Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
DisplayString, InstancePointer, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DateAndTime
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
mib-2, Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, TimeTicks,
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
LAST-UPDATED "9512150000Z"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Michael Allen
Packit |
022b05 |
Wall Data Inc.
Packit |
022b05 |
P.O.Box 1120
Packit |
022b05 |
Duval, WA 98019, USA
Packit |
022b05 |
Tel: 1 206 844 3505
Packit |
022b05 |
E-mail: mallen@hq.walldata.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Bob Clouston
Packit |
022b05 |
Cisco Systems
Packit |
022b05 |
7025 Kit Creek Road
Packit |
022b05 |
P.O. Box 14987
Packit |
022b05 |
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
Packit |
022b05 |
Tel: 1 919 472 2333
Packit |
022b05 |
E-mail: clouston@cisco.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Zbigniew Kielczewski
Packit |
022b05 |
Cisco Systems
Packit |
022b05 |
3100 Smoketree Court
Packit |
022b05 |
Raleigh, NC 27604, USA
Packit |
022b05 |
Tel: 1 919 871 6326
Packit |
022b05 |
E-mail: zbig@cisco.com
Packit |
022b05 |
William Kwan
Packit |
022b05 |
Jupiter Technology Inc.
Packit |
022b05 |
200 Prospect Street
Packit |
022b05 |
Waltham, MA 02254, USA
Packit |
022b05 |
Tel: 1 617 894 9300, x423
Packit |
022b05 |
E-mail: billk@jti.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Bob Moore
Packit |
022b05 |
IBM Corporation
Packit |
022b05 |
800 Park Offices Drive
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
P.O. Box 12195
Packit |
022b05 |
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
Packit |
022b05 |
Tel: 1 919 254 4436
Packit |
022b05 |
E-mail: remoore@ralvm6.vnet.ibm.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This is the MIB module for objects used to manage network
Packit |
022b05 |
devices with APPC capabilities."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { snanauMIB 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcMIB 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
appcGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcObjects 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcObjects 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcObjects 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
appcSession OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcObjects 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
appcConversation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcObjects 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCPIC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcObjects 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Objects in this MIB are used to model an SNA device that supports
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC LUs.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Following is the overall organization of the MIB.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- 1. APPC Global Objects - global values, defaults,
Packit |
022b05 |
-- controls (including CNOS)
Packit |
022b05 |
-- 2. APPC Defined Lu Tables - Admin and Oper
Packit |
022b05 |
-- 3. APPC Defined LU Pair Tables - Admin and Oper
Packit |
022b05 |
-- 4. APPC Mode Tables - Admin and Oper
Packit |
022b05 |
-- 5. APPC TP Tables - Admin only
Packit |
022b05 |
-- 6. APPC Session Tables - Active, Stats, History, RTP
Packit |
022b05 |
-- 7. APPC Conversation Table - Active, History
Packit |
022b05 |
-- 8. APPC CPIC side info - Admin and Oper
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Textual Convention
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"To facilitate their display by a Management Station, sense
Packit |
022b05 |
data objects in the MIB are represented as DisplayStrings of
Packit |
022b05 |
size 8. Eight '0' characters indicates that no sense data
Packit |
022b05 |
identifying an SNA error condition is available."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (8))
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC Control Objects
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The following objects allow:
Packit |
022b05 |
-- * the collection of APPC Session information counters
Packit |
022b05 |
-- to be started and stopped
Packit |
022b05 |
-- * the collection of APPC Session RSCVs
Packit |
022b05 |
-- to be started and stopped
Packit |
022b05 |
-- * the collection of APPC tracing information to be started and
Packit |
022b05 |
-- stopped
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- These objects are for implementations that wish to provide
Packit |
022b05 |
-- this level of operational control. This group is
Packit |
022b05 |
-- conditionally mandatory in the conformance section of the MIB.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Control Admin
Packit |
022b05 |
-- These objects contain the desired states for the controls.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The actual states are in the Oper objects.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlAdminGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcGlobal 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlAdminStat OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates the desired state of statistics collection:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notActive collection of counters is not active.
Packit |
022b05 |
active collection of counters is active.
Packit |
022b05 |
When this object is set to notActive, all of the entries are
Packit |
022b05 |
removed from the appcSessStatsTable."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlAdminGroup 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlAdminRscv OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates the desired state of RSCV information collection:
Packit |
022b05 |
notActive collection of route selection control vectors
Packit |
022b05 |
is not active.
Packit |
022b05 |
active collection of route selection control vectors
Packit |
022b05 |
is active."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlAdminGroup 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlAdminTrace OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates the desired state of tracing:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notActive collection of tracing information is not active
Packit |
022b05 |
active collection of tracing information is active"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlAdminGroup 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlAdminTraceParm OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the parameter to be used in conjunction with
Packit |
022b05 |
activating tracing. The actual content is implementation
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlAdminGroup 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Control Oper
Packit |
022b05 |
-- These objects contain the actual states of the controls.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlOperGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcGlobal 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlOperStat OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates the current collection options in effect:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notActive collection of counters is not active.
Packit |
022b05 |
active collection of counters is active.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Statistical entries are present in the appcSessStatsTable
Packit |
022b05 |
only when the value of this object is 'active'."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlOperGroup 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlOperStatTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX TimeTicks
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Time since the appcCntrlOperStat object last changed.
Packit |
022b05 |
This time is in hundreds of a second."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlOperGroup 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlOperRscv OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates the current collection options in effect:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notActive collection of route selection control vectors
Packit |
022b05 |
is not active.
Packit |
022b05 |
active collection of route selection control vectors
Packit |
022b05 |
is active."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlOperGroup 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlOperRscvTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX TimeTicks
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Time since the appcCntrlOperRscv object last changed.
Packit |
022b05 |
This time is in hundreds of a second."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlOperGroup 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlOperTrace OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates the current state of tracing:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notActive collection of tracing information is not active.
Packit |
022b05 |
active collection of tracing information is active."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlOperGroup 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlOperTraceTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX TimeTicks
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Time since the appcCntrlOperTrace object last changed.
Packit |
022b05 |
This time is in hundreds of a second."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlOperGroup 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCntrlOperTraceParm OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the parameter used in conjunction with activating
Packit |
022b05 |
tracing. The actual content is implementation dependent."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCntrlOperGroup 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ******************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC global settings
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ******************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcGlobalObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcGlobal 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX TimeTicks
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The time, in hundredths of a second, since the
Packit |
022b05 |
APPC portion of the system was last reinitialized."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcDefaultModeName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the mode name to be used under the following
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
When an incoming BIND request contains a mode name not
Packit |
022b05 |
defined at the local node. The parameters defined for
Packit |
022b05 |
this mode are used for the inbound implicit mode
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
When an APPC program issues an [MC_]ALLOCATE,
Packit |
022b05 |
[MC_]SEND_CONVERSATION, or CNOS verb, or when a CPI-C
Packit |
022b05 |
program issues an Allocate (CMALLC) call,
Packit |
022b05 |
specifying a mode name not defined at the local node. The
Packit |
022b05 |
parameters defined for this mode are used for the outbound
Packit |
022b05 |
implicit mode capability.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This mode name must match a defined entry in the
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcDefaultLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the name of the local LU that is to serve as the
Packit |
022b05 |
default LU. This is the default LU to which are routed inbound
Packit |
022b05 |
BIND requests that exclude the secondary LU name. This field
Packit |
022b05 |
is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.)
Packit |
022b05 |
which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is
Packit |
022b05 |
present. This local LU name must match a defined entry in the
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcDefaultImplInbndPlu OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether or not inbound implicit partner LU support
Packit |
022b05 |
is enabled. The following values are defined:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
no - Specifies that inbound implicit partner LU support
Packit |
022b05 |
is disabled, which means that an incoming bind that
Packit |
022b05 |
specifies a partner LU that is not defined at the
Packit |
022b05 |
local node will be rejected.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
yes - Specifies that inbound implicit partner LU support
Packit |
022b05 |
is enabled, which provides the capability to accept
Packit |
022b05 |
an incoming BIND request that contains a partner LU
Packit |
022b05 |
name that is not defined at the local node."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcDefaultMaxMcLlSndSize OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum size of a logical record to be used for
Packit |
022b05 |
a mapped conversation when sending data to either the inbound
Packit |
022b05 |
or outbound implicit partner LU. This size is the maximum
Packit |
022b05 |
number of bytes in a single logical record, as indicated in the
Packit |
022b05 |
LL field of the record. The default value is 32767.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Note that this object does not limit the maximum size that an
Packit |
022b05 |
application program can supply on the Send Data call for a
Packit |
022b05 |
mapped conversation."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcDefaultFileSpec OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The local file specification that is to be searched by the
Packit |
022b05 |
APPC attach manager when no DEFINE_TP verb has been issued
Packit |
022b05 |
for the TP name received on an incoming attach. In this
Packit |
022b05 |
case, the attach manager will attempt to start a program
Packit |
022b05 |
whose file name is the same as the incoming TP name. If
Packit |
022b05 |
found, the program is loaded. If not found, the attach is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The value '*' indicates that the normal search path for
Packit |
022b05 |
executable programs is to be used for locating an undefined
Packit |
022b05 |
transaction program.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
A null string indicates that there is no default file
Packit |
022b05 |
specification for undefined transaction programs."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcDefaultTpOperation OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies how the program will be started.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
other - Specifies that the default TP operation is none of
Packit |
022b05 |
the methods specified below. It may be a
Packit |
022b05 |
product-specific method.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
queuedOperatorStarted - Specifies that one version of the
Packit |
022b05 |
program will be run at a time. If an incoming
Packit |
022b05 |
attach arrives and the program has not been started
Packit |
022b05 |
yet, APPC will issue a message to the operator to
Packit |
022b05 |
start the specified program. Subsequent attaches
Packit |
022b05 |
that arrive while the program is active will be
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
queuedOperatorPreloaded - Specifies that one version
Packit |
022b05 |
of the program will be run at a time. If an
Packit |
022b05 |
incoming attach arrives and the program has not
Packit |
022b05 |
been started yet, the Attach will be rejected. The
Packit |
022b05 |
APPC attach manager determines that a TP has
Packit |
022b05 |
started upon reception of an APPC RECEIVE_ALLOCATE
Packit |
022b05 |
verb, or a CPI-C Accept_Conversation (CMACCP) or
Packit |
022b05 |
Specify_Local_TP_Name (CMSLTP) call. No message is
Packit |
022b05 |
sent to the operator. Subsequent attaches that
Packit |
022b05 |
arrive while the program is active are queued.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
queuedAmStarted - Specifies that one version of the
Packit |
022b05 |
program will be run at a time and will be started
Packit |
022b05 |
by the APPC attach manager. Subsequent attaches
Packit |
022b05 |
that arrive while the program is active will be
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
nonqueuedAmStarted - Specifies that multiple copies of
Packit |
022b05 |
the program will be run at a time and will be
Packit |
022b05 |
started by the APPC attach manager. "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcDefaultTpConvSecRqd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether or not conversation security will be used
Packit |
022b05 |
for default TPs.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
no - Specifies that the incoming attach does not have to
Packit |
022b05 |
contain security information.
Packit |
022b05 |
yes - Specifies that the incoming attach must contain
Packit |
022b05 |
valid authentication information (e.g., user ID and
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLocalCpName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the name of the local control point. This field is
Packit |
022b05 |
from 0 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which
Packit |
022b05 |
separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
A null string indicates that the value is unknown."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 9 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActiveSessions OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the total number of active APPC sessions supported
Packit |
022b05 |
by this implementation. Sessions for which both LUs are local
Packit |
022b05 |
are counted twice."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 10 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActiveHprSessions OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the total number of active HPR APPC sessions."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcGlobalObjects 11 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ******************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC CNOS control
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- This group contains objects for issuing APPC Change-Number-of-Session
Packit |
022b05 |
-- (CNOS) commands to a specific mode. Specifically, the commands
Packit |
022b05 |
-- supported are:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ******************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appcGlobal 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosCommand OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the CNOS command or verb to issue. First set the
Packit |
022b05 |
values of the particular CNOS parameter objects (from the range
Packit |
022b05 |
{ appcCnosControl 2 } through { appcCnosControl 8 }) that apply
Packit |
022b05 |
to the CNOS command to be executed, set the three CNOS target
Packit |
022b05 |
objects ({ appcCnosControl 9 } through { appcCnosControl 11 }),
Packit |
022b05 |
then set this object to the command to be executed.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Here is the list of parameter objects that must be set for each
Packit |
022b05 |
of the CNOS commands:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosMaxSessLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum value that the local LU is to use,
Packit |
022b05 |
during CNOS processing, for the session limit. The local LU,
Packit |
022b05 |
as a target LU, will negotiate a higher session limit it
Packit |
022b05 |
receives in the CNOS request down to this maximum value. The
Packit |
022b05 |
local LU, as a source LU, will restrict the session limit it
Packit |
022b05 |
sends in a CNOS request to a value less than or equal to this
Packit |
022b05 |
maximum value.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
If set (i.e., greater than 0), this overrides the maximum
Packit |
022b05 |
session limit defined in the appcModeAdminTable.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter should be set to the desired value before
Packit |
022b05 |
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies to the INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT and
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
DEFVAL { 0 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosMinCwinLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the default minimum contention winner sessions
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter should be set to the desired value before
Packit |
022b05 |
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies to the INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT and
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
DEFVAL { 0 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosMinClosLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the default minimum contention loser sessions limit.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter should be set to the desired value before
Packit |
022b05 |
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies to the INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT and
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
DEFVAL { 0 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosDrainSelf OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether the local LU is draining its conversations
Packit |
022b05 |
for this mode. When a mode session limit is reset (via a CNOS
Packit |
022b05 |
RESET_SESSION_LIMIT request), the local LU could be set to
Packit |
022b05 |
process all queued conversations before deactivating all of the
Packit |
022b05 |
sessions (using the SNA Bracket Initiation Stopped or BIS
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter should be set to the desired value before
Packit |
022b05 |
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies only to the RESET_SESSION_LIMIT verb."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
DEFVAL { no }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosDrainPart OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether the partner LU is draining its conversations
Packit |
022b05 |
for this mode. When a mode session limit is reset (via a CNOS
Packit |
022b05 |
RESET_SESSION_LIMIT request), the partner LU could be set to
Packit |
022b05 |
process all queued conversations before deactivating all of the
Packit |
022b05 |
sessions (using the SNA Bracket Initiation Stop or BIS
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter should be set to the desired value before
Packit |
022b05 |
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies only to the RESET_SESSION_LIMIT verb."
Packit |
022b05 |
DEFVAL { yes }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosResponsible OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies which LU is responsible for selecting and
Packit |
022b05 |
deactivating sessions as a result of a change that decreases
Packit |
022b05 |
the session limit or the maximum number of contention winner
Packit |
022b05 |
sessions for the source or target LU. If no session need to be
Packit |
022b05 |
deactivated, this parameter is ignored.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
source - specifies that the source (local) LU is
Packit |
022b05 |
responsible. The target (partner) LU
Packit |
022b05 |
cannot negotiate this value.
Packit |
022b05 |
target - specifies that the target (partner) LU is
Packit |
022b05 |
responsible. The target LU can negotiate
Packit |
022b05 |
this value to source.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter should be set to the desired value before
Packit |
022b05 |
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies to the RESET_SESSION_LIMIT and
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
DEFVAL { source }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosForce OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether the local LU should force the resetting of
Packit |
022b05 |
the session limit when certain error conditions occur that
Packit |
022b05 |
prevent the successful exchange of CNOS request and reply.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter should be set to the desired value before
Packit |
022b05 |
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies only to the RESET_SESSION_LIMIT verb."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
DEFVAL { no }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosTargetLocLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the local LU to which the CNOS command is
Packit |
022b05 |
to be applied. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
Packit |
022b05 |
length, including a period (.) which separates the
Packit |
022b05 |
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This object should be set to the desired value before setting
Packit |
022b05 |
the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies to all CNOS verbs."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 9 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosTargetParLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the partner LU to which the CNOS command is
Packit |
022b05 |
to be applied. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
Packit |
022b05 |
length, including a period (.) which separates the
Packit |
022b05 |
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This object should be set to the desired value before setting
Packit |
022b05 |
the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies to all CNOS verbs."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 10 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosTargetModeName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-write
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the mode name to which the CNOS command is to be
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This object should be set to the desired value before setting
Packit |
022b05 |
the command (appcCnosCommand).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This parameter applies to all CNOS verbs."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcCnosControl 11 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC LU information
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Local LU
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Partner LU
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Mode
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC Local LU
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The entries in the following tables provide information for
Packit |
022b05 |
-- independent and dependent LU 6.2.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC Local LU Admin Table
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Objects in this table contain default or expected configuration
Packit |
022b05 |
-- values for local 6.2 LUs.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"APPC Local LU Admin Table."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLu 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX AppcLluAdminEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Information about local APPC LUs. "
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { appcLluAdminName }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
AppcLluAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminDepType INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminLocalAddress OCTET STRING,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminSessLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminBindRspMayQ INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminCompression INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminInBoundCompLevel INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminOutBoundCompLevel INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminCompRleBeforeLZ INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminAlias DisplayString
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the name of the local LU. This field is from 1 to
Packit |
022b05 |
17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
Packit |
022b05 |
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminDepType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This value identifies whether the LU is dependent or
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The local address for this LU is a byte with a value ranging
Packit |
022b05 |
from 0 to 254. For dependent LUs, this value ranges from 1 to
Packit |
022b05 |
254; for independent LUs this value is always 0."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminSessLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The maximum number of sessions supported by this LU."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminBindRspMayQ OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates whether or not the local LU, as the sender of a BIND
Packit |
022b05 |
request, allows a partner partner LU to delay sending the BIND
Packit |
022b05 |
response if the partner LU cannot process the BIND request
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminCompression OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether compression is supported. The local LU uses
Packit |
022b05 |
this value for negotiation during session activation
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
prohibited - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
required - specifies that compression is required.
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiable - specifies that the usage of compression
Packit |
022b05 |
is to be negotiated between the LUs. The
Packit |
022b05 |
level of compression is also negotiated."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminInBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
inbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction with
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminCompression for negotiation during session
Packit |
022b05 |
activation (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
Packit |
022b05 |
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for each repeated run of the same character.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
Packit |
022b05 |
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
Packit |
022b05 |
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
Packit |
022b05 |
indices that refer to entries in a common
Packit |
022b05 |
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
Packit |
022b05 |
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
Packit |
022b05 |
The larger number bits used for the code, the more
Packit |
022b05 |
storage space is required for the dictionary, but
Packit |
022b05 |
the larger the compression ratio.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminOutBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
outbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction
Packit |
022b05 |
with appcLluAdminCompression for negotiation during session
Packit |
022b05 |
activation (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
Packit |
022b05 |
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for each repeated run of the same character.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
Packit |
022b05 |
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
Packit |
022b05 |
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
Packit |
022b05 |
indices that refer to entries in a common
Packit |
022b05 |
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
Packit |
022b05 |
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
Packit |
022b05 |
The larger of number bits used for the code, the
Packit |
022b05 |
more storage space is required for the dictionary,
Packit |
022b05 |
but the larger the compression ratio.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminCompRleBeforeLZ OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether run-length encoding is to be applied to the
Packit |
022b05 |
data before applying Lempel-Ziv-like compression. The local LU
Packit |
022b05 |
uses this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
Packit |
022b05 |
BIND). This parameter is only supported if LZ compression is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 9 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluAdminAlias OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A local alias for the local LU. If not known or
Packit |
022b05 |
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluAdminEntry 10 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC Local LU Oper Table
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Objects in this table contain current operational values, such
Packit |
022b05 |
-- as state values or negotiated parameters, for local 6.2 LUs.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"APPC Local LU Operational Table."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLu 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX AppcLluOperEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Information about local APPC LUs."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { appcLluOperName }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
AppcLluOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperDepType INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperLocalAddress OCTET STRING,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperSessLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperBindRspMayQ INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperCompression INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperInBoundCompLevel INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperOutBoundCompLevel INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperCompRleBeforeLZ INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperAlias DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperActiveSessions Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the name of the local LU. This field is from 1 to
Packit |
022b05 |
17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
Packit |
022b05 |
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperDepType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This value identifies whether the LU is dependent or
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The local address for this LU is a byte with a value ranging
Packit |
022b05 |
from 0 to 254. For dependent LUs, this value ranges from 1 to
Packit |
022b05 |
254; for independent LUs this value is always 0."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperSessLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The maximum number of sessions supported by this LU."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperBindRspMayQ OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates whether or not the local LU, as the sender of a BIND
Packit |
022b05 |
request, allows a partner LU to delay sending the BIND
Packit |
022b05 |
response if the partner LU cannot process the BIND request
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperCompression OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether compression is supported. The local LU uses
Packit |
022b05 |
this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
prohibited - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
required - specifies that compression is required.
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiable - specifies that the usage of compression
Packit |
022b05 |
is to be negotiated between the LUs. The
Packit |
022b05 |
level of compression is also negotiated."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperInBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
inbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction with
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperCompression for negotiation during session
Packit |
022b05 |
activation (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
Packit |
022b05 |
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for each repeated run of the same character.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
Packit |
022b05 |
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
Packit |
022b05 |
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
Packit |
022b05 |
indices that refer to entries in a common
Packit |
022b05 |
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
Packit |
022b05 |
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
Packit |
022b05 |
The larger of number bits used for the code, the
Packit |
022b05 |
more storage space is required for the dictionary,
Packit |
022b05 |
but the larger the compression ratio.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperOutBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
outbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction
Packit |
022b05 |
with appcLluAdminCompression for negotiation during session
Packit |
022b05 |
activation (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
Packit |
022b05 |
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for each repeated run of the same character.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
Packit |
022b05 |
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
Packit |
022b05 |
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
Packit |
022b05 |
indices that refer to entries in a common
Packit |
022b05 |
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
Packit |
022b05 |
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
Packit |
022b05 |
The larger of number bits used for the code, the
Packit |
022b05 |
more storage space is required for the dictionary,
Packit |
022b05 |
but the larger the compression ratio.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperCompRleBeforeLZ OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether run-length encoding is to be applied to the
Packit |
022b05 |
data before applying Lempel-Ziv-like compression. The local LU
Packit |
022b05 |
uses this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
Packit |
022b05 |
BIND). This parameter is only supported if LZ compression is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 9 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperAlias OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A local alias for the local LU. If not known or
Packit |
022b05 |
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 10 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLluOperActiveSessions OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the total number of active APPC sessions for this
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLluOperEntry 11 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC LU Pair Admin Table
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Objects in this table contain default or expected configuration
Packit |
022b05 |
-- values for 6.2 LU pairs. An LU pair consists of a local LU and
Packit |
022b05 |
-- a partner LU, which may or may not be local.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"APPC Partner LU administrative Table"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLu 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX AppcLuPairAdminEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Entry of APPC Partner LU Information Table.
Packit |
022b05 |
It is indexed by the local and partner LU Names."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { appcLuPairAdminLocLuName,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminParLuName }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
AppcLuPairAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminLocLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminParLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminParLuAlias DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminSessLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminSessSec INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminSecAccept INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminLinkObjId InstancePointer,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminParaSessSup INTEGER
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminLocLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the local LU to which this partner LU
Packit |
022b05 |
definition applies. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
Packit |
022b05 |
length, including a period (.) which separates the
Packit |
022b05 |
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the partner LU
Packit |
022b05 |
definition applies to all local LUs, and not just to a single
Packit |
022b05 |
local LU."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminParLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the partner LU.
Packit |
022b05 |
This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
Packit |
022b05 |
length, including a period (.) which separates the
Packit |
022b05 |
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminParLuAlias OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A local alias for the partner LU. If not known or
Packit |
022b05 |
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminSessLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The maximum number of sessions supported by this partner LU."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminSessSec OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the type of session-level security information that
Packit |
022b05 |
a local LU will accept on BIND requests it receives from the
Packit |
022b05 |
partner LU.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
required - Specifies that the BIND request must carry
Packit |
022b05 |
session level verification information that
Packit |
022b05 |
will be verified upon receipt.
Packit |
022b05 |
accepted - Specifies that the BIND request may carry
Packit |
022b05 |
session level verification information that
Packit |
022b05 |
will be verified upon receipt.
Packit |
022b05 |
notAllowed - Specifies that the BIND request must not carry
Packit |
022b05 |
session level verification information."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminSecAccept OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies support for different levels of access security
Packit |
022b05 |
information in ATTACH requests received from this partner LU.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Possible values are:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - No access security information will be
Packit |
022b05 |
accepted on allocation requests (ATTACH) from
Packit |
022b05 |
this LU.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
- Allocation requests will not be accepted that
Packit |
022b05 |
include already verified or persistent
Packit |
022b05 |
verification indicators. Accept
Packit |
022b05 |
conversation-level access security
Packit |
022b05 |
information, which must include both a user
Packit |
022b05 |
Id and password, and may also include a
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
- Allocation requests will be accepted that
Packit |
022b05 |
include already verified indicators.
Packit |
022b05 |
Persistent verification indicators will not
Packit |
022b05 |
be accepted.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
- Allocation requests will be accepted that
Packit |
022b05 |
include persistent verification indicators.
Packit |
022b05 |
Already verified indicators will not be
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
aVandpV - Allocation requests will be accepted that
Packit |
022b05 |
include already verified or persistent
Packit |
022b05 |
verification indicators."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminEntry 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminLinkObjId OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX InstancePointer
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the link associated with this partner LU. This
Packit |
022b05 |
value points to the row in the table containing information on
Packit |
022b05 |
the link instance. (e.g., the sdlcLSAdminTable of the SNA DLC
Packit |
022b05 |
MIB module). This object may be NULL if the link is not
Packit |
022b05 |
specified or if a link is not applicable (as for APPN-level
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminEntry 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminParaSessSup OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Defined Parallel Sessions Supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Indicates whether or not multiple sessions between the partner
Packit |
022b05 |
LU and its associated local LU are permitted. Parallel session
Packit |
022b05 |
support also indicates that Change Number of Sessions (CNOS)
Packit |
022b05 |
will be used to negotiate session limits between the LUs."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairAdminEntry 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC LU Pair Oper Table
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Objects in this table contain current operational values, such
Packit |
022b05 |
-- as state values or negotiated parameters, for 6.2 LU pairs.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Table of active partner/local LU pairs. Two entries are
Packit |
022b05 |
present in the table when both LUs in a pair are local."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLu 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX AppcLuPairOperEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Entry representing one partner/local LU pair."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { appcLuPairOperLocLuName,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParLuName }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
AppcLuPairOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperLocLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParLuAlias DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperSessLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperSessSec INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperSecAccept INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperLinkObjId InstancePointer,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParaSessSup INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParaSessSupLS INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperState INTEGER
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperLocLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the local LU. This field is from 1 to 17
Packit |
022b05 |
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
Packit |
022b05 |
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
If this object has the same value as appcLluOperName,
Packit |
022b05 |
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same
Packit |
022b05 |
resource (specifically, to the same local LU)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the partner LU.
Packit |
022b05 |
This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
Packit |
022b05 |
length, including a period (.) which separates the
Packit |
022b05 |
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParLuAlias OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A local alias for the partner LU. If not known or
Packit |
022b05 |
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperSessLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The maximum number of sessions supported by this partner LU."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperSessSec OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the type of security information that a local LU
Packit |
022b05 |
will accept on BIND requests it receives from the partner LU.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
required - Specifies that the BIND request must carry
Packit |
022b05 |
session level verification information that
Packit |
022b05 |
will be verified upon receipt.
Packit |
022b05 |
accepted - Specifies that the BIND request may carry
Packit |
022b05 |
session level verification information that
Packit |
022b05 |
will be verified upon receipt.
Packit |
022b05 |
notAllowed - Specifies that the BIND request must not carry
Packit |
022b05 |
session level verification information."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperSecAccept OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies support for different levels of security acceptance
Packit |
022b05 |
information in ATTACH requests received from this partner LU.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Possible values are:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - No access security information will be
Packit |
022b05 |
accepted on allocation requests (ATTACH) from
Packit |
022b05 |
this LU.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
- Allocation requests will not be accepted that
Packit |
022b05 |
include already verified or persistent
Packit |
022b05 |
verification indicators. Accept
Packit |
022b05 |
conversation-level access security
Packit |
022b05 |
information, which must include both a user
Packit |
022b05 |
Id and password, and may also include a
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
- Allocation requests will be accepted that
Packit |
022b05 |
include already verified indicators.
Packit |
022b05 |
Persistent verification indicators will not
Packit |
022b05 |
be accepted.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
- Allocation requests will be accepted that
Packit |
022b05 |
include persistent verification indicators.
Packit |
022b05 |
Already verified indicators will not be
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
aVandpV - Allocation requests will be accepted that
Packit |
022b05 |
include already verified or persistent
Packit |
022b05 |
verification indicators."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperLinkObjId OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX InstancePointer
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the link associated with this partner LU. This
Packit |
022b05 |
value points to the row in the table containing information on
Packit |
022b05 |
the link instance. (e.g., the sdlcLSAdminTable of the SNA DLC
Packit |
022b05 |
MIB module). This object may be NULL if the link is not
Packit |
022b05 |
specified or if a link is not applicable (as for APPN-level
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParaSessSup OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Active Parallel Sessions Supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Indicates whether or not multiple session between the partner
Packit |
022b05 |
LU and its associated local LU are permitted. Parallel
Packit |
022b05 |
session support also indicates that Change Number of Sessions
Packit |
022b05 |
(CNOS) will be used to negotiate session limits between the
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParaSessSupLS OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Active Parallel Sessions Supported - last starting value.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This object represents the initial value proposed by the local
Packit |
022b05 |
LU the last time this capability was negotiated, i.e., when
Packit |
022b05 |
the first session was bound between the local LU and its
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 9 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperState OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
inactive (1),
Packit |
022b05 |
active (2)
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The value identifies the current operational state of this LU
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
inactive (1) - no active or pending session exists
Packit |
022b05 |
between the LUs.
Packit |
022b05 |
active (2) - an active or pending session exists
Packit |
022b05 |
between the LUs."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLuPairOperEntry 10 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC Mode Admin Table
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Objects in this table contain default or expected configuration
Packit |
022b05 |
-- values for session modes.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Modes that have active sessions appear in the appcModeOperTable.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"APPC Mode Table"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLu 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX AppcModeAdminEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Entry of APPC Mode Information Table."
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { appcModeAdminLocLuName,
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminModeName }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
AppcModeAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminLocLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminParLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminModeName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCosName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSessEndTpName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminMaxSessLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminMinCwinLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminMinClosLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminConWinAutoActLmt Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminRecvPacWinSz Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSendPacWinSz Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminPrefRecvRuSz Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminPrefSendRuSz Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminRecvRuSzUpBnd Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSendRuSzUpBnd Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminRecvRuSzLoBnd Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSendRuSzLoBnd Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSingSessReinit INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCompression INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminInBoundCompLevel INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminOutBoundCompLevel INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCompRleBeforeLZ INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSyncLvl INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCrypto INTEGER
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminLocLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the local LU to which this mode definition
Packit |
022b05 |
applies. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in length,
Packit |
022b05 |
including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the
Packit |
022b05 |
NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the mode definition
Packit |
022b05 |
applies to all local LUs for the SNA node identified by
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLocalCpName, and not just to a single local LU."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminParLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the partner LU to which this mode definition
Packit |
022b05 |
applies. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in length,
Packit |
022b05 |
including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the
Packit |
022b05 |
NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the mode definition
Packit |
022b05 |
applies to all partner LUs for the SNA node identified by
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminLocLuName, and not just to a single partner LU."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminModeName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the mode name. A mode defines the characteristics
Packit |
022b05 |
for a group of sessions. The mode name can be blank (8
Packit |
022b05 |
space characters). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCosName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the class of service (COS) name associated with
Packit |
022b05 |
this mode. If the implementation does not support COS names,
Packit |
022b05 |
a null string is returned."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSessEndTpName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the name of the transaction program (TP) to be
Packit |
022b05 |
invoked when a session using this mode is deactivated or ended.
Packit |
022b05 |
If no such TP is defined, this object is a null string. When
Packit |
022b05 |
the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC code
Packit |
022b05 |
points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII display
Packit |
022b05 |
string. However, registered TP names always have a non-
Packit |
022b05 |
displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal to
Packit |
022b05 |
x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be directly
Packit |
022b05 |
mapped to an ASCII display string. These TP names are
Packit |
022b05 |
converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
Packit |
022b05 |
hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points. For example,
Packit |
022b05 |
the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to the 6-byte
Packit |
022b05 |
ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two single quotes).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminMaxSessLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum value that the local LU is to use,
Packit |
022b05 |
during CNOS processing, for the session limit. The local LU,
Packit |
022b05 |
as a target LU, will negotiate a higher session limit it
Packit |
022b05 |
receives in the CNOS request down to this maximum value. The
Packit |
022b05 |
local LU, as a source LU, will restrict the session limit it
Packit |
022b05 |
sends in a CNOS request to a value less than or equal to this
Packit |
022b05 |
maximum value."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminMinCwinLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the default minimum contention winner sessions
Packit |
022b05 |
limit. Some implementations internally issue a
Packit |
022b05 |
INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT verb when a Mode is created. This
Packit |
022b05 |
value is the parameter used for the CNOS processing of that
Packit |
022b05 |
verb. This parameter is not used when issuing an explicit
Packit |
022b05 |
INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT verb. The equivalent object in
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosCommandTable is used."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminMinClosLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the default minimum contention loser sessions limit.
Packit |
022b05 |
Some implementations internally issue a
Packit |
022b05 |
INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT verb when a Mode is created. This
Packit |
022b05 |
value is the parameter used for the CNOS processing of that
Packit |
022b05 |
verb. This is the same as target minimum contention winner
Packit |
022b05 |
sessions. This parameter is not used when issuing an explicit
Packit |
022b05 |
INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT verb. The equivalent object in
Packit |
022b05 |
appcCnosCommandTable is used."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminConWinAutoActLmt OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the limit on the number of contention winner
Packit |
022b05 |
sessions to be automatically activated when the minimum number
Packit |
022b05 |
of contention winner sessions increases (as a result of CNOS
Packit |
022b05 |
processing). The actual number of sessions activated is the
Packit |
022b05 |
lesser of this value and the new minimum number of contention
Packit |
022b05 |
winner sessions. "
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 9 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminRecvPacWinSz OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the size of the receive pacing window. This value is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The meaning of this value when set to 0 depends on whether
Packit |
022b05 |
adaptive pacing is supported:
Packit |
022b05 |
adaptive pacing No limit on window size
Packit |
022b05 |
fixed pacing No pacing is supported"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 10 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSendPacWinSz OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the size of the send pacing window. This value is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The meaning of this value when set to 0 depends on whether
Packit |
022b05 |
adaptive pacing is supported:
Packit |
022b05 |
adaptive pacing No limit on window size
Packit |
022b05 |
fixed pacing No pacing is supported"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 11 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminPrefRecvRuSz OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the preferred receive RU (Request Unit) size of
Packit |
022b05 |
normal-flow requests on the sessions. This value must be less
Packit |
022b05 |
than or equal to the value specified in
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminRecvRuSzUpBnd and greater than or equal to the
Packit |
022b05 |
value specified in appcModeAdminRecvRuSzLoBnd.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The local LU specifies this value for the receive maximum RU
Packit |
022b05 |
size in session activation (SNA BIND) requests and responses.
Packit |
022b05 |
It will allow negotiation up to the appcModeAdminRecvRuSzUpBnd
Packit |
022b05 |
value or down to the appcModeAdminRecvRuSzLoBnd value."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 12 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminPrefSendRuSz OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the preferred send RU (Request Unit) size of normal-
Packit |
022b05 |
flow requests on the sessions. This value must be less than or
Packit |
022b05 |
equal to the value specified in appcModeAdminSendRuSzUpBnd and
Packit |
022b05 |
greater than or equal to the value specified in
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The local LU specifies this value for the send maximum RU
Packit |
022b05 |
size in session activation (SNA BIND) requests and responses.
Packit |
022b05 |
It will allow negotiation up to the appcModeAdminSendRuSzUpBnd
Packit |
022b05 |
value or down to the appcModeAdminSendRuSzLoBnd value."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 13 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminRecvRuSzUpBnd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the upper bound for the maximum receive RU
Packit |
022b05 |
(Request Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used
Packit |
022b05 |
for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 14 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSendRuSzUpBnd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the upper bound for the maximum send RU (Request
Packit |
022b05 |
Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used for
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 15 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminRecvRuSzLoBnd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the lower bound for the maximum receive RU (Request
Packit |
022b05 |
Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used for
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 16 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSendRuSzLoBnd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the lower bound for the maximum send RU (Request
Packit |
022b05 |
Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used for
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 17 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSingSessReinit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the responsibility for session reinitiation of a
Packit |
022b05 |
single session with the partner LU (when the session goes
Packit |
022b05 |
down). The local LU uses this parameter to specify the session
Packit |
022b05 |
reinitiation responsibility in session activation (SNA BIND)
Packit |
022b05 |
requests and responses.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notApplicable - specifies that this parameter has
Packit |
022b05 |
no meaning since the value of
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairAdminParaSessSup is yes.
Packit |
022b05 |
The field in the SNA BIND is
Packit |
022b05 |
reserved (set to zero).
Packit |
022b05 |
operatorControlled - specifies that neither LU will
Packit |
022b05 |
automatically attempt to reinitiate
Packit |
022b05 |
the session. The operator on either
Packit |
022b05 |
side will manually reactivate the
Packit |
022b05 |
session. A contention race (both
Packit |
022b05 |
side reinitiating at the same time)
Packit |
022b05 |
is won by the LU with the
Packit |
022b05 |
lexicographically greater fully-
Packit |
022b05 |
qualified LU name.
Packit |
022b05 |
primaryOnly - specifies that the primary LU will
Packit |
022b05 |
automatically attempt to reinitiate
Packit |
022b05 |
the session.
Packit |
022b05 |
secondaryOnly - specifies that the secondary LU will
Packit |
022b05 |
automatically attempt to reinitiate
Packit |
022b05 |
the session.
Packit |
022b05 |
primaryOrSecondary - specifies that either the primary or
Packit |
022b05 |
the secondary may automatically
Packit |
022b05 |
attempt to reinitiate the session.
Packit |
022b05 |
A contention race is handled the
Packit |
022b05 |
same way as with operatorControlled.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 18 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCompression OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether compression is supported. The local LU uses
Packit |
022b05 |
this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
prohibited - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
required - specifies that compression is required.
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiable - specifies that the usage of compression
Packit |
022b05 |
is to be negotiated between the LUs. The
Packit |
022b05 |
level of compression is also negotiated."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 19 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminInBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
inbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction with
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCompression for negotiation during session
Packit |
022b05 |
activation (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
Packit |
022b05 |
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for each repeated run of the same character.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
Packit |
022b05 |
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
Packit |
022b05 |
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
Packit |
022b05 |
indices that refer to entries in a common
Packit |
022b05 |
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
Packit |
022b05 |
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
Packit |
022b05 |
The larger of number bits used for the code, the
Packit |
022b05 |
more storage space is required for the dictionary,
Packit |
022b05 |
but the larger the compression ratio.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 20 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminOutBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
outbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction
Packit |
022b05 |
with appcModeAdminCompression for negotiation during session
Packit |
022b05 |
activation (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
Packit |
022b05 |
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for each repeated run of the same character.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
Packit |
022b05 |
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
Packit |
022b05 |
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
Packit |
022b05 |
indices that refer to entries in a common
Packit |
022b05 |
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
Packit |
022b05 |
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
Packit |
022b05 |
The larger of number bits used for the code, the
Packit |
022b05 |
more storage space is required for the dictionary,
Packit |
022b05 |
but the larger the compression ratio.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 21 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCompRleBeforeLZ OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether run-length encoding is to be applied to the
Packit |
022b05 |
data before applying Lempel-Ziv-like compression. The local LU
Packit |
022b05 |
uses this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
Packit |
022b05 |
BIND). This parameter is only supported if LZ compression is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 22 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminSyncLvl OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the sync level support. This value is used for
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - No sync level is supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
noneConfirm - None and Confirm levels supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
noneConfirmSyncPoint - None, Confirm, and Sync Point is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 23 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeAdminCrypto OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether session-level cryptography is supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
This value is used for negotiation during session activations
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notSupported - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
is not to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
mandatory - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
must be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
selective - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
is required just on selected requests
Packit |
022b05 |
flowing on the sessions."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeAdminEntry 24 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC Mode Oper Table
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Objects in this table contain current operational values, such
Packit |
022b05 |
-- as state values or negotiated parameters, for session modes.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Operational APPC Mode Information. Two entries are present in
Packit |
022b05 |
the table when both LUs in a pair are local."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcLu 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX AppcModeOperEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Entry of APPC mode operational information table. This entry
Packit |
022b05 |
does not augment the appcModeAdminEntry, but reflects an actual
Packit |
022b05 |
operational mode for a given local LU - partner LU pair."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { appcModeOperLocLuName,
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperModeName }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
AppcModeOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperLocLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperParLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperModeName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCosName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSessEndTpName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSessLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperMaxSessLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperMinCwinLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperMinClosLimit Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperConWinAutoActLmt Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperRecvPacWinSz Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSendPacWinSz Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPrefRecvRuSz Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPrefSendRuSz Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperRecvRuSzUpBnd Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSendRuSzUpBnd Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperRecvRuSzLoBnd Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSendRuSzLoBnd Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSingSessReinit INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCompression INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperInBoundCompLevel INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperOutBoundCompLevel INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCompRleBeforeLZ INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSyncLvl INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCrypto INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSyncLvlLastStart INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCryptoLastStart INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCNOSNeg INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperActCwin Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperActClos Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPndCwin Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPndClos Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPtmCwin Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPtmClos Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperDrainSelf INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperDrainPart INTEGER
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperLocLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the local LU. This field is from 1 to 17
Packit |
022b05 |
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
Packit |
022b05 |
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
If this object has the same value as appcLluOperName,
Packit |
022b05 |
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same
Packit |
022b05 |
resource (specifically, to the same local LU)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperParLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the partner LU. This field is from 1 to 17
Packit |
022b05 |
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
Packit |
022b05 |
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
If this object has the same value as appcLuPairOperParLuName,
Packit |
022b05 |
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same
Packit |
022b05 |
resource (specifically, to the same partner LU)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperModeName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the mode name. A mode defines the characteristics
Packit |
022b05 |
for a group of sessions. The mode name can be blank (8
Packit |
022b05 |
space characters). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCosName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the class of service (COS) name associated with
Packit |
022b05 |
this mode. If the implementation does not support COS names,
Packit |
022b05 |
a zero-length string is returned."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSessEndTpName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the name of the transaction program (TP) to be
Packit |
022b05 |
invoked when a session using this mode is deactivated or ended.
Packit |
022b05 |
If the name is NULL, no transaction program is invoked. When
Packit |
022b05 |
the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC code
Packit |
022b05 |
points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII display
Packit |
022b05 |
string. However, registered TP names always have a non-
Packit |
022b05 |
displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal to
Packit |
022b05 |
x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be directly
Packit |
022b05 |
mapped to an ASCII display string. These TP names are
Packit |
022b05 |
converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
Packit |
022b05 |
hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points. For example,
Packit |
022b05 |
the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to the 6-byte
Packit |
022b05 |
ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two single quotes)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSessLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the current session limit of this mode as negotiated
Packit |
022b05 |
through APPC CNOS (Change Number of Sessions) processing.
Packit |
022b05 |
Identifies the total number of sessions that can be established
Packit |
022b05 |
between the local and partner LU using this mode."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperMaxSessLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum value that the local LU is to use,
Packit |
022b05 |
during CNOS processing, for the session limit. The local LU,
Packit |
022b05 |
as a target LU, will negotiate a higher session limit it
Packit |
022b05 |
receives in the CNOS request down to this maximum value. The
Packit |
022b05 |
local LU, as a source LU, will restrict the session limit it
Packit |
022b05 |
sends in a CNOS request to a value less than or equal to this
Packit |
022b05 |
maximum value."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperMinCwinLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the minimum contention winner sessions limit that
Packit |
022b05 |
was negotiated via CNOS processing."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperMinClosLimit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the minimum contention loser sessions limit that
Packit |
022b05 |
was negotiated via CNOS processing. This is the same as
Packit |
022b05 |
target minimum contention winner sessions."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 9 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperConWinAutoActLmt OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the limit on the number of contention winner sessions
Packit |
022b05 |
to be automatically activated when the minimum number of
Packit |
022b05 |
contention winner sessions increases (as a result of CNOS
Packit |
022b05 |
processing). The actual number of sessions activated is the
Packit |
022b05 |
lesser of this value and the new minimum number of contention
Packit |
022b05 |
winner sessions. "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 10 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperRecvPacWinSz OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the size of the receive pacing window. This value is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The meaning of this value when set to 0 depends on whether
Packit |
022b05 |
adaptive pacing is supported:
Packit |
022b05 |
adaptive pacing - No limit on window size
Packit |
022b05 |
fixed pacing - No pacing is supported"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 11 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSendPacWinSz OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the size of the send pacing window. This value is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The meaning of this value when set to 0 depends on whether
Packit |
022b05 |
adaptive pacing is supported:
Packit |
022b05 |
adaptive pacing No limit on window size
Packit |
022b05 |
fixed pacing No pacing is supported"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 12 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPrefRecvRuSz OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the preferred receive RU (Request Unit) size of
Packit |
022b05 |
normal-flow requests on the sessions. This value must be less
Packit |
022b05 |
than or equal to the value specified in
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperRecvRuSzUpBnd and greater than or equal to the
Packit |
022b05 |
value specified in appcModeOperRecvRuSzLoBnd.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The local LU specifies this value for the receive maximum RU
Packit |
022b05 |
size in session activation (SNA BIND) requests and responses.
Packit |
022b05 |
It will allow negotiation up to the appcModeOperRecvRuSzUpBnd
Packit |
022b05 |
value or down to the appcModeOperRecvRuSzLoBnd value."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 13 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPrefSendRuSz OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the preferred send RU (Request Unit) size of normal-
Packit |
022b05 |
flow requests on the sessions. This value must be less than or
Packit |
022b05 |
equal to the value specified in appcModeOperSendRuSzUpBnd and
Packit |
022b05 |
greater than or equal to the value specified in
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The local LU specifies this value for the send maximum RU
Packit |
022b05 |
size in session activation (SNA BIND) requests and responses.
Packit |
022b05 |
It will allow negotiation up to the appcModeOperSendRuSzUpBnd
Packit |
022b05 |
value or down to the appcModeOperSendRuSzLoBnd value."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 14 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperRecvRuSzUpBnd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the upper bound for the maximum receive RU
Packit |
022b05 |
(Request Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used
Packit |
022b05 |
for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 15 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSendRuSzUpBnd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the upper bound for the maximum send RU (Request
Packit |
022b05 |
Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used for
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 16 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperRecvRuSzLoBnd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the lower bound for the maximum receive RU
Packit |
022b05 |
(Request Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used
Packit |
022b05 |
for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 17 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSendRuSzLoBnd OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the lower bound for the maximum send RU
Packit |
022b05 |
(Request Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used
Packit |
022b05 |
for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 18 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSingSessReinit OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the responsibility for session reinitiation of a
Packit |
022b05 |
single session with the partner LU (when the session goes
Packit |
022b05 |
down). The local LU uses this parameter to specify the session
Packit |
022b05 |
reinitiation responsibility in session activation (SNA BIND)
Packit |
022b05 |
requests and responses.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notApplicable - specifies that this parameter has
Packit |
022b05 |
no meaning since the value of
Packit |
022b05 |
appcLuPairOperParaSessSup is yes.
Packit |
022b05 |
The field in the SNA BIND is
Packit |
022b05 |
reserved (set to zero).
Packit |
022b05 |
operatorControlled - specifies that neither LU will
Packit |
022b05 |
automatically attempt to reinitiate
Packit |
022b05 |
the session. The operator on either
Packit |
022b05 |
side will manually reactivate the
Packit |
022b05 |
session. A contention race (both
Packit |
022b05 |
side reinitiating at the same time)
Packit |
022b05 |
is won by the LU with the
Packit |
022b05 |
lexicographically greater fully-
Packit |
022b05 |
qualified LU name.
Packit |
022b05 |
primaryOnly - specifies that the primary LU will
Packit |
022b05 |
automatically attempt to reinitiate
Packit |
022b05 |
the session.
Packit |
022b05 |
secondaryOnly - specifies that the secondary LU will
Packit |
022b05 |
automatically attempt to reinitiate
Packit |
022b05 |
the session.
Packit |
022b05 |
primaryOrSecondary - specifies that either the primary or
Packit |
022b05 |
the secondary may automatically
Packit |
022b05 |
attempt to reinitiate the session.
Packit |
022b05 |
A contention race is handled the
Packit |
022b05 |
same way as with operatorControlled.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 19 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCompression OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether compression is supported. The local LU uses
Packit |
022b05 |
this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
prohibited - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
required - specifies that compression is required.
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiable - specifies that the usage of compression
Packit |
022b05 |
is to be negotiated between the LUs. The
Packit |
022b05 |
level of compression is also negotiated."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 20 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperInBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
inbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction with
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCompression for negotiation during session
Packit |
022b05 |
activation (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
Packit |
022b05 |
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for each repeated run of the same character.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
Packit |
022b05 |
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
Packit |
022b05 |
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
Packit |
022b05 |
indices that refer to entries in a common
Packit |
022b05 |
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
Packit |
022b05 |
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
Packit |
022b05 |
The larger of number bits used for the code, the
Packit |
022b05 |
more storage space is required for the dictionary,
Packit |
022b05 |
but the larger the compression ratio.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 21 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperOutBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
outbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction
Packit |
022b05 |
with appcModeOperCompression for negotiation during session
Packit |
022b05 |
activation (SNA BIND).
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
Packit |
022b05 |
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
Packit |
022b05 |
used for each repeated run of the same character.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
Packit |
022b05 |
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
Packit |
022b05 |
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
Packit |
022b05 |
indices that refer to entries in a common
Packit |
022b05 |
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
Packit |
022b05 |
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
Packit |
022b05 |
The larger of number bits used for the code, the
Packit |
022b05 |
more storage space is required for the dictionary,
Packit |
022b05 |
but the larger the compression ratio.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
Packit |
022b05 |
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 22 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCompRleBeforeLZ OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether run-length encoding is to be applied to the
Packit |
022b05 |
data before applying Lempel-Ziv-like compression. The local LU
Packit |
022b05 |
uses this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
Packit |
022b05 |
BIND). This parameter is only supported if LZ compression is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 23 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSyncLvl OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the sync level support for sessions involving this
Packit |
022b05 |
LU pair and mode name.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - No sync level is supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
noneConfirm - None and Confirm level supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
noneConfirmSyncPoint - None, Confirm and Sync Point is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 24 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCrypto OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether session-level cryptography is supported for
Packit |
022b05 |
sessions involving this LU pair and mode name.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notSupported - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
is not being used.
Packit |
022b05 |
mandatory - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
in being used on all requests
Packit |
022b05 |
flowing on the sessions.
Packit |
022b05 |
selective - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
is required just on selected
Packit |
022b05 |
requests flowing on the sessions."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 25 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperSyncLvlLastStart OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the sync level support. This value represents the
Packit |
022b05 |
initial value proposed by the local LU the last time this
Packit |
022b05 |
capability was negotiated, i.e., when the first session was
Packit |
022b05 |
bound between the local LU and its partner.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - No sync level is supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
noneConfirm - None and Confirm level supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
noneConfirmSyncPoint - None, Confirm and Sync Point is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 26 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperCryptoLastStart OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether session-level cryptography is supported.
Packit |
022b05 |
This value represents the initial value proposed by the local
Packit |
022b05 |
LU the last time this capability was negotiated, i.e., when
Packit |
022b05 |
the first session was bound between the local LU and its
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notSupported - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
is not to be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
mandatory - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
must be used.
Packit |
022b05 |
selective - Specifies session-level cryptography
Packit |
022b05 |
is required just on selected
Packit |
022b05 |
requests flowing on the sessions."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 27 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether CNOS negotiation is in process. CNOS
Packit |
022b05 |
negotiation is used to set or change the various session limits
Packit |
022b05 |
for a mode."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 28 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperActCwin OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the number of active contention winner sessions."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 29 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperActClos OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the number of active contention loser sessions."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 30 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPndCwin OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the number of contention winner sessions that are
Packit |
022b05 |
pending activation."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 31 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPndClos OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the number of contention loser sessions that are
Packit |
022b05 |
pending activation."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 32 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPtmCwin OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the number of contention winner sessions that are
Packit |
022b05 |
pending termination."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 33 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperPtmClos OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Gauge32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the number of contention loser sessions that are
Packit |
022b05 |
pending termination."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 34 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperDrainSelf OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether the local LU is draining its conversations
Packit |
022b05 |
for this mode. When a mode session limit is reset (via a CNOS
Packit |
022b05 |
RESET_SESSION_LIMIT request), the local LU could be set to
Packit |
022b05 |
process all queued conversations before deactivating all of the
Packit |
022b05 |
sessions (using the SNA Bracket Initiation Stopped or BIS
Packit |
022b05 |
protocol). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 35 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcModeOperDrainPart OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether the partner LU is draining its conversations
Packit |
022b05 |
for this mode. When a mode session limit is reset (via a CNOS
Packit |
022b05 |
RESET_SESSION_LIMIT request), the partner LU could be set to
Packit |
022b05 |
process all queued conversations before deactivating all of the
Packit |
022b05 |
sessions (using the SNA Bracket Initiation Stop or BIS
Packit |
022b05 |
protocol). "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcModeOperEntry 36 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC TP Admin Table
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Objects in this table contain default or expected configuration
Packit |
022b05 |
-- values for remotely attachable transaction programs.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"APPC Local TP Table"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTp 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX AppcTpAdminEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Entry of APPC Local TP Information Table."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { appcTpAdminLocLuName,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminTpName }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
AppcTpAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminLocLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminTpName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminFileSpec DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminStartParm DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminTpOperation INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminInAttachTimeout Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminRcvAllocTimeout Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminSyncLvl INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminInstLmt Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminStatus INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminLongRun INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminConvType INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminConvDuplex INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminConvSecReq INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminVerPip INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminPipSubNum Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminLocLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The SNA name of the local LU to which this TP definition
Packit |
022b05 |
applies. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in length,
Packit |
022b05 |
including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU
Packit |
022b05 |
name if the NetId is present.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the TP definition
Packit |
022b05 |
applies to all local LUs, and not just to a single local LU."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminTpName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The local transaction program name. This name is sent on an
Packit |
022b05 |
ATTACH remote allocation request.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
When the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC
Packit |
022b05 |
code points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII
Packit |
022b05 |
display string. However, registered TP names always have a
Packit |
022b05 |
non-displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal to
Packit |
022b05 |
x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be directly
Packit |
022b05 |
mapped to an ASCII display string. These TP names are
Packit |
022b05 |
converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
Packit |
022b05 |
hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points. For example,
Packit |
022b05 |
the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to the 6-byte
Packit |
022b05 |
ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two single quotes)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminFileSpec OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The local file specification of the transaction program.
Packit |
022b05 |
May be a zero-length string if not applicable."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminStartParm OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A parameter string passed to the transaction program when it
Packit |
022b05 |
is started. May be a zero-length string if not supported. "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminTpOperation OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies how the program will be started.
Packit |
022b05 |
other - Specifies that the program operation is none of
Packit |
022b05 |
the methods specified. It may be a
Packit |
022b05 |
product-specific method.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
queuedOperatorStarted - Specifies that one version of the
Packit |
022b05 |
program will be run at a time. If an incoming
Packit |
022b05 |
attach arrives and the program has not been started
Packit |
022b05 |
yet, APPC will issue a message to the operator to
Packit |
022b05 |
start the specified program. Subsequent attaches
Packit |
022b05 |
that arrive while the program is active will be
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
queuedOperatorPreloaded - Specifies that one version of the
Packit |
022b05 |
program will be run at a time. If an incoming
Packit |
022b05 |
attach arrives and the program has not been started
Packit |
022b05 |
yet, the Attach will be rejected. The APPC attach
Packit |
022b05 |
manager determines that a TP has started upon
Packit |
022b05 |
reception of an APPC RECEIVE_ALLOCATE verb, or a
Packit |
022b05 |
CPI-C Accept_Conversation (CMACCP) or
Packit |
022b05 |
Specify_Local_TP_Name (CMSLTP) call. No message is
Packit |
022b05 |
sent to the operator. Subsequent attaches that
Packit |
022b05 |
arrive while the program is active are queued.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
queuedAmStarted - Specifies that one version of the
Packit |
022b05 |
program will be run at a time and will be started
Packit |
022b05 |
by the APPC attach manager. Subsequent attaches
Packit |
022b05 |
that arrive while the program is active will be
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
nonqueuedAmStarted - Specifies that multiple copies of the
Packit |
022b05 |
program will be run at a time and will be started
Packit |
022b05 |
by the APPC attach manager."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminInAttachTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This object specifies the number of seconds incoming attaches
Packit |
022b05 |
will be queued waiting for an APPC program to issue a
Packit |
022b05 |
RECEIVE_ALLOCATE verb or for a CPI-C program to issue an
Packit |
022b05 |
Accept_Conversation (CMACCP) call. This parameter is
Packit |
022b05 |
meaningful only when appcTpAdminTpOperation has one of the
Packit |
022b05 |
following values:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
A value of zero indicates that there is no timeout."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 6 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminRcvAllocTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This object specifies the number of seconds an APPC program's
Packit |
022b05 |
RECEIVE_ALLOCATE verb or a CPI-C program's Accept_Conversation
Packit |
022b05 |
(CMACCP) call will wait for an incoming attach to arrive.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
A value of zero indicates that there is no timeout."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 7 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminSyncLvl OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates the synchronization level or levels that the
Packit |
022b05 |
transaction program supports. The levels are defined as
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
none - allocation requests indicating a
Packit |
022b05 |
synchronization level of none are allowed to
Packit |
022b05 |
start the program.
Packit |
022b05 |
confirm - allocation requests indicating a
Packit |
022b05 |
synchronization level of confirm are allowed
Packit |
022b05 |
to start the program.
Packit |
022b05 |
syncpoint - allocation requests indicating a
Packit |
022b05 |
synchronization level of sync point are
Packit |
022b05 |
allowed to start the program."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 8 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminInstLmt OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The maximum number of concurrent instances of this transaction
Packit |
022b05 |
program that will be supported for a local LU. A value of
Packit |
022b05 |
zero indicates that there is no limit."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 9 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates the status of the TP relative to starting execution
Packit |
022b05 |
when the local LU receives an allocation (ATTACH) request
Packit |
022b05 |
naming this program.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
enabled - the local LU can start the program.
Packit |
022b05 |
tempDisabled - the local LU cannot start the
Packit |
022b05 |
program. The local LU rejects the
Packit |
022b05 |
request with an indication that the
Packit |
022b05 |
TP is not available but retry is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
permDisabled - the local LU cannot start the
Packit |
022b05 |
program. The local LU rejects the
Packit |
022b05 |
request with an indication that the
Packit |
022b05 |
TP is not available and retry is
Packit |
022b05 |
not possible."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 10 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminLongRun OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates whether this is a long-running transaction program
Packit |
022b05 |
(i.e., one that stays around even after the conversation goes
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 11 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminConvType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the conversation type (basic or mapped) that will be
Packit |
022b05 |
used by the TP. This value is verified upon receipt of an
Packit |
022b05 |
incoming attach. The acceptable values are:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
basic - Indicates that this transaction program
Packit |
022b05 |
supports basic conversations.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
mapped - Indicates that this transaction program
Packit |
022b05 |
supports mapped conversations.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
basicOrMapped - Indicates that this transaction program
Packit |
022b05 |
supports both basic and mapped
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 12 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminConvDuplex OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the conversation duplex type (half or full) that
Packit |
022b05 |
will be used by the TP. This value is verified upon receipt of
Packit |
022b05 |
an incoming attach. The acceptable values are:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
half - Indicates that this transaction program
Packit |
022b05 |
supports half duplex conversations.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
full - Indicates that this transaction program
Packit |
022b05 |
supports full duplex conversations.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
halfOrFull - Indicates that this transaction program
Packit |
022b05 |
supports either half or full duplex
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 13 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminConvSecReq OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates whether conversation-level security information is
Packit |
022b05 |
required on incoming attaches designating this TP name.
Packit |
022b05 |
Conversation-level security verification is always performed on
Packit |
022b05 |
those requests that include security information.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
yes - Indicates that conversation-level security
Packit |
022b05 |
information is required. ATTACHs designating the
Packit |
022b05 |
transaction program must carry a user_id and
Packit |
022b05 |
either a password or an already verified
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
no - Indicates that no security information is
Packit |
022b05 |
required. ATTACHs designating the transaction
Packit |
022b05 |
program can omit or include security information."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 14 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminVerPip OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies whether the number of PIP (Program Initialization
Packit |
022b05 |
Parameters) subfields should be verified against the number
Packit |
022b05 |
expected (appcTpAdminPipSubNum)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 15 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcTpAdminPipSubNum OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the number of PIP subfields expected by the TP."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcTpAdminEntry 16 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
-- APPC Active Session Table
Packit |
022b05 |
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Packit |
022b05 |
-- This table contains information about active APPC sessions.
Packit |
022b05 |
-- *********************************************************************
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Table of active APPC sessions. Two entries are present in the
Packit |
022b05 |
table when both session partners are local."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcSession 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX AppcActSessEntry
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Entry of APPC Session Information Table. Indexed by LU pair
Packit |
022b05 |
and integer-valued session index."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
INDEX { appcActSessLocLuName,
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessIndex }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcActSessTable 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
AppcActSessEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessLocLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessParLuName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessIndex Integer32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessPcidCpName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessPcid OCTET STRING,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessPluIndicator INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessModeName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessCosName DisplayString,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessTransPriority INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessEnhanceSecSup INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessSendPacingType INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessSendRpc Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessSendNxWndwSize Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessRecvPacingType INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessRecvRpc Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessRecvNxWndwSize Gauge32,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessRscv OCTET STRING,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessInUse INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessMaxSndRuSize INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessMaxRcvRuSize INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessSndPacingSize INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessRcvPacingSize INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessOperState INTEGER,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessUpTime TimeTicks,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessRtpNceId OCTET STRING,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessRtpTcid OCTET STRING,
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessLinkIndex InstancePointer
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessLocLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the name of the local LU for the session. This
Packit |
022b05 |
field is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period
Packit |
022b05 |
(.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
If this object has the same value as appcLluOperName, then the
Packit |
022b05 |
two entries being indexed apply to the same resource
Packit |
022b05 |
(specifically, to the same local LU)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcActSessEntry 1 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessParLuName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Specifies the name of the partner LU for the session. This
Packit |
022b05 |
field is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period
Packit |
022b05 |
(.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
If this object has the same value as appcLuPairOperParLuName,
Packit |
022b05 |
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same resource
Packit |
022b05 |
(specifically, to the same partner LU)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcActSessEntry 2 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessIndex OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX Integer32
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This value identifies the index of the session, which is
Packit |
022b05 |
unique for this LU pair. It is recommended that an Agent not
Packit |
022b05 |
reuse the index of a deactivated session for a significant
Packit |
022b05 |
period of time (e.g., one week)."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcActSessEntry 3 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessPcidCpName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0 | 3..17))
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The network-qualified CP name of the node at which the session
Packit |
022b05 |
and PCID originated. For APPN and LEN nodes, this is either CP
Packit |
022b05 |
name of the APPN node at which the origin LU is located or the
Packit |
022b05 |
CP name of the NN serving the LEN node at which the origin LU
Packit |
022b05 |
is located. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length,
Packit |
022b05 |
including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU
Packit |
022b05 |
name. A null string indicates that the value is unknown."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcActSessEntry 4 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessPcid OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
MAX-ACCESS read-only
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The procedure correlation identifier (PCID) of a session. It
Packit |
022b05 |
is an 8-octet value assigned by the control point providing
Packit |
022b05 |
session services for the primary LU. A null string indicates
Packit |
022b05 |
that the value is unknown."
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { appcActSessEntry 5 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
appcActSessPluIndicator OBJECT-TYPE
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |