Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
ianaItuAlarmNumbers MODULE-IDENTITY
Packit |
022b05 |
LAST-UPDATED "200409090000Z" -- September 09, 2004
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Postal: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Packit |
022b05 |
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
Packit |
022b05 |
and Numbers
Packit |
022b05 |
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Packit |
022b05 |
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6601
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Tel: +1 310-823-9358
Packit |
022b05 |
E-Mail: iana&iana.org"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The MIB module defines the ITU Alarm
Packit |
022b05 |
textual convention for objects expected to require
Packit |
022b05 |
regular extension.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). The
Packit |
022b05 |
initial version of this MIB module was published
Packit |
022b05 |
in RFC 3877. For full legal notices see the RFC
Packit |
022b05 |
itself. Supplementary information may be available on:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
REVISION "200409090000Z"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Initial version, published as RFC 3877."
Packit |
022b05 |
::= { mib-2 119 }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"ITU-T probable cause values. Duplicate values defined in
Packit |
022b05 |
X.733 are appended with X733 to ensure syntactic uniqueness.
Packit |
022b05 |
Probable cause value 0 is reserved for special purposes.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) is responsible
Packit |
022b05 |
for the assignment of the enumerations in this TC.
Packit |
022b05 |
IANAItuProbableCause value of 0 is reserved for special
Packit |
022b05 |
purposes and MUST NOT be assigned.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Values of IANAItuProbableCause in the range 1 to 1023 are
Packit |
022b05 |
reserved for causes that correspond to ITU-T probable cause.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
All other requests for new causes will be handled on a
Packit |
022b05 |
first-come, first served basis and will be assigned
Packit |
022b05 |
enumeration values starting with 1025.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Request should come in the form of well-formed
Packit |
022b05 |
SMI [RFC2578] for enumeration names that are unique and
Packit |
022b05 |
sufficiently descriptive.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
While some effort will be taken to ensure that new probable
Packit |
022b05 |
causes do not conceptually duplicate existing probable
Packit |
022b05 |
causes it is acknowledged that the existence of conceptual
Packit |
022b05 |
duplicates in the starting probable cause list is an known
Packit |
022b05 |
industry reality.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
To aid IANA in the administration of probable cause names
Packit |
022b05 |
and values, the OPS Area Director will appoint one or more
Packit |
022b05 |
experts to help review requests.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
See http://www.iana.org"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"ITU Recommendation M.3100, 'Generic Network Information
Packit |
022b05 |
Model', 1995
Packit |
022b05 |
ITU Recommendation X.733, 'Information Technology - Open
Packit |
022b05 |
Systems Interconnection - System Management: Alarm
Packit |
022b05 |
Reporting Function', 1992
Packit |
022b05 |
ITU Recommendation X.736, 'Information Technology - Open
Packit |
022b05 |
Systems Interconnection - System Management: Security
Packit |
022b05 |
Alarm Reporting Function', 1992"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The following probable causes were defined in M.3100
Packit |
022b05 |
aIS (1),
Packit |
022b05 |
callSetUpFailure (2),
Packit |
022b05 |
degradedSignal (3),
Packit |
022b05 |
farEndReceiverFailure (4),
Packit |
022b05 |
framingError (5),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfFrame (6),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfPointer (7),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfSignal (8),
Packit |
022b05 |
payloadTypeMismatch (9),
Packit |
022b05 |
transmissionError (10),
Packit |
022b05 |
remoteAlarmInterface (11),
Packit |
022b05 |
excessiveBER (12),
Packit |
022b05 |
pathTraceMismatch (13),
Packit |
022b05 |
unavailable (14),
Packit |
022b05 |
signalLabelMismatch (15),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfMultiFrame (16),
Packit |
022b05 |
receiveFailure (17),
Packit |
022b05 |
transmitFailure (18),
Packit |
022b05 |
modulationFailure (19),
Packit |
022b05 |
demodulationFailure (20),
Packit |
022b05 |
broadcastChannelFailure (21),
Packit |
022b05 |
connectionEstablishmentError (22),
Packit |
022b05 |
invalidMessageReceived (23),
Packit |
022b05 |
localNodeTransmissionError (24),
Packit |
022b05 |
remoteNodeTransmissionError (25),
Packit |
022b05 |
routingFailure (26),
Packit |
022b05 |
--Values 27-50 are reserved for communications alarm related
Packit |
022b05 |
--probable causes
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The following are used with equipment alarm.
Packit |
022b05 |
backplaneFailure (51),
Packit |
022b05 |
dataSetProblem (52),
Packit |
022b05 |
equipmentIdentifierDuplication (53),
Packit |
022b05 |
externalIFDeviceProblem (54),
Packit |
022b05 |
lineCardProblem (55),
Packit |
022b05 |
multiplexerProblem (56),
Packit |
022b05 |
nEIdentifierDuplication (57),
Packit |
022b05 |
powerProblem (58),
Packit |
022b05 |
processorProblem (59),
Packit |
022b05 |
protectionPathFailure (60),
Packit |
022b05 |
receiverFailure (61),
Packit |
022b05 |
replaceableUnitMissing (62),
Packit |
022b05 |
replaceableUnitTypeMismatch (63),
Packit |
022b05 |
synchronizationSourceMismatch (64),
Packit |
022b05 |
terminalProblem (65),
Packit |
022b05 |
timingProblem (66),
Packit |
022b05 |
transmitterFailure (67),
Packit |
022b05 |
trunkCardProblem (68),
Packit |
022b05 |
replaceableUnitProblem (69),
Packit |
022b05 |
realTimeClockFailure (70),
Packit |
022b05 |
--An equipment alarm to be issued if the system detects that the
Packit |
022b05 |
--real time clock has failed
Packit |
022b05 |
antennaFailure (71),
Packit |
022b05 |
batteryChargingFailure (72),
Packit |
022b05 |
diskFailure (73),
Packit |
022b05 |
frequencyHoppingFailure (74),
Packit |
022b05 |
iODeviceError (75),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfSynchronisation (76),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfRedundancy (77),
Packit |
022b05 |
powerSupplyFailure (78),
Packit |
022b05 |
signalQualityEvaluationFailure (79),
Packit |
022b05 |
tranceiverFailure (80),
Packit |
022b05 |
protectionMechanismFailure (81),
Packit |
022b05 |
protectingResourceFailure (82),
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Values 83-100 are reserved for equipment alarm related probable
Packit |
022b05 |
-- causes
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The following are used with environmental alarm.
Packit |
022b05 |
airCompressorFailure (101),
Packit |
022b05 |
airConditioningFailure (102),
Packit |
022b05 |
airDryerFailure (103),
Packit |
022b05 |
batteryDischarging (104),
Packit |
022b05 |
batteryFailure (105),
Packit |
022b05 |
commercialPowerFailure (106),
Packit |
022b05 |
coolingFanFailure (107),
Packit |
022b05 |
engineFailure (108),
Packit |
022b05 |
fireDetectorFailure (109),
Packit |
022b05 |
fuseFailure (110),
Packit |
022b05 |
generatorFailure (111),
Packit |
022b05 |
lowBatteryThreshold (112),
Packit |
022b05 |
pumpFailure (113),
Packit |
022b05 |
rectifierFailure (114),
Packit |
022b05 |
rectifierHighVoltage (115),
Packit |
022b05 |
rectifierLowFVoltage (116),
Packit |
022b05 |
ventilationsSystemFailure (117),
Packit |
022b05 |
enclosureDoorOpen (118),
Packit |
022b05 |
explosiveGas (119),
Packit |
022b05 |
fire (120),
Packit |
022b05 |
flood (121),
Packit |
022b05 |
highHumidity (122),
Packit |
022b05 |
highTemperature (123),
Packit |
022b05 |
highWind (124),
Packit |
022b05 |
iceBuildUp (125),
Packit |
022b05 |
intrusionDetection (126),
Packit |
022b05 |
lowFuel (127),
Packit |
022b05 |
lowHumidity (128),
Packit |
022b05 |
lowCablePressure (129),
Packit |
022b05 |
lowTemperatue (130),
Packit |
022b05 |
lowWater (131),
Packit |
022b05 |
smoke (132),
Packit |
022b05 |
toxicGas (133),
Packit |
022b05 |
coolingSystemFailure (134),
Packit |
022b05 |
externalEquipmentFailure (135),
Packit |
022b05 |
externalPointFailure (136),
Packit |
022b05 |
-- Values 137-150 are reserved for environmental alarm related
Packit |
022b05 |
-- probable causes
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The following are used with Processing error alarm.
Packit |
022b05 |
storageCapacityProblem (151),
Packit |
022b05 |
memoryMismatch (152),
Packit |
022b05 |
corruptData (153),
Packit |
022b05 |
outOfCPUCycles (154),
Packit |
022b05 |
sfwrEnvironmentProblem (155),
Packit |
022b05 |
sfwrDownloadFailure (156),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfRealTimel (157),
Packit |
022b05 |
--A processing error alarm to be issued after the system has
Packit |
022b05 |
--reinitialised. This will indicate
Packit |
022b05 |
--to the management systems that the view they have of the managed
Packit |
022b05 |
--system may no longer
Packit |
022b05 |
--be valid. Usage example: The managed
Packit |
022b05 |
--system issues this alarm after a reinitialization with severity
Packit |
022b05 |
--warning to inform the
Packit |
022b05 |
--management system about the event. No clearing notification will
Packit |
022b05 |
--be sent.
Packit |
022b05 |
applicationSubsystemFailure (158),
Packit |
022b05 |
configurationOrCustomisationError (159),
Packit |
022b05 |
databaseInconsistency (160),
Packit |
022b05 |
fileError (161),
Packit |
022b05 |
outOfMemory (162),
Packit |
022b05 |
softwareError (163),
Packit |
022b05 |
timeoutExpired (164),
Packit |
022b05 |
underlayingResourceUnavailable (165),
Packit |
022b05 |
versionMismatch (166),
Packit |
022b05 |
--Values 168-200 are reserved for processing error alarm related
Packit |
022b05 |
-- probable causes.
Packit |
022b05 |
bandwidthReduced (201),
Packit |
022b05 |
congestion (202),
Packit |
022b05 |
excessiveErrorRate (203),
Packit |
022b05 |
excessiveResponseTime (204),
Packit |
022b05 |
excessiveRetransmissionRate (205),
Packit |
022b05 |
reducedLoggingCapability (206),
Packit |
022b05 |
systemResourcesOverload (207 ),
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The following were defined X.733
Packit |
022b05 |
adapterError (500),
Packit |
022b05 |
applicationSubsystemFailture (501),
Packit |
022b05 |
bandwidthReducedX733 (502),
Packit |
022b05 |
callEstablishmentError (503),
Packit |
022b05 |
communicationsProtocolError (504),
Packit |
022b05 |
communicationsSubsystemFailure (505),
Packit |
022b05 |
configurationOrCustomizationError (506),
Packit |
022b05 |
congestionX733 (507),
Packit |
022b05 |
coruptData (508),
Packit |
022b05 |
cpuCyclesLimitExceeded (509),
Packit |
022b05 |
dataSetOrModemError (510),
Packit |
022b05 |
degradedSignalX733 (511),
Packit |
022b05 |
dteDceInterfaceError (512),
Packit |
022b05 |
enclosureDoorOpenX733 (513),
Packit |
022b05 |
equipmentMalfunction (514),
Packit |
022b05 |
excessiveVibration (515),
Packit |
022b05 |
fileErrorX733 (516),
Packit |
022b05 |
fireDetected (517),
Packit |
022b05 |
framingErrorX733 (518),
Packit |
022b05 |
heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (519),
Packit |
022b05 |
humidityUnacceptable (520),
Packit |
022b05 |
inputOutputDeviceError (521),
Packit |
022b05 |
inputDeviceError (522),
Packit |
022b05 |
lanError (523),
Packit |
022b05 |
leakDetected (524),
Packit |
022b05 |
localNodeTransmissionErrorX733 (525),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfFrameX733 (526),
Packit |
022b05 |
lossOfSignalX733 (527),
Packit |
022b05 |
materialSupplyExhausted (528),
Packit |
022b05 |
multiplexerProblemX733 (529),
Packit |
022b05 |
outOfMemoryX733 (530),
Packit |
022b05 |
ouputDeviceError (531),
Packit |
022b05 |
performanceDegraded (532),
Packit |
022b05 |
powerProblems (533),
Packit |
022b05 |
pressureUnacceptable (534),
Packit |
022b05 |
processorProblems (535),
Packit |
022b05 |
pumpFailureX733 (536),
Packit |
022b05 |
queueSizeExceeded (537),
Packit |
022b05 |
receiveFailureX733 (538),
Packit |
022b05 |
receiverFailureX733 (539),
Packit |
022b05 |
remoteNodeTransmissionErrorX733 (540),
Packit |
022b05 |
resourceAtOrNearingCapacity (541),
Packit |
022b05 |
responseTimeExecessive (542),
Packit |
022b05 |
retransmissionRateExcessive (543),
Packit |
022b05 |
softwareErrorX733 (544),
Packit |
022b05 |
softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated (545),
Packit |
022b05 |
softwareProgramError (546),
Packit |
022b05 |
storageCapacityProblemX733 (547),
Packit |
022b05 |
temperatureUnacceptable (548),
Packit |
022b05 |
thresholdCrossed (549),
Packit |
022b05 |
timingProblemX733 (550),
Packit |
022b05 |
toxicLeakDetected (551),
Packit |
022b05 |
transmitFailureX733 (552),
Packit |
022b05 |
transmiterFailure (553),
Packit |
022b05 |
underlyingResourceUnavailable (554),
Packit |
022b05 |
versionMismatchX733 (555),
Packit |
022b05 |
-- The following are defined in X.736
Packit |
022b05 |
authenticationFailure (600),
Packit |
022b05 |
breachOfConfidentiality (601),
Packit |
022b05 |
cableTamper (602),
Packit |
022b05 |
delayedInformation (603),
Packit |
022b05 |
denialOfService (604),
Packit |
022b05 |
duplicateInformation (605),
Packit |
022b05 |
informationMissing (606),
Packit |
022b05 |
informationModificationDetected (607),
Packit |
022b05 |
informationOutOfSequence (608),
Packit |
022b05 |
keyExpired (609),
Packit |
022b05 |
nonRepudiationFailure (610),
Packit |
022b05 |
outOfHoursActivity (611),
Packit |
022b05 |
outOfService (612),
Packit |
022b05 |
proceduralError (613),
Packit |
022b05 |
unauthorizedAccessAttempt (614),
Packit |
022b05 |
unexpectedInformation (615),
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
other (1024)
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
STATUS current
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The ITU event Type values.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) is
Packit |
022b05 |
responsible for the assignment of the enumerations
Packit |
022b05 |
in this TC.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Request should come in the form of well-formed
Packit |
022b05 |
SMI [RFC2578] for enumeration names that are unique
Packit |
022b05 |
and sufficiently descriptive.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
See http://www.iana.org "
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"ITU Recommendation X.736, 'Information Technology - Open
Packit |
022b05 |
Systems Interconnection - System Management: Security
Packit |
022b05 |
Alarm Reporting Function', 1992"
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
other (1),
Packit |
022b05 |
communicationsAlarm (2),
Packit |
022b05 |
qualityOfServiceAlarm (3),
Packit |
022b05 |
processingErrorAlarm (4),
Packit |
022b05 |
equipmentAlarm (5),
Packit |
022b05 |
environmentalAlarm (6),
Packit |
022b05 |
integrityViolation (7),
Packit |
022b05 |
operationalViolation (8),
Packit |
022b05 |
physicalViolation (9),
Packit |
022b05 |
securityServiceOrMechanismViolation (10),
Packit |
022b05 |
timeDomainViolation (11)
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |