/* * librdkafka - Apache Kafka C library * * Copyright (c) 2016, Magnus Edenhill * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "testcpp.h" /** * Verify consumer_lag */ static std::string topic; class StatsCb : public RdKafka::EventCb { public: int64_t calc_lag; //calculated lag int lag_valid; // number of times lag has been valid StatsCb() { calc_lag = -1; lag_valid = 0; } /** * @brief Event callback */ void event_cb (RdKafka::Event &event) { if (event.type() == RdKafka::Event::EVENT_LOG) { Test::Say(tostr() << "LOG-" << event.severity() << "-" << event.fac() << ": " << event.str() << "\n"); return; } else if (event.type() != RdKafka::Event::EVENT_STATS) { Test::Say(tostr() << "Dropping event " << event.type() << "\n"); return; } int64_t consumer_lag = parse_json(event.str().c_str()); Test::Say(3, tostr() << "Stats: consumer_lag is " << consumer_lag << "\n"); if (consumer_lag == -1) { Test::Say(2, "Skipping old stats with invalid consumer_lag\n"); return; /* Old stats generated before first message consumed */ } else if (consumer_lag != calc_lag) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Stats consumer_lag " << consumer_lag << ", expected " << calc_lag << "\n"); else lag_valid++; } /** * @brief Naiive JSON parsing, find the consumer_lag for partition 0 * and return it. */ static int64_t parse_json (const char *json_doc) { const std::string match_topic(std::string("\"") + topic + "\":"); const char *search[] = { "\"topics\":", match_topic.c_str(), "\"partitions\":", "\"0\":", "\"consumer_lag\":", NULL }; const char *remain = json_doc; for (const char **sp = search ; *sp ; sp++) { const char *t = strstr(remain, *sp); if (!t) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Couldnt find " << *sp << " in remaining stats output:\n" << remain << "\n====================\n" << json_doc << "\n"); remain = t + strlen(*sp); } while (*remain == ' ') remain++; if (!*remain) Test::Fail("Nothing following consumer_lag"); int64_t lag = strtoull(remain, NULL, 0); if (lag == -1) Test::Say(tostr() << "Consumer lag " << lag << " is invalid, stats:\n" << json_doc << "\n"); return lag; } }; static void do_test_consumer_lag (void) { const int msgcnt = 10; std::string errstr; RdKafka::ErrorCode err; topic = Test::mk_topic_name("0061-consumer_lag", 1); test_produce_msgs_easy(topic.c_str(), 0, 0, msgcnt); /* * Create consumer */ /* Create consumer */ RdKafka::Conf *conf; Test::conf_init(&conf, NULL, 10); StatsCb stats; if (conf->set("event_cb", &stats, errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail("set event_cb failed: " + errstr); Test::conf_set(conf, "group.id", topic); Test::conf_set(conf, "enable.auto.commit", "false"); Test::conf_set(conf, "enable.partition.eof", "false"); Test::conf_set(conf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); Test::conf_set(conf, "statistics.interval.ms", "100"); RdKafka::KafkaConsumer *c = RdKafka::KafkaConsumer::create(conf, errstr); if (!c) Test::Fail("Failed to create KafkaConsumer: " + errstr); delete conf; /* Assign partitions */ /* Subscribe */ std::vector parts; parts.push_back(RdKafka::TopicPartition::create(topic, 0)); if ((err = c->assign(parts))) Test::Fail("assign failed: " + RdKafka::err2str(err)); RdKafka::TopicPartition::destroy(parts); /* Start consuming */ Test::Say("Consuming topic " + topic + "\n"); int cnt = 0; while (cnt < msgcnt) { RdKafka::Message *msg = c->consume(tmout_multip(1000)); switch (msg->err()) { case RdKafka::ERR__TIMED_OUT: break; case RdKafka::ERR__PARTITION_EOF: Test::Fail(tostr() << "Consume error after " << cnt << "/" << msgcnt << " messages: " << msg->errstr()); break; case RdKafka::ERR_NO_ERROR: /* Proper message. Updated calculated lag for later * checking in stats callback */ stats.calc_lag = msgcnt - (msg->offset()+1); cnt++; Test::Say(2, tostr() << "Received message #" << cnt << "/" << msgcnt << " at offset " << msg->offset() << " (calc lag " << stats.calc_lag << ")\n"); /* Slow down message "processing" to make sure we get * at least one stats callback per message. */ if (cnt < msgcnt) rd_sleep(1); break; default: Test::Fail("Consume error: " + msg->errstr()); break; } delete msg; } Test::Say(tostr() << "Done, lag was valid " << stats.lag_valid << " times\n"); if (stats.lag_valid == 0) Test::Fail("No valid consumer_lag in statistics seen"); c->close(); delete c; } extern "C" { int main_0061_consumer_lag (int argc, char **argv) { do_test_consumer_lag(); return 0; } }