Blame src/hash/hash_win32.c

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 * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
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 * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
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 * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
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#include "common.h"
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#include "global.h"
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#include "hash.h"
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#include "hash/hash_win32.h"
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#include <wincrypt.h>
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#include <strsafe.h>
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static struct git_hash_prov hash_prov = {0};
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/* Hash initialization */
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/* Initialize CNG, if available */
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_cng_prov_init(void)
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	char dll_path[MAX_PATH];
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	DWORD dll_path_len, size_len;
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	/* Only use CNG on Windows 2008 / Vista SP1  or better (Windows 6.0 SP1) */
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	if (!git_has_win32_version(6, 0, 1))
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		return -1;
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	/* Load bcrypt.dll explicitly from the system directory */
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	if ((dll_path_len = GetSystemDirectory(dll_path, MAX_PATH)) == 0 ||
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		dll_path_len > MAX_PATH ||
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		StringCchCat(dll_path, MAX_PATH, "\\") < 0 ||
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		StringCchCat(dll_path, MAX_PATH, GIT_HASH_CNG_DLL_NAME) < 0 ||
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		(hash_prov.prov.cng.dll = LoadLibrary(dll_path)) == NULL)
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		return -1;
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	/* Load the function addresses */
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	if ((hash_prov.prov.cng.open_algorithm_provider = (hash_win32_cng_open_algorithm_provider_fn)GetProcAddress(hash_prov.prov.cng.dll, "BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider")) == NULL ||
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		(hash_prov.prov.cng.get_property = (hash_win32_cng_get_property_fn)GetProcAddress(hash_prov.prov.cng.dll, "BCryptGetProperty")) == NULL ||
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		(hash_prov.prov.cng.create_hash = (hash_win32_cng_create_hash_fn)GetProcAddress(hash_prov.prov.cng.dll, "BCryptCreateHash")) == NULL ||
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		(hash_prov.prov.cng.finish_hash = (hash_win32_cng_finish_hash_fn)GetProcAddress(hash_prov.prov.cng.dll, "BCryptFinishHash")) == NULL ||
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		(hash_prov.prov.cng.hash_data = (hash_win32_cng_hash_data_fn)GetProcAddress(hash_prov.prov.cng.dll, "BCryptHashData")) == NULL ||
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		(hash_prov.prov.cng.destroy_hash = (hash_win32_cng_destroy_hash_fn)GetProcAddress(hash_prov.prov.cng.dll, "BCryptDestroyHash")) == NULL ||
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		(hash_prov.prov.cng.close_algorithm_provider = (hash_win32_cng_close_algorithm_provider_fn)GetProcAddress(hash_prov.prov.cng.dll, "BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider")) == NULL) {
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		return -1;
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	/* Load the SHA1 algorithm */
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	if (hash_prov.prov.cng.open_algorithm_provider(&hash_prov.prov.cng.handle, GIT_HASH_CNG_HASH_TYPE, NULL, GIT_HASH_CNG_HASH_REUSABLE) < 0) {
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		return -1;
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	/* Get storage space for the hash object */
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	if (hash_prov.prov.cng.get_property(hash_prov.prov.cng.handle, GIT_HASH_CNG_HASH_OBJECT_LEN, (PBYTE)&hash_prov.prov.cng.hash_object_size, sizeof(DWORD), &size_len, 0) < 0) {
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		hash_prov.prov.cng.close_algorithm_provider(hash_prov.prov.cng.handle, 0);
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		return -1;
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	hash_prov.type = CNG;
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	return 0;
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GIT_INLINE(void) hash_cng_prov_shutdown(void)
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	hash_prov.prov.cng.close_algorithm_provider(hash_prov.prov.cng.handle, 0);
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	hash_prov.type = INVALID;
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/* Initialize CryptoAPI */
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_cryptoapi_prov_init()
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	if (!CryptAcquireContext(&hash_prov.prov.cryptoapi.handle, NULL, 0, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT))
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		return -1;
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	hash_prov.type = CRYPTOAPI;
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	return 0;
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GIT_INLINE(void) hash_cryptoapi_prov_shutdown(void)
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	CryptReleaseContext(hash_prov.prov.cryptoapi.handle, 0);
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	hash_prov.type = INVALID;
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static void git_hash_global_shutdown(void)
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	if (hash_prov.type == CNG)
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	else if(hash_prov.type == CRYPTOAPI)
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int git_hash_global_init(void)
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	int error = 0;
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	if (hash_prov.type != INVALID)
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		return 0;
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	if ((error = hash_cng_prov_init()) < 0)
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		error = hash_cryptoapi_prov_init();
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	return error;
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/* CryptoAPI: available in Windows XP and newer */
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_ctx_cryptoapi_init(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	ctx->type = CRYPTOAPI;
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	ctx->prov = &hash_prov;
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	return git_hash_init(ctx);
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_cryptoapi_init(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	if (ctx->ctx.cryptoapi.valid)
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	if (!CryptCreateHash(ctx->prov->prov.cryptoapi.handle, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &ctx->ctx.cryptoapi.hash_handle)) {
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		ctx->ctx.cryptoapi.valid = 0;
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		return -1;
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	ctx->ctx.cryptoapi.valid = 1;
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	return 0;
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_cryptoapi_update(git_hash_ctx *ctx, const void *data, size_t len)
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	if (!CryptHashData(ctx->ctx.cryptoapi.hash_handle, (const BYTE *)data, (DWORD)len, 0))
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		return -1;
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	return 0;
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_cryptoapi_final(git_oid *out, git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	DWORD len = 20;
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	int error = 0;
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	if (!CryptGetHashParam(ctx->ctx.cryptoapi.hash_handle, HP_HASHVAL, out->id, &len, 0))
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		error = -1;
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	ctx->ctx.cryptoapi.valid = 0;
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	return error;
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GIT_INLINE(void) hash_ctx_cryptoapi_cleanup(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	if (ctx->ctx.cryptoapi.valid)
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/* CNG: Available in Windows Server 2008 and newer */
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_ctx_cng_init(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	if ((ctx->ctx.cng.hash_object = git__malloc(hash_prov.prov.cng.hash_object_size)) == NULL)
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		return -1;
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	if (hash_prov.prov.cng.create_hash(hash_prov.prov.cng.handle, &ctx->ctx.cng.hash_handle, ctx->ctx.cng.hash_object, hash_prov.prov.cng.hash_object_size, NULL, 0, 0) < 0) {
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		return -1;
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	ctx->type = CNG;
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	ctx->prov = &hash_prov;
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	return 0;
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_cng_init(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	if (!ctx->ctx.cng.updated)
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		return 0;
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	/* CNG needs to be finished to restart */
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	if (ctx->prov->prov.cng.finish_hash(ctx->ctx.cng.hash_handle, hash, GIT_OID_RAWSZ, 0) < 0)
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		return -1;
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	ctx->ctx.cng.updated = 0;
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	return 0;
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_cng_update(git_hash_ctx *ctx, const void *data, size_t len)
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	if (ctx->prov->prov.cng.hash_data(ctx->ctx.cng.hash_handle, (PBYTE)data, (ULONG)len, 0) < 0)
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		return -1;
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	return 0;
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GIT_INLINE(int) hash_cng_final(git_oid *out, git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	if (ctx->prov->prov.cng.finish_hash(ctx->ctx.cng.hash_handle, out->id, GIT_OID_RAWSZ, 0) < 0)
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		return -1;
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	ctx->ctx.cng.updated = 0;
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	return 0;
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GIT_INLINE(void) hash_ctx_cng_cleanup(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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/* Indirection between CryptoAPI and CNG */
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int git_hash_ctx_init(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	int error = 0;
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	 * When compiled with GIT_THREADS, the global hash_prov data is
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	 * initialized with git_libgit2_init.  Otherwise, it must be initialized
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	 * at first use.
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	if (hash_prov.type == INVALID && (error = git_hash_global_init()) < 0)
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		return error;
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	memset(ctx, 0x0, sizeof(git_hash_ctx));
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	return (hash_prov.type == CNG) ? hash_ctx_cng_init(ctx) : hash_ctx_cryptoapi_init(ctx);
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int git_hash_init(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	assert(ctx && ctx->type);
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	return (ctx->type == CNG) ? hash_cng_init(ctx) : hash_cryptoapi_init(ctx);
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int git_hash_update(git_hash_ctx *ctx, const void *data, size_t len)
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	assert(ctx && ctx->type);
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	return (ctx->type == CNG) ? hash_cng_update(ctx, data, len) : hash_cryptoapi_update(ctx, data, len);
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int git_hash_final(git_oid *out, git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	assert(ctx && ctx->type);
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	return (ctx->type == CNG) ? hash_cng_final(out, ctx) : hash_cryptoapi_final(out, ctx);
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void git_hash_ctx_cleanup(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
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	if (ctx->type == CNG)
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	else if(ctx->type == CRYPTOAPI)
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