Blame src/sass_util.hpp

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#include "ast.hpp"
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#include "node.hpp"
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#include "debug.hpp"
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namespace Sass {
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   This is for ports of functions in the Sass:Util module.
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    # Return a Node collection of all possible paths through the given Node collection of Node collections.
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    # @param arrs [NodeCollection<NodeCollection<Node>>]
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    # @return [NodeCollection<NodeCollection<Node>>]
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    # @example
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    #   paths([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]) #=>
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    #     # [[1, 3, 5],
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    #     #  [2, 3, 5],
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    #     #  [1, 4, 5],
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    #     #  [2, 4, 5]]
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  Node paths(const Node& arrs);
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  This class is a default implementation of a Node comparator that can be passed to the lcs function below.
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  It uses operator== for equality comparision. It then returns one if the Nodes are equal.
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  class DefaultLcsComparator {
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    bool operator()(const Node& one, const Node& two, Node& out) const {
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      // TODO: Is this the correct C++ interpretation?
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      // block ||= proc {|a, b| a == b && a}
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      if (one == two) {
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        out = one;
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        return true;
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      return false;
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  typedef std::vector<std::vector<int> > LCSTable;
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  This is the equivalent of ruby's Sass::Util.lcs_backtrace.
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  # Computes a single longest common subsequence for arrays x and y.
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  # Algorithm from
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  template<typename ComparatorType>
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  Node lcs_backtrace(const LCSTable& c, const Node& x, const Node& y, int i, int j, const ComparatorType& comparator) {
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    DEBUG_PRINTLN(LCS, "LCSBACK: X=" << x << " Y=" << y << " I=" << i << " J=" << j)
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    if (i == 0 || j == 0) {
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      return Node::createCollection();
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    NodeDeque& xChildren = *(x.collection());
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    NodeDeque& yChildren = *(y.collection());
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    Node compareOut = Node::createNil();
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    if (comparator(xChildren[i], yChildren[j], compareOut)) {
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      Node result = lcs_backtrace(c, x, y, i - 1, j - 1, comparator);
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      return result;
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    if (c[i][j - 1] > c[i - 1][j]) {
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      return lcs_backtrace(c, x, y, i, j - 1, comparator);
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    return lcs_backtrace(c, x, y, i - 1, j, comparator);
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  This is the equivalent of ruby's Sass::Util.lcs_table.
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  # Calculates the memoization table for the Least Common Subsequence algorithm.
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  # Algorithm from
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  template<typename ComparatorType>
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  void lcs_table(const Node& x, const Node& y, const ComparatorType& comparator, LCSTable& out) {
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    DEBUG_PRINTLN(LCS, "LCSTABLE: X=" << x << " Y=" << y)
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    NodeDeque& xChildren = *(x.collection());
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    NodeDeque& yChildren = *(y.collection());
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    LCSTable c(xChildren.size(), std::vector<int>(yChildren.size()));
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    // These shouldn't be necessary since the vector will be initialized to 0 already.
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    // x.size.times {|i| c[i][0] = 0}
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    // y.size.times {|j| c[0][j] = 0}
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    for (size_t i = 1; i < xChildren.size(); i++) {
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      for (size_t j = 1; j < yChildren.size(); j++) {
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        Node compareOut = Node::createNil();
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        if (comparator(xChildren[i], yChildren[j], compareOut)) {
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          c[i][j] = c[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;
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        } else {
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          c[i][j] = std::max(c[i][j - 1], c[i - 1][j]);
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    out = c;
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  This is the equivalent of ruby's Sass::Util.lcs.
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  # Computes a single longest common subsequence for `x` and `y`.
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  # If there are more than one longest common subsequences,
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  # the one returned is that which starts first in `x`.
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  # @param x [NodeCollection]
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  # @param y [NodeCollection]
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  # @comparator An equality check between elements of `x` and `y`.
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  # @return [NodeCollection] The LCS
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  template<typename ComparatorType>
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  Node lcs(Node& x, Node& y, const ComparatorType& comparator) {
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    DEBUG_PRINTLN(LCS, "LCS: X=" << x << " Y=" << y)
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    Node newX = Node::createCollection();
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Packit bfcc33;
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    Node newY = Node::createCollection();
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Packit bfcc33;
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    LCSTable table;
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    lcs_table(newX, newY, comparator, table);
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    return lcs_backtrace(table, newX, newY, static_cast<int>(newX.collection()->size()) - 1, static_cast<int>(newY.collection()->size()) - 1, comparator);
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  This is the equivalent of ruby sass' Sass::Util.flatten and [].flatten.
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  Sass::Util.flatten requires the number of levels to flatten, while
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  [].flatten doesn't and will flatten the entire array. This function
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  supports both.
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  # Flattens the first `n` nested arrays. If n == -1, all arrays will be flattened
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  # @param arr [NodeCollection] The array to flatten
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  # @param n [int] The number of levels to flatten
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  # @return [NodeCollection] The flattened array
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  Node flatten(Node& arr, int n = -1);
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  This is the equivalent of ruby's Sass::Util.group_by_to_a.
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  # Performs the equivalent of `enum.group_by.to_a`, but with a guaranteed
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  # order. Unlike [#hash_to_a], the resulting order isn't sorted key order;
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  # instead, it's the same order as `#group_by` has under Ruby 1.9 (key
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  # appearance order).
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  # @param enum [Enumerable]
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  # @return [Array<[Object, Array]>] An array of pairs.
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  TODO: update @param and @return once I know what those are.
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  The following is the modified version of the ruby code that was more portable to C++. You
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  should be able to drop it into ruby 3.2.19 and get the same results from ruby sass.
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    def group_by_to_a(enum, &block)
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      order = {}
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      arr = []
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      grouped = {}
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      for e in enum do
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        key = block[e]
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        unless order.include?(key)
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          order[key] = order.size
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        if not grouped.has_key?(key) then
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          grouped[key] = [e]
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      grouped.each do |key, vals|
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        arr[order[key]] = [key, vals]
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  template<typename EnumType, typename KeyType, typename KeyFunctorType>
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  void group_by_to_a(std::vector<EnumType>& enumeration, KeyFunctorType& keyFunc, std::vector<std::pair<KeyType, std::vector<EnumType> > >& arr /*out*/) {
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    std::map<unsigned int, KeyType> order;
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    std::map<size_t, std::vector<EnumType> > grouped;
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    for (typename std::vector<EnumType>::iterator enumIter = enumeration.begin(), enumIterEnd = enumeration.end(); enumIter != enumIterEnd; enumIter++) {
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      EnumType& e = *enumIter;
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      KeyType key = keyFunc(e);
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      if (grouped.find(key->hash()) == grouped.end()) {
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        order.insert(std::make_pair((unsigned int)order.size(), key));
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        std::vector<EnumType> newCollection;
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        grouped.insert(std::make_pair(key->hash(), newCollection));
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      } else {
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        std::vector<EnumType>& collection =>hash());
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    for (unsigned int index = 0; index < order.size(); index++) {
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      KeyType& key =;
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      std::vector<EnumType>& values =>hash());
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      std::pair<KeyType, std::vector<EnumType> > grouping = std::make_pair(key, values);
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