Blame script/

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set -x
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if [ -n "$COVERITY" ]; then
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	exit $?
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if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
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	export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(ls -d /usr/local/Cellar/{curl,zlib}/*/lib/pkgconfig | paste -s -d':' -)
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	# Set up a ramdisk for us to put our test data on to speed up tests on macOS
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	export CLAR_TMP="$HOME"/_clar_tmp
Packit ae9e2a
	mkdir -p $CLAR_TMP
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	# 5*2M sectors aka ~5GB of space
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	device=$(hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((5 * 2 * 1024 * 1024)))
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	newfs_hfs $device
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	mount -t hfs $device $CLAR_TMP
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mkdir _build
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cd _build
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# shellcheck disable=SC2086
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Packit ae9e2a
cmake --build . --target install || exit $?