Blame src/tools/file/input.cpp

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/* -*- Mode: C++; c-default-style: "k&r"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* libmwaw: tools
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* Version: MPL 2.0 / LGPLv2+
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* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
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* the License at
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
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* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
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* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
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* License.
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* Major Contributor(s):
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* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Alonso Laurent (
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* All Rights Reserved.
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* For minor contributions see the git repository.
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* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or later (the "LGPLv2+"),
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* in which case the provisions of the LGPLv2+ are applicable
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* instead of those above.
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#include <string.h>
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#include <iostream>
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#include "file_internal.h"
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#include "input.h"
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namespace libmwaw_tools
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// InputStream
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unsigned char InputStream::readU8()
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  unsigned long nRead;
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  unsigned char const *data = read(1, nRead);
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  if (!data || nRead != 1) return 0;
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  return data[0];
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unsigned short InputStream::readU16()
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  unsigned long nRead;
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  unsigned char const *data = read(2, nRead);
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  if (!data || nRead != 2) return 0;
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  return static_cast<unsigned short>((data[0]<<8)+data[1]);
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unsigned int InputStream::readU32()
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  unsigned long nRead;
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  unsigned char const *data = read(4, nRead);
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  if (!data || nRead != 4) return 0;
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  return static_cast<unsigned int>((data[0]<<24)+(data[1]<<16)+(data[2]<<8)+data[3]);
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char InputStream::read8()
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  unsigned long nRead;
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  unsigned char const *data = read(1, nRead);
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  if (!data || nRead != 1) return 0;
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  return static_cast<char>(data[0]);
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short InputStream::read16()
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  unsigned long nRead;
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  unsigned char const *data = read(2, nRead);
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  if (!data || nRead != 2) return 0;
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  return static_cast<short>((data[0]<<8)+data[1]);
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int InputStream::read32()
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  unsigned long nRead;
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  unsigned char const *data = read(4, nRead);
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  if (!data || nRead != 4) return 0;
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  return static_cast<int>((data[0]<<24)+(data[1]<<16)+(data[2]<<8)+data[3]);
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int InputStream::seek(long _offset, SeekType seekType)
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  long sz = length();
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  if (seekType == SK_CUR)
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    m_offset += _offset;
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  else if (seekType == SK_SET)
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    m_offset = _offset;
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  else if (seekType == SK_END)
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    m_offset = sz+_offset;
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  if (m_offset < 0) {
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    m_offset = 0;
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    return 1;
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  if (m_offset > sz) {
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    m_offset = sz;
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    return 1;
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  return 0;
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// StringStream
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StringStream::StringStream(const unsigned char *data, const unsigned long dataSize)
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  : InputStream()
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  , m_buffer(dataSize)
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  memcpy(&m_buffer[0], data, dataSize);
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const unsigned char *StringStream::read(unsigned long numBytes, unsigned long &numBytesRead)
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  numBytesRead = 0;
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  if (numBytes == 0)
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    return 0;
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  unsigned long numBytesToRead;
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  if ((static_cast<unsigned long>(m_offset)+numBytes) < m_buffer.size())
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    numBytesToRead = numBytes;
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    numBytesToRead = static_cast<unsigned long>(static_cast<long>(m_buffer.size()) - m_offset);
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  numBytesRead = numBytesToRead; // about as paranoid as we can be..
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  if (numBytesToRead == 0)
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    return 0;
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  long oldOffset = m_offset;
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  m_offset += numBytesToRead;
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  return &m_buffer[size_t(oldOffset)];
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// FileStream
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FileStream::FileStream(char const *path)
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  : InputStream()
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  , m_file(0)
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  , m_isOk(true)
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  , m_buffer()
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  , m_bufferPos(0)
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  m_file = fopen(path,"r");
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  if (m_file)
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#ifdef DEBUG
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  std::cerr << "FileStream:FileStream can not open " << path << "\n";
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  m_isOk = false;
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  if (!m_isOk) return;
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  if (m_file) fclose(m_file);
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unsigned char const *FileStream::read(unsigned long numBytes, unsigned long &numBytesRead)
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  numBytesRead = 0;
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  if (!m_isOk || !m_file)
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    return 0;
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  long lastPos = m_offset+long(numBytes);
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  long fileLength = length();
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  if (lastPos > fileLength) lastPos = fileLength;
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  // check if the buffer is or not ok
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  auto bufSize = long(m_buffer.size());
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  if (m_offset < m_bufferPos || lastPos > m_bufferPos+bufSize) {
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    auto numToRead = size_t(numBytes);
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    if (numToRead < 4096 && m_offset+4096 <= fileLength)
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      numToRead = 4096;
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    else if (numToRead < 4096)
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      numToRead = size_t(fileLength-m_offset);
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    if (numToRead==0)
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      return 0;
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    // try to read numToRead bytes
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    m_bufferPos = m_offset;
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#if 0
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    MWAW_DEBUG_MSG(("FileStream::read called with %ld[%ld]: read %ld bytes\n", m_offset, numBytes, numToRead));
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    if (fseek(m_file, m_offset, SEEK_SET)==-1) {
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      MWAW_DEBUG_MSG(("FileStream::read get error when doing a seek\n"));
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      return 0;
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    size_t nRead = fread(&(m_buffer[0]), 1, numToRead, m_file);
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    if (nRead != numToRead) {
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      MWAW_DEBUG_MSG(("FileStream::read get error when reading data\n"));
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  bufSize = long(m_buffer.size());
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  if (!bufSize)
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    return 0;
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  numBytesRead = static_cast<unsigned long>(m_bufferPos + bufSize - m_offset);
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  if (numBytesRead > numBytes)
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    numBytesRead = numBytes;
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  unsigned char const *res = &(m_buffer[size_t(m_offset-m_bufferPos)]);
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  m_offset += long(numBytesRead);
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  return res;
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long FileStream::length()
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  if (!m_isOk || !m_file) return 0;
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  if (fseek(m_file, 0, SEEK_END)==-1) {
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    MWAW_DEBUG_MSG(("FileStream::length get error when reading data\n"));
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    return 0;
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  return long(ftell(m_file));
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