Blame src/sass_values.cpp

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#include "sass.hpp"
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#include <cstdlib>
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#include <cstring>
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#include "util.hpp"
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#include "eval.hpp"
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#include "values.hpp"
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#include "sass/values.h"
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#include "sass_values.hpp"
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extern "C" {
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  using namespace Sass;
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  // Return the sass tag for a generic sass value
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  enum Sass_Tag ADDCALL sass_value_get_tag(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag; }
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  // Check value for specified type
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_null(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_NULL; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_number(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_NUMBER; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_string(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_STRING; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_boolean(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_BOOLEAN; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_color(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_COLOR; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_list(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_LIST; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_map(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_MAP; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_error(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_ERROR; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_value_is_warning(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->unknown.tag == SASS_WARNING; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_Number
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  double ADDCALL sass_number_get_value(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->number.value; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_number_set_value(union Sass_Value* v, double value) { v->number.value = value; }
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  const char* ADDCALL sass_number_get_unit(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->number.unit; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_number_set_unit(union Sass_Value* v, char* unit) { v->number.unit = unit; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_String
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  const char* ADDCALL sass_string_get_value(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->string.value; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_string_set_value(union Sass_Value* v, char* value) { v->string.value = value; }
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  bool ADDCALL sass_string_is_quoted(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->string.quoted; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_string_set_quoted(union Sass_Value* v, bool quoted) { v->string.quoted = quoted; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_Boolean
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  bool ADDCALL sass_boolean_get_value(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->boolean.value; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_boolean_set_value(union Sass_Value* v, bool value) { v->boolean.value = value; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_Color
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  double ADDCALL sass_color_get_r(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->color.r; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_color_set_r(union Sass_Value* v, double r) { v->color.r = r; }
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  double ADDCALL sass_color_get_g(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->color.g; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_color_set_g(union Sass_Value* v, double g) { v->color.g = g; }
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  double ADDCALL sass_color_get_b(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->color.b; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_color_set_b(union Sass_Value* v, double b) { v->color.b = b; }
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  double ADDCALL sass_color_get_a(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->color.a; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_color_set_a(union Sass_Value* v, double a) { v->color.a = a; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_List
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  size_t ADDCALL sass_list_get_length(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->list.length; }
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  enum Sass_Separator ADDCALL sass_list_get_separator(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->list.separator; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_list_set_separator(union Sass_Value* v, enum Sass_Separator separator) { v->list.separator = separator; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_List values
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_list_get_value(const union Sass_Value* v, size_t i) { return v->list.values[i]; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_list_set_value(union Sass_Value* v, size_t i, union Sass_Value* value) { v->list.values[i] = value; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_Map
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  size_t ADDCALL sass_map_get_length(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->map.length; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_List keys and values
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_map_get_key(const union Sass_Value* v, size_t i) { return v->map.pairs[i].key; }
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_map_get_value(const union Sass_Value* v, size_t i) { return v->map.pairs[i].value; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_map_set_key(union Sass_Value* v, size_t i, union Sass_Value* key) { v->map.pairs[i].key = key; }
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  void ADDCALL sass_map_set_value(union Sass_Value* v, size_t i, union Sass_Value* val) { v->map.pairs[i].value = val; }
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_Error
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  char* ADDCALL sass_error_get_message(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->error.message; };
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  void ADDCALL sass_error_set_message(union Sass_Value* v, char* msg) { v->error.message = msg; };
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  // Getters and setters for Sass_Warning
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  char* ADDCALL sass_warning_get_message(const union Sass_Value* v) { return v->warning.message; };
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  void ADDCALL sass_warning_set_message(union Sass_Value* v, char* msg) { v->warning.message = msg; };
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  // Creator functions for all value types
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_boolean(bool val)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->boolean.tag = SASS_BOOLEAN;
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    v->boolean.value = val;
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_number(double val, const char* unit)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->number.tag = SASS_NUMBER;
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    v->number.value = val;
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    v->number.unit = unit ? sass_copy_c_string(unit) : 0;
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    if (v->number.unit == 0) { free(v); return 0; }
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_color(double r, double g, double b, double a)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->color.tag = SASS_COLOR;
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    v->color.r = r;
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    v->color.g = g;
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    v->color.b = b;
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    v->color.a = a;
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_string(const char* val)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->string.quoted = false;
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    v->string.tag = SASS_STRING;
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    v->string.value = val ? sass_copy_c_string(val) : 0;
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    if (v->string.value == 0) { free(v); return 0; }
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_qstring(const char* val)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->string.quoted = true;
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    v->string.tag = SASS_STRING;
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    v->string.value = val ? sass_copy_c_string(val) : 0;
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    if (v->string.value == 0) { free(v); return 0; }
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_list(size_t len, enum Sass_Separator sep)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->list.tag = SASS_LIST;
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    v->list.length = len;
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    v->list.separator = sep;
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    v->list.values = (union Sass_Value**) calloc(len, sizeof(union Sass_Value*));
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    if (v->list.values == 0) { free(v); return 0; }
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_map(size_t len)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->map.tag = SASS_MAP;
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    v->map.length = len;
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    v->map.pairs = (struct Sass_MapPair*) calloc(len, sizeof(struct Sass_MapPair));
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    if (v->map.pairs == 0) { free(v); return 0; }
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_null(void)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->null.tag = SASS_NULL;
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_error(const char* msg)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->error.tag = SASS_ERROR;
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    v->error.message = msg ? sass_copy_c_string(msg) : 0;
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    if (v->error.message == 0) { free(v); return 0; }
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    return v;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_make_warning(const char* msg)
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    union Sass_Value* v = (Sass_Value*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Value));
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    if (v == 0) return 0;
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    v->warning.tag = SASS_WARNING;
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    v->warning.message = msg ? sass_copy_c_string(msg) : 0;
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    if (v->warning.message == 0) { free(v); return 0; }
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    return v;
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  // will free all associated sass values
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  void ADDCALL sass_delete_value(union Sass_Value* val) {
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    size_t i;
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    if (val == 0) return;
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    switch(val->unknown.tag) {
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        case SASS_NULL: {
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        }   break;
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        case SASS_BOOLEAN: {
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        }   break;
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        case SASS_NUMBER: {
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        }   break;
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        case SASS_COLOR: {
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        }   break;
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        case SASS_STRING: {
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        }   break;
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        case SASS_LIST: {
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                for (i=0; i<val->list.length; i++) {
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        }   break;
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        case SASS_MAP: {
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                for (i=0; i<val->map.length; i++) {
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        }   break;
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        case SASS_ERROR: {
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        }   break;
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        case SASS_WARNING: {
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        }   break;
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        default: break;
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  // Make a deep cloned copy of the given sass value
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_clone_value (const union Sass_Value* val)
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    size_t i;
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    if (val == 0) return 0;
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    switch(val->unknown.tag) {
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        case SASS_NULL: {
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                return sass_make_null();
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        case SASS_BOOLEAN: {
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                return sass_make_boolean(val->boolean.value);
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        case SASS_NUMBER: {
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                return sass_make_number(val->number.value, val->number.unit);
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        case SASS_COLOR: {
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                return sass_make_color(val->color.r, val->color.g, val->color.b, val->color.a);
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        case SASS_STRING: {
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                return sass_string_is_quoted(val) ? sass_make_qstring(val->string.value) : sass_make_string(val->string.value);
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        case SASS_LIST: {
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                union Sass_Value* list = sass_make_list(val->list.length, val->list.separator);
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                for (i = 0; i < list->list.length; i++) {
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                    list->list.values[i] = sass_clone_value(val->list.values[i]);
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                return list;
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        case SASS_MAP: {
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                union Sass_Value* map = sass_make_map(val->map.length);
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                for (i = 0; i < val->map.length; i++) {
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                    map->map.pairs[i].key = sass_clone_value(val->map.pairs[i].key);
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                    map->map.pairs[i].value = sass_clone_value(val->map.pairs[i].value);
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                return map;
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        case SASS_ERROR: {
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                return sass_make_error(val->error.message);
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        case SASS_WARNING: {
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                return sass_make_warning(val->warning.message);
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        default: break;
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    return 0;
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_value_stringify (const union Sass_Value* v, bool compressed, int precision)
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    Value_Obj val = sass_value_to_ast_node(v);
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    Sass_Inspect_Options options(compressed ? COMPRESSED : NESTED, precision);
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    std::string str(val->to_string(options));
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    return sass_make_qstring(str.c_str());
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  union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_value_op (enum Sass_OP op, const union Sass_Value* a, const union Sass_Value* b)
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    Sass::Value_Ptr rv;
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    try {
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      Value_Obj lhs = sass_value_to_ast_node(a);
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      Value_Obj rhs = sass_value_to_ast_node(b);
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      struct Sass_Inspect_Options options(NESTED, 5);
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      // see if it's a relational expression
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      switch(op) {
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        case Sass_OP::EQ:  return sass_make_boolean(Eval::eq(lhs, rhs));
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        case Sass_OP::NEQ: return sass_make_boolean(!Eval::eq(lhs, rhs));
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        case Sass_OP::GT:  return sass_make_boolean(!Eval::lt(lhs, rhs, "gt") && !Eval::eq(lhs, rhs));
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        case Sass_OP::GTE: return sass_make_boolean(!Eval::lt(lhs, rhs, "gte"));
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        case Sass_OP::LT:  return sass_make_boolean(Eval::lt(lhs, rhs, "lt"));
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        case Sass_OP::LTE: return sass_make_boolean(Eval::lt(lhs, rhs, "lte") || Eval::eq(lhs, rhs));
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        case Sass_OP::AND: return ast_node_to_sass_value(lhs->is_false() ? lhs : rhs);
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        case Sass_OP::OR:  return ast_node_to_sass_value(lhs->is_false() ? rhs : lhs);
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        default:           break;
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      if (sass_value_is_number(a) && sass_value_is_number(b)) {
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        Number_Ptr_Const l_n = Cast<Number>(lhs);
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        Number_Ptr_Const r_n = Cast<Number>(rhs);
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        rv = Eval::op_numbers(op, *l_n, *r_n, options, l_n->pstate());
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      else if (sass_value_is_number(a) && sass_value_is_color(a)) {
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        Number_Ptr_Const l_n = Cast<Number>(lhs);
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        Color_Ptr_Const r_c = Cast<Color>(rhs);
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        rv = Eval::op_number_color(op, *l_n, *r_c, options, l_n->pstate());
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      else if (sass_value_is_color(a) && sass_value_is_number(b)) {
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        Color_Ptr_Const l_c = Cast<Color>(lhs);
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        Number_Ptr_Const r_n = Cast<Number>(rhs);
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        rv = Eval::op_color_number(op, *l_c, *r_n, options, l_c->pstate());
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      else if (sass_value_is_color(a) && sass_value_is_color(b)) {
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        Color_Ptr_Const l_c = Cast<Color>(lhs);
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        Color_Ptr_Const r_c = Cast<Color>(rhs);
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        rv = Eval::op_colors(op, *l_c, *r_c, options, l_c->pstate());
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      else /* convert other stuff to string and apply operation */ {
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        Value_Ptr l_v = Cast<Value>(lhs);
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        Value_Ptr r_v = Cast<Value>(rhs);
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        rv = Eval::op_strings(op, *l_v, *r_v, options, l_v->pstate());
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      // ToDo: maybe we should should return null value?
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      if (!rv) return sass_make_error("invalid return value");
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      // convert result back to ast node
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      return ast_node_to_sass_value(rv);
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    // simply pass the error message back to the caller for now
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    catch (Exception::InvalidSass& e) { return sass_make_error(e.what()); }
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    catch (std::bad_alloc&) { return sass_make_error("memory exhausted"); }
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    catch (std::exception& e) { return sass_make_error(e.what()); }
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    catch (std::string& e) { return sass_make_error(e.c_str()); }
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    catch (const char* e) { return sass_make_error(e); }
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    catch (...) { return sass_make_error("unknown"); }
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