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/** @page glossary_termino Glossary: Terminology

@section sess_handle libcURL session handle

Calling @ref quvi_new creates a libcURL session handle. This handle is
reused by libquvi to access the Internet until @ref quvi_free is called.
libcURL sets most of the initial values for the handle when it is
created by calling curl_easy_init(3). libquvi will, additionally, make
the following changes to the handle when @ref quvi_new is called:

- CURLOPT_COOKIELIST is set to "ALL" (clear cookies in memory -- *when* @ref
- CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE is set to "" (enable cookies -- *when* @ref
- CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER is set to NULL (clear custom headers)
- CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is set to 1L (enabled)
- CURLOPT_USERAGENT is set to "Mozilla/5.0"
- CURLOPT_NOBODY is set to 0L (disabled)

The scripts (e.g. @ref m_script) may modify the cookie and HTTP header
settings dynamically which may be required in order to access some of
the resources, e.g. @ref m_stream. For this reason, it may be necessary
for the 3rd party applications using libquvi to reuse the current
session handle in order to access these sources. The session handle may
be queried using the @ref quvi_get function.

The following functions will reset the session handle to its initial
state when they are called:

- @ref quvi_media_new
- @ref quvi_playlist_new
- @ref quvi_scan_new
- @ref quvi_subtitle_new

Any cookie and header settings that were set by any of the scripts
previously, will be lost when those functions are called.

@section media_sect Media

@subsection m_prop Media property

A property that belongs to a medium, e.g. title. These are parsed and
returned by a @ref m_script.

@sa QuviMediaProperty
@sa quvi_get

@subsection m_stream_id Media stream ID

A string value that is used to identify the @ref m_stream. They are
generated for each available media stream. They may vary per website.

The @ref m_stream_id typically consists of:
@li Media container (e.g. "WebM")
@li Media quality (e.g. "hd720")
@li Video encoding (e.g. "VP8")
@li Video height (e.g. "720")

A typical ID could look like:

Whether they are used in the @ref m_stream_id depends on whether the
website has made the data available, and whether the @ref m_script parses
the properties and uses them.

Sometimes these IDs may as simple as "hd" or "sd", although as of
libquvi(-scripts) 0.9 the media scripts are expected to use the
"standardized representation of the stream ID" whenever possible.

Example: Dailymotion

Example: YouTube

Similar, but uses the container value instead of the video
encoding value. It also uses the 'itag' value, which is specific to

@sa @ref parse_media

@subsection ms_prop Media stream property

A @ref m_prop that is specific to a @ref m_stream. Like with
@ref m_prop, these are parsed and returned by a @ref m_script.

@sa QuviMediaProperty
@sa quvi_get

@subsection m_stream Media stream

A stream of media, e.g. multimedia. Some websites provide >1 media
streams for the hosted content, in which case the @ref m_script will
usually try to parse the URLs to these streams and return them to the

@sa quvi_media_stream_select
@sa QuviMediaProperty
@sa @ref m_stream_url
@sa quvi_get

@subsection m_stream_best Media stream: Best quality

The best quality stream is determined and flagged as such by
a @ref m_script when there are >1 streams available.
How the best quality stream is determined depends on the website and
the @ref m_script.

The library uses the keyword 'best' with @ref quvi_media_stream_select
to identify this stream.

@sa @ref select_stream

@subsection m_stream_default Media stream: Default quality

This is whatever the @ref m_script returns as the first stream. This
stream is returned always.

@subsection sub_data Subtitle data

The subtitle data format varies per website, e.g. YouTube uses
a custom timed-text (TT) format for CCs and TTSes. Generally speaking,
the applications may ignore this format as the API has been designed
so that the library provides the data in the requested format.

@sa @ref subex_script

@subsection sub_lang Subtitle language

An available subtitle language. Each @ref sub_type consists of
(available) languages.

@sa @ref sub_type

@subsection sub_lang_id Subtitle language ID

A string value that is used to identify the @ref sub_lang. They are
generated for each available language.

@subsection sub_type Subtitle type

Either a closed-caption (CC) or a text-to-speech (TTS, sometimes
referred to as "automatic captions"). Each subtitle consists of a
varying number of available languages.

@sa @ref sub_lang

@subsection m_url Media URL

An Internet address to the media, e.g. "".
This URL should not be confused with @ref m_stream_url.

@note This value is accessible to the scripts as "qargs.input_url"

@subsection m_stream_url Media stream URL

An Internet address to the @ref m_stream.
This URL should not be confused with @ref m_url.

@section plist Playlist

A collection of @ref m_url s.

@section script_property Script property

A property of a script, that may be of either
a @ref m_script, a @ref pl_script, a @ref scan_script or
an @ref u_script.

@sa QuviScriptProperty

@section sh_url Shortened URL

An URL that has been "compressed", or "shortened", by a service such as or .

@section verification Verification of an URL

A step, previously until libquvi 0.9, was called a "media stream URL
verification process", during which the library would send an HTTP HEAD
request to the server to query the content-type and the content-length.
This step would also try to guess the file extension to the media from
the content-type. This step took place immediately after returning a
@ref m_stream_url from a @ref m_script.

The verification process step was removed in libquvi 0.9, but an
additional function set was added to allow to querying this
meta-info if necessary.

@note Works with HTTP(S) URLs only
@sa http_metainfo