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librevenge coding style
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Indentation/spacing: We indent with tabs. Not spaces. This decision is, of
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course, rather contentious, but it does have the force of inertia going for
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it. Try to keep lines less than 120 columns wide. Please run
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    astyle --options=astyle.options \*.h \*.cpp
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before committing.
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API: By agreement, public API does use neither C++ standard library nor Boost.
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If a function takes or returns a dynamically allocated data buffer, it must be
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documented who is responsible for freeing the memory.
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Naming: All public classes, enumerations, and defines should be prefixed with
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For better worse, we have decided on using the camel caps convention for naming 
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variables (i.e.: tempJustification). Use of hungarian notation (i.e.: iNum) is
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forbidden, with one exception: use the 'm_' prefix for naming class and struct
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variables (i.e.: my_class->m_var). Short-hand for variable names is allowed,
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but don't overdo it (m_var->len() instead of m_variable->length() is ok,
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m_nam instead of m_name is stupid).
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Memory allocation: Use the C++ standard operations for this (new, delete). 
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Use of smart pointers, e.g., boost::shared_ptr and boost::scoped_ptr, is
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strongly encouraged. The only exeption to that is public API, where only plain
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pointers are allowed.
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Data structures: Use the C++ standard library wherever appropriate and 
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convenient. It should almost never be necessary to roll your own data 
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Strings: You may use either the C++ standard strings or our very own 
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UTF8-compliant RVNGString. Hand-allocated char *'s are discouraged.
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Further information: The (
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and AbiWord (cvs:// 
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contain lots of useful information that will make you a better C++ coder. 
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Follow their advice religiously, except when they contradict something in this 
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Fun: Remember, the important thing is to have fun. :-) These rules are a means,
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not an end. Happy hacking!