================================================ Installation of the MusicBrainz Client Library ================================================ The instructions in this file should help you to build and install the MusicBrainz client library from source on your system. Dependencies ============ Before you start, make sure you have installed following libraries: * Neon -- HTTP client library http://www.webdav.org/neon/ Building ======== Once you have installed all dependencies, you can compile the library: cmake . make And to install the built library run (as root): make install Cross Compiling =============== Cross compiling is a little more involved due to the automatic generation of the C interface source files. Your cross compilation environment will need appropriate headers and libraries for any dependencies. First set up a toolchain file as specified here: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Cross_Compiling#The_toolchain_file Then build natively to generate the appropriate make-c-interface file mkdir build-native cd build-native cmake .. make Finally, cross compile, telling cmake where to find your toolchain and the make-c-interface binary: mkdir build-cross cd build-cross cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/powerpc-cross \ -DIMPORT_EXECUTABLES=../build-native/ImportExecutables.cmake .. make CMake Options ============= By default, the library will be installed to /usr/local. You can change this using the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option, for example: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr . To disable debug messages, change the build type: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . For overview of all available options use: cmake -L . or use a GUI. See http://www.cmake.org/HTML/RunningCMake.html for more details.