0.13.1 -> 0.14.0 =================== Akira TAGOH (9): Add the fontconfig config description support Add emoji and math generic names Annotate the original language and put the normalized one Remove the unnecessary printf for debugging Improve the config description support Update deps Add a script to generate a release Update version clean up 0.13.0 -> 0.13.1 =================== Akira TAGOH (11): Fix non-literal format string Add autogen.sh Update autotools macro Fix a crash when the config contains a font not installed on the system Use AX_CHECK_ENABLE_DEBUG instead of GNOME_DEBUG_CHECK Fix a build fail when --enable-debug Bump the version to 0.13.1 Workaround libtoolize issue trivial update to clean Update git.mk revert 0.12.1 -> 0.13.0 =================== * Enhancement: * Python3 support * Bug Fix: * Fix "no such fonts available" error 0.12 -> 0.12.1 ================= * Minor bug fix with the latest gobject-introspection. 0.11 -> 0.12 =============== * Enhancement * Add feature tags support 0.10 -> 0.11 =============== * Bug Fixes * Get rid of the limitation of antialias v.s. embedded bitmap * Fix the unexpected error when a font has a family name in the native language at first place * Enhancement: * Add the font substitution support. 0.9 -> 0.10 ============== * Bug Fixes * Fix bashism * Fix broken pkgconfig files. * Fix build issues when srcdir != builddir. * Do not remove the old file if the place to it is a symlink. 0.8 -> 0.9 ============= * Enhancements: * support the boolean value modification * hinting, autohint, antialias, embeddedbitmap * sub-pixel rendering support * hintstyle support 0.7 -> 0.8 ============= * Enhancements: * support fontconfig (pre) 2.10 * XDG Base Directory Specification * localized font name * sFamilyClass support * Add an API to migrate the config path. 0.6 -> 0.7 ============= * Enhancements: * separate fonts related APIs to ezfc_font_t. * Add an API to analize the alias name from FcPattern. * Add an API to store the xml data into the buffer. * Allow a font configuration for any languages. * Improve the font variants detection. * Update docs. 0.5 -> 0.6 ============= * Bug Fix: * Fix typos in sample code. * Enhancements: * Improve the monospaced fonts detection. * Update docs 0.4 -> 0.5 ============= * Bug Fixes: * Fix crash issues. * Fix annotation for the gobject-introspection. * Fix the type of the output. * Workaround to match with ll-cc too. * Enhancements: * Add an API to remove all of the aliases for a language. 0.3 -> 0.4 ============= * Bug Fixes: * Fix a memory leak. * Fix a glib error on unreferencing. * Fix a typo in the document. 0.2 -> 0.3 ============= * Enhancements: * Add APIs to obtain the fonts list for alias. * Bug Fixes: * Remove the configuration file if no elements available. * Deal with sans as sans-serif. 0.1 -> 0.2 ============= * Enhancements: * Add an API to set a priority. * Add an API to set an extra name. * Add documentations. * Bug Fixes: * Fix the wrong filename to load.