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\section{Oggz Read API}
\label{group__read__api}\index{Oggz Read API@{Oggz Read API}}

Oggz parses Ogg bitstreams, forming ogg\_\-packet structures, and calling your OggzReadPacket callback(s).  

typedef int($\ast$ {\bf OggzReadPacket} )({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$oggz, ogg\_\-packet $\ast$op, long serialno, void $\ast$user\_\-data)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This is the signature of a callback which you must provide for Oggz to call whenever it finds a new packet in the Ogg stream associated with {\itshape oggz\/}. \item\end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
typedef int($\ast$ {\bf OggzReadPage} )({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$oggz, const ogg\_\-page $\ast$og, long serialno, void $\ast$user\_\-data)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This is the signature of a callback which you must provide for Oggz to call whenever it finds a new page in the Ogg stream associated with {\itshape oggz\/}. \item\end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}
int {\bf oggz\_\-set\_\-read\_\-callback} ({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$oggz, long serialno, {\bf OggzReadPacket} read\_\-packet, void $\ast$user\_\-data)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Set a callback for Oggz to call when a new Ogg packet is found in the stream. \item\end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
int {\bf oggz\_\-set\_\-read\_\-page} ({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$oggz, long serialno, {\bf OggzReadPage} read\_\-page, void $\ast$user\_\-data)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Set a callback for Oggz to call when a new Ogg page is found in the stream. \item\end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
long {\bf oggz\_\-read} ({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$oggz, long n)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Read n bytes into {\itshape oggz\/}, calling any read callbacks on the fly. \item\end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
long {\bf oggz\_\-read\_\-input} ({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$oggz, unsigned char $\ast$buf, long n)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Input data into {\itshape oggz\/}. \item\end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}

\subsection{Detailed Description}
Oggz parses Ogg bitstreams, forming ogg\_\-packet structures, and calling your OggzReadPacket callback(s). You provide Ogg data to Oggz with \doxyref{oggz\_\-read()}{p.}{group__read__api_ga3ce7a31de5da56375057436c6b5108f2} or \doxyref{oggz\_\-read\_\-input()}{p.}{group__read__api_ga77d4158dd119f496f73311ace7f630d6}, and independently process it in OggzReadPacket callbacks. It is possible to set a different callback per {\itshape serialno\/} (ie. for each logical bitstream in the Ogg bitstream -\/ see the \doxyref{Ogg basics}{p.}{group__basics} section for more detail).

When using an OGGZ$\ast$ opened with the OGGZ\_\-AUTO flag set, Oggz will internally calculate the granulepos for each packet, even though these are not all recorded in the file: only the last packet ending on a page will have its granulepos recorded in the page header. Within a OggzReadPacket callback, calling \doxyref{oggz\_\-tell\_\-granulepos()}{p.}{group__seek__api_ga29181fb4e8f4e3629cb84810614acd30} will retrieve the calculated granulepos.

See \doxyref{Oggz Seek API}{p.}{group__seek__api} for information on seeking on interleaved Ogg data, and for working with calculated granulepos values. 

\subsection{Typedef Documentation}
\subsubsection[{OggzReadPacket}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}typedef int($\ast$ {\bf OggzReadPacket})({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$oggz, ogg\_\-packet $\ast$op, long serialno, void $\ast$user\_\-data)}\label{group__read__api_gaef015044907510cda7a3c06241e959e7}

This is the signature of a callback which you must provide for Oggz to call whenever it finds a new packet in the Ogg stream associated with {\itshape oggz\/}. 

\item[{\em oggz}]The OGGZ handle \item[{\em op}]The full ogg\_\-packet (see $<$ogg/ogg.h$>$) \item[{\em serialno}]Identify the logical bistream in {\itshape oggz\/} that contains {\itshape op\/} \item[{\em user\_\-data}]A generic pointer you have provided earlier \end{DoxyParams}
0 to continue, non-\/zero to instruct Oggz to stop.
It is possible to provide different callbacks per logical bitstream -\/-\/ see \doxyref{oggz\_\-set\_\-read\_\-callback()}{p.}{group__read__api_ga6d5aae4f7f186fffe19d4fd3cd63148d} for more information. 
\subsubsection[{OggzReadPage}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}typedef int($\ast$ {\bf OggzReadPage})({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$oggz, const ogg\_\-page $\ast$og, long serialno, void $\ast$user\_\-data)}\label{group__read__api_ga8a1df0166fad1a0a6fe55d24e1a4b2e6}

This is the signature of a callback which you must provide for Oggz to call whenever it finds a new page in the Ogg stream associated with {\itshape oggz\/}. 

\item[{\em oggz}]The OGGZ handle \item[{\em op}]The full ogg\_\-page (see $<$ogg/ogg.h$>$) \item[{\em user\_\-data}]A generic pointer you have provided earlier \end{DoxyParams}
0 to continue, non-\/zero to instruct Oggz to stop. 

\subsection{Function Documentation}
\subsubsection[{oggz\_\-read}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}long oggz\_\-read ({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$ {\em oggz}, \/  long {\em n})}\label{group__read__api_ga3ce7a31de5da56375057436c6b5108f2}

Read n bytes into {\itshape oggz\/}, calling any read callbacks on the fly. 

\item[{\em oggz}]An OGGZ handle previously opened for reading \item[{\em n}]A count of bytes to ingest \end{DoxyParams}

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
\item[{\em $>$  0}]The number of bytes successfully ingested. \item[{\em 0}]End of file \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-BAD\_\-OGGZ}]{\itshape oggz\/} does not refer to an existing OGGZ \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-INVALID}]Operation not suitable for this OGGZ \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-SYSTEM}]System error; check errno for details \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-STOP\_\-OK}]Reading was stopped by a user callback returning OGGZ\_\-STOP\_\-OK \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-STOP\_\-ERR}]Reading was stopped by a user callback returning OGGZ\_\-STOP\_\-ERR \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-HOLE\_\-IN\_\-DATA}]Hole (sequence number gap) detected in input data \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-OUT\_\-OF\_\-MEMORY}]Out of memory \end{DoxyRetVals}
\subsubsection[{oggz\_\-read\_\-input}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}long oggz\_\-read\_\-input ({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$ {\em oggz}, \/  unsigned char $\ast$ {\em buf}, \/  long {\em n})}\label{group__read__api_ga77d4158dd119f496f73311ace7f630d6}

Input data into {\itshape oggz\/}. 

\item[{\em oggz}]An OGGZ handle previously opened for reading \item[{\em buf}]A memory buffer \item[{\em n}]A count of bytes to input \end{DoxyParams}

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
\item[{\em $>$  0}]The number of bytes successfully ingested. \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-BAD\_\-OGGZ}]{\itshape oggz\/} does not refer to an existing OGGZ \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-INVALID}]Operation not suitable for this OGGZ \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-STOP\_\-OK}]Reading was stopped by a user callback returning OGGZ\_\-STOP\_\-OK \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-STOP\_\-ERR}]Reading was stopped by a user callback returning OGGZ\_\-STOP\_\-ERR \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-HOLE\_\-IN\_\-DATA}]Hole (sequence number gap) detected in input data \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-OUT\_\-OF\_\-MEMORY}]Out of memory \end{DoxyRetVals}
\subsubsection[{oggz\_\-set\_\-read\_\-callback}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int oggz\_\-set\_\-read\_\-callback ({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$ {\em oggz}, \/  long {\em serialno}, \/  {\bf OggzReadPacket} {\em read\_\-packet}, \/  void $\ast$ {\em user\_\-data})}\label{group__read__api_ga6d5aae4f7f186fffe19d4fd3cd63148d}

Set a callback for Oggz to call when a new Ogg packet is found in the stream. 

\item[{\em oggz}]An OGGZ handle previously opened for reading \item[{\em serialno}]Identify the logical bitstream in {\itshape oggz\/} to attach this callback to, or -\/1 to attach this callback to all unattached logical bitstreams in {\itshape oggz\/}. \item[{\em read\_\-packet}]Your callback function \item[{\em user\_\-data}]Arbitrary data you wish to pass to your callback \end{DoxyParams}

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
\item[{\em 0}]Success \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-BAD\_\-SERIALNO}]{\itshape serialno\/} does not identify an existing logical bitstream in {\itshape oggz\/}. \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-BAD\_\-OGGZ}]{\itshape oggz\/} does not refer to an existing OGGZ \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-INVALID}]Operation not suitable for this OGGZ \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-OUT\_\-OF\_\-MEMORY}]Out of memory\end{DoxyRetVals}
Values of {\itshape serialno\/} other than -\/1 allows you to specify different callback functions for each logical bitstream.

It is safe to call this callback from within an OggzReadPacket function, in order to specify that subsequent packets should be handled by a different OggzReadPacket function. 
\subsubsection[{oggz\_\-set\_\-read\_\-page}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int oggz\_\-set\_\-read\_\-page ({\bf OGGZ} $\ast$ {\em oggz}, \/  long {\em serialno}, \/  {\bf OggzReadPage} {\em read\_\-page}, \/  void $\ast$ {\em user\_\-data})}\label{group__read__api_gafe738d4fdd4b00b1280f5978be19b2d5}

Set a callback for Oggz to call when a new Ogg page is found in the stream. 

\item[{\em oggz}]An OGGZ handle previously opened for reading \item[{\em serialno}]Identify the logical bitstream in {\itshape oggz\/} to attach this callback to, or -\/1 to attach this callback to all unattached logical bitstreams in {\itshape oggz\/}. \item[{\em read\_\-page}]Your OggzReadPage callback function \item[{\em user\_\-data}]Arbitrary data you wish to pass to your callback \end{DoxyParams}

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
\item[{\em 0}]Success \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-BAD\_\-OGGZ}]{\itshape oggz\/} does not refer to an existing OGGZ \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-INVALID}]Operation not suitable for this OGGZ \item[{\em OGGZ\_\-ERR\_\-OUT\_\-OF\_\-MEMORY}]Out of memory\end{DoxyRetVals}
Values of {\itshape serialno\/} other than -\/1 allows you to specify different callback functions for each logical bitstream.

It is safe to call this callback from within an OggzReadPage function, in order to specify that subsequent pages should be handled by a different OggzReadPage function. 