Blob Blame History Raw

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/netfilter.h>		/* for NF_ACCEPT */
#include <errno.h>

#include <libnetfilter_queue/libnetfilter_queue.h>

/* returns packet id */
static uint32_t print_pkt (struct nfq_data *tb)
	int id = 0;
	struct nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr *ph;
	struct nfqnl_msg_packet_hw *hwph;
	uint32_t mark, ifi, uid, gid;
	int ret;
	unsigned char *data, *secdata;

	ph = nfq_get_msg_packet_hdr(tb);
	if (ph) {
		id = ntohl(ph->packet_id);
		printf("hw_protocol=0x%04x hook=%u id=%u ",
			ntohs(ph->hw_protocol), ph->hook, id);

	hwph = nfq_get_packet_hw(tb);
	if (hwph) {
		int i, hlen = ntohs(hwph->hw_addrlen);

		for (i = 0; i < hlen-1; i++)
			printf("%02x:", hwph->hw_addr[i]);
		printf("%02x ", hwph->hw_addr[hlen-1]);

	mark = nfq_get_nfmark(tb);
	if (mark)
		printf("mark=%u ", mark);

	ifi = nfq_get_indev(tb);
	if (ifi)
		printf("indev=%u ", ifi);

	ifi = nfq_get_outdev(tb);
	if (ifi)
		printf("outdev=%u ", ifi);
	ifi = nfq_get_physindev(tb);
	if (ifi)
		printf("physindev=%u ", ifi);

	ifi = nfq_get_physoutdev(tb);
	if (ifi)
		printf("physoutdev=%u ", ifi);

	if (nfq_get_uid(tb, &uid))
		printf("uid=%u ", uid);

	if (nfq_get_gid(tb, &gid))
		printf("gid=%u ", gid);

	ret = nfq_get_secctx(tb, &secdata);
	if (ret > 0)
		printf("secctx=\"%.*s\" ", ret, secdata);

	ret = nfq_get_payload(tb, &data);
	if (ret >= 0)
		printf("payload_len=%d ", ret);

	fputc('\n', stdout);

	return id;

static int cb(struct nfq_q_handle *qh, struct nfgenmsg *nfmsg,
	      struct nfq_data *nfa, void *data)
	uint32_t id = print_pkt(nfa);
	printf("entering callback\n");
	return nfq_set_verdict(qh, id, NF_ACCEPT, 0, NULL);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct nfq_handle *h;
	struct nfq_q_handle *qh;
	int fd;
	int rv;
	uint32_t queue = 0;
	char buf[4096] __attribute__ ((aligned));

	if (argc == 2) {
		queue = atoi(argv[1]);
		if (queue > 65535) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [<0-65535>]\n", argv[0]);

	printf("opening library handle\n");
	h = nfq_open();
	if (!h) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error during nfq_open()\n");

	printf("unbinding existing nf_queue handler for AF_INET (if any)\n");
	if (nfq_unbind_pf(h, AF_INET) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error during nfq_unbind_pf()\n");

	printf("binding nfnetlink_queue as nf_queue handler for AF_INET\n");
	if (nfq_bind_pf(h, AF_INET) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error during nfq_bind_pf()\n");

	printf("binding this socket to queue '%d'\n", queue);
	qh = nfq_create_queue(h, queue, &cb, NULL);
	if (!qh) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error during nfq_create_queue()\n");

	printf("setting copy_packet mode\n");
	if (nfq_set_mode(qh, NFQNL_COPY_PACKET, 0xffff) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "can't set packet_copy mode\n");

	printf("setting flags to request UID and GID\n");
	if (nfq_set_queue_flags(qh, NFQA_CFG_F_UID_GID, NFQA_CFG_F_UID_GID)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "This kernel version does not allow to "
				"retrieve process UID/GID.\n");

	printf("setting flags to request security context\n");
	if (nfq_set_queue_flags(qh, NFQA_CFG_F_SECCTX, NFQA_CFG_F_SECCTX)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "This kernel version does not allow to "
				"retrieve security context.\n");

	printf("Waiting for packets...\n");

	fd = nfq_fd(h);

	for (;;) {
		if ((rv = recv(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) >= 0) {
			printf("pkt received\n");
			nfq_handle_packet(h, buf, rv);
		/* if your application is too slow to digest the packets that
		 * are sent from kernel-space, the socket buffer that we use
		 * to enqueue packets may fill up returning ENOBUFS. Depending
		 * on your application, this error may be ignored. Please, see
		 * the doxygen documentation of this library on how to improve
		 * this situation.
		if (rv < 0 && errno == ENOBUFS) {
			printf("losing packets!\n");
		perror("recv failed");

	printf("unbinding from queue 0\n");

#ifdef INSANE
	/* normally, applications SHOULD NOT issue this command, since
	 * it detaches other programs/sockets from AF_INET, too ! */
	printf("unbinding from AF_INET\n");
	nfq_unbind_pf(h, AF_INET);

	printf("closing library handle\n");
