment.  If mobile node doesn't have a home
Packit 022b05
                address assigned yet, then this object will take the
Packit 022b05
                default 'unspecified' value ::0.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                The type of the address represented by this object
Packit 022b05
                is specified by the corresponding
Packit 022b05
                mip6MnHomeAddressType object.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 3.2"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnHomeAddressEntry 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnHomeAddressState OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This object indicates the state of the mobile node:
Packit 022b05
                 unknown     -- The state of the mobile node
Packit 022b05
                                cannot be determined.
Packit 022b05
                 home        -- mobile node is on the home network.
Packit 022b05
                 registered  -- mobile node is on a foreign network
Packit 022b05
                                and is registered with the home
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 pending     -- mobile node has sent registration
Packit 022b05
                                request to the home agent and is
Packit 022b05
                                waiting for the reply.
Packit 022b05
                 isolated    -- mobile node is isolated from network,
Packit 022b05
                                i.e., it is not in its home network,
Packit 022b05
                                it is not registered, and no
Packit 022b05
                                registration ack is pending.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnHomeAddressEntry 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Mobile Node Discovery and Advertisement Group Counters
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnDiscoveryRequests OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of ICMP Dynamic Home Agent Address
Packit 022b05
                 Discovery Requests sent by the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 10.5, 11.4.1"
Packit 022b05
           ::= { mip6MnConf 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnDiscoveryReplies OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of ICMP Dynamic Home Agent Address
Packit 022b05
                 Discovery Replies received by the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 10.5, 11.4.1"
Packit 022b05
           ::= { mip6MnConf 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnDiscoveryTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of ICMP Dynamic Home Agent Address
Packit 022b05
                 Discovery Requests that timed out.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 10.5, 11.4.1, 12"
Packit 022b05
           ::= { mip6MnConf 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnPrefixSolicitationsSent OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of ICMP Mobile Prefix Solicitations
Packit 022b05
                 sent by the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 10.5, 11.4.2"
Packit 022b05
           ::= { mip6MnConf 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnPrefixAdvsRecd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of ICMP Mobile Prefix Advertisements
Packit 022b05
                 received by the mobile node.  This will include the
Packit 022b05
                 ICMP Mobile Prefix Advertisements that failed the
Packit 022b05
                 validity checks.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 10.6, 11.4.3"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnConf 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnPrefixAdvsIgnored OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Mobile Prefix Advertisements
Packit 022b05
                 discarded by the validity check.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 10.6, 11.4.3"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnConf 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnMovedToFN OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Number of times the mobile node has detected
Packit 022b05
                 movement to a foreign network from another
Packit 022b05
                 foreign network or from the home network, has
Packit 022b05
                 reconstructed its care-of address and has initiated
Packit 022b05
                 the care-of address registration process.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnConf 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnMovedToHN OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Number of times the mobile node has detected
Packit 022b05
                 movement from a foreign network to its home
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.5.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnConf 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Mobile Node Registration Group
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Registration table of mobile node
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6MnBLEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "This table corresponds to the Binding Update List
Packit 022b05
                (BL) that is maintained by the mobile node.  The list
Packit 022b05
                holds an item for every binding that the mobile node
Packit 022b05
                has established or is trying to establish.  Both
Packit 022b05
                correspondent and home registrations are included in
Packit 022b05
                this table.  Entries from the table are deleted as
Packit 022b05
                the lifetime of the binding expires.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 4.5, 11.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnRegistration 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6MnBLEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Information about a Binding Update sent by the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile node either to its home agent or to one of
Packit 022b05
                 its correspondent nodes.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Implementors need to be aware that if the total
Packit 022b05
                 number of octets in mip6MnHomeAddress and
Packit 022b05
                 mip6MnBLNodeAddress exceeds 111, then OIDs of column
Packit 022b05
                 instances in this row will have more than 128
Packit 022b05
                 sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using
Packit 022b05
                 SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        INDEX { mip6MnHomeAddressType,
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLTable 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    Mip6MnBLEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLNodeAddressType   InetAddressType,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLNodeAddress       InetAddress,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLCOAType           InetAddressType,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLCOA               InetAddress,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLLifeTimeRequested Unsigned32,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLLifeTimeGranted   Unsigned32,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLMaxSeq            Unsigned32,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLTimeSent          DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLAccepted          TruthValue,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLAcceptedTime      DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLRetransmissions   Gauge32,
Packit 022b05
        mip6MnBLDontSendBUFlag    TruthValue
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLNodeAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 "The InetAddressType of the mip6MnBLNodeAddress
Packit 022b05
                  that follows.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLNodeAddress OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The address of the agent as used in the destination
Packit 022b05
                 address of the Binding Update.  The agent
Packit 022b05
                 may be a home agent or a correspondent node.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 The type of the address represented by this object
Packit 022b05
                 is specified by the corresponding
Packit 022b05
                 mip6MnBLNodeAddressType object.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The InetAddressType of the mip6MnBLCOA that follows.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Care-of address that the mobile node intends to
Packit 022b05
                 register in the Binding Update request.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 The type of the address represented by this object
Packit 022b05
                 is specified by the corresponding mip6MnBLCOAType
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLLifeTimeRequested OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
Packit 022b05
        UNITS       "seconds"
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The lifetime requested by the mobile node (in
Packit 022b05
                 seconds) in the Binding Update.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLLifeTimeGranted OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
Packit 022b05
        UNITS       "seconds"
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The lifetime granted to the mobile node for this
Packit 022b05
                 binding.  This field will be inaccessible if the
Packit 022b05
                 Binding Update request has not been accepted.
Packit 022b05
                 The lifetime remaining (lR) can be calculated using
Packit 022b05
                 the current time (cT), mip6MnBLAcceptedTime (aT) and
Packit 022b05
                 mip6MnBLLifeTimeGranted (lG) as follows:
Packit 022b05
                         lR  = lG - (cT - aT).
Packit 022b05
                 When lR is zero, this entry will be deleted from the
Packit 022b05
                 Binding Update List and consequently from this
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLMaxSeq OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65536)
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The maximum value of the Sequence Number field sent
Packit 022b05
                 in previous Binding Updates to this destination.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLTimeSent OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The time when the last (re-)transmission occurred."
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLAccepted OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "true(1) if the mobile node has received a
Packit 022b05
                 binding acknowledgment indicating that service has
Packit 022b05
                 been accepted (status code 0 or 1); false(2)
Packit 022b05
                 otherwise.  false(2) implies that the registration
Packit 022b05
                 is still pending.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 9 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLAcceptedTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The time at which the mobile node receives a binding
Packit 022b05
                 acknowledgment indicating that Binding Update has
Packit 022b05
                 been accepted (status code 0 or 1);
Packit 022b05
                 This object will be inaccessible if the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Update request is still pending.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 10 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLRetransmissions  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Gauge32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The number of Binding Update retransmissions.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 11 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBLDontSendBUFlag OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "true(1) indicates that future binding updates
Packit 022b05
                 will not be sent to mip6MnBLNodeAddress.
Packit 022b05
                 false(2) implies that binding updates will be
Packit 022b05
                 sent to mip6MnBLNodeAddress.
Packit 022b05
                 The mobile node sets this flag in the when it
Packit 022b05
                 receives an ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 1,
Packit 022b05
                 error message in response to a return
Packit 022b05
                 routability message or Binding Update sent to
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6MnBLEntry 12 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Mobile Node Registration Group Counters
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnRegnCounters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6MnRegistration 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnMobilityMessagesSent OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of mobility messages, i.e., IPv6
Packit 022b05
                 datagrams with Mobility Header, sent by the mobile
Packit 022b05
                 node.  There are 3 types of mobility messages, viz.,
Packit 022b05
                 Home Test Init, Care-of Test Init, and Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Updates, that are sent by mobile nodes.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 4.2, 6.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnMobilityMessagesRecd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of mobility messages, i.e., IPv6
Packit 022b05
                 datagrams with Mobility Header, received by the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile node.  There are 5 types of mobility
Packit 022b05
                 messages, viz., Home Test, Care-of Test, Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment, Binding Refresh Request, and Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Error, that are sent to mobile nodes.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 4.2, 6.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Updates sent to the mobile
Packit 022b05
                 node's home agent(s).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.7.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBUAcksFromHA  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of valid binding acknowledgments
Packit 022b05
                 received from the mobile node's home agent(s).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.7.3"
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Updates sent to
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent nodes by the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.7.2"
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBUAcksFromCN OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of valid Binding Update acks
Packit 022b05
                 received from all the correspondent nodes.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.7.3"
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBindingErrorsFromCN OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Error messages received
Packit 022b05
                 by mobile node from CN.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnICMPErrorsRecd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of ICMP Error messages of type ICMP
Packit 022b05
                 Parameter Problem, Code 1 or Code 2, received by
Packit 022b05
                 the mobile node from a correspondent node in
Packit 022b05
                 response to a return routability procedure, a
Packit 022b05
                 Binding Update, or a packet with the Home Address
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.3.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6MnBRRequestsRecd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of Binding Refresh requests
Packit 022b05
                 received by the mobile node from correspondent
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 11.7.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= {  mip6MnRegnCounters 9 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Registration Group counters used for Correspondent Node
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnGlobalStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6CnStats 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnHomeTestInitsRecd     OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Home Test Init messages received.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.4.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnHomeTestsSent      OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Home Test messages sent.  If a Home
Packit 022b05
                 Test Init message is found to be valid, a Home Test
Packit 022b05
                 message will be generated and sent.  Otherwise the
Packit 022b05
                 Home Test message is silently discarded.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.4.3"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnCareOfTestInitsRecd     OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Care-of Test Init messages received.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.4.2"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnCareOfTestsSent            OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Care-of Test messages sent.  If a
Packit 022b05
                 Care-of Test Init message is found to be valid, a
Packit 022b05
                 Care-of Test message will be generated and sent.
Packit 022b05
                 Otherwise the Care-of Test message is silently
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.4.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBUsRecd     OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Updates received by the
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node from mobile nodes.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBUAcksSent    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of acknowledgments sent by the
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node for the Binding Updates received.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBRsSent     OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Refresh Request messages
Packit 022b05
                 sent by the correspondent node.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6CnBindingErrors OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Error messages sent by the
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node to the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.3.3"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBUsAccepted   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Updates accepted by the
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node.  If a Binding Acknowledgment
Packit 022b05
                 message is sent for the Binding Update request,
Packit 022b05
                 the Status code field in the message will have
Packit 022b05
                 a value less than 128.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1, 9.5.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 9 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBUsRejected   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected
Packit 022b05
                 by the correspondent node.  If a Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message has been sent for the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Update request, the Status code field in the
Packit 022b05
                 message will have a value greater than or equal to
Packit 022b05
                 128.  Otherwise the Binding Update request will be
Packit 022b05
                 silently discarded.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1, 9.5.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 10 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnReasonUnspecified OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the correspondent node with status code in the
Packit 022b05
                 Binding Acknowledgment message indicating 'reason
Packit 022b05
                 unspecified' (Code 128).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 11 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnInsufficientResource OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the correspondent node with status code in the
Packit 022b05
                 Binding Acknowledgment message indicating
Packit 022b05
                 'insufficient resources' (Code 130).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 12 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnHomeRegnNotSupported OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                correspondent node with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                Acknowledgment message indicating 'home registration
Packit 022b05
                not supported' (Code 131).
Packit 022b05
                Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 13 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnSeqNumberOutOfWindow OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Updates rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'sequence number
Packit 022b05
                 out of window' (Code 135).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8, 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 14 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnExpiredHomeNonceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of Binding Updates rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'expired home
Packit 022b05
                 nonce index' (Code 136).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8, 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 15 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnExpiredCareOfNonceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of Binding Updates rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'expired
Packit 022b05
                 care-of nonce index' (Code 137).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8, 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 16 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnExpiredNonce OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of Binding Updates rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'expired nonces'
Packit 022b05
                 (Code 138), i.e., the correspondent node no longer
Packit 022b05
                 recognizes the Home Nonce Index value and the
Packit 022b05
                 Care-of Nonce Index value.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8, 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 17 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnRegTypeChangeDisallowed OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of Binding Updates rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 correspondent node with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'registration
Packit 022b05
                 type change disallowed' (Code 139), i.e., a binding
Packit 022b05
                 already exists for the given home address and the
Packit 022b05
                 home registration flag has a different value than
Packit 022b05
                 the Home Registration (H) bit in the Binding Update.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8, 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 18 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- The Correspondent Node statistics by mobile node
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6CnCounterEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "A table containing each mobile ."
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnStats 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6CnCounterEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The set of correspondent node counters for a mobile
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Implementors need to be aware that if the total
Packit 022b05
                 number of octets in mip6BindingHomeAddress
Packit 022b05
                 exceeds 113, then OIDs of column instances in
Packit 022b05
                 this row will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and
Packit 022b05
                 cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        INDEX   {    mip6BindingHomeAddressType,
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnCounterTable 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    Mip6CnCounterEntry ::=
Packit 022b05
        SEQUENCE {
Packit 022b05
           mip6CnBURequestsAccepted       Counter32,
Packit 022b05
           mip6CnBURequestsRejected       Counter32,
Packit 022b05
           mip6CnBCEntryCreationTime      DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
           mip6CnBUAcceptedTime           DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
           mip6CnBURejectionTime          DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
           mip6CnBURejectionCode          Mip6BURequestRejectionCode,
Packit 022b05
           mip6CnCtrDiscontinuityTime     TimeStamp
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBURequestsAccepted OBJECT-TYPE   --(Code 0,1)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests from the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile node accepted by the correspondent node.
Packit 022b05
                 If Binding Acknowledgment messages are sent, then
Packit 022b05
                 the status code in the message will have a value
Packit 022b05
                 less than 128.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBURequestsRejected     OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
                                      -- (Code 128 through Code 159)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "Total number of Binding Update requests from the
Packit 022b05
                mobile node that have been rejected by the
Packit 022b05
                correspondent node.  This includes the Binding Update
Packit 022b05
                requests for which a Binding Acknowledgment message
Packit 022b05
                has been sent with status code value greater than or
Packit 022b05
                equal to 128 and the Binding Acknowledgment requests
Packit 022b05
                that have been silently discarded.
Packit 022b05
                Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBCEntryCreationTime        OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The time when the current Binding Cache entry was
Packit 022b05
                 created for the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBUAcceptedTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The time at which the last Binding Update was
Packit 022b05
                 accepted by the correspondent node and the
Packit 022b05
                 corresponding Binding Cache entry was updated.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBURejectionTime   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The time at which the last Binding Update message
Packit 022b05
                 was rejected by the correspondent node.
Packit 022b05
                 If there have been no rejections, then this object
Packit 022b05
                 will be inaccessible.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6CnBURejectionCode  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
           SYNTAX      Mip6BURequestRejectionCode
Packit 022b05
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
           STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                  "If a Binding Acknowledgment is sent to the mobile
Packit 022b05
                   node, this is the status code (> 128) that is
Packit 022b05
                   returned in the Binding Acknowledgment.
Packit 022b05
                   In case a Binding Acknowledgment is not sent to
Packit 022b05
                   the mobile node, then this will be the value
Packit 022b05
                   of the Status code that corresponds to the reason
Packit 022b05
                   of the rejection.  If there have been no
Packit 022b05
                   rejections, then this object will be inaccessible.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8"
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
           ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6CnCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion
Packit 022b05
                at which any one or more of counters in this row,
Packit 022b05
                viz., instances of 'mip6CnBURequestsAccepted' and
Packit 022b05
                'mip6CnBURequestsRejected', suffered a discontinuity.
Packit 022b05
                If no such discontinuities have occurred since the
Packit 022b05
                last re-initialization of the local management
Packit 022b05
                subsystem, then this object will have a zero value.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Home agent group
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaAdvsRecd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of valid Router Advertisements
Packit 022b05
                 received with the Home Agent (H) bit set, on
Packit 022b05
                 all the links on which it is serving as a Home
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 7"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaAdvsSent OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of unsolicited multicast Router
Packit 022b05
                 Advertisements sent with the Home Agent (H) bit set,
Packit 022b05
                 on all the links on which the router is serving as
Packit 022b05
                 a Home Agent.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 7"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6HaConfEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "A table containing configurable advertisement
Packit 022b05
                parameters for all interfaces on which the
Packit 022b05
                home agent service is advertised.
Packit 022b05
                It is RECOMMENDED that the last written values
Packit 022b05
                of the objects in the conceptual rows of this
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                table will remain unchanged across reboots of
Packit 022b05
                the managed entity provided that the interfaces
Packit 022b05
                have not been renumbered after the reboot.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6HaConfEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "Advertisement parameters for an interface.
Packit 022b05
                The instances of the columnar objects in this entry
Packit 022b05
                pertain to the interface that is uniquely identified
Packit 022b05
                by the ipv6InterfaceIfIndex of the interface.  The
Packit 022b05
                same ipv6InterfaceIfIndex object is used to uniquely
Packit 022b05
                identify instances of the columnar objects of this
Packit 022b05
                conceptual row.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        INDEX   { ipv6InterfaceIfIndex }
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaConfTable 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    Mip6HaConfEntry    ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit 022b05
          mip6HaAdvPreference               Integer32,
Packit 022b05
          mip6HaAdvLifetime                 Integer32,
Packit 022b05
          mip6HaPrefixAdv                   INTEGER,
Packit 022b05
          mip6HaPrefixSolicitation          INTEGER,
Packit 022b05
          mip6HaMCastCtlMsgSupport          INTEGER
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaAdvPreference OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65536)
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The preference value for the home agent to
Packit 022b05
                be used in the Router Advertisements.  Higher
Packit 022b05
                value denotes greater preference.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 7.4, 8.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaAdvLifetime   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
Packit 022b05
        UNITS       "seconds"
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The lifetime value for the home agent to be
Packit 022b05
                used in the Router Advertisements.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 7.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaPrefixAdv    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Indicates whether the home agent should support
Packit 022b05
                 sending of the ICMP Mobile Prefix Advertisements.
Packit 022b05
                 If it is disabled(2), the home agent will not
Packit 022b05
                 send ICMP Mobile Prefix Advertisements to the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile nodes.
Packit 022b05
                 The state can be changed from enabled(1) to
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2) and vice versa by operator
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Causing the state to change from enabled(1) to
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2) will result in the home agent
Packit 022b05
                 disabling the Prefix advertisement function.
Packit 022b05
                 On the other hand, changing the status from
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2) to enabled(1) will start the prefix
Packit 022b05
                 advertisement function.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 8.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 3}
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaPrefixSolicitation   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Indicates whether the home agent should respond
Packit 022b05
                 to ICMP Mobile Prefix Solicitation messages it
Packit 022b05
                 receives from the mobile nodes.  By default, the
Packit 022b05
                 value will be set to enabled(1).  If it is
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2), the home agent will not respond to
Packit 022b05
                 any ICMP Mobile Prefix Solicitation messages.
Packit 022b05
                 The state can be changed from enabled(1) to
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2), by operator intervention.  Causing
Packit 022b05
                 the state to change from enabled(1) to
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2) will result in the home agent not
Packit 022b05
                 responding to any ICMP Mobile Prefix
Packit 022b05
                 Solicitation messages it receives from the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile nodes.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 8.4"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 4}
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
   mip6HaMCastCtlMsgSupport OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Indicates whether the home agent should enable
Packit 022b05
                 support for the processing of the multicast
Packit 022b05
                 group membership control messages it receives
Packit 022b05
                 from the mobile nodes.  By default, the value
Packit 022b05
                 will be set to enabled(1).  If it is
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2), the home agent will not process
Packit 022b05
                 any multicast group control messages it receives
Packit 022b05
                 from the mobile nodes.
Packit 022b05
                 The state can be changed from enabled(1) to
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2), by operator intervention.  Causing
Packit 022b05
                 the state to change from enabled(1) to
Packit 022b05
                 disabled(2) will result in the home agent
Packit 022b05
                 disabling the processing of the multicast group
Packit 022b05
                 control messages it received from the mobile
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "RFC 3775 : Section 10.4.3"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 5}
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Registration Group counters HA
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaGlobalStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6HaStats 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaHomeTestInitsRecd     OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Home Test Init messages received by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent.  This will include Home Test Init
Packit 022b05
                 messages that failed the validity checks.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 5.2.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaHomeTestsSent      OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Home Test messages sent by the
Packit 022b05
                 home agent.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 5.2.5"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBUsRecd     OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Updates received by the
Packit 022b05
                 home agent.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBUAcksSent    OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Acknowledgments sent
Packit 022b05
                 by the home agent.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBRAdviceSent OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Acknowledgments sent
Packit 022b05
                 by the home agent with Binding Refresh Advice
Packit 022b05
                 mobility option included.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBUsAccepted   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Updates accepted by this HA.
Packit 022b05
                 Binding Acknowledgment with status code of 0 or 1.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaPrefDiscoverReqd OBJECT-TYPE        -- (Code 1)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The total number of Binding Acknowledgments sent by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code indicating 'accepted
Packit 022b05
                 but prefix discovery necessary'  (Code 1).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaReasonUnspecified OBJECT-TYPE               -- (Code 128)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'reason
Packit 022b05
                 unspecified' (Code 128).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 8 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaAdmProhibited OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'administratively
Packit 022b05
                 prohibited' (Code 129).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 9 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaInsufficientResource OBJECT-TYPE            -- (Code 130)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'insufficient
Packit 022b05
                 resources' (Code 130).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.2"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 10 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaHomeRegnNotSupported OBJECT-TYPE    -- (Code 131)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'home
Packit 022b05
                 registration not supported' (Code 131).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 11 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaNotHomeSubnet OBJECT-TYPE                   -- (Code 132)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'not home subnet'
Packit 022b05
                 (Code 132).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 12 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaNotHomeAgentForThisMN OBJECT-TYPE           -- (Code 133)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'not home agent
Packit 022b05
                 for this mobile node' (Code 133).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.2"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 13 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaDupAddrDetectionFailed OBJECT-TYPE       -- (Code 134)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'Duplicate
Packit 022b05
                 Address Detection failed' (Code 134).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 14 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaSeqNumberOutOfWindow OBJECT-TYPE            -- (Code 135)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'sequence number
Packit 022b05
                 out of window' (Code 135).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 15 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaExpiredHomeNonceIndex OBJECT-TYPE           -- (Code 136)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'expired home
Packit 022b05
                 nonce index' (Code 136).
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 16 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaRegTypeChangeDisallowed OBJECT-TYPE         -- (Code 139)
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
Packit 022b05
                 the home agent with status code in the Binding
Packit 022b05
                 Acknowledgment message indicating 'registration
Packit 022b05
                 type change disallowed' (Code 139), i.e., a binding
Packit 022b05
                 already exists for the given home address and the
Packit 022b05
                 home registration flag has a different value than
Packit 022b05
                 the Home Registration (H) bit in the Binding Update.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 17 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Home agent registration Counters per node
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6HaCounterEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "A table containing registration statistics for all
Packit 022b05
                 mobile nodes registered with the home agent.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaStats 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaCounterEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6HaCounterEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Home agent registration statistics for a mobile
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 Implementors need to be aware that if the total
Packit 022b05
                 number of octets in mip6BindingHomeAddress
Packit 022b05
                 exceeds 113, then OIDs of column instances in
Packit 022b05
                 this row will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and
Packit 022b05
                 cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        INDEX   { mip6BindingHomeAddressType,
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaCounterTable 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    Mip6HaCounterEntry      ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit 022b05
        mip6HaBURequestsAccepted       Counter32,
Packit 022b05
        mip6HaBURequestsDenied         Counter32,
Packit 022b05
        mip6HaBCEntryCreationTime      DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
        mip6HaBUAcceptedTime           DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
        mip6HaBURejectionTime          DateAndTime,
Packit 022b05
        mip6HaRecentBURejectionCode    Mip6BURequestRejectionCode,
Packit 022b05
        mip6HaCtrDiscontinuityTime     TimeStamp
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBURequestsAccepted OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of service requests for the mobile node
Packit 022b05
                 accepted by the home agent.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 1 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBURequestsDenied   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "Total number of service requests for the mobile node
Packit 022b05
                 rejected by the home agent.
Packit 022b05
                 Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
Packit 022b05
                 occur at re-initialization of the management system,
Packit 022b05
                 and at other times as indicated by the value of
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 2 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBCEntryCreationTime   OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        UNITS       "seconds"
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The time when the current Binding Cache entry was
Packit 022b05
                 created for the mobile node.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 3 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBUAcceptedTime  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The time at which the last Binding Update was
Packit 022b05
                 accepted by the home agent for this mobile node.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaBURejectionTime  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "The time at which the last Binding Update was
Packit 022b05
                 rejected by the home agent for this mobile node.
Packit 022b05
                 If there have been no rejections, then this object
Packit 022b05
                 will be inaccessible.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 5 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaRecentBURejectionCode  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6BURequestRejectionCode
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "If a Binding Acknowledgment is sent to the mobile
Packit 022b05
                 node, this is the status code (> 128) that is
Packit 022b05
                 returned in the Binding Acknowledgment.
Packit 022b05
                 In case a Binding Acknowledgment is not sent to the
Packit 022b05
                 mobile node, then this will be the value of the
Packit 022b05
                 status code that corresponds to the reason of the
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                 If there have been no rejections, then this object
Packit 022b05
                 will be inaccessible.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 6 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
     mip6HaCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
               "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion
Packit 022b05
                at which any one or more of counters in this row,
Packit 022b05
                viz., instances of 'mip6HaBURequestsAccepted' and
Packit 022b05
                'mip6HaBURequestsRejected', suffered a discontinuity.
Packit 022b05
                If no such discontinuities have occurred since the
Packit 022b05
                last re-initialization of the local management
Packit 022b05
                subsystem, then this object will have a zero value.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 7 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    -- Home Agent List Table
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaListTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6HaListEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit 022b05
        STATUS      current
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                "This table models the Home Agents List that contains
Packit 022b05
                 the list of all routers that are acting as home
Packit 022b05
                 agents on each of the interfaces on which the home
Packit 022b05
                 agent service is offered by this router.
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.1"
Packit 022b05
        ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 4 }
Packit 022b05
Packit 022b05
    mip6HaListEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
Packit 022b05
        SYNTAX      Mip6HaListEntry
Packit 022b05
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible