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NuGet package assembly

This set of scripts collect CI artifacts from S3 and assembles them into a NuGet package structure staging directory. The NuGet tool is then run (from within docker) on this staging directory to create a proper NuGet package (with all the metadata).

The finalized nuget package maybe uploaded manually to NuGet.org


  • Requires Python 2.x (due to Python 3 compat issues with rpmfile)
  • Requires Docker
  • Requires private S3 access keys for the librdkafka-ci-packages bucket.


  1. Trigger CI builds by creating and pushing a new release (candidate) tag in the librdkafka repo. Make sure the tag is created on the correct branch.

    $ git tag v0.11.0 $ git push origin v0.11.0

  2. Wait for CI builds to finish, monitor the builds here:

  1. On a Linux host, run the release.py script to assemble the NuGet package

    $ cd packaging/nuget

    Specify the tag

    $ ./release.py v0.11.0

    Optionally, if the tag was moved and an exact sha is also required:

    $ ./release.py --sha <the-full-git-sha> v0.11.0

  2. If all artifacts were available the NuGet package will be built and reside in the current directory as librdkafka.redist.<v-less-tag>.nupkg

  3. Test the package manually

  4. Upload the package to NuGet