Blob Blame History Raw
/* otfview.c -- View glyphs of OpenType fonts.

Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
  National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
  Registration Number H15PRO167

This file is part of libotf.

Libotf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Libotf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library, in a file named COPYING; if not,
write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite
330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libgen.h>

#include "config.h"
#include <alloca.h>


#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Toggle.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Box.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Viewport.h>

#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H

#include <otf.h>

  do {						\
    long TYPE temp = (long TYPE) (DATA);	\
    (VAR) = temp;				\
  } while (0)

#define XtAddCallbackWithCast(TYPE, W, PROC, VAR)		\
  do {								\
    long TYPE temp = (long TYPE) (VAR);				\
    XtAddCallback (W, XtNcallback, PROC, (XtPointer) temp);	\
  } while (0)

int pixel_size;

#define DEFAULT_FONT_NAME "6x13"
XFontStruct *font;
#define FONT_HEIGHT (font->ascent + font->descent)
#define FONT_ASCENT (font->ascent)
#define FONT_DESCENT (font->descent)
#define FONT_WIDTH (font->max_bounds.width)

XtAppContext context;
/* Widget structure.
   +--- frame (form) -------------------------+
   | +--- command_area (box) ---------------+ |
   | | quit dump charmap ...                | |
   | +--------------------------------------+ |
   | +---- navi_area (box) -----------------+ |
   | | FIRST PREV prev range next NEXT LAST | |
   | +--------------------------------------+ |
   | +--- glyph_area (form) ----------------+ |
   | | idxh[0] glyph[0]    ...    glyph[15] | |
   | |   ...                        ...     | |
   | | idxh[7] glyph[112]  ...    glyph[127]| |
   | |         idxl[0]     ...    idxl[15]  | |
   | +--------------------------------------+ |
   | +--- script_area (box) ----------------+ |
   | | script(langsys) DFLT ...             | |
   | +--------------------------------------+ |
   | +---- uvs_area (box) (optional) -------+ |
   | | uvs[?].w ...                         | |
   | +--------------------------------------+ |
   | +--- render_area (form) ---------------+ |
   | | clear del bidi alt_subst             | |
   | | +--- raw (box) --------------------+ | |
   | | | raw_label raw_image              | | |
   | | +----------------------------------+ | |
   | | GSUB all none features...            | |
   | | GPOS all none features...            | |
   | | +--- seq (box) --------------------+ | |
   | | | seq_label seq_image              | | |
   | | +----------------------------------+ | |
   | | +--- code (box) -------------------+ | |
   | | | code_label code_list ...         | | |   
   | | +----------------------------------+ | |
   | +--------------------------------------+ |
   +------------------------------------------+ */
Widget shell, frame;
Widget command_area, quit, dump, *charmap;
Widget navi_area, FIRST, PREV, prev, range, next, NEXT, LAST;
Widget glyph_area, glyph[128], index_label[8];
Widget uvs_area, uvs_label;
Widget render_area, clear, del, bidi, alt_subst, raw, seq, code;
Widget raw_label, raw_image, seq_label, seq_image, code_label, code_list;
unsigned long foreground, background;

typedef struct
  OTF_Tag tag;
  int on;
  Widget w;
} FeatureElement;

typedef struct
  char *label;
  OTF_GSUB_GPOS *gsub_gpos;
  OTF_LangSys *langsys;
  int num_features;
  FeatureElement *features;
  Widget parent;
} FeatureRec;

FeatureRec gsub, gpos;

/* Currently selected script and langsys.  */
OTF_Tag script_tag, langsys_tag;

int glyph_char[128];

Display *display;
GC gc, gc_set, gc_or, gc_inv;

typedef struct {
  Pixmap pixmap;
  unsigned width, height;
  int x, y;
  int advance;
} BitmapRec;

BitmapRec bitmap[0x110000];

int render_width, render_height;
Pixmap raw_pixmap, seq_pixmap, gsub_pixmap, gpos_pixmap;
Pixmap none_pixmap;

FT_Face face;

struct {
  int platform_id;
  int encoding_id;
  char name[20];
} charmap_rec[10];

int charmap_index;

int reversed;
int do_alternate_subst;
unsigned glyph_width, glyph_height;
int glyph_x, glyph_y;
int glyph_index;

struct {
  int n_glyphs;
  int glyphs[64];
  int codes[64];
} glyph_rec;

OTF_EncodingSubtable14 *sub14 = NULL;

struct {
  Widget w;
  int c;
} uvs[256];

OTF *otf;
char *filename;
int fontindex;

create_pixmap (int index)
  int err = FT_Load_Glyph (face, index, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME);
  XImage ximage;
  Pixmap pixmap;
  if (err)
      bitmap[index].pixmap = none_pixmap;
  ximage.height = face->glyph->bitmap.rows;
  ximage.width = face->glyph->bitmap.width;
  ximage.depth = 1;
  ximage.bits_per_pixel = 1;
  ximage.xoffset = 0;
  ximage.format = XYPixmap; = (char *) face->glyph->bitmap.buffer;
  ximage.byte_order = MSBFirst;
  ximage.bitmap_unit = 8;
  ximage.bitmap_bit_order = MSBFirst;
  ximage.bitmap_pad = 8;
  ximage.bytes_per_line = face->glyph->bitmap.pitch;
  XInitImage (&ximage);
  pixmap = XCreatePixmap (display, DefaultRootWindow (display),
			  glyph_width, glyph_height, 1);
  XFillRectangle (display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, glyph_width, glyph_height);
  XPutImage (display, pixmap, gc, &ximage, 0, 0,
	     glyph_x + face->glyph->bitmap_left,
	     glyph_y - face->glyph->bitmap_top,
	     ximage.width, ximage.height);
  bitmap[index].pixmap = pixmap;
  bitmap[index].width = ximage.width;
  bitmap[index].height = ximage.height;
  bitmap[index].x = face->glyph->bitmap_left;
  bitmap[index].y = - face->glyph->bitmap_top;
  bitmap[index].advance = face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6;

update_glyph_area ()
  int i;
  Arg arg[2];
  char buf[16];
  int msb;

  for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
      int index = glyph_index + i;

      if (charmap_index >= 0)
	index = FT_Get_Char_Index (face, (FT_ULong) index);
      if (charmap_index >= 0 && ! index)
	XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNbitmap, none_pixmap);
	  if (! bitmap[index].pixmap)
	    create_pixmap (index);
	  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNbitmap, bitmap[index].pixmap);
      XtSetValues (glyph[i], arg, 1);

  msb = (glyph_index >> 7) % 2 ? 8 : 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      char str[3];

      sprintf (str, "%XX", i | msb );
      XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNheight, glyph_height + 5);
      XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNlabel, str);
      XtSetValues (index_label[i], arg, 2);

  if (glyph_index < 0x10000)
    sprintf (buf, "  %04X-%04X  ", glyph_index, glyph_index + 0x7F);
    sprintf (buf, "%06X-%06X", glyph_index, glyph_index + 0x7F);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, buf);
  XtSetValues (range, arg, 1);

update_uvs_area (int c)
  OTF_GlyphID code[256];
  Arg arg[1];
  int i;

  OTF_get_variation_glyphs (otf, c, code);

  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    if (uvs[i].w)
	if (code[i])
	  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNsensitive, True);
	  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNsensitive, False);
	XtSetValues (uvs[i].w, arg, 1);

char *
get_features (OTF_FeatureList *list, FeatureRec *rec)
  int i, n;
  char *str, *p;

  if (! rec->langsys || ! rec->features)
    return NULL;
  for (i = n = 0; i < rec->langsys->FeatureCount; i++)
    if (rec->features[i].on)
  if (n == 0)
    return NULL;
  str = malloc (n * 5);
  for (i = 0, p = str; i < rec->langsys->FeatureCount; i++)
    if (rec->features[i].on)
	OTF_tag_name (rec->features[i].tag, p);
	p[4] = ',';
	p += 5;
  p[-1] = '\0';
  return str;

#define DEVICE_DELTA(table, size)					\
  (((table).DeltaValue							\
    && ((size) >= (table).StartSize && (size) <= (table).EndSize))	\
   ? (table).DeltaValue[(size) >= (table).StartSize]			\
   : 0)

adjust_anchor (OTF_Anchor *anchor, FT_Face ft_face,
	       OTF_Glyph *g, int *x, int *y)
  if (anchor->AnchorFormat == 2)
      FT_Outline *outline;
      int ap = anchor->f.f1.AnchorPoint;

      FT_Load_Glyph (ft_face, (FT_UInt) g->glyph_id, FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME);
      outline = &ft_face->glyph->outline;
      if (ap < outline->n_points)
	  *x = outline->points[ap].x;
	  *y = outline->points[ap].y;
  else if (anchor->AnchorFormat == 3)
      *x += DEVICE_DELTA (anchor->f.f2.XDeviceTable, pixel_size);
      *y += DEVICE_DELTA (anchor->f.f2.YDeviceTable, pixel_size);

update_seq_area ()
  int i, x;
  OTF_GlyphString gstring;
  OTF_Glyph *g, *prev, *base, *mark;
  int base_width;
  int len = glyph_rec.n_glyphs;
  Arg arg[1];
  int unitsPerEm = face->units_per_EM;
  OTF_Tag *log = NULL;
  int logsize;

  gstring.size = gstring.used = len;
  gstring.glyphs = malloc (sizeof (OTF_Glyph) * len);
  memset (gstring.glyphs, 0, sizeof (OTF_Glyph) * len);
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      gstring.glyphs[i].c =[i];
      if (charmap_index < 0)
	gstring.glyphs[i].glyph_id = glyph_rec.glyphs[i];

  XFillRectangle (display, seq_pixmap, gc, 0, 0, render_width, render_height);
  XDrawLine (display, seq_pixmap, gc_set, 0, glyph_y, render_width, glyph_y);
  if (otf)
      char *script_name = NULL, *langsys_name = NULL, buf[10];
      char *str;

      if (script_tag)
	  script_name = buf;
	  OTF_tag_name (script_tag, script_name);
      if (langsys_tag)
	  langsys_name = buf + 5;
	  OTF_tag_name (langsys_tag, langsys_name);

      OTF_drive_cmap (otf, &gstring);
      OTF_drive_gdef (otf, &gstring);
      if (otf->gsub)
	  str = get_features (&otf->gsub->FeatureList, &gsub);
	  if (str)
	      if (do_alternate_subst)
		OTF_drive_gsub_alternate (otf, &gstring,
					  script_name, langsys_name, str);
		  OTF_drive_gsub_with_log (otf, &gstring,
					   script_name, langsys_name, str);
		  logsize = gstring.used * 2;
		  log = alloca (sizeof (OTF_Tag) * logsize);
		  for (i = 0; i < gstring.used; i++)
		      int idx = gstring.glyphs[i].positioning_type >> 4;
		      if (idx)
			log[i] = otf->gsub->FeatureList.Feature[idx - 1].FeatureTag;
			log[i] = 0;
	      free (str);
      if (otf->gpos)
	  str = get_features (&otf->gpos->FeatureList, &gpos);
	  if (str)
	      OTF_drive_gpos_with_log (otf, &gstring,
				       script_name, langsys_name, str);
	      if (log)
		  if (logsize < gstring.used)
		      OTF_Tag *log2 = alloca (sizeof (OTF_Tag) * gstring.used);
		      memset (log2, 0, sizeof (OTF_Tag) * gstring.used);
		      memcpy (log2, log, sizeof (OTF_Tag) * logsize);
		      logsize = gstring.used;
		      log = log2;
		  logsize = gstring.used;
		  log = alloca (sizeof (OTF_Tag) * logsize);
		  memset (log, 0, sizeof (OTF_Tag) * logsize);
	      for (i = 0; i < gstring.used; i++)
		  int idx = gstring.glyphs[i].positioning_type >> 4;
		  if (idx)
		    log[i] = otf->gpos->FeatureList.Feature[idx - 1].FeatureTag;

	      free (str);

  prev = NULL;
  if (reversed)
      OTF_Glyph temp;

      for (prev = gstring.glyphs, g = gstring.glyphs + gstring.used - 1;
	   prev < g; prev++, g--)
	temp = *prev, *prev = *g, *g = temp;
      for (g = gstring.glyphs; g < gstring.glyphs + gstring.used; g++)
	if (g->GlyphClass == 3)
	    OTF_Glyph *g0;
	    prev = g++;
	    while (g < gstring.glyphs + gstring.used && g->GlyphClass == 3)
	    for (g0 = g; prev < g0; prev++, g0--)
	      temp = *prev, *prev = *g, *g = temp;

  mark = base = NULL;
  for (i = 0, x = glyph_x, prev = NULL, g = gstring.glyphs;
       i < gstring.used; i++, prev = g++)
      BitmapRec *bmp = bitmap + gstring.glyphs[i].glyph_id;
      int xoff = 0, yoff = 0;
      int prev_width;
      int advance = bmp->advance;

      if (gstring.glyphs[i].glyph_id && ! bmp->pixmap)
	  create_pixmap (gstring.glyphs[i].glyph_id);
	  if (! bmp->pixmap)
	  advance = bmp->advance;
      if (g->positioning_type & 0xF)
	  while (1)
	      switch (g->positioning_type & 0xF)
		case 1: case 2:
		    int format = g->f.f1.format;

		    if (format & OTF_XPlacement)
		      xoff += g->f.f1.value->XPlacement * pixel_size / unitsPerEm;
		    if (format & OTF_XPlaDevice)
		      xoff += DEVICE_DELTA (g->f.f1.value->XPlaDevice, pixel_size);
		    if (format & OTF_YPlacement)
		      yoff += g->f.f1.value->YPlacement * pixel_size / unitsPerEm;
		    if (format & OTF_YPlaDevice)
		      yoff += DEVICE_DELTA (g->f.f1.value->YPlaDevice, pixel_size);
		    if (format & OTF_XAdvance)
		      advance += g->f.f1.value->XAdvance * pixel_size / unitsPerEm;
		    if (format & OTF_XAdvDevice)
		      advance += DEVICE_DELTA (g->f.f1.value->XAdvDevice,

		case 3:
		  /* Not yet supported.  */
		case 4: case 5:
		  if (! base)
		  prev = base;
		  prev_width = base_width;
		  goto label_adjust_anchor;
		default: 		/* i.e. case 6 */
		  if (! mark)
		  prev = mark;
		  prev_width = 0;
		    int base_x, base_y, mark_x, mark_y;

		    base_x = g->f.f4.base_anchor->XCoordinate * pixel_size / unitsPerEm;
		    base_y = g->f.f4.base_anchor->YCoordinate * pixel_size / unitsPerEm;
		    mark_x = g->f.f4.mark_anchor->XCoordinate * pixel_size / unitsPerEm;
		    mark_y = g->f.f4.mark_anchor->YCoordinate * pixel_size / unitsPerEm;

		    if (g->f.f4.base_anchor->AnchorFormat != 1)
		      adjust_anchor (g->f.f4.base_anchor, face, prev, &base_x, &base_y);
		    if (g->f.f4.mark_anchor->AnchorFormat != 1)
		      adjust_anchor (g->f.f4.mark_anchor, face, g, &mark_x, &mark_y);
		    xoff = (base_x - prev_width) - mark_x;
		    yoff = base_y - mark_y;
	      if (i + 1 == gstring.used
		  || gstring.glyphs[i + 1].glyph_id
		  || ! (gstring.glyphs[i + 1].positioning_type & 0xF))
	      i++, g++;

      XCopyArea (display, bmp->pixmap, seq_pixmap, gc_or,
		 glyph_x + bmp->x, glyph_y + bmp->y, bmp->width, bmp->height,
		 x + bmp->x + xoff, glyph_y + bmp->y - yoff);
      x += advance;

      if (g->GlyphClass == OTF_GlyphClass0)
	base = mark = g, base_width = advance;
      else if (g->GlyphClass == OTF_GlyphClassMark)
	mark = g;
	base = g, base_width = advance;

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNbitmap, seq_pixmap);
  XtSetValues (seq_image, arg, 1);

  if (gstring.used > 0)
      int size = render_width / FONT_WIDTH;
      char *buf = alloca (size + 1);
      char name[5];

      sprintf (buf, "%04X", gstring.glyphs[0].glyph_id);
      if (log && log[0])
	  OTF_tag_name (log[0], name);
	  sprintf (buf + 4, " (%s)", name);
	  x = 11;
	x = 4;
      for (i = 1; i < gstring.used && x + 5 < size; i++, x += 5)
	  sprintf (buf + x, " %04X", gstring.glyphs[i].glyph_id);
	  if (log && log[i] && x + 11 < size)
	      OTF_tag_name (log[i], name);
	      sprintf (buf + x + 5, "(%s)", name);
	      x += 6;
      while (x < size)
	buf[x++] = ' ';
      buf[x] = '\0';
      XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, buf);
      XtSetValues (code_list, arg, 1);

  free (gstring.glyphs);

update_render_area ()
  int i;
  int x;
  Arg arg[1];

  XFillRectangle (display, raw_pixmap, gc, 0, 0, render_width, render_height);
  for (i = 0, x = glyph_x; i < glyph_rec.n_glyphs; i++)
      if (glyph_rec.glyphs[i] >= 0)
	  BitmapRec *bmp = bitmap + glyph_rec.glyphs[i];
	  char buf[5];

	  XCopyArea (display, bmp->pixmap, raw_pixmap, gc,
		     0, 0, glyph_width, glyph_height,
		     (glyph_width + 4) * i + 1, 1);
	  XDrawRectangle (display, raw_pixmap, gc_set,
			  (glyph_width + 4) * i, 0,
			  glyph_width + 1, glyph_height + 1);
	  XDrawLine (display, raw_pixmap, gc_set,
		     (glyph_width + 4) * i + 1 + glyph_x, 1,
		     (glyph_width + 4) * i + 1 + glyph_x, glyph_height + 1);
	  XDrawLine (display, raw_pixmap, gc_set,
		     (glyph_width + 4) * i + 1 + glyph_x + bmp->advance, 1,
		     (glyph_width + 4) * i + 1 + glyph_x + bmp->advance,
		     glyph_height + 1);

	  sprintf (buf, "%04X",[i]);
	  XDrawString (display, raw_pixmap, gc_inv, 
		       (glyph_width + 4) * i + 1
		       + (glyph_width - XTextWidth (font, buf, 4)) / 2,
		       glyph_height + 2 + FONT_HEIGHT, buf, 4);
	  /* Variation Selector */
	  int idx = - glyph_rec.glyphs[i];
	  char buf[4];

	  sprintf (buf, "%03d", idx);
	  XDrawRectangle (display, raw_pixmap, gc_set,
			  (glyph_width + 4) * i, 0,
			  glyph_width + 1, glyph_height + 1);
	  XDrawString (display, raw_pixmap, gc_set,
		       (glyph_width + 4) * i + 1
		       + (glyph_width - XTextWidth (font, "VS", 2)) / 2,
		       1 + glyph_height / 2, "VS", 2);
	  XDrawString (display, raw_pixmap, gc_set,
		       (glyph_width + 4) * i + 1
		       + (glyph_width - XTextWidth (font, buf, 3)) / 2,
		       1 + glyph_height / 2 + FONT_ASCENT, buf, 3);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNbitmap, raw_pixmap);
  XtSetValues (raw_image, arg, 1);
  update_seq_area ();

QuitProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  XtAppSetExitFlag (XtWidgetToApplicationContext (w));

DumpProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  int g_width, g_height;
  float g_x, g_y;
  /* unit in points (1/72 inch); to fit in both US-letter and A4 */
  static int xoff = 30, yoff = 30;
  static int unit = 30;
  static int margin = 2;
  static int title_height = 20, label_height = 10;
  int total_width = (unit + margin * 2) * 16;
  int total_height = (unit + margin * 2 + label_height) * 16 + title_height;
  /* pixel size (dots) */
  int size = 128;
  int i, j, k, l;
  char *name = alloca (strlen (filename) + 10);
  FILE *fp;
  int index = (glyph_index / 0x100) * 0x100;
  float scale;

  g_width = face->bbox.xMax - face->bbox.xMin;
  g_height = face->bbox.yMax - face->bbox.yMin;
  if (g_width > g_height)
      scale = g_width * size;
      g_x = face->bbox.xMin * unit / g_width;
      g_y = face->bbox.yMin * unit / g_width;
      scale = g_height * size;
      g_x = face->bbox.xMin * unit / g_height;
      g_y = face->bbox.yMin * unit / g_height;
  scale /= face->units_per_EM;

  FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes (face, 0, size);

  sprintf (name, "", face->family_name, index);
  printf ("Writing %s ... ", name);
  fflush (stdout);
  fp = fopen (name, "w");

  fprintf (fp, "%s\n", "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0");
  fprintf (fp, "%s\n", "%%Creater: otfview");
  fprintf (fp, "%s %s(%s)-%04X\n", "%%Title:",
	   face->family_name, face->style_name, index);
  fprintf (fp, "%s\n", "%%Pages: 1");
  fprintf (fp, "%s %d %d %d %d\n", "%%BoundingBox:",
	   xoff, yoff, xoff + total_width, yoff + total_height);
  fprintf (fp, "%s\n", "%%EndComments");
  fprintf (fp, "%s\n", "%%BeginProlog");
  fprintf (fp, "/W %d def\n", unit + margin * 2);
  fprintf (fp, "/H %d def\n", unit + margin * 2 + label_height);
  fprintf (fp, "/STR 10 string def\n");
  fprintf (fp, "/DrawIndex {\n");
  fprintf (fp, "  I 16 lt { (000) show } { I 256 lt { (00) show } { I 4096 lt { (0) show} if } ifelse } ifelse I 16 STR cvrs show\n");
  fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
  fprintf (fp, "/DrawTitle {\n");
  fprintf (fp, "  /Courier findfont 20 scalefont setfont\n");
  fprintf (fp, "  %d %d 4 add moveto\n", xoff + total_width / 2,
	   yoff + total_height - title_height + 2);
  fprintf (fp, "  (%s(%s)-%04X) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto show\n",
	   face->family_name, face->style_name, index);
  fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
  fprintf (fp, "/DrawFrame { gsave %d %d translate 0 setlinewidth\n",
	   xoff, yoff);
  fprintf (fp, "  /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont\n");
  fprintf (fp, "  /I %d def\n", index);
  fprintf (fp, "  0 1 16 { W mul 0 moveto 0 H 16 mul rlineto stroke } for\n");
  fprintf (fp, "  0 1 16 { H mul 0 exch moveto W 16 mul 0 rlineto stroke } for\n");
  fprintf (fp, "  0 1 15 { H mul %d add 0 exch moveto W 16 mul 0 rlineto stroke } for\n", label_height);
  fprintf (fp, "  15 -1 0 { gsave H mul 0 exch translate 0 0 moveto\n");
  fprintf (fp, "    0 1 15 { gsave W mul 0 moveto\n");
  fprintf (fp, "      4 2 rmoveto DrawIndex /I I 1 add def grestore} for\n");
  fprintf (fp, "    grestore } for grestore } def\n");
  fprintf (fp, "%s\n", "%%EndProlog");
  fprintf (fp, "DrawTitle DrawFrame\n");

  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 16; j++, index++)
	int idx;

	if (charmap_index >= 0) 
	  idx = FT_Get_Char_Index (face, (FT_ULong) index);
	  idx = index;
	if (idx > 0
	    && FT_Load_Glyph (face, idx, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME) == 0
	    && face->glyph->bitmap.rows > 0
	    && face->glyph->bitmap.width > 0)
	    unsigned char *p = face->glyph->bitmap.buffer;
	    int width = (face->glyph->bitmap.width - 1) / 8 + 1;

	    fprintf (fp, "gsave %f %f translate %d %d scale 0 0 moveto\n",
		     xoff + (unit + margin * 2) * j + margin - g_x,
		     yoff + (unit + label_height + margin * 2) * (15 - i) + label_height + margin - g_y,
		     unit, unit);
	    fprintf (fp, "%d %d true [%f 0 0 %f %d %d]\n",
		     width * 8, face->glyph->bitmap.rows,
		     scale, -scale, -face->glyph->bitmap_left,
	    fprintf (fp, "{< ");
	    for (k = 0; k < face->glyph->bitmap.rows;
		 k++, p += face->glyph->bitmap.pitch)
		for (l = 0; l < width; l++)
		  fprintf (fp, "%02X", p[l]);
		fprintf (fp, "\n");
	    fprintf (fp, ">} imagemask grestore\n");
	    int boxsize = unit + margin * 2;

	    fprintf (fp, "gsave 0 setlinewidth %d %d translate\n",
		     xoff + boxsize * j,
		     yoff + (boxsize + label_height) * (15 - i) + label_height);
	    fprintf (fp, "0 0 moveto %d %d lineto stroke\n",
		     boxsize, boxsize);
	    fprintf (fp, "0 %d moveto %d 0 lineto stroke grestore\n",
		     boxsize, boxsize);
  fprintf (fp, "showpage\n");
  fclose (fp);
  printf ("done\n");

  FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes (face, 0, (int) pixel_size);

GlyphProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  int old_glyph_index = glyph_index;
  int data;

  CAST_FROM_XTPOINTER (int, client_data, data);

  if (data == -3 && glyph_index > 0)
    glyph_index = 0;
  else if (data == -2 && glyph_index > 0)
    glyph_index = (glyph_index - 1) & 0x1FF000;
  else if (data == -1 && glyph_index > 0)
    glyph_index -= 0x80;
  else if (data == 1 && glyph_index < 0x10FF80)
    glyph_index += 0x80;
  else if (data == 2 && glyph_index < 0x10F000)
    glyph_index = (glyph_index + 0x1000) & 0x1FF000;
  else if (data == 3 && glyph_index < 0x10F000)
    glyph_index = 0x10FF80;
  if (glyph_index != old_glyph_index)
    update_glyph_area ();

CharmapProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  int data;

  CAST_FROM_XTPOINTER (int, client_data, data);

  if (charmap_index == data)
  charmap_index = data;
  if (charmap_index >= 0)
    FT_Set_Charmap (face, face->charmaps[charmap_index]);
  update_glyph_area ();

UVSProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  unsigned idx;
  int selector;
  OTF_VariationSelectorRecord *record;
  int i;

  CAST_FROM_XTPOINTER (unsigned, client_data, idx);
  selector = uvs[idx].c;

  if (glyph_rec.n_glyphs >= 64)
  for (i = 0; i < sub14->nRecords; i++)
      record = sub14->Records + i;
      if (record->varSelector == selector)
  if (i < sub14->nRecords)
      if (glyph_rec.n_glyphs > 0
	  && glyph_rec.glyphs[glyph_rec.n_glyphs - 1] < 0)
	glyph_rec.n_glyphs--;[glyph_rec.n_glyphs] = selector;
      glyph_rec.glyphs[glyph_rec.n_glyphs++] = - idx - 1;
      update_render_area ();

RenderProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  int data;

  CAST_FROM_XTPOINTER (int, client_data, data);

  if (data < 0)
      if (glyph_rec.n_glyphs > 0)
	  if (data == -2)
	    glyph_rec.n_glyphs = 0;
	  update_render_area ();
  else if (glyph_rec.n_glyphs < 64)
      int index = glyph_index + data;

      if (charmap_index >= 0)
	index = FT_Get_Char_Index (face, (FT_ULong) index);
      if (bitmap[index].pixmap)
	{[glyph_rec.n_glyphs] = glyph_index + data;
	  glyph_rec.glyphs[glyph_rec.n_glyphs++] = index;
	  if (otf)
	    update_uvs_area (glyph_index + data);
	  update_render_area ();

BidiProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  Arg arg[1];

  reversed = ! reversed;
  if (reversed)
    XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, "L<-R");
    XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, "L->R");
  XtSetValues (w, arg, 1);
  update_seq_area ();

AltSubstProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  do_alternate_subst = ! do_alternate_subst;
  update_seq_area ();

FeatureProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  FeatureRec *rec = (FeatureRec *) client_data;
  int idx, i, j;
  Arg arg[4];
  char *label;

  if (! rec->langsys)
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, &label);
  XtGetValues (w, arg, 1);
  if (! strcmp (label, "all"))
    idx = -2;
  else if (! strcmp (label, "none"))
    idx = -1;
      for (idx = 0; idx < rec->langsys->FeatureCount; idx++)
	if (rec->features[idx].w == w)
      if (idx == rec->langsys->FeatureCount)
	idx = -1;
  if (idx < 0)
      int on = idx == -2;
      char str[5];

      for (i = 0; i < rec->langsys->FeatureCount; i++)
	if (rec->features[i].on != on)
	    rec->features[i].on = on;
	    if (on)
		XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 3);
		XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNinternalHeight, 2);
		XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNinternalWidth, 2);
		XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 1);
		XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNinternalHeight, 4);
		XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNinternalWidth, 4);
	    OTF_tag_name (rec->features[i].tag, str);
	    XtSetArg (arg[3], XtNlabel, str);
	    XtSetValues (rec->features[i].w, arg, 4);
      char str[5];

      rec->features[idx].on = ! rec->features[idx].on;
      if (rec->features[idx].on)
	  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 3);
	  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNinternalHeight, 2);
	  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNinternalWidth, 2);
	  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 1);
	  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNinternalHeight, 4);
	  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNinternalWidth, 4);
      OTF_tag_name (rec->features[idx].tag, str);
      XtSetArg (arg[3], XtNlabel, str);
      XtSetValues (rec->features[idx].w, arg, 4);
  update_seq_area ();

setup_feature_rec (FeatureRec *rec)
  int i, j;
  Arg arg[10];

  rec->langsys = NULL;
  if (! rec->gsub_gpos)
  for (i = 0; i < rec->gsub_gpos->ScriptList.ScriptCount; i++)
    if (rec->gsub_gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].ScriptTag == script_tag)
	OTF_Script *script = rec->gsub_gpos->ScriptList.Script + i;

	if (langsys_tag)
	    for (j = 0; j < script->LangSysCount; j++)
	      if (script->LangSysRecord[j].LangSysTag == langsys_tag)
		  rec->langsys = script->LangSys + j;
	if (! rec->langsys)
	  rec->langsys = &rec->gsub_gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].DefaultLangSys;

  if (! rec->langsys)
    i = 0;
      XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 1);
      XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNinternalHeight, 4);
      XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNinternalWidth, 4);
      XtSetArg (arg[3], XtNborderColor, foreground);
      XtSetArg (arg[4], XtNsensitive, True);
      for (i = 0; i < rec->langsys->FeatureCount; i++)
	  OTF_Feature *feature = rec->gsub_gpos->FeatureList.Feature;
	  int index = rec->langsys->FeatureIndex[i];
	  char label[5];

	  if (! rec->features[i].w)
	      Widget w = XtCreateManagedWidget ("", commandWidgetClass,
						rec->parent, arg, 0);
	      XtAddCallback (w, XtNcallback, FeatureProc, (XtPointer) rec);
	      rec->features[i].w = w;

	  rec->features[i].tag = feature[index].FeatureTag;
	  rec->features[i].on = 0;
	  OTF_tag_name (rec->features[i].tag, label);
	  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNlabel, label);
	  XtSetValues (rec->features[i].w, arg, 6);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderColor, background);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNsensitive, False);
  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNlabel, "    ");
  for (; i < rec->num_features; i++)
      if (! rec->features[i].w)
	  Widget w = XtCreateManagedWidget ("", commandWidgetClass,
					    rec->parent, arg, 0);
	  XtAddCallback (w, XtNcallback, FeatureProc, (XtPointer) rec);
	  rec->features[i].w = w;
      XtSetValues (rec->features[i].w, arg, 3);

compose_script_langsys (OTF_Tag script, OTF_Tag langsys, char *name)
  OTF_tag_name (script, name);
  if (langsys)
      name[4] = '(';
      OTF_tag_name (langsys, name + 5);
      name[9] = ')';
      name[10] = '\0';

decompose_script_langsys (OTF_Tag *script, OTF_Tag *langsys, char *name)
  *script = OTF_tag (name);
  if (name[4])
    *langsys = OTF_tag (name + 5);
    *langsys = 0;

ScriptProc (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
  char *name;
  OTF_Tag script, langsys;
  Arg arg[1];

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, &name);
  XtGetValues (w, arg, 1);
  decompose_script_langsys (&script, &langsys, name);
  if (script_tag == script && langsys_tag == langsys)
  script_tag = script;
  langsys_tag = langsys;
  setup_feature_rec (&gsub);
  setup_feature_rec (&gpos);
  update_seq_area ();

create_otf_script_widgets (Widget prev)
  Widget w;
  Arg arg[10];
  int n, prev_n, i, j;
  struct {
    OTF_Tag script;
    OTF_Tag langsys;
  } *script_langsys;
  char name[11];
  int nfeatures;

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNleft, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNright, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[3], XtNtop, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[4], XtNbottom, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNfromVert, prev);
  XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal);
  prev = XtCreateManagedWidget ("Script", boxWidgetClass, render_area, arg, 7);
  XtCreateManagedWidget ("script(langsys)", labelWidgetClass, prev, arg, 1);

  n = 0;
  if (otf->gsub)
    for (i = 0; i < otf->gsub->ScriptList.ScriptCount; i++)
      n += otf->gsub->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSysCount + 1;
  if (otf->gpos)
    for (i = 0; i < otf->gpos->ScriptList.ScriptCount; i++)
      n += otf->gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSysCount + 1;
  script_langsys = alloca ((sizeof script_langsys[0]) * n);
  n = 0;
  nfeatures = 0;
  if (otf->gsub)
    for (i = 0; i < otf->gsub->ScriptList.ScriptCount; i++)
	OTF_Tag tag = otf->gsub->ScriptList.Script[i].ScriptTag;

	script_langsys[n].script = tag;
	script_langsys[n++].langsys = 0;
	if (nfeatures
	    < otf->gsub->ScriptList.Script[i].DefaultLangSys.FeatureCount)
	    = otf->gsub->ScriptList.Script[i].DefaultLangSys.FeatureCount;
	for (j = 0; j < otf->gsub->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSysCount; j++)
	    script_langsys[n].script = tag;
	      = otf->gsub->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSysRecord[j].LangSysTag;
	    if (nfeatures
		< otf->gsub->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSys[j].FeatureCount)
		= otf->gsub->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSys[j].FeatureCount;
  gsub.num_features = nfeatures;
  if (nfeatures > 0)
      gsub.num_features = nfeatures;
      gsub.features = malloc ((sizeof (FeatureElement)) * nfeatures);
      memset (gsub.features, 0, (sizeof (FeatureElement)) * nfeatures);
  prev_n = n;
  nfeatures = 0;
  if (otf->gpos)
    for (i = 0; i < otf->gpos->ScriptList.ScriptCount; i++)
	OTF_Tag tag = otf->gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].ScriptTag;
	int k;

	if (nfeatures
	    < otf->gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].DefaultLangSys.FeatureCount)
	    = otf->gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].DefaultLangSys.FeatureCount;
	for (k = 0; k < prev_n; k++)
	  if (tag == script_langsys[k].script)
	if (k == prev_n)
	    script_langsys[n].script = tag;
	    script_langsys[n++].langsys = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < otf->gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSysCount; j++)
	    int l;

	    if (k < prev_n)
		OTF_Script *script = otf->gpos->ScriptList.Script + i;

		for (l = k; l < prev_n && tag == script_langsys[l].script; l++)
		  if (script->LangSysRecord[j].LangSysTag
		      == script_langsys[l].langsys)
	      l = prev_n;
	    if (l == prev_n)
		script_langsys[n].script = tag;
		script_langsys[n++].langsys = 0;
	    if (nfeatures
		< otf->gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSys[j].FeatureCount)
		= otf->gpos->ScriptList.Script[i].LangSys[j].FeatureCount;

  if (nfeatures > 0)
      gpos.num_features = nfeatures;
      gpos.features = malloc ((sizeof (FeatureElement)) * nfeatures);
      memset (gpos.features, 0, (sizeof (FeatureElement)) * nfeatures);

  if (n == 0)
    return prev;

  script_tag = script_langsys[0].script;
  langsys_tag = script_langsys[0].langsys;
  compose_script_langsys (script_tag, langsys_tag, name);

  if (n == 1)
      XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNforeground, background);
      XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNbackground, foreground);
      XtCreateManagedWidget (name, labelWidgetClass, prev, arg, 2);
      Widget box;
      XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 0);
      XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNwidth, render_width - (FONT_WIDTH * 15));
      XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal);
      box = XtCreateManagedWidget ("scritp-list", boxWidgetClass, prev, arg, 2);
      XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNstate, True);
      w = XtCreateManagedWidget (name, toggleWidgetClass, box, arg, 1);
      XtAddCallback (w, XtNcallback, ScriptProc, NULL);
      XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNradioGroup, w);
      for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
	  compose_script_langsys (script_langsys[i].script,
				  script_langsys[i].langsys, name);
	  w = XtCreateManagedWidget (name, toggleWidgetClass, box, arg, 1);
	  XtAddCallback (w, XtNcallback, ScriptProc, NULL);
  return prev;

create_otf_widgets (Widget prev, FeatureRec *rec)
  Arg arg[10];
  Widget w;

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNleft, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNright, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[3], XtNtop, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[4], XtNbottom, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNfromVert, prev);
  XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal);
  prev = XtCreateManagedWidget (rec->label, boxWidgetClass, render_area,
				arg, 7);
  XtCreateManagedWidget (rec->label, labelWidgetClass, prev, arg, 1);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 1);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNinternalHeight, 4);
  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNinternalWidth, 4);
  w = XtCreateManagedWidget ("all", commandWidgetClass, prev, arg, 3);
  XtAddCallback (w, XtNcallback, FeatureProc, (XtPointer) rec);
  w = XtCreateManagedWidget ("none", commandWidgetClass, prev, arg, 3);
  XtAddCallback (w, XtNcallback, FeatureProc, (XtPointer) rec);

  rec->parent = prev;
  setup_feature_rec (rec);
  return prev;

create_widgets ()
  String quit_action = "<KeyPress>q: set() notify() unset()";
  String FIRST_action = "<KeyPress>f: set() notify() unset()\n\
			 <KeyPress>Home: set() notify() unset()";
  String PREV_action = "Shift<KeyPress>p: set() notify() unset()\n\
			 <KeyPress>Up: set() notify() unset()";
  String prev_action = "~Shift<KeyPress>p: set() notify() unset()\n\
			 <KeyPress>Left: set() notify() unset()";
  String next_action = "~Shift<KeyPress>n: set() notify() unset()\n\
			 <KeyPress>Right: set() notify() unset()";
  String NEXT_action = "Shift<KeyPress>n: set() notify() unset()\n\
			 <KeyPress>Down: set() notify() unset()";
  String LAST_action = "<KeyPress>l: set() notify() unset()\n\
			 <KeyPress>End: set() notify() unset()";
  Arg arg[10];
  int i, j;
  Widget prev, w;
  String trans = "<Expose>: Expose()";

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNtranslations, XtParseTranslationTable (trans));
  frame = XtCreateManagedWidget ("frame", formWidgetClass, shell, arg, 1);

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNleft, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNright, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNtop, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[3], XtNbottom, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[4], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal);
  command_area = XtCreateManagedWidget ("command-area", boxWidgetClass,
					frame, arg, 6);
  XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNfromVert, command_area);
  navi_area = XtCreateManagedWidget ("navi-area", boxWidgetClass,
				     frame, arg, 7);
  XtSetArg (arg[4], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNfromVert, navi_area);
  XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNdefaultDistance, 0);
  glyph_area = XtCreateManagedWidget ("glyph-area", formWidgetClass,
				      frame, arg, 7);

  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNfromVert, glyph_area);
  if (sub14)
      Arg arg2[3];

      XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal);
      uvs_area = XtCreateManagedWidget ("uvs-area", boxWidgetClass,
					frame, arg, 7);
      XtSetArg (arg2[0], XtNborderWidth, 0);
      XtSetArg (arg2[1], XtNlabel, "Variation Selector: ");
      uvs_label = XtCreateManagedWidget ("uvs-label", labelWidgetClass,
					 uvs_area, arg2, 2);
      XtSetArg (arg2[0], XtNborderWidth, 1);
      for (i = 0; i < sub14->nRecords; i++)
	  OTF_VariationSelectorRecord *record = sub14->Records + i;
	  unsigned selector = record->varSelector;
	  unsigned idx;
	  char lbl[4];
	  idx = (selector <= 0xFE0F ? selector - 0xFE00
		 : selector - 0xE0100 + 16);
	  if (uvs[idx].c)
	  uvs[idx].c = selector;
	  sprintf (lbl, "%03d", idx + 1);
	  XtSetArg (arg2[1], XtNlabel, lbl);
	  XtSetArg (arg2[2], XtNsensitive, False);
	  uvs[idx].w = XtCreateManagedWidget ("lbl", commandWidgetClass,
						   uvs_area, arg2, 3);
	  XtAddCallbackWithCast (unsigned, uvs[idx].w, UVSProc, idx);
      XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNfromVert, uvs_area);
  render_area = XtCreateManagedWidget ("render-area", formWidgetClass,
				       frame, arg, 6);

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNaccelerators, XtParseAcceleratorTable (quit_action));
  quit = XtCreateManagedWidget ("Quit", commandWidgetClass,
				command_area, arg, 1);
  XtAddCallback (quit, XtNcallback, QuitProc, NULL);

  dump = XtCreateManagedWidget ("DumpImage", commandWidgetClass,
				command_area, arg, 1);
  XtAddCallback (dump, XtNcallback, DumpProc, NULL);

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNwidth, 10);
  XtCreateManagedWidget ("spacer", boxWidgetClass, command_area, arg, 2);

  charmap = alloca (sizeof (Widget) * (face->num_charmaps + 1));
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNstate, True);
  charmap[0] = XtCreateManagedWidget (charmap_rec[0].name, toggleWidgetClass,
				      command_area, arg, 1);
  XtAddCallback (charmap[0], XtNcallback, CharmapProc, (XtPointer) -1);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNradioGroup, charmap[0]);
  for (i = 0; i < face->num_charmaps; i++)
      charmap[i + 1] = XtCreateManagedWidget (charmap_rec[i + 1].name,
					      command_area, arg, 1);
      XtAddCallbackWithCast (int, charmap[i + 1], CharmapProc, i);

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, " |< (f)");
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNaccelerators, XtParseAcceleratorTable (FIRST_action));
  FIRST = XtCreateManagedWidget ("FIRST", commandWidgetClass,
				 navi_area, arg, 2);
  XtAddCallback (FIRST, XtNcallback, GlyphProc, (XtPointer) -3);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, "<< (P)");
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNaccelerators, XtParseAcceleratorTable (PREV_action));
  PREV = XtCreateManagedWidget ("PREV", commandWidgetClass,
				navi_area, arg, 2);
  XtAddCallback (PREV, XtNcallback, GlyphProc, (XtPointer) -2);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, "< (p)");
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNaccelerators, XtParseAcceleratorTable (prev_action));
  prev = XtCreateManagedWidget ("prev", commandWidgetClass,
				navi_area, arg, 2);
  XtAddCallback (prev, XtNcallback, GlyphProc, (XtPointer) -1);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, " 0000 ");
  range = XtCreateManagedWidget ("range", labelWidgetClass,
				 navi_area, arg, 1);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNforeground, &foreground);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNbackground, &background);
  XtGetValues (range, arg, 2);

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, "> (n)");
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNaccelerators, XtParseAcceleratorTable (next_action));
  next = XtCreateManagedWidget ("next", commandWidgetClass,
				navi_area, arg, 2);
  XtAddCallback (next, XtNcallback, GlyphProc, (XtPointer) 1);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, ">> (N)");
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNaccelerators, XtParseAcceleratorTable (NEXT_action));
  NEXT = XtCreateManagedWidget ("NEXT", commandWidgetClass,
				navi_area, arg, 2);
  XtAddCallback (NEXT, XtNcallback, GlyphProc, (XtPointer) 2);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, ">| (l)");
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNaccelerators, XtParseAcceleratorTable (LAST_action));
  LAST = XtCreateManagedWidget ("LAST", commandWidgetClass,
				navi_area, arg, 2);
  XtAddCallback (LAST, XtNcallback, GlyphProc, (XtPointer) 3);

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNleft, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNright, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNtop, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[3], XtNbottom, XawChainTop);

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      char str[3];
      int n = 4;
      Widget head;

      sprintf (str, "%XX", i);
      XtSetArg (arg[n], XtNheight, glyph_height + 5), n++;
      XtSetArg (arg[n], XtNlabel, str), n++;
      XtSetArg (arg[n], XtNborderWidth, 0), n++;
      if (i > 0)
	XtSetArg (arg[n], XtNfromVert, w), n++;
      head = XtCreateManagedWidget (str, labelWidgetClass, glyph_area, arg, n);
      index_label[i] = head;
      for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
	  int k = i * 16 + j;

	  n = 4;
	  if (i > 0)
	    XtSetArg (arg[n], XtNfromVert, w), n++;
	  if (j == 0)
	    XtSetArg (arg[n], XtNfromHoriz, head), n++;
	    XtSetArg (arg[n], XtNfromHoriz, glyph[k - 1]), n++;
	  XtSetArg (arg[n], XtNbitmap, none_pixmap), n++;
	  glyph[k] = XtCreateManagedWidget ("glyph", commandWidgetClass,
					    glyph_area, arg, n);
	  XtAddCallbackWithCast (int, glyph[k], RenderProc, k);
      w = head;
  /* 10 = (1 (border_width) + 4 (inner_width)) * 2 */
  XtSetArg(arg[4], XtNwidth, glyph_width + 10);
  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNfromVert, glyph[112]);
  XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNfromHoriz, w);
  XtSetArg (arg[7], XtNborderWidth, 0);

  for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
      char str[3];

      sprintf (str, "X%X", j);
      XtSetArg (arg[8], XtNlabel, str);
      w = XtCreateManagedWidget ("idx", labelWidgetClass, glyph_area, arg, 9);
      XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNfromHoriz, w);

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNleft, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNright, XawChainLeft);
  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNtop, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[3], XtNbottom, XawChainTop);
  XtSetArg (arg[4], XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal);
  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  w = XtCreateManagedWidget ("clear-box", boxWidgetClass, render_area, arg, 6);
  clear = XtCreateManagedWidget ("clear", commandWidgetClass, w, arg, 0);
  XtAddCallback (clear, XtNcallback, RenderProc, (XtPointer) -1);
  del = XtCreateManagedWidget ("delete", commandWidgetClass, w, arg, 0);
  XtAddCallback (del, XtNcallback, RenderProc, (XtPointer) -2);
  bidi = XtCreateManagedWidget ("L->R", toggleWidgetClass, w, arg, 0);
  XtAddCallback (bidi, XtNcallback, BidiProc, NULL);
  alt_subst = XtCreateManagedWidget ("AltSubst", toggleWidgetClass, w, arg, 0);
  XtAddCallback (alt_subst, XtNcallback, AltSubstProc, NULL);

  XtSetArg (arg[4], XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal);
  XtSetArg (arg[5], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNfromVert, w);
  raw = XtCreateManagedWidget ("raw", boxWidgetClass, render_area, arg, 7);

  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNlabel, "raw: ");
  raw_label = XtCreateManagedWidget ("raw-label", labelWidgetClass,
				      raw, arg, 2);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNbitmap, raw_pixmap);
  raw_image = XtCreateManagedWidget ("raw-image", labelWidgetClass,
				      raw, arg, 2);
  w = raw;
  if (otf)
      OTF_get_table (otf, "GSUB");
      OTF_get_table (otf, "GPOS");
      w = create_otf_script_widgets (w);
      if (otf->gsub)
	  gsub.label = "GSUB";
	  gsub.gsub_gpos = otf->gsub;
	  w = create_otf_widgets (w, &gsub);
      if (otf->gpos)
	  gpos.label = "GPOS";
	  gpos.gsub_gpos = otf->gpos;
	  w = create_otf_widgets (w, &gpos);

  XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNfromVert, w);
  seq = XtCreateManagedWidget ("seq", boxWidgetClass, render_area, arg, 7);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNlabel, "seq: ");
  seq_label = XtCreateManagedWidget ("seq-label", labelWidgetClass,
				     seq, arg, 2);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNbitmap, seq_pixmap);
  seq_image = XtCreateManagedWidget ("seq-image", labelWidgetClass,
				     seq, arg, 2);
  XtSetArg (arg[6], XtNfromVert, seq);
  code = XtCreateManagedWidget ("code", boxWidgetClass, render_area, arg, 7);
  XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNborderWidth, 0);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNlabel, "code:");
  code_label = XtCreateManagedWidget ("code-label", labelWidgetClass,
				     code, arg, 2);
  XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNlabel, "");
  XtSetArg (arg[2], XtNwidth, render_width);
  code_list = XtCreateManagedWidget ("code-list", labelWidgetClass,
				     code, arg, 3);
  XtInstallAllAccelerators (shell, shell);

static void
ExposeProc (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *str, Cardinal *num)
  XTextProperty text_prop;
  char *pname = "otfview";
  char *fname = basename (filename);
  char *name = alloca (strlen (fname) + 3 + strlen (pname) + 1);

  sprintf (name, "%s - %s", pname, fname);
  text_prop.value = (unsigned char *) name;
  text_prop.encoding = XA_STRING;
  text_prop.format = 8;
  text_prop.nitems = strlen (name);
  XSetWMName (display, XtWindow (shell), &text_prop);

/* Format MSG by FMT and print the result to the stderr, and exit.  */

#define FATAL_ERROR(fmt, arg)	\
  do {				\
    fprintf (stderr, fmt, arg);	\
    exit (1);			\
  } while (0)

static int
x_error_handler (Display *display, XErrorEvent *error)
  return 0;

help (char **argv, int err)
  FILE *fp = err ? stderr : stdout;

  fprintf (fp, "Usage: %s [ X-OPTION ... ]  OTF-FILE [INDEX]\n",
	   basename (argv[0]));
  fprintf (fp, "  Environment variable PIXEL_SIZE specifies the pixel size.\n");
  fprintf (fp, "  The default pixel size is %d, but is reduced\n",
  fprintf (fp, "  if your screen is not that wide.\n");
  exit (err);

main (int argc, char **argv)
  XtActionsRec actions[] = { {"Expose", ExposeProc} };
  Arg arg[10];

  FT_Library library;
  OTF_GlyphString gstring;
  OTF_Glyph *g;

  int err;
  int i;
  int fixed_pixel_size = 0;
  int display_width;

  pixel_size = DEFAULT_PIXEL_SIZE;
    char *str = getenv ("PIXEL_SIZE");

    if (str && (i = atoi (str)) > 0)
	pixel_size = i;
	fixed_pixel_size = 1;

  gstring.size = gstring.used = 256;
  g = calloc (256, sizeof (OTF_Glyph));
  gstring.glyphs = g;

  shell = XtOpenApplication (&context, "OTFView", NULL, 0, &argc, argv, NULL,
			     shellWidgetClass, arg, 0);
  display = XtDisplay (shell);
  /*XSynchronize (display, True);*/
  XSetErrorHandler (x_error_handler);
  display_width = DisplayWidth (display,
				XScreenNumberOfScreen (XtScreen (shell)));
  font = XLoadQueryFont (display, DEFAULT_FONT_NAME);
  if (! font)
    font = XLoadQueryFont (display, "fixed");

  if (argc < 2)
    help (argv, 1);
  if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp (argv[1], "--help"))
    help (argv, 0);
  filename = argv[1];
  if (argc > 2)
      fontindex = atoi (argv[2]);
      if (fontindex < 0)
	FATAL_ERROR ("Invalid font index: %d\n", fontindex);

  if ((err = FT_Init_FreeType (&library)))
    FATAL_ERROR ("%s\n", "FT_Init_FreeType: error");
  err = FT_New_Face (library, filename, fontindex, &face);
  if (err == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format)
    FATAL_ERROR ("%s\n", "FT_New_Face: unknown file format");
  else if (err)
    FATAL_ERROR ("%s\n", "FT_New_Face: unknown error (invalid face index?)");
  if ((err = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes (face, 0, pixel_size)))
    FATAL_ERROR ("%s\n", "FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes: error");

  if (strstr (filename, ".ttf")
      || strstr (filename, ".TTF")
      || strstr (filename, ".otf")
      || strstr (filename, ".OTF"))
      otf = OTF_open_ft_face (face);
      if (otf)
	  if (OTF_get_table (otf, "head") < 0
	      || OTF_get_table (otf, "cmap") < 0
	      || (OTF_check_table (otf, "GSUB") < 0
		  && OTF_check_table (otf, "GPOS") < 0))
	      OTF_close (otf);
	      otf = NULL;
      if (otf)
	for (i = 0; i < otf->cmap->numTables; i++)
	  if (otf->cmap->EncodingRecord[i].subtable.format == 14)
	      sub14 = otf->cmap->EncodingRecord[i].subtable.f.f14;

    char title[256];
    Arg arg[1];

    filename = basename (filename);
    sprintf (title, "%s family:%s style:%s",
	     filename, face->family_name, face->style_name);
    XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNtitle, title);
    XtSetValues (shell, arg, 1);

  glyph_width = ((face->bbox.xMax - face->bbox.xMin)
		 * pixel_size / face->units_per_EM);
  if (! fixed_pixel_size && glyph_width * 16 > display_width * 0.8)
      pixel_size = (pixel_size * display_width * 0.8 / 16 / glyph_width);
      FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes (face, 0, pixel_size);
      glyph_width = ((face->bbox.xMax - face->bbox.xMin)
		     * pixel_size / face->units_per_EM);
  if (glyph_width < FONT_WIDTH * 4)
    glyph_width = FONT_WIDTH * 4;

  glyph_height = ((face->bbox.yMax - face->bbox.yMin)
		  *  pixel_size / face->units_per_EM);

  glyph_x = - (face->bbox.xMin * pixel_size / face->units_per_EM);
  glyph_y = face->bbox.yMax * pixel_size / face->units_per_EM;
  none_pixmap = XCreatePixmap (display, DefaultRootWindow (display),
			       glyph_width, glyph_height, 1);

    unsigned long valuemask =  GCFunction | GCLineWidth;
    XGCValues values;

    gc = XCreateGC (display, none_pixmap, (unsigned long) 0, NULL);
    XSetFont (display, gc, font->fid);
    values.function = GXset;
    values.line_width = 1;
    gc_set = XCreateGC (display, none_pixmap, valuemask, &values);
    XSetFont (display, gc_set, font->fid);
    values.function = GXor;
    gc_or = XCreateGC (display, none_pixmap, valuemask, &values);
    values.function = GXcopyInverted;
    gc_inv = XCreateGC (display, none_pixmap, valuemask, &values);

  XFillRectangle (display, none_pixmap, gc, 0, 0,
		  glyph_width, glyph_height);
  XDrawString (display, none_pixmap, gc_inv,
	       (glyph_width - XTextWidth (font, "none", 4)) / 2,
	       glyph_height / 2, "none", 4);

  render_width = (glyph_width + 4) * 15 + 1;
  render_height = glyph_height + 2;

  charmap_rec[0].platform_id = -1;
  charmap_rec[0].encoding_id = -1;
  strcpy (charmap_rec[0].name, "no charmap");

  for (i = 0; i < face->num_charmaps; i++)
      charmap_rec[i + 1].platform_id = face->charmaps[i]->platform_id;
      charmap_rec[i + 1].encoding_id = face->charmaps[i]->encoding_id;
      sprintf (charmap_rec[i + 1].name, "%d-%d",
	       charmap_rec[i + 1].platform_id, charmap_rec[i + 1].encoding_id);
      if (face->charmaps[i]->platform_id == 0
	  || (face->charmaps[i]->platform_id == 3
	      && face->charmaps[i]->encoding_id == 1))
	strcat (charmap_rec[i + 1].name, " (unicode)");
      else if (face->charmaps[i]->platform_id == 1
	       && face->charmaps[i]->encoding_id == 0)
	strcat (charmap_rec[i + 1].name, " (apple-roman)");

  raw_pixmap = XCreatePixmap (display, DefaultRootWindow (display),
			      render_width, render_height, 1);
  seq_pixmap = XCreatePixmap (display, DefaultRootWindow (display),
			      render_width, render_height, 1);

  memset (bitmap, 0, sizeof (bitmap));
  create_widgets ();
  glyph_index = 0;
  charmap_index = -1;
  update_glyph_area ();
  update_render_area ();

  XtAppAddActions (context, actions, XtNumber (actions));
  XtRealizeWidget (shell);
  XtAppMainLoop (context);

  exit (0);

#else /* not HAVE_X11_XAW_COMMAND_H */

main (int argc, char **argv)
  fprintf (stderr, 
	   "Building of this program failed (lack of some header files)\n");
  exit (1);
