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= cttimeout: timeout policy tuning for Netfilter/conntrack =
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This infrastructure allows you to define fine-grain timeout
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policies per flow. Basically, from user-space, you can create
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timeout policy objects via nfct_timeout_alloc(), set the
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policy attributes, via nfct_timeout_*_attr_set(), and then
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build the ctnetlink message to communicate this new timeout
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policy to the kernel.
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ctnetlink keeps a list of existing policies that are identified
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by one name. Timeout policies can be attached to flows via the
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iptables CT target.
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This is useful in case you want to reduce the timeout of TCP
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Established state to 3000 seconds instead of default 432000
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seconds for certain flows. The infrastructure allows fine
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tuning of all existing protocol trackers and even modifying
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the timeout for several states for one given protocol.
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This new infrastructure uses libmnl, thus, libnetfilter_conntrack
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remains in intermediate state, meaning that it depends on
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libnfnetlink and libmnl. This should not be a problem since
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we'll require this dual support during the transition to the
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new libnetfilter_conntrack API.
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Under examples/ directory, you can find examples on how to
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create new timeout policies, delete them and to retrieve the
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existing list of policies.
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1) You can create one dummy timeout policy:
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examples# ./nfct-timeout-add test 2 6
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2) You can retrieve the policy that is known by `test':
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examples# ./nfct-timeout-get test
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.test = {
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        .l3proto = 2,
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        .l4proto = 6,
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        .policy = {
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                .SYN_SENT = 100,
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                .SYN_RECV = 120,
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                .ESTABLISHED = 60,
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                .FIN_WAIT = 432000,
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                .CLOSE_WAIT = 120,
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                .LAST_ACK = 60,
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                .TIME_WAIT = 30,
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                .CLOSE = 120,
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                .SYN_SENT2 = 10,
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3) You may want to retrieve all timeout policies:
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examples# ./nfct-timeout-get
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The kernel-space part is planned to be available since Linux
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kernel >= 3.4.0.