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    $Id: MIGRATION,v 1.2 2004/01/03 20:31:00 mike Exp $
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    LIBNET 1.1 (c) 1998 - 2004 Mike D. Schiffman <>
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    Using Libnet 1.1 you will find it MUCH simpler to build and write packets
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    than before.  Instead of the previous five steps (initialize memory,
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    initialize network, build packet, do checksums, write packet) there are
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    now only three steps (initialize library, build packet, write packet).  
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    In order to port your existing code, you will mainly be REMOVING 
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    function calls and variables.
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    1) Start with code removal:
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        - Remove all calls to libnet_init_packet() / packet malloc()ing and
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          all associated variables.
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        - Remove all calls to libnet_open_raw_sock() / libnet_open_link_layer()
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          and all associated variables.
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        - Remove all calls to libnet_do_checksum() and all associated
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    2) Continue with code addition and modification:
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        - You will need a single "libnet_t *l" which is your libnet file
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          context and an error buffer:
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            libnet_t *l
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            char errbuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE];
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            l = libnet_init(
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                    LIBNET_RAW4,    /* or LIBNET_LINK or LIBNET_RAW6 */
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                    NULL,           /* or device if you using LIBNET_LINK */
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        - The libnet_build functions are largely unchanged with a few
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          important differences:
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                1) Packets headers MUST be stacked IN ORDER.  This is
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                   intuitive and shouldn't be a problem.  Due to the way
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                   individual packet header memory is allocated and how 
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                   packet pieces are combined to build a packet they HAVE to 
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                   be built IN ORDER, from the high end of the protocol stack 
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                   on down.  ie: using the raw interface to build a NTP
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                   packet, you would:
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                   To build the same packet using the LINK interface on 
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                   top of ethernet you would:
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                1a) There is the option now of using libnet_autobuild_ipv4()
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                    and libnet_autobuild_ethernet() which have fewer 
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                    arguments and smaller stack frames and are a bit more
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                2) The libnet_build functions return a libnet_ptag_t datatype
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                   on success or -1 on error.  This ptag is your
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                   "protocol/packet tag" so you can find this header again
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                   if you needed to modify it later on.  If you don't need
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                   to modify the packet header you can throw this value
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                   away.  You should definitely check for error now on
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                   your build functions.  Alot's going on down there fellas.
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                2a) NOTE that after packets are built, they may accessed
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                    independently of construction order via the saved ptag.
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                3) They NO LONGER ACCEPT BUFFER ARGUMENTS.  This is ALL
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                   done internally.  The last TWO arguments are the libnet
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                   context you created in your call to libnet_init() and
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                   an OPTIONAL ptag argument.  The ptag argument, if non-zero,
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                   specifes a packet tag to an ALREADY EXISTING packet header
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                   that will be OVERWRITTEN with the values specified in
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                   this libnet_build function call.  This is how you modify
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                   existing packet header pieces.  If this ptag is 0,
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                   a new protocol block is allocated and the packet is
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                   pushed down on the "protocol stack".
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                4) For the functions that build headers that have checksums
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                   these are NOW SPECIFIED AS AN ARGUMENT.  This adds more
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                   flexibility in how checksums are done (you can leave the
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                   field 0, put in a random value, precompute it on your own,
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                   or let the library do it).  By default, when you build
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                   a header, a "DO_CHECKSUM" flag will be set.  This means
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                   the library will compute the checksum for the header
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                   and possibly over the data before the packet is written.
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                   To clear this flag, there is a special macro you
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                   can call on the ptag refering to that header.
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                5) For the functions that have a length, it now specifies
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                   the TOTAL packet length from that protocol unit on down.
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                   For IP, that would be the entire packet length.  For
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                   TCP, that would be TCP and any possible data.
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                6) Nomenclature support for the eventual support of ipv6
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                   has been added.
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            libnet_ptag_t ip_tag;
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            libnet_ptag_t tcp_tag;
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            tcp_tag = libnet_build_tcp(
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                src_prt,            /* source TCP port */
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                dst_prt,            /* destination TCP port */
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                0xffff,             /* sequence number */
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                0x53,               /* acknowledgement number */
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                TH_SYN,             /* control flags */
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                1024,               /* window size */
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                0xd00d,             /* checksum */
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                0,                  /* urgent pointer */
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                LIBNET_TCP_H        /* TCP packet size */
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                NULL,               /* payload (none) */
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                0,                  /* payload length */
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                l,                  /* libnet context */
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                0);                 /* ptag */
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            ip_tag = libnet_build_ipv4(
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                LIBNET_TCP_H + LIBNET_IPV4_H,/* total packet len */
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                IPTOS_LOWDELAY,     /* tos */
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                ip_id,              /* IP ID */
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                0,                  /* IP Frag */
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                64,                 /* TTL */
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                IPPROTO_TCP,        /* protocol */
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                0,                  /* checksum */
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                src_ip,             /* source ip */
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                dst_ip,             /* dest ip */
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                NULL,               /* payload (none) */
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                0,                  /* payload size */
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                l,                  /* libnet context */
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                0);                 /* ptag */
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            Now, if you wanted to modify one of these headers in a loop
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            somewhere you would:
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            int i;
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            for (ip_tag, tcp_tag = LIBNET_PTAG_INITIALIZER, i = 0; i < 10; i++)
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                tcp_tag = libnet_build_tcp(++src_prt, ..., l, tcp_tag);
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                ip_tag = libnet_build_ipv4(..., ++ip_id, ..., l, ip_tag);
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                /* do something */
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            Since we are specifying a ptag for an existing header, the
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            build function will NOT create a new header and append it to
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            the list, it will FIND the one referenced by the ptag and UPDATE
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            it.  Since there is nothing new being created, order is NOT
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            important here.
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            Also note that it's perfectly fine to wrap the loop around the
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            initial building of the packets.  Since we're initializing the
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            ptags (to be zero), the first call into the builder functions
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            will allocate the memory and create the packet blocks.  These
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            calls will return ptag values.  The next calls will modify
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            these headers since the ptags will not be NULL.
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    - Finally, we write the packet.  Checksums are computed, by default
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      for each protocol header that requires one.  If the user specifies
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      a non-zero value, by default, this will be used INSTEAD of a
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      libnet computed checksum.  This behavior is overridable with:
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    Turn ON checksums for header referenced by ptag:
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        libnet_toggle_checksum(l, ptag, 1)
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    Turn OFF checksums for header referenced by ptag:
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        libnet_toggle_checksum(l, ptag, 0)
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    Note, the packet header MUST exist before you can toggle this setting.
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        int c;
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        c = libnet_write(l);
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    Boom.  You're done.  Now go read the sample code.
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