Installation instructions for the Windows platform --------------------------------------------------- (Note: this could go in the main INSTALL file) The instructions are rather long; they detail what I had to go through install libdc1394. It's not very difficult though. If you have problems or comments about these instructions, please contact the mailing list The mailing list is private, but you can send messages even if you are not a member; you will just have to wait for moderation on your first message. 0. Unplug all 1394 cameras on your system. Windows tries to be smart but more often than not it isn't. Don't give it something to chew on ;) 1. Install MinGW and Msys Use the project's installer to install both MinGW and Msys 2. CMU driver installation This windows version of libdc1394 uses the CMU 1394 driver at its core. For this reason you should first download and install this driver. ** Attention: if you have a Point Grey driver installed on your computer (FlyCapture,...), you should first remove it thouroughly. Verify after its removal that the camera is not recognized as a Point Grey camera anymore, but as an "Imaging Device" (in the device manager). Any attempt to use the CMU driver and/or libdc1394 will fail if Windows is still complaining about the missing "pgrcam.sys" file, among others. Verify that no file in windows/inf/ refers to pgrcam.sys and check the following directories for PGR files: /Windows/System32/drivers, /Windows/System32/DRVSTORE and /Windows/System32/ReinstallBackups. Editing the registry may be necessary too (augh!). Get the CMU driver at We recommend you use the installer "1394camera646-unsigned.exe", as this is the version on which this library is based. After the installer has run, you may need to tell Windows to use the CMU driver. Plug a camera, verify that the CMU demo app sees it and that you can get a live feed. If not, go to the hardware manager and check the driver status of your camera. If drivers are not attached to it, you must use the "have disk" option and point Windows to the location of the INF file, normally c:\Program Files\CMU\1394Camera \Driver. Don't let Windows look for drivers on its own. After you have confirmed that the drivers used by the camera are the CMU drivers, re-test using the CMU demo app. Note 1: in the CMU demo app, you need to reset the camera before you can control it. Note 2: the CMU app sometimes fails to start a Format_7 stream. I recommend that you start by selecting a standard video mode (e.g. 640x480 MONO) Note 3: on 64bit systems, the CMU driver is installed in c:\Program Files (x86)\CMU\1394Camera\Driver (note the extra "(x86)") Once the CMU stuff is working fine, run the Msys shell and copy the library files and headers to your mingw system: cp /Program\ Files/CMU/1394Camera/lib/1394camera.lib /mingw/lib/lib1394camera.a cp /Program\ Files/CMU/1394Camera/include/1394camapi.h /mingw/include/ cp /Program\ Files/CMU/1394Camera/include/1394common.h /mingw/include/ Tip 1: Use slashes ("/") when working in Msys, not backslashes ("\") Tip 2: Installation should be done in the /mingw directory, NOT the msys directory. 3. SDL installation (optional) A new example program is being used to test the windows platform: dc1394_iso. This program requires SDL, so if you want to compile it you should install SDL first. Get SDL at Don't use 1.2.15, the files are buggy (this may have been fixed recently). Put the tarball in your Msys home, usually something like c:/mingw/msys/1.0/home// tar -xvzf SDL-1.2.14.tar.gz cd SDL-1.2.14 ./configure --prefix=/mingw/ make make install 4. libdc1394 (at last!) If you reed this, you already have the tarball or GIT snapshot. Put it alongside the SDL library in your Msys home directory (see above), and again: tar -xvzf libdc1394.tar.gz cd libdc1394 ./configure --prefix=/mingw/ make make install To test the library, run dc1394_iso.exe. If your camera does not support the modes hardcoded in that example, you may need to adjust some #define statements in dc1394_iso.c Note: when using Msys, stderr is not dumped on the terminal but in a file. If you run the example from the directory of its location, the output file should be ./.libs/stderr.txt If you get a nice live video, congratulations! If not, please contact the mailing list ( Damien & Satofumi