Blame dwarfdump/sanitized.c

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  Copyright 2016-2017 David Anderson. All rights reserved.
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  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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  under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
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  published by the Free Software Foundation.
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  This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
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  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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  Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
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  free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
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  or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
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  otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
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  any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
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  other software, or any other product whatsoever.
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  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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  with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
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  Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
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#include "globals.h"
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#include "naming.h"
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#include "dwconf.h"
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#include "esb.h"
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/*  This does a uri-style conversion of control characters.
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    So  SOH prints as %01 for example.
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    Which stops corrupted or crafted strings from
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    doing things to the terminal the string is routed to.
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    We do not translate an input % to %% (as in real uri)
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    as that would be a bit confusing for most readers.
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    The conversion makes it possble to print UTF-8 strings
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    reproducibly, sort of (not showing the
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    real glyph!).
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    Only call this in a printf or sprintf, and
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    only call it once in any single printf/sprintf.
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    Othewise you will get bogus results and confusion. */
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/* ASCII control codes:
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We leave newline as is, NUL is end of string,
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the others are translated.
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NUL Null             0  00              Ctrl-@ ^@
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SOH Start of heading 1  01      Alt-1   Ctrl-A ^A
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STX Start of text    2  02      Alt-2   Ctrl-B ^B
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ETX End of text	     3  03      Alt-3   Ctrl-C ^C
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EOT End of transmission	4 04    Alt-4   Ctrl-D ^D
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ENQ Enquiry          5    05    Alt-5   Ctrl-E ^E
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ACK Acknowledge	     6    06    Alt-6   Ctrl-F ^F
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BEL Bell             7    07    Alt-7   Ctrl-G ^G
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BS  Backspace        8    08    Alt-8   Ctrl-H ^H
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HT  Horizontal tab   9    09    Alt-9   Ctrl-I ^I
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LF  Line feed       10    0A    Alt-10  Ctrl-J ^J
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VT  Vertical tab    11    0B    Alt-11  Ctrl-K ^K
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FF  Form feed       12    0C    Alt-12  Ctrl-L ^L
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CR  Carriage return 13    0D    Alt-13  Ctrl-M ^M
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SO  Shift out       14    0E    Alt-14  Ctrl-N ^N
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SI  Shift in        15    0F    Alt-15	Ctrl-O ^O
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DLE Data line escape 16   10    Alt-16  Ctrl-P ^P
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DC1 Device control 1 17   11    Alt-17  Ctrl-Q ^Q
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DC2 Device control 2 18   12    Alt-18  Ctrl-R ^R
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DC3 Device control 3 19   13    Alt-19  Ctrl-S ^S
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DC4 Device control 4 20   14    Alt-20  Ctrl-T ^T
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NAK Negative acknowledge 21 15  Alt-21  Ctrl-U ^U
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SYN Synchronous idle 22   16    Alt-22  Ctrl-V ^V
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ETB End transmission block 23 17 Alt-23 Ctrl-W ^W
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CAN Cancel              24 18   Alt-24  Ctrl-X ^X
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EM  End of medium       25 19   Alt-25  Ctrl-Y ^Y
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SU  Substitute          26 1A   Alt-26  Ctrl-Z ^Z
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ES  Escape              27 1B   Alt-27  Ctrl-[ ^[
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FS  File separator      28 1C   Alt-28  Ctrl-\ ^\
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GS  Group separator     29 1D   Alt-29  Ctrl-] ^]
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RS  Record separator    30 1E   Alt-30  Ctrl-^ ^^
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US  Unit separator      31 1F   Alt-31  Ctrl-_ ^_
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In addition,  characters decimal 141, 157, 127,128, 129
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appear to be questionable too.
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Not in iso-8859-1 nor in html character entities list.
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We translate all strings with a % to do sanitizing and
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we change a literal ASCII '%' char to %27 so readers
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know any % is a sanitized char. We could double up
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a % into %% on output, but switching to %27 is simpler
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and for readers and prevents ambiguity.
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Since we do not handle utf-8 properly nor detect it
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we turn all non-ASCII to %xx below.
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static struct esb_s localesb = {0,0,0};
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#define FALSE 0
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#define TRUE 1
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boolean no_sanitize_string_garbage = FALSE;
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/*  This is safe to use because it is only
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    callable here and we copy the value
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    returned in the static buffer
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    to a safe spot immediately. */
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static const char *
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as_number(int c)
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    static char tmpbuf[4];
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    snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%%%02x",c & 0xff);
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    return tmpbuf;
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/*  do_sanity_insert() and no_questionable_chars()
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    absolutely must have the same idea of
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    questionable characters.  Be Careful.  */
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static void
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do_sanity_insert( const char *s,struct esb_s *mesb)
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    const char *cp = s;
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    for( ; *cp; cp++) {
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        unsigned c = *cp & 0xff ;
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        if (c >= 0x20 && c <=0x7e) {
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            /* Usual case, ASCII printable characters. */
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        if (c == '%') {
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            /* %xx for this too. Simple and unambiguous */
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#ifdef _WIN32
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        if (c == 0x0D) {
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#endif /* _WIN32 */
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        if (c < 0x20) {
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        if (c >= 0x7f) {
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            /* ISO-8859 or UTF-8. Not handled well yet. */
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/*  This routine improves overall dwarfdump
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    run times a lot by separating strings
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    that might print badly from strings that
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    will print fine.
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    In one large test case it reduces run time
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    from 140 seconds to 13 seconds. */
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static int
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no_questionable_chars(const char *s) {
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    const char *cp = s;
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    for( ; *cp; cp++) {
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        unsigned c = *cp & 0xff ;
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        if (c >= 0x20 && c <=0x7e) {
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            /* Usual case, ASCII printable characters */
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#ifdef _WIN32
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        if (c == 0x0D) {
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#endif /* _WIN32 */
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        if (c == 0x0A || c == 0x09 ) {
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        if (c == '%') {
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            /* Always sanitize a % ASCII char. */
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            return FALSE;
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        if (c < 0x20) {
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            return FALSE;
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        if (c >= 0x7f) {
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            /*  This notices iso-8859 and UTF-8
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                data as we don't deal with them
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                properly in dwarfdump. */
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            return FALSE;
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    return TRUE;
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const char *
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sanitized(const char *s)
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    const char *sout = 0;
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    if (no_sanitize_string_garbage) {
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        return s;
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    if (no_questionable_chars(s)) {
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        /*  The original string is safe as is. */
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        return s;
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    /*  Using esb_destructor is quite expensive in cpu time
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        when we build the next sanitized string
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        so we just empty the localesb.
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        One reason it's expensive is that we do the appends
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        in such small batches in do_sanity-insert().
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    sout = esb_get_string(&localesb);
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    return sout;
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