Blame tests/

Packit 1422b7
# added 2015-04-13 by Rainer Gerhards
Packit 1422b7
# This file is part of the liblognorm project, released under ASL 2.0
Packit 1422b7
. $srcdir/
Packit 1422b7
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test_def $0 "cisco-interface-spec syntax"
Packit 1422b7
add_rule 'rule=:begin %field:cisco-interface-spec% end'
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
execute 'begin outside: end'
Packit 1422b7
assert_output_json_eq '{"field":  { "interface": "outside", "ip": "", "port": "50349" } }'
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
execute 'begin outside:\rainer) end'
Packit 1422b7
# we need to add the backslash escape for the testbench plumbing
Packit 1422b7
assert_output_json_eq '{"field": { "interface": "outside", "ip": "", "port": "50349", "user": "DOMAIN\\rainer" } }'
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
execute 'begin outside: end'
Packit 1422b7
# we need to add the backslash escape for the testbench plumbing
Packit 1422b7
assert_output_json_eq '{"field": { "interface": "outside", "ip": "", "port": "50349", "user": "test/rainer" } }'
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
execute 'begin outside: end'
Packit 1422b7
# we need to add the backslash escape for the testbench plumbing
Packit 1422b7
assert_output_json_eq '{"field": { "interface": "outside", "ip": "", "port": "50349", "user": "rainer" } }'
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
execute 'begin outside: (\some.user) end'
Packit 1422b7
assert_output_json_eq ' { "field": { "interface": "outside", "ip": "", "port": "50179", "ip2": "", "port2": "50179", "user": "LOCAL\\some.user" } }'
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
execute 'begin outside: ( (LOCAL\some.user) end'
Packit 1422b7
assert_output_json_eq ' { "field": { "interface": "outside", "ip": "", "port": "50179", "ip2": "", "port2": "50179", "user": "LOCAL\\some.user" } }'
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
execute 'begin ( (LOCAL\without.if) end'
Packit 1422b7
assert_output_json_eq ' { "field": { "ip": "", "port": "50179", "ip2": "", "port2": "50179", "user": "LOCAL\\without.if" } }'
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
Packit 1422b7
# Test for things that MUST NOT match!
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# the SP before the second IP is missing:
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execute 'begin outside:\some.user) end'
Packit 1422b7
# note: the expected result looks a bit strange. This is the case because we
Packit 1422b7
# cannot (yet?) detect that "(" is not a valid user name.
Packit 1422b7
assert_output_json_eq '{ "originalmsg": "begin outside:\/50179(\/50179)(LOCAL\\some.user) end", "unparsed-data": "(LOCAL\\some.user) end" }'
Packit 1422b7
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