Blob Blame History Raw
  This file is part of libmicrohttpd
  Copyright (C) 2016 Karlson2k (Evgeny Grin)

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


 * @file microhttpd/mhd_itc.h
 * @brief  Header for platform-independent inter-thread communication
 * @author Karlson2k (Evgeny Grin)
 * @author Christian Grothoff
 * Provides basic abstraction for inter-thread communication.
 * Any functions can be implemented as macro on some platforms
 * unless explicitly marked otherwise.
 * Any function argument can be skipped in macro, so avoid
 * variable modification in function parameters.
#ifndef MHD_ITC_H
#define MHD_ITC_H 1
#include "mhd_itc_types.h"

#include <fcntl.h>

#ifndef MHD_PANIC
#  include <stdio.h>
#  include <stdlib.h>
/* Simple implementation of MHD_PANIC, to be used outside lib */
#  define MHD_PANIC(msg) do { fprintf (stderr,           \
     "Abnormal termination at %d line in file %s: %s\n", \
     (int)__LINE__, __FILE__, msg); abort();} while(0)
#endif /* ! MHD_PANIC */

#if defined(_MHD_ITC_EVENTFD)

/* **************** Optimized GNU/Linux ITC implementation by eventfd ********** */
#include <sys/eventfd.h>
#include <stdint.h>      /* for uint64_t */
#include <unistd.h>      /* for read(), write(), errno */
#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
#include <string.h> /* for strerror() */

 * Initialise ITC by generating eventFD
 * @param itc the itc to initialise
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#define MHD_itc_init_(itc) (-1 != ((itc).fd = eventfd (0, EFD_CLOEXEC | EFD_NONBLOCK)))

 * Get description string of last errno for itc operations.
#define MHD_itc_last_strerror_() strerror(errno)

 * Internal static const helper for MHD_itc_activate_()
static const uint64_t _MHD_itc_wr_data = 1;

 * Activate signal on @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to use
 * @param str ignored
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#define MHD_itc_activate_(itc, str) \
  ((write((itc).fd, (const void*)&_MHD_itc_wr_data, 8) > 0) || (EAGAIN == errno))

 * Return read FD of @a itc which can be used for poll(), select() etc.
 * @param itc the itc to get FD
 * @return FD of read side
#define MHD_itc_r_fd_(itc) ((itc).fd)

 * Return write FD of @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to get FD
 * @return FD of write side
#define MHD_itc_w_fd_(itc) ((itc).fd)

 * Clear signaled state on @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to clear
#define MHD_itc_clear_(itc)                  \
  do { uint64_t __b; int __r;                \
       __r = read((itc).fd, &__b, sizeof(__b)); \
       (void)__r; } while(0)

 * Destroy previously initialised ITC
 * @param itc the itc to destroy
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#define MHD_itc_destroy_(itc) ((0 != close ((itc).fd)) || (EBADF != errno))

 * Check whether ITC has valid value.
 * Macro check whether @a itc value is valid (allowed),
 * macro does not check whether @a itc was really initialised.
 * @param itc the itc to check
 * @return boolean true if @a itc has valid value,
 *         boolean false otherwise.
#define MHD_ITC_IS_VALID_(itc)  (-1 != ((itc).fd))

 * Set @a itc to invalid value.
 * @param itc the itc to set
#define MHD_itc_set_invalid_(itc) ((itc).fd = -1)

#elif defined(_MHD_ITC_PIPE)

/* **************** Standard UNIX ITC implementation by pipe ********** */

#if defined(HAVE_PIPE2_FUNC) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H)
#  include <fcntl.h>     /* for O_CLOEXEC, O_NONBLOCK */
#endif /* HAVE_PIPE2_FUNC && HAVE_FCNTL_H */
#include <unistd.h>      /* for read(), write(), errno */
#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
#include <string.h> /* for strerror() */

 * Initialise ITC by generating pipe
 * @param itc the itc to initialise
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#  define MHD_itc_init_(itc) (!pipe2((itc).fd, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK))
#else  /* ! HAVE_PIPE2_FUNC */
#  define MHD_itc_init_(itc)              \
     ( (!pipe((itc).fd)) ?                \
         (MHD_itc_nonblocking_((itc)) ?   \
           (!0) :                         \
           (MHD_itc_destroy_((itc)), 0) ) \
         : (0) )
#endif /* ! HAVE_PIPE2_FUNC */

 * Get description string of last errno for itc operations.
#define MHD_itc_last_strerror_() strerror(errno)

 * Activate signal on @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to use
 * @param str one-symbol string, useful only for strace debug
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#define MHD_itc_activate_(itc, str) \
  ((write((itc).fd[1], (const void*)(str), 1) > 0) || (EAGAIN == errno))

 * Return read FD of @a itc which can be used for poll(), select() etc.
 * @param itc the itc to get FD
 * @return FD of read side
#define MHD_itc_r_fd_(itc) ((itc).fd[0])

 * Return write FD of @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to get FD
 * @return FD of write side
#define MHD_itc_w_fd_(itc) ((itc).fd[1])

 * Clear signaled state on @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to clear
#define MHD_itc_clear_(itc) do                      \
  { long __b;                                       \
    while(0 < read((itc).fd[0], &__b, sizeof(__b))) \
    {} } while(0)

 * Destroy previously initialised ITC
 * @param itc the itc to destroy
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#define MHD_itc_destroy_(itc)      \
  ( (0 == close ((itc).fd[0])) ?   \
      (0 == close ((itc).fd[1])) : \
      ((close ((itc).fd[1])), 0) )

 * Check whether ITC has valid value.
 * Macro check whether @a itc value is valid (allowed),
 * macro does not check whether @a itc was really initialised.
 * @param itc the itc to check
 * @return boolean true if @a itc has valid value,
 *         boolean false otherwise.
#define MHD_ITC_IS_VALID_(itc)  (-1 != (itc).fd[0])

 * Set @a itc to invalid value.
 * @param itc the itc to set
#define MHD_itc_set_invalid_(itc) ((itc).fd[0] = (itc).fd[1] = -1)

   * Change itc FD options to be non-blocking.
   * @param fd the FD to manipulate
   * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
  MHD_itc_nonblocking_ (struct MHD_itc_ itc);
#endif /* ! HAVE_PIPE2_FUNC */

#elif defined(_MHD_ITC_SOCKETPAIR)

/* **************** ITC implementation by socket pair ********** */

#include "mhd_sockets.h"

 * Initialise ITC by generating socketpair
 * @param itc the itc to initialise
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#ifdef MHD_socket_pair_nblk_
#  define MHD_itc_init_(itc) MHD_socket_pair_nblk_((itc).sk)
#else  /* ! MHD_socket_pair_nblk_ */
#  define MHD_itc_init_(itc)            \
     (MHD_socket_pair_((itc).sk) ?      \
       (MHD_itc_nonblocking_((itc)) ?   \
         (!0) :                         \
         (MHD_itc_destroy_((itc)), 0) ) \
       : (0))
#endif /* ! MHD_socket_pair_nblk_ */

 * Get description string of last error for itc operations.
#define MHD_itc_last_strerror_() MHD_socket_last_strerr_()

 * Activate signal on @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to use
 * @param str one-symbol string, useful only for strace debug
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#define MHD_itc_activate_(itc, str)          \
  ((MHD_send_((itc).sk[1], (str), 1) > 0) || \

 * Return read FD of @a itc which can be used for poll(), select() etc.
 * @param itc the itc to get FD
 * @return FD of read side
#define MHD_itc_r_fd_(itc) ((itc).sk[0])

 * Return write FD of @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to get FD
 * @return FD of write side
#define MHD_itc_w_fd_(itc) ((itc).sk[1])

 * Clear signaled state on @a itc
 * @param itc the itc to clear
#define MHD_itc_clear_(itc) do      \
  { long __b;                       \
    while(0 < recv((itc).sk[0],     \
                   (char*)&__b,     \
                   sizeof(__b), 0)) \
    {} } while(0)

 * Destroy previously initialised ITC
 * @param itc the itc to destroy
 * @return non-zero if succeeded, zero otherwise
#define MHD_itc_destroy_(itc)          \
  ( MHD_socket_close_((itc).sk[0]) ?   \
      MHD_socket_close_((itc).sk[1]) : \
      ((void)MHD_socket_close_((itc).sk[1]), 0) )

 * Check whether ITC has valid value.
 * Macro check whether @a itc value is valid (allowed),
 * macro does not check whether @a itc was really initialised.
 * @param itc the itc to check
 * @return boolean true if @a itc has valid value,
 *         boolean false otherwise.
#define MHD_ITC_IS_VALID_(itc)  (MHD_INVALID_SOCKET != (itc).sk[0])

 * Set @a itc to invalid value.
 * @param itc the itc to set
#define MHD_itc_set_invalid_(itc) ((itc).sk[0] = (itc).sk[1] = MHD_INVALID_SOCKET)

#ifndef MHD_socket_pair_nblk_
#  define MHD_itc_nonblocking_(pip) (MHD_socket_nonblocking_((pip).sk[0]) && MHD_socket_nonblocking_((pip).sk[1]))
#endif /* ! MHD_socket_pair_nblk_ */

#endif /* _MHD_ITC_SOCKETPAIR */

 * Destroy previously initialised ITC and abort execution
 * if error is detected.
 * @param itc the itc to destroy
#define MHD_itc_destroy_chk_(itc) do {          \
    if (!MHD_itc_destroy_(itc))                 \
      MHD_PANIC(_("Failed to destroy ITC.\n")); \
  } while(0)

 * Check whether ITC has invalid value.
 * Macro check whether @a itc value is invalid,
 * macro does not check whether @a itc was destroyed.
 * @param itc the itc to check
 * @return boolean true if @a itc has invalid value,
 *         boolean false otherwise.
#define MHD_ITC_IS_INVALID_(itc)  (! MHD_ITC_IS_VALID_(itc))

#endif /* MHD_ITC_H */