Blame meson_options.txt

rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
# Performance and debugging related options
rpm-build f53ec4
option('enable_tracing', type: 'boolean', value: false)
rpm-build f53ec4
option('enable_profiling', type: 'boolean', value: false)
rpm-build f53ec4
option('enable_rdtscp', type: 'boolean', value: false,
rpm-build f53ec4
  description: 'Use intel rdtscp haswell instruction for performance counters'
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
option('enable_tools', type: 'boolean', value: true,
rpm-build f53ec4
       description: 'Whether helper tools should be installed')
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
# Support for multiple languages
rpm-build f53ec4
option('with_introspection', type: 'boolean', value: true)
rpm-build f53ec4
option('with_vapi', type: 'boolean', value: true)
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
# Subproject
rpm-build f53ec4
option('package_subdir', type: 'string',
rpm-build f53ec4
  description: 'Subdirectory to append to all installed files, for use as subproject'
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
       type: 'boolean', value: false,
rpm-build f53ec4
       description: 'Whether to generate the API reference for Dazzle')
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
rpm-build f53ec4
       type: 'boolean', value: true,
rpm-build f53ec4
       description: 'Whether to compile unit tests')