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If you are getting this code from then
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continue reading. Otherwise these directions are not for you (well maybe...).
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To obtain code from you will need to
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issue the following command:
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bzr branch lp:libmemcached
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Once the tree is cloned you will need to build the "configure" script. You
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can do this by running the script:
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./ autoreconf
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It will set up all of the files you need to build libmemcached. At that
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point it is just the typical "./configure; make; make test; make install"
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For a tarball release do a "make dist" and for an RPM type "make rpm".
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For patches, we prefer you push a branch to launchpad and then submit that 
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branch to be merged. For more information, see:
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Thanks and keep hacking!
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  Seattle, WA.