# Test DODS client configuation file. USE_CACHE=0 MAX_CACHE_SIZE=20 MAX_CACHED_OBJ=5 IGNORE_EXPIRES=0 CACHE_ROOT=/home/jimg/.dods_cache/ DEFAULT_EXPIRES=86400 ALWAYS_VALIDATE=0 # Request servers compress responses if possible? # 1 (yes) or 0 (false). DEFLATE=1 # Proxy configuration: # An alternative form of the PROXY_SERVER that's more intuitive is to not # have the protocol given using a comma-separated clause but to include it as # part of the host name. Here we test for a mixture of the notations. The new # syntax to support is [,][http://][user:pw@]host[:port]. PROXY_SERVER=http://jimg:test@proxy.local.org:3128