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Packit cdaae3
This is an checlist of the steps in creating a new release.
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In hopes this will prevent omissions.
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DavidA. 30 November 2012
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Source here means libdwarf/dwarfdump/dwarfgen source (in Git).
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Tests  here means the regression tests (in another Git repository).
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In the Source:
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Update the source and build with your changes.
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Update the appropriate ChangeLog file so every 
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file in Git which changes (except ChangeLog and NEWS)
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are in ChangeLog.
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      (at year end, move ChangeLog to ChangeLogyyyy
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       where yyyy is the year ending and create a new
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       empty ChangeLog)
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Use dicheck (also in sourceforge) to verify indentation of
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all .h .cc and .c files is consistent.
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Ensure all interfaces in libdwarf that are call able by users
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are in libdwarf.h and are documented in or
Packit cdaae3 and that any changes in the .mm also
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mean you inserted a version and date change 
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in the date lines near the front of that .mm.
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Then regenerate the pdf if any changes.
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Run any small preliminary tests that seem applicable.
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In the Tests:
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Create any new tests that seem applicable. 
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Add the appropriate lines to which
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actually does the test running.
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  Runs one test of the new dwarfdump/libdwarf executable
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  against the previously saved dwarfdump/libdwarf executable.
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The notion of keeping baseline test output and simply
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comparing output of a previous release vs the new 
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candiate release would involve saving some really large files.
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So the present test suite instead runs each test with
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two dwarfdump* versions and compares the output.
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To run all the tests, most of which
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compare the (committed in tests) dwarfdump
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against your new source: 
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   sh PICKUPBIN   # This picks up latest source and compiles
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                  # (for some files multiple times)
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                  # It is essential before each test run.
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   sh   # This runs the tests 3 times with different
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                  # dwarfdump[2] and different comparisons
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To check for failure:
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    grep FAIL  ALL*
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    If there are any FAILS decide if they are real failures
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    (in which case fix the Source and retest) or are in fact
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    the output change that is expected given the Source changes.
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In case all tests pass:
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    cp dwarfdump dwarfdump.O
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    commit the updated .O executables as the new baseline good
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    dwarfdump for the next test run.
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In the Source:
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    sh #updates the version string in 4 places
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    update dwarfdump[2]/ChangeLog files to reflect the new version.
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    commit the new version string. If this has been done recently
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    enough that users won't see the current version string 
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    it need not be done at this time.
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    sh BLD #to verify it still builds
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    git push origin master  # Push to sourceforge.
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    # We use 20121130 as an example below, use the current date.
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    sh CPTOPUBLIC # To copy relevant Source to a temp directory
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    sh BLDLIBDWARFTAR 20121130 # (use current date) to create a tar.gz
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                               # like libdwarf-20121130.tar.gz
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    md5sum libdwarf-20121130.tar.gz
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    sha512sum libdwarf-20121130.tar.gz
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             # To get unforgeable checksums for the tar.gz file
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    git tag -a 20121130  -m 'Release 20121130'
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    git push origin 20121130   # push the tag
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In the Tests:
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    git push origin master
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    git tag -a 20121130  -m 'Release 20121130'
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    git push origin 20121130   # push the tag
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Update web pages so that the new release is visble to users
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and copy the tar.gz to the appropriate web site.