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librdkafka release process

This guide outlines the steps needed to release a new version of librdkafka and publish packages to channels (NuGet, Homebrew, etc,..).

Releases are done in two phases: * release-candidate(s) - RC1 will be the first release candidate, and any changes to the repository will require a new RC. * final release - the final release is based directly on the last RC tag followed by a single version-bump commit (see below).

Release tag and version format: * release-candidate: vA.B.C-RCn * final release: vA.B.C

Run regression tests

Build tests:

$ cd tests
$ make -j build

Run the full regression test suite: (requires Linux and the trivup python package)

$ make full

If all tests pass, carry on, otherwise identify and fix bug and start over.

Pre-release code tasks

Switch to the release branch which is of the format A.B.C.x or A.B.x.

$ git checkout -b 0.11.1.x

Update in-code versions.

The last octet in the version hex number is the pre-build/release-candidate number, where 0xAABBCCff is the final release for version 0xAABBCC. Release candidates start at 200, thus 0xAABBCCc9 is RC1, 0xAABBCCca is RC2, etc.

Change the RD_KAFKA_VERSION defines in both src/rdkafka.h and src-cpp/rdkafkacpp.h to the version to build, such as 0x000b01c9 for v0.11.1-RC1, or 0x000b01ff for the final v0.11.1 release.

# Update defines $ $EDITOR src/rdkafka.h src-cpp/rdkafkacpp.h

# Reconfigure and build $ ./configure $ make

# Check git diff for correctness $ git diff

# Commit $ git commit -m "Version v0.11.1-RC1" src/rdkafka.h src-cpp/rdkafkacpp.h

Create tag.

$ git tag v0.11.1-RC1 # for an RC
# or for the final release:
$ git tag v0.11.1     # for the final release

Push branch and commit to github

# Dry-run first to make sure things look correct
$ git push --dry-run origin 0.11.1.x

# Live
$ git push origin 0.11.1.x

Push tags and commit to github

# Dry-run first to make sure things look correct.
$ git push --dry-run --tags origin v0.11.1-RC1

# Live
$ git push --tags origin v0.11.1-RC1

Creating packages

As soon as a tag is pushed the CI systems (Travis and AppVeyor) will start their builds and eventually upload the packaging artifacts to S3. Wait until this process is finished by monitoring the two CIs:

Create NuGet package

On a Linux host with docker installed, this will also require S3 credentials to be set up.

$ cd packaging/nuget
$ pip install -r requirements.txt  # if necessary
$ ./release.py v0.11.1-RC1

Test the generated librdkafka.redist.0.11.1-RC1.nupkg and then upload it to NuGet manually:

Homebrew recipe update

The brew-update-pr.sh script automatically pushes a PR to homebrew-core with a patch to update the librdkafka version of the formula. This should only be done for final releases and not release candidates.

On a MacOSX host with homebrew installed:

$ cd package/homebrew
# Dry-run first to see that things are okay.
$ ./brew-update-pr.sh v0.11.1
# If everything looks good, do the live push:
$ ./brew-update-pr.sh --upload v0.11.1

Deb and RPM packaging

Debian and RPM packages are generated by Confluent packaging in a separate process and the resulting packages are made available on Confluent's APT and YUM repositories.

That process is outside the scope of this document.

See the Confluent docs for instructions how to access these packages: https://docs.confluent.io/current/installation.html