Blame lib/rawfile.hpp

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/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- */
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 * libopenraw - rawfile.h
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 * Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Hubert Figuière
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 * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
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 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with this library.  If not, see
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 * <>.
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#include <string>
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#include <vector>
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#include <libopenraw/rawfile.h>
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namespace OpenRaw {
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namespace IO {
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class Stream;
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class Thumbnail;
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class RawData;
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class BitmapData;
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class MetaValue;
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namespace Internals {
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class RawContainer;
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class ThumbDesc;
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struct BuiltinColourMatrix;
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void init();
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class RawFile
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    typedef ::or_rawfile_type Type;
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    typedef ::or_rawfile_typeid TypeId;
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    RawFile(const RawFile&) = delete;
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    RawFile & operator=(const RawFile &) = delete;
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    /** return a NULL terminated list of file extensions 
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     * that the library handle. This is purely informational.
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     * @return a pointer the list, NULL terminated. The pointer is
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     * owned by the library.
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    static const char **fileExtensions();
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    /** factory method to create the proper RawFile instance.
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     * @param _filename the name of the file to load
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     * @param _typeHint a hint on the type. Use UNKNOWN_TYPE
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     * if you want to let the library detect it for you.
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    static RawFile *newRawFile(const char*_filename, 
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                               Type _typeHint = OR_RAWFILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
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    /** factory method to create the proper RawFile instance 
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     *  from content 
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     * @param buffer the buffer to examine.
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     * @param len the number of bytes in the length.
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     * @param _typeHint a hint on the type. Use UNKNOWN_TYPE
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     * if you want to let the library detect it for you.
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    static RawFile *newRawFileFromMemory(const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len, 
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                                         Type _typeHint = OR_RAWFILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
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    /** Destructor */
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    virtual ~RawFile();
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    /** Accessor for the type */
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    Type type() const;
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    /** The RAW file type ID. Identify it if needed. 
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     *  @todo figure how to make this const.
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    TypeId typeId();
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    // standard api, like get thumbnail
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    // and get exif.
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    /** list the available thumbnail sizes
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    const std::vector<uint32_t> & listThumbnailSizes(void);
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    /** Get the thumbnail from the raw file 
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     * @param size the square size in px
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     * @param thumbnail the thumbnail to extract into
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     * @return the error code
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    ::or_error getThumbnail(uint32_t size, Thumbnail & thumbnail);
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    /** Get the RAW data 
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     * @param rawdata the RawData to put the data into
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     * @param options the option bits defined by %or_options
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     * @return the error code
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    ::or_error getRawData(RawData & rawdata, uint32_t options);
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    /** Get the rendered image
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     * @param bitmapdata the BitmapData to put the image into
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     * @param options the option bits. Pass 0 for now.
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     * @return the error code
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    ::or_error getRenderedImage(BitmapData & bitmapdata, uint32_t options);    
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    /** Get the orientation of the image, using Exif enums.
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    int32_t getOrientation();
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     * @return the number of items in the colour matrix.
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    uint32_t colourMatrixSize();
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    /** Get colour matrix
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     * @param index The matrix index.
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     * @param [out] matrix an array of %size double.
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     * @param size the size of the buffer. On out the actual size. If it is too 
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     * small the size is adjusted and an error %OR_ERROR_BUF_TOO_SMALL returned.
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     * @return an error code.
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    ::or_error getColourMatrix1(double* matrix, uint32_t & size);
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    ::or_error getColourMatrix2(double* matrix, uint32_t & size);
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    /** Get calibration illuminant that match the colour matrix.
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     * @return the Exif value. 0 = unknown. Likely not found.
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    ExifLightsourceValue getCalibrationIlluminant1();
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    ExifLightsourceValue getCalibrationIlluminant2();
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    const MetaValue *getMetaValue(int32_t meta_index);
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    struct camera_ids_t {
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        const char * model;
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        const uint32_t type_id;
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     * Construct a raw file
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     * @param _type the type
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    RawFile(Type _type);
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    /** Set the file type id */
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    void _setTypeId(TypeId _type_id);
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    /** Just get the type id value. No identification.
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     *  You might want to use %typeId() in the general case.
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    TypeId _typeId() const;
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    /** Get the container. */
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    virtual Internals::RawContainer* getContainer() const = 0;
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    /** enumerate the thumbnail sizes. 
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     * @param list the list to enumerate into
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     * @return OR_ERROR_NONE if success
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    virtual ::or_error _enumThumbnailSizes(std::vector<uint32_t> &list) = 0;
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    /** get the thumbnail of exact size. 
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     * @param size the size in pixel of the square
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     * @retval thumbnail the thumbnail to load
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     * @return OR_ERROR_NONE if success
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     * @seealso listThumbnailSizes() to understand how to fetch the sizes
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     * available
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    virtual ::or_error _getThumbnail(uint32_t size, Thumbnail & thumbnail);
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    void _addThumbnail(uint32_t size, const Internals::ThumbDesc& desc);
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    /** get the RAW data 
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     * @param data the RAW data
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     * @param option the option bits
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     * @return OR_ERROR_NONE if success
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     * Return the data compressed or uncompressed.
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    virtual ::or_error _getRawData(RawData & data, uint32_t options) = 0;
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    /** get the colour matrix.
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     * @param index 1 or 2
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    virtual ::or_error _getColourMatrix(uint32_t index, double* matrix, uint32_t & size);
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    virtual ExifLightsourceValue _getCalibrationIlluminant(uint16_t index);
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    virtual MetaValue *_getMetaValue(int32_t /*meta_index*/) = 0;
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    TypeId _typeIdFromModel(const std::string& make, const std::string & model);
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    TypeId _typeIdFromMake(const std::string& make);
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    void _setIdMap(const camera_ids_t *map);
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    void _setMatrices(const Internals::BuiltinColourMatrix* matrices);
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    const Internals::BuiltinColourMatrix* _getMatrices() const;
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    virtual void _identifyId() = 0;
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    static ::or_error _getBuiltinLevels(const Internals::BuiltinColourMatrix* m,
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                                        TypeId type_id,
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                                        uint16_t & black,
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                                        uint16_t & white);
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    static ::or_error _getBuiltinColourMatrix(const Internals::BuiltinColourMatrix* m,
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                                              TypeId type_id,
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                                              double* matrix,
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                                              uint32_t & size);
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    static Type identify(const char*_filename);
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    static ::or_error identifyBuffer(const uint8_t* buff, size_t len,
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                                     Type &_type);
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    static const camera_ids_t s_make[];
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    static const camera_ids_t* _lookupCameraId(const camera_ids_t * map,
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                                               const std::string& value);
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    class Private;
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    Private *d;
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  Local Variables:
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  c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0))
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