Blame src/lib/ShapeGroupElement.h

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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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 * This file is part of the libmspub project.
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 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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 * file, You can obtain one at
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#include <functional>
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#include <memory>
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#include <vector>
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#include <boost/optional.hpp>
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#include "ShapeInfo.h"
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#include "VectorTransformation2D.h"
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namespace libmspub
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struct Coordinate;
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class ShapeGroupElement
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  boost::optional<ShapeInfo> m_shapeInfo;
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  std::weak_ptr<ShapeGroupElement> m_parent;
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  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShapeGroupElement>> m_children;
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  unsigned m_seqNum;
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  ShapeGroupElement &operator=(const ShapeGroupElement &) = delete;
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  ShapeGroupElement(const ShapeGroupElement &) = delete;
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  VectorTransformation2D m_transform;
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  ShapeGroupElement(const std::shared_ptr<ShapeGroupElement> &parent, unsigned seqNum);
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  static std::shared_ptr<ShapeGroupElement> create(const std::shared_ptr<ShapeGroupElement> &parent, unsigned seqNum = 0);
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  void setShapeInfo(const ShapeInfo &shapeInfo);
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  void setup(std::function<void(ShapeGroupElement &self)> visitor);
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  void visit(std::function<
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             (const ShapeInfo &info, const Coordinate &relativeTo, const VectorTransformation2D &foldedTransform, bool isGroup, const VectorTransformation2D &thisTransform)> visitor,
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             const Coordinate &relativeTo, const VectorTransformation2D &foldedTransform) const;
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  void visit(std::function<
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             (const ShapeInfo &info, const Coordinate &relativeTo, const VectorTransformation2D &foldedTransform, bool isGroup, const VectorTransformation2D &thisTransform)> visitor) const;
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  bool isGroup() const;
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  std::shared_ptr<ShapeGroupElement> getParent() const;
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  void setSeqNum(unsigned seqNum);
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  void setTransform(const VectorTransformation2D &transform);
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  unsigned getSeqNum() const;
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