Starting with the iPod Classics and the Video Nanos, libgpod needs an additional configuration step to correctly modify the iPod content. libgpod needs to know the so-called iPod "firewire id", otherwise the iPod won't recognize what libgpod wrote to it and will behave as if it's empty. There are several ways to set up an iPod so libgpod can find its firewire id. The preferred method is automatic. Make sure you have hal and libsgutils installed before running configure/ If you built libgpod without them, run configure/make/make install after you install them. A hal callout and .fdi file will be built and installed. This will query an iPod when it is plugged in and save the SysInfoExtended file in the proper place. This should be entirely automatic. If you have trouble with this, see the TROUBLESHOOTING file for some hints. If you build with libsgutils but without hal, the next best method is mostly automatic. You should have an ipod-read-sysinfo-extended tool available. Run it with the iPod device path and the iPod mount point /mnt/ipod) as arguments. For example: $ ipod-read-sysinfo-extended /dev/sda /mnt/ipod This may require root privileges. It reads an XML file from the iPod and writes it as /mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Device/SysInfoExtended. More details on this method can be found at Having the SysInfoExtended file created by ipod-read-sysinfo-extended or the hal callout is enough for libgpod to figure out the iPod firewire id. The last method requires more manual intervention. First, you need to determine the firewire id of the iPod. To do that on Linux, plug in the iPod in and run (with root privileges): $ lsusb -v | grep -i Serial This should print a 16 character long string like 00A1234567891231. For an iPod Touch, this number will be much longer than 16 characters, the firewire ID is constituted by the first 16 characters. On FreeBSD, there is a tool to get the serial number at: Once you have the serial number, edit /mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Device/SysInfo, creating the file if it does not exist. (Replace /mnt/ipod with the path to where the iPod is mounted). Add a line like this to the SysInfo file: FirewireGuid: 0xffffffffffffffff Replace ffffffffffffffff with the serial number you obtained in the previous step. Don't forget the 0x before the string. After you add the FirewireGuid to the SysInfo file you need to rewrite the iTunesDB for the change to take effect. For example, add a new song or adjust the playcount of an existing song and save the changes in gtkpod. Be careful when using applications which let you manually specify the iPod model. They may overwrite the SysInfo file and undo the changes. Finally, if you compiled libgpod from source, you can test that libgpod can find the firewire ID on the iPod using the test-firewire-id program in the tests/ dir of the libgpod source. For example: $ cd ~/src/libgpod/tests $ ./test-firewire-id /ipod/mount/point