Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
mib-2, Gauge32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
TimeStamp, RowPointer, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ifIndex, InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
LAST-UPDATED "200201030000Z" -- January 3, 2002
Packit |
022b05 |
ORGANIZATION "IETF Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"IETF Frame Relay Service MIB (frnetmib) Working Group
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
WG Charter: http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
WG-email: frnetmib@sunroof.eng.sun.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Subscribe: frnetmib-request@sunroof.eng.sun.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Email Archive: ftp://ftp.ietf.org/ietf-mail-archive/frnetmib
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Chair: Andy Malis
Packit |
022b05 |
Vivace Networks
Packit |
022b05 |
Email: Andy.Malis@vivacenetworks.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
WG editor: Robert Steinberger
Packit |
022b05 |
Paradyne Networks and
Packit |
022b05 |
Fujitsu Network Communications
Packit |
022b05 |
Email: robert.steinberger@fnc.fujitsu.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Co-author: Orly Nicklass
Packit |
022b05 |
RAD Data Communications Ltd.
Packit |
022b05 |
EMail: Orly_n@rad.co.il"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The MIB module to allow insertion of selected circuit into
Packit |
022b05 |
the ifTable."
Packit |
022b05 |
REVISION "200201030000Z" -- January 3, 2002
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Initial version, published as RFC 3201"
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { mib-2 94 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Textual Conventions
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The direction of data flow thru a circuit.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
transmit(1) - Only transmitted data
Packit |
022b05 |
receive(2) - Only received data
Packit |
022b05 |
both(3) - Both transmitted and received data."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { circuitIfMIB 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCapabilities OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { circuitIfMIB 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
ciConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { circuitIfMIB 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The Circuit Interface Circuit Table
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- This table is used to define and display the circuits that
Packit |
022b05 |
-- are added to the ifTable. It maps circuits to their respective
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ifIndex values.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The Circuit Interface Circuit Table."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciObjects 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX CiCircuitEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"An entry in the Circuit Interface Circuit Table."
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { ciCircuitObject, ciCircuitFlow }
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciCircuitTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
CiCircuitEntry ::=
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Index Control Variables
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitObject RowPointer,
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitFlow CiFlowDirection,
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitStatus RowStatus,
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Data variables
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitCreateTime TimeStamp,
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Data Persistence
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitStorageType StorageType
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitObject OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX RowPointer
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This value contains the RowPointer that uniquely
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
describes the circuit that is to be added to this table.
Packit |
022b05 |
Any RowPointer that will force the size of OBJECT
Packit |
022b05 |
IDENTIFIER of the row to grow beyond the legal limit
Packit |
022b05 |
MUST be rejected.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The purpose of this object is to point a network manager
Packit |
022b05 |
to the table in which the circuit was created as well as
Packit |
022b05 |
define the circuit on which the interface is defined.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Valid tables for this object include the frCircuitTable
Packit |
022b05 |
from the Frame Relay DTE MIB(FRAME-RELAY-DTE-MIB), the
Packit |
022b05 |
frPVCEndptTable from the Frame Relay Service MIB
Packit |
022b05 |
(FRNETSERV-MIB), and the aal5VccTable from the ATM MIB
Packit |
022b05 |
(ATM MIB). However, including circuits from other MIB
Packit |
022b05 |
tables IS NOT prohibited."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciCircuitEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitFlow OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX CiFlowDirection
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The direction of data flow through the circuit for which
Packit |
022b05 |
the virtual interface is defined. The following define
Packit |
022b05 |
the information that the virtual interface will report.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
transmit(1) - Only transmitted frames
Packit |
022b05 |
receive(2) - Only received frames
Packit |
022b05 |
both(3) - Both transmitted and received frames.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
It is recommended that the ifDescr of the circuit
Packit |
022b05 |
interfaces that are not both(3) SHOULD have text warning
Packit |
022b05 |
the operators that the particular interface represents
Packit |
022b05 |
only half the traffic on the circuit."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciCircuitEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX RowStatus
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-create
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The status of the current row. This object is
Packit |
022b05 |
used to add, delete, and disable rows in this
Packit |
022b05 |
table. When the status changes to active(1), a row
Packit |
022b05 |
will also be added to the interface map table below
Packit |
022b05 |
and a row will be added to the ifTable. These rows
Packit |
022b05 |
SHOULD not be removed until the status is changed
Packit |
022b05 |
from active(1). The value of ifIndex for the row that
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
is added to the ifTable is determined by the agent
Packit |
022b05 |
and MUST follow the rules of the ifTable. The value
Packit |
022b05 |
of ifType for that interface will be frDlciEndPt(193)
Packit |
022b05 |
for a frame relay circuit, atmVciEndPt(194) for an
Packit |
022b05 |
ATM circuit, or another ifType defining the circuit
Packit |
022b05 |
type for any other circuit.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
When this object is set to destroy(6), the associated
Packit |
022b05 |
row in the interface map table will be removed and the
Packit |
022b05 |
ifIndex will be removed from the ifTable. Removing
Packit |
022b05 |
the ifIndex MAY initiate a chain of events that causes
Packit |
022b05 |
changes to other tables as well.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The rows added to this table MUST have a valid object
Packit |
022b05 |
identifier for ciCircuitObject. This means that the
Packit |
022b05 |
referenced object must exist and it must be in a table
Packit |
022b05 |
that supports circuits.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The object referenced by ciCircuitObject MUST exist
Packit |
022b05 |
prior to transitioning a row to active(1). If at any
Packit |
022b05 |
point the object referenced by ciCircuitObject does not
Packit |
022b05 |
exist or the row containing it is not in the active(1)
Packit |
022b05 |
state, the status SHOULD either age out the row or
Packit |
022b05 |
report notReady(3). The effects transitioning from
Packit |
022b05 |
active(1) to notReady(3) are the same as those caused
Packit |
022b05 |
by setting the status to destroy(6).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Each row in this table relies on information from other
Packit |
022b05 |
MIB modules. The rules persistence of data SHOULD follow
Packit |
022b05 |
the same rules as those of the underlying MIB module.
Packit |
022b05 |
For example, if the circuit defined by ciCircuitObject
Packit |
022b05 |
would normally be stored in non-volatile memory, then
Packit |
022b05 |
the row SHOULD also be non-volatile."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciCircuitEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The ifIndex that the agent assigns to this row."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciCircuitEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX TimeStamp
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This object returns the value of sysUpTime at the time
Packit |
022b05 |
the value of ciCircuitStatus last transitioned to
Packit |
022b05 |
active(1). If ciCircuitStatus has never been active(1),
Packit |
022b05 |
this object SHOULD return 0."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciCircuitEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX StorageType
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-create
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The storage type used for this row."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciCircuitEntry 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The Circuit Interface Map Table
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- This table maps the ifIndex values that are assigned to
Packit |
022b05 |
-- rows in the circuit table back to the objects that define
Packit |
022b05 |
-- the circuits.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The Circuit Interface Map Table."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciObjects 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"An entry in the Circuit Interface Map Table."
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { ifIndex }
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciIfMapTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
CiIfMapEntry ::=
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Mapped Object Variables
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciIfMapObject RowPointer,
Packit |
022b05 |
ciIfMapFlow CiFlowDirection
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX RowPointer
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This value contains the value of RowPointer that
Packit |
022b05 |
corresponds to the current ifIndex."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciIfMapEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX CiFlowDirection
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The value contains the value of ciCircuitFlow that
Packit |
022b05 |
corresponds to the current ifIndex."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciIfMapEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Change tracking metrics
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciIfLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX TimeStamp
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The value of sysUpTime at the most recent change to
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitStatus for any row in ciCircuitTable."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciObjects 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The number of active rows in ciCircuitTable."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciObjects 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Conformance Information
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciConformance 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
ciMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciConformance 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Compliance Statements
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The compliance statement for SNMP entities
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
which support of the Circuit Interfaces MIB module.
Packit |
022b05 |
This group defines the minimum level of support
Packit |
022b05 |
required for compliance."
Packit |
022b05 |
MODULE -- this module
Packit |
022b05 |
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciCircuitGroup,
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciStatsGroup }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
OBJECT ciCircuitStatus
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
Packit |
022b05 |
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Row creation can be done outside of the scope of
Packit |
022b05 |
the SNMP protocol. If this object is implemented with
Packit |
022b05 |
max-access of read-only, then the only value that MUST
Packit |
022b05 |
be returned is active(1)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
OBJECT ciCircuitStorageType
Packit |
022b05 |
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"It is legal to support ciCircuitStorageType as read-
Packit |
022b05 |
only as long as the value reported in consistent
Packit |
022b05 |
with the actual storage mechanism employed within the
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciMIBCompliances 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Units of Conformance
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ciCircuitGroup OBJECT-GROUP
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A collection of required objects providing
Packit |
022b05 |
information from the circuit table."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciMIBGroups 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A collection of required objects providing
Packit |
022b05 |
information from the interface map table."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciMIBGroups 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A collection of statistical metrics used to help manage
Packit |
022b05 |
the ciCircuitTable."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { ciMIBGroups 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |