// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- // This file is part of libdap, A C++ implementation of the OPeNDAP Data // Access Protocol. // Copyright (c) 2003 OPeNDAP, Inc. // Author: James Gallagher // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // // You can contact OPeNDAP, Inc. at PO Box 112, Saunderstown, RI. 02874-0112. #include "config.h" //#define DODS_DEBUG 1 //#define DODS_DEBUG2 1 #include #include #include "BaseType.h" #include "Byte.h" #include "Int16.h" #include "UInt16.h" #include "Int32.h" #include "UInt32.h" #include "Float32.h" #include "Float64.h" #include "Str.h" #include "Url.h" #include "Array.h" #include "Structure.h" #include "Sequence.h" #include "Grid.h" #include "DDXParserSAX2.h" #include "util.h" #include "mime_util.h" #include "debug.h" namespace libdap { #if defined(DODS_DEBUG) || defined(DODS_DEUG2) static const char *states[] = { "start", "dataset", "attribute_container", "attribute", "attribute_value", "other_xml_attribute", "alias", "simple_type", "array", "dimension", "grid", "map", "structure", "sequence", "blob href", "unknown", "error" }; #endif // Glue the BaseTypeFactory to the enum-based factory defined statically // here. BaseType *DDXParser::factory(Type t, const string & name) { switch (t) { case dods_byte_c: return d_factory->NewByte(name); break; case dods_int16_c: return d_factory->NewInt16(name); break; case dods_uint16_c: return d_factory->NewUInt16(name); break; case dods_int32_c: return d_factory->NewInt32(name); break; case dods_uint32_c: return d_factory->NewUInt32(name); break; case dods_float32_c: return d_factory->NewFloat32(name); break; case dods_float64_c: return d_factory->NewFloat64(name); break; case dods_str_c: return d_factory->NewStr(name); break; case dods_url_c: return d_factory->NewUrl(name); break; case dods_array_c: return d_factory->NewArray(name); break; case dods_structure_c: return d_factory->NewStructure(name); break; case dods_sequence_c: return d_factory->NewSequence(name); break; case dods_grid_c: return d_factory->NewGrid(name); break; default: return 0; } } static bool is_not(const char *name, const char *tag) { return strcmp(name, tag) != 0; } void DDXParser::set_state(DDXParser::ParseState state) { s.push(state); } DDXParser::ParseState DDXParser::get_state() const { return s.top(); } void DDXParser::pop_state() { s.pop(); } /** Dump XML attributes to local store so they can be easily manipulated. Attribute names are always folded to lower case. @param attrs The XML attribute array */ void DDXParser::transfer_xml_attrs(const xmlChar **attributes, int nb_attributes) { if (!attribute_table.empty()) attribute_table.clear(); // erase old attributes unsigned int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nb_attributes; ++i, index += 5) { // Make a value using the attribute name and the prefix, namespace URI // and the value. The prefix might be null. attribute_table.insert(map::value_type( string((const char *)attributes[index]), XMLAttribute(attributes + index + 1))); DBG(cerr << "Attribute '" << (const char *)attributes[index] << "': " << attribute_table[(const char *)attributes[index]].value << endl); } } void DDXParser::transfer_xml_ns(const xmlChar **namespaces, int nb_namespaces) { for (int i = 0; i < nb_namespaces; ++i ) { // make a value with the prefix and namespace URI. The prefix might be // null. namespace_table.insert(map::value_type( namespaces[i*2] != 0 ? (const char *)namespaces[i*2] : "", (const char *)namespaces[i*2+1])); } } /** Is an attribute present? Attribute names are always lower case. @note To use this method, first call transfer_xml_attrs. @param attr The XML attribute @return True if the XML attribute was present in the last tag */ bool DDXParser::check_required_attribute(const string & attr) { map < string, XMLAttribute >::iterator i = attribute_table.find(attr); if (i == attribute_table.end()) ddx_fatal_error(this, "Required attribute '%s' not found.", attr.c_str()); return true; } /** Is an attribute present? Attribute names are always lower case. @note To use this method, first call transfer_xml_attrs. @param attr The XML attribute @return True if the XML attribute was present in the last/current tag, false otherwise. */ bool DDXParser::check_attribute(const string & attr) { return (attribute_table.find(attr) != attribute_table.end()); } /** Given that an \c Attribute tag has just been read, determine whether the element is a container or a simple type, set the state and, for a simple type record the type and name for use when \c value elements are found. @note Modified to discriminate between OtherXML and the older DAP2.0 attribute types (container, Byte, ...). @param attrs The array of XML attribute values */ void DDXParser::process_attribute_element(const xmlChar **attrs, int nb_attributes) { // These methods set the state to parser_error if a problem is found. transfer_xml_attrs(attrs, nb_attributes); bool error = !(check_required_attribute(string("name")) && check_required_attribute(string("type"))); if (error) return; if (attribute_table["type"].value == "Container") { set_state(inside_attribute_container); AttrTable *child; AttrTable *parent = at_stack.top(); child = parent->append_container(attribute_table["name"].value); at_stack.push(child); // save. DBG2(cerr << "Pushing at" << endl); } else if (attribute_table["type"].value == "OtherXML") { set_state(inside_other_xml_attribute); dods_attr_name = attribute_table["name"].value; dods_attr_type = attribute_table["type"].value; } else { set_state(inside_attribute); // *** Modify parser. Add a special state for inside OtherXML since it // does not use the element. dods_attr_name = attribute_table["name"].value; dods_attr_type = attribute_table["type"].value; } } /** Given that an \c Alias tag has just been read, set the state and process the alias. @param attrs The XML attribute array */ void DDXParser::process_attribute_alias(const xmlChar **attrs, int nb_attributes) { transfer_xml_attrs(attrs, nb_attributes); if (check_required_attribute(string("name")) && check_required_attribute(string("attribute"))) { set_state(inside_alias); at_stack.top()->attr_alias(attribute_table["name"].value, attribute_table["attribute"].value); } } /** Given that a tag which opens a variable declaration has just been read, create the variable. Once created, push the variable onto the stack of variables, push that variables attribute table onto the attribute table stack and update the state of the parser. @param t The type of variable to create. @param s The next state of the parser. @param attrs the attributes read with the tag */ void DDXParser::process_variable(Type t, ParseState s, const xmlChar **attrs, int nb_attributes) { transfer_xml_attrs(attrs, nb_attributes); set_state(s); if (bt_stack.top()->type() == dods_array_c || check_required_attribute("name")) { // throws on error/false BaseType *btp = factory(t, attribute_table["name"].value); if (!btp) { ddx_fatal_error(this, "Internal parser error; could not instantiate the variable '%s'.", attribute_table["name"].value.c_str()); } else { // Only run this code if btp is not null! jhrg 9/14/15 // Once we make the new variable, we not only load it on to the // BaseType stack, we also load its AttrTable on the AttrTable stack. // The attribute processing software always operates on the AttrTable // at the top of the AttrTable stack (at_stack). bt_stack.push(btp); at_stack.push(&btp->get_attr_table()); } } } /** Given that a \c dimension tag has just been read, add that information to the array on the top of the BaseType stack. @param attrs The XML attributes included in the \c dimension tag */ void DDXParser::process_dimension(const xmlChar **attrs, int nb_attributes) { transfer_xml_attrs(attrs, nb_attributes); if (check_required_attribute(string("size"))) { set_state(inside_dimension); Array *ap = dynamic_cast < Array * >(bt_stack.top()); if (!ap) { ddx_fatal_error(this, "Parse error: Expected an array variable."); return; } ap->append_dim(atoi(attribute_table["size"].value.c_str()), attribute_table["name"].value); } } /** Given that a \c blob tag has just been read, extract and save the CID included in the element. */ void DDXParser::process_blob(const xmlChar **attrs, int nb_attributes) { transfer_xml_attrs(attrs, nb_attributes); if (check_required_attribute(string("href"))) { set_state(inside_blob_href); *blob_href = attribute_table["href"].value; } } /** Check to see if the current tag is either an \c Attribute or an \c Alias start tag. This method is a glorified macro... @param name The start tag name @param attrs The tag's XML attributes @return True if the tag was an \c Attribute or \c Alias tag */ inline bool DDXParser::is_attribute_or_alias(const char *name, const xmlChar **attrs, int nb_attributes) { if (strcmp(name, "Attribute") == 0) { process_attribute_element(attrs, nb_attributes); // next state: inside_attribtue or inside_attribute_container return true; } else if (strcmp(name, "Alias") == 0) { process_attribute_alias(attrs, nb_attributes); // next state: inside_alias return true; } return false; } /** Check to see if the current tag is the start of a variable declaration. If so, process it. A glorified macro... @param name The start tag name @param attrs The tag's XML attributes @return True if the tag was a variable tag */ inline bool DDXParser::is_variable(const char *name, const xmlChar **attrs, int nb_attributes) { Type t = get_type(name); //if ((t = is_simple_type(name)) != dods_null_c) { if (is_simple_type(t)) { process_variable(t, inside_simple_type, attrs, nb_attributes); return true; } else if (strcmp(name, "Array") == 0) { process_variable(dods_array_c, inside_array, attrs, nb_attributes); return true; } else if (strcmp(name, "Structure") == 0) { process_variable(dods_structure_c, inside_structure, attrs, nb_attributes); return true; } else if (strcmp(name, "Sequence") == 0) { process_variable(dods_sequence_c, inside_sequence, attrs, nb_attributes); return true; } else if (strcmp(name, "Grid") == 0) { process_variable(dods_grid_c, inside_grid, attrs, nb_attributes); return true; } return false; } void DDXParser::finish_variable(const char *tag, Type t, const char *expected) { if (strcmp(tag, expected) != 0) { DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(this, "Expected an end tag for a %s; found '%s' instead.", expected, tag); return; } pop_state(); BaseType *btp = bt_stack.top(); bt_stack.pop(); at_stack.pop(); if (btp->type() != t) { DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(this, "Internal error: Expected a %s variable.", expected); delete btp; return; } // Once libxml2 validates, this can go away. 05/30/03 jhrg if (t == dods_array_c && static_cast(btp)->dimensions() == 0) { DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(this, "No dimension element included in the Array '%s'.", btp->name().c_str()); delete btp; return; } BaseType *parent = bt_stack.top(); if (!(parent->is_vector_type() || parent->is_constructor_type())) { DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(this, "Tried to add the array variable '%s' to a non-constructor type (%s %s).", tag, bt_stack.top()->type_name().c_str(), bt_stack.top()->name().c_str()); delete btp; return; } parent->add_var_nocopy(btp); } /** @name SAX Parser Callbacks These methods are declared static in the class header. This gives them C linkage which allows them to be used as callbacks by the SAX parser engine. */ //@{ /** Initialize the SAX parser state object. This object is passed to each callback as a void pointer. The initial state is parser_start. @param p The SAX parser */ void DDXParser::ddx_start_document(void * p) { DDXParser *parser = static_cast(p); parser->error_msg = ""; parser->char_data = ""; // init attr table stack. parser->at_stack.push(&parser->dds->get_attr_table()); // Trick; DDS *should* be a child of Structure. To simplify parsing, // stuff a Structure on the bt_stack and dump the top level variables // there. Once we're done, transfer the variables to the DDS. parser->bt_stack.push(new Structure("dummy_dds")); parser->set_state(parser_start); DBG2(cerr << "Parser state: " << states[parser->get_state()] << endl); } /** Clean up after finishing a parse. @param p The SAX parser */ void DDXParser::ddx_end_document(void * p) { DDXParser *parser = static_cast(p); DBG2(cerr << "Ending state == " << states[parser->get_state()] << endl); if (parser->get_state() != parser_start) DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "The document contained unbalanced tags."); // If we've found any sort of error, don't make the DDX; intern() will // take care of the error. if (parser->get_state() == parser_error) { return; } // Pop the temporary Structure off the stack and transfer its variables // to the DDS. Constructor *cp = dynamic_cast < Constructor * >(parser->bt_stack.top()); if (!cp) { delete parser->bt_stack.top(); parser->bt_stack.pop(); ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Parse error: Expected a Structure, Sequence or Grid variable."); return; } for (Constructor::Vars_iter i = cp->var_begin(); i != cp->var_end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_parent(0); // top-level vars have no parents parser->dds->add_var(*i); } delete parser->bt_stack.top(); parser->bt_stack.pop(); } void DDXParser::ddx_sax2_start_element(void *p, const xmlChar *l, const xmlChar *prefix, const xmlChar *URI, int nb_namespaces, const xmlChar **namespaces, int nb_attributes, int /*nb_defaulted*/, const xmlChar **attributes) { DDXParser *parser = static_cast(p); const char *localname = (const char *)l; DBG2(cerr << "start element: " << localname << ", states: " << states[parser->get_state()]); switch (parser->get_state()) { case parser_start: if (strcmp(localname, "Dataset") == 0) { parser->set_state(inside_dataset); parser->root_ns = URI != 0 ? (const char *)URI: ""; parser->transfer_xml_attrs(attributes, nb_attributes); if (parser->check_required_attribute(string("name"))) parser->dds->set_dataset_name(parser->attribute_table["name"].value); if (parser->check_attribute("dapVersion")) parser->dds->set_dap_version(parser->attribute_table["dapVersion"].value); } else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected response to start with a Dataset element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_dataset: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (parser->is_variable(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (strcmp(localname, "blob") == 0 || strcmp(localname, "dataBLOB") == 0) { parser->process_blob(attributes, nb_attributes); // next state: inside_data_blob } else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an Attribute, Alias or variable element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_attribute_container: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an Attribute or Alias element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_attribute: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (strcmp(localname, "value") == 0) parser->set_state(inside_attribute_value); else ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an 'Attribute', 'Alias' or 'value' element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_attribute_value: ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Internal parser error; unexpected state, inside value while processing element '%s'.", localname); break; case inside_other_xml_attribute: DBGN(cerr << endl << "\t inside_other_xml_attribute: " << localname << endl); parser->other_xml_depth++; // Accumulate the elements here parser->other_xml.append("<"); if (prefix) { parser->other_xml.append((const char *)prefix); parser->other_xml.append(":"); } parser->other_xml.append(localname); if (nb_namespaces != 0) { parser->transfer_xml_ns(namespaces, nb_namespaces); for (map::iterator i = parser->namespace_table.begin(); i != parser->namespace_table.end(); ++i) { parser->other_xml.append(" xmlns"); if (!i->first.empty()) { parser->other_xml.append(":"); parser->other_xml.append(i->first); } parser->other_xml.append("=\""); parser->other_xml.append(i->second); parser->other_xml.append("\""); } } if (nb_attributes != 0) { parser->transfer_xml_attrs(attributes, nb_attributes); for (XMLAttrMap::iterator i = parser->attr_table_begin(); i != parser->attr_table_end(); ++i) { parser->other_xml.append(" "); if (!i->second.prefix.empty()) { parser->other_xml.append(i->second.prefix); parser->other_xml.append(":"); } parser->other_xml.append(i->first); parser->other_xml.append("=\""); parser->other_xml.append(i->second.value); parser->other_xml.append("\""); } } parser->other_xml.append(">"); break; case inside_alias: ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Internal parser error; unexpected state, inside alias while processing element '%s'.", localname); break; case inside_simple_type: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an 'Attribute' or 'Alias' element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_array: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (is_not(localname, "Array") && parser->is_variable(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (strcmp(localname, "dimension") == 0) { parser->process_dimension(attributes, nb_attributes); // next state: inside_dimension } else ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an 'Attribute' or 'Alias' element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_dimension: ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Internal parser error; unexpected state, inside dimension while processing element '%s'.", localname); break; case inside_structure: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (parser->is_variable(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an Attribute, Alias or variable element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_sequence: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (parser->is_variable(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an Attribute, Alias or variable element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_grid: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (strcmp(localname, "Array") == 0) parser->process_variable(dods_array_c, inside_array, attributes, nb_attributes); else if (strcmp(localname, "Map") == 0) parser->process_variable(dods_array_c, inside_map, attributes, nb_attributes); else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an Attribute, Alias or variable element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_map: if (parser->is_attribute_or_alias(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (is_not(localname, "Array") && is_not(localname, "Sequence") && is_not(localname, "Grid") && parser->is_variable(localname, attributes, nb_attributes)) break; else if (strcmp(localname, "dimension") == 0) { parser->process_dimension(attributes, nb_attributes); // next state: inside_dimension } else ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an 'Attribute', 'Alias', variable or 'dimension' element; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_blob_href: ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Internal parser error; unexpected state, inside blob href while processing element '%s'.", localname); break; case parser_unknown: // *** Never used? If so remove/error parser->set_state(parser_unknown); break; case parser_error: break; } DBGN(cerr << " ... " << states[parser->get_state()] << endl); } void DDXParser::ddx_sax2_end_element(void *p, const xmlChar *l, const xmlChar *prefix, const xmlChar *URI) { DDXParser *parser = static_cast(p); const char *localname = (const char *)l; DBG2(cerr << "End element " << localname << " (state " << states[parser->get_state()] << ")" << endl); switch (parser->get_state()) { case parser_start: ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Internal parser error; unexpected state, inside start state while processing element '%s'.", localname); break; case inside_dataset: if (strcmp(localname, "Dataset") == 0) parser->pop_state(); else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an end Dataset tag; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_attribute_container: if (strcmp(localname, "Attribute") == 0) { parser->pop_state(); parser->at_stack.pop(); // pop when leaving a container. } else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an end Attribute tag; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_attribute: if (strcmp(localname, "Attribute") == 0) parser->pop_state(); else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an end Attribute tag; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_attribute_value: if (strcmp(localname, "value") == 0) { parser->pop_state(); AttrTable *atp = parser->at_stack.top(); atp->append_attr(parser->dods_attr_name, parser->dods_attr_type, parser->char_data); parser->char_data = ""; // Null this after use. } else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an end value tag; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_other_xml_attribute: { if (strcmp(localname, "Attribute") == 0 && parser->root_ns == (const char *)URI) { DBGN(cerr << endl << "\t Popping the 'inside_other_xml_attribute' state" << endl); parser->pop_state(); AttrTable *atp = parser->at_stack.top(); atp->append_attr(parser->dods_attr_name, parser->dods_attr_type, parser->other_xml); parser->other_xml = ""; // Null this after use. } else { DBGN(cerr << endl << "\t inside_other_xml_attribute: " << localname << ", depth: " << parser->other_xml_depth << endl); if (parser->other_xml_depth == 0) DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an OtherXML attribute to end! Instead I found '%s'", localname); parser->other_xml_depth--; parser->other_xml.append("other_xml.append((const char *)prefix); parser->other_xml.append(":"); } parser->other_xml.append(localname); parser->other_xml.append(">"); } break; } // Alias is busted in libdap++ 05/29/03 jhrg case inside_alias: parser->pop_state(); break; case inside_simple_type: { Type t = get_type(localname); if (is_simple_type(t)) { parser->pop_state(); BaseType *btp = parser->bt_stack.top(); parser->bt_stack.pop(); parser->at_stack.pop(); BaseType *parent = parser->bt_stack.top(); if (parent->is_vector_type() || parent->is_constructor_type()) { parent->add_var(btp); delete btp; } else { DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Tried to add the simple-type variable '%s' to a non-constructor type (%s %s).", localname, parser->bt_stack.top()-> type_name().c_str(), parser->bt_stack.top()->name(). c_str()); delete btp; } } else { DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an end tag for a simple type; found '%s' instead.", localname); } break; } case inside_array: parser->finish_variable(localname, dods_array_c, "Array"); break; case inside_dimension: if (strcmp(localname, "dimension") == 0) parser->pop_state(); else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an end dimension tag; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case inside_structure: parser->finish_variable(localname, dods_structure_c, "Structure"); break; case inside_sequence: parser->finish_variable(localname, dods_sequence_c, "Sequence"); break; case inside_grid: parser->finish_variable(localname, dods_grid_c, "Grid"); break; case inside_map: parser->finish_variable(localname, dods_array_c, "Map"); break; case inside_blob_href: if (strcmp(localname, "blob") == 0 || strcmp(localname, "dataBLOB") == 0) parser->pop_state(); else DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Expected an end dataBLOB/blob tag; found '%s' instead.", localname); break; case parser_unknown: parser->pop_state(); break; case parser_error: break; } DBGN(cerr << " ... " << states[parser->get_state()] << endl); } /** Process/accumulate character data. This may be called more than once for one logical clump of data. Only save character data when processing 'value' elements; throw away all other characters. */ void DDXParser::ddx_get_characters(void * p, const xmlChar * ch, int len) { DDXParser *parser = static_cast(p); switch (parser->get_state()) { case inside_attribute_value: parser->char_data.append((const char *)(ch), len); DBG2(cerr << "Characters: '" << parser->char_data << "'" << endl); break; case inside_other_xml_attribute: parser->other_xml.append((const char *)(ch), len); DBG2(cerr << "Other XML Characters: '" << parser->other_xml << "'" << endl); break; default: break; } } /** Read whitespace that's not really important for content. This is used only for the OtherXML attribute type to preserve formating of the XML. Doing so makes the attribute value far easier to read. */ void DDXParser::ddx_ignoreable_whitespace(void *p, const xmlChar *ch, int len) { DDXParser *parser = static_cast(p); switch (parser->get_state()) { case inside_other_xml_attribute: parser->other_xml.append((const char *)(ch), len); break; default: break; } } /** Get characters in a cdata block. DAP does not use CData, but XML in an OtherXML attribute (the value of that DAP attribute) might use it. This callback also allows CData when the parser is in the 'parser_unknown' state since some future DAP element might use it. */ void DDXParser::ddx_get_cdata(void *p, const xmlChar *value, int len) { DDXParser *parser = static_cast(p); switch (parser->get_state()) { case inside_other_xml_attribute: parser->other_xml.append((const char *)(value), len); break; case parser_unknown: break; default: DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(parser, "Found a CData block but none are allowed by DAP."); break; } } /** Handle the standard XML entities. @param parser The SAX parser @param name The XML entity. */ xmlEntityPtr DDXParser::ddx_get_entity(void *, const xmlChar * name) { return xmlGetPredefinedEntity(name); } /** Process an XML fatal error. Note that SAX provides for warnings, errors and fatal errors. This code treats them all as fatal errors since there's typically no way to tell a user about the error since there's often no user interface for this software. @param p The SAX parser @param msg A printf-style format string. */ void DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error(void * p, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; DDXParser *parser = static_cast(p); parser->set_state(parser_error); va_start(args, msg); char str[1024]; vsnprintf(str, 1024, msg, args); va_end(args); int line = xmlSAX2GetLineNumber(parser->ctxt); parser->error_msg += "At line " + long_to_string(line) + ": "; parser->error_msg += string(str) + string("\n"); } //@} void DDXParser::cleanup_parse(xmlParserCtxtPtr & context) { bool wellFormed = context->wellFormed; bool valid = context->valid; context->sax = NULL; xmlFreeParserCtxt(context); // If there's an error, there may still be items on the stack at the // end of the parse. while (!bt_stack.empty()) { delete bt_stack.top(); bt_stack.pop(); } if (!wellFormed) { throw DDXParseFailed(string("The DDX is not a well formed XML document.\n") + error_msg); } if (!valid) { throw DDXParseFailed(string("The DDX is not a valid document.\n") + error_msg); } if (get_state() == parser_error) { throw DDXParseFailed(string("Error parsing DDX response.\n") + error_msg); } } /** Read a DDX from a C++ input stream and populate a DDS object. * * @param in * @param dds * @param cid * @param boundary */ void DDXParser::intern_stream(istream &in, DDS *dest_dds, string &cid, const string &boundary) { // Code example from libxml2 docs re: read from a stream. if (!in || in.eof()) throw InternalErr(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Input stream not open or read error"); const int size = 1024; char chars[size + 1]; // int res = fread(chars, 1, 4, in); in.read(chars, 4); int res = in.gcount(); if (res > 0) { chars[4]='\0'; xmlParserCtxtPtr context = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(NULL, NULL, chars, res, "stream"); if (!context) throw DDXParseFailed("Error parsing DDX response: Input does not look like XML"); ctxt = context; // need ctxt for error messages dds = dest_dds; // dump values here blob_href = &cid; // cid goes here xmlSAXHandler ddx_sax_parser; memset( &ddx_sax_parser, 0, sizeof(xmlSAXHandler) ); ddx_sax_parser.getEntity = &DDXParser::ddx_get_entity; ddx_sax_parser.startDocument = &DDXParser::ddx_start_document; ddx_sax_parser.endDocument = &DDXParser::ddx_end_document; ddx_sax_parser.characters = &DDXParser::ddx_get_characters; ddx_sax_parser.ignorableWhitespace = &DDXParser::ddx_ignoreable_whitespace; ddx_sax_parser.cdataBlock = &DDXParser::ddx_get_cdata; ddx_sax_parser.warning = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.error = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.fatalError = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.initialized = XML_SAX2_MAGIC; ddx_sax_parser.startElementNs = &DDXParser::ddx_sax2_start_element; ddx_sax_parser.endElementNs = &DDXParser::ddx_sax2_end_element; context->sax = &ddx_sax_parser; context->userData = this; context->validate = true; in.getline(chars, size); // chars has size+1 elements res = in.gcount(); chars[res-1] = '\n'; // libxml needs the newline; w/o it the parse will fail chars[res] = '\0'; while (res > 0 && !is_boundary(chars, boundary)) { DBG(cerr << "line (" << res << "): " << chars << endl); xmlParseChunk(ctxt, chars, res, 0); in.getline(chars, size); // chars has size+1 elements res = in.gcount(); if (res > 0) { chars[res-1] = '\n'; chars[res] = '\0'; } } // This call ends the parse: The fourth argument of xmlParseChunk is // the bool 'terminate.' xmlParseChunk(ctxt, chars, 0, 1); cleanup_parse(context); } else { throw DDXParseFailed("Error parsing DDX response: Could not read from input stream."); } } /** @brief Read the DDX from a stream instead of a file. @see DDXParser::intern(). */ void DDXParser::intern_stream(FILE *in, DDS *dest_dds, string &cid, const string &boundary) { // Code example from libxml2 docs re: read from a stream. if (!in || feof(in) || ferror(in)) throw InternalErr(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Input stream not open or read error"); const int size = 1024; char chars[size]; int res = fread(chars, 1, 4, in); if (res > 0) { chars[4]='\0'; xmlParserCtxtPtr context = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(NULL, NULL, chars, res, "stream"); if (!context) throw DDXParseFailed("Error parsing DDX response: Input does not look like XML"); ctxt = context; // need ctxt for error messages dds = dest_dds; // dump values here blob_href = &cid; // cid goes here xmlSAXHandler ddx_sax_parser; memset( &ddx_sax_parser, 0, sizeof(xmlSAXHandler) ); ddx_sax_parser.getEntity = &DDXParser::ddx_get_entity; ddx_sax_parser.startDocument = &DDXParser::ddx_start_document; ddx_sax_parser.endDocument = &DDXParser::ddx_end_document; ddx_sax_parser.characters = &DDXParser::ddx_get_characters; ddx_sax_parser.ignorableWhitespace = &DDXParser::ddx_ignoreable_whitespace; ddx_sax_parser.cdataBlock = &DDXParser::ddx_get_cdata; ddx_sax_parser.warning = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.error = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.fatalError = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.initialized = XML_SAX2_MAGIC; ddx_sax_parser.startElementNs = &DDXParser::ddx_sax2_start_element; ddx_sax_parser.endElementNs = &DDXParser::ddx_sax2_end_element; context->sax = &ddx_sax_parser; context->userData = this; context->validate = true; while ((fgets(chars, size, in) != 0) && !is_boundary(chars, boundary)) { DBG(cerr << "line (" << strlen(chars) << "): " << chars << endl); xmlParseChunk(ctxt, chars, strlen(chars), 0); } // This call ends the parse: The fourth argument of xmlParseChunk is // the bool 'terminate.' xmlParseChunk(ctxt, chars, 0, 1); cleanup_parse(context); } else { throw DDXParseFailed("Error parsing DDX response: Could not read from input file."); } } /** Parse a DDX document stored in a file. The XML in the document is parsed and a binary DDX is built. This implementation stores the result in a DDS object where each instance of BaseType can hold an AttrTable object. @param document Read the DDX from this file. @param dest_dds Value/result parameter; dumps the information to this DDS instance. @param cid Value/result parameter; puts the href which references the \c CID. @exception DDXParseFailed Thrown if the XML document could not be read or parsed. */ void DDXParser::intern(const string & document, DDS * dest_dds, string &cid) { // Create the context pointer explicitly so that we can store a pointer // to it in the DDXParser instance. This provides a way to generate our // own error messages *with* line numbers. The messages are pretty // meaningless otherwise. This means that we use an interface from the // 'parser internals' header, and not the 'parser' header. However, this // interface is also used in one of the documented examples, so it's // probably pretty stable. 06/02/03 jhrg xmlParserCtxtPtr context = xmlCreateFileParserCtxt(document.c_str()); if (!context) throw DDXParseFailed(string ("Could not initialize the parser with the file: '") + document + string("'.")); dds = dest_dds; // dump values here blob_href = &cid; ctxt = context; // need ctxt for error messages xmlSAXHandler ddx_sax_parser; memset( &ddx_sax_parser, 0, sizeof(xmlSAXHandler) ); ddx_sax_parser.getEntity = &DDXParser::ddx_get_entity; ddx_sax_parser.startDocument = &DDXParser::ddx_start_document; ddx_sax_parser.endDocument = &DDXParser::ddx_end_document; ddx_sax_parser.characters = &DDXParser::ddx_get_characters; ddx_sax_parser.ignorableWhitespace = &DDXParser::ddx_ignoreable_whitespace; ddx_sax_parser.cdataBlock = &DDXParser::ddx_get_cdata; ddx_sax_parser.warning = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.error = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.fatalError = &DDXParser::ddx_fatal_error; ddx_sax_parser.initialized = XML_SAX2_MAGIC; ddx_sax_parser.startElementNs = &DDXParser::ddx_sax2_start_element; ddx_sax_parser.endElementNs = &DDXParser::ddx_sax2_end_element; context->sax = &ddx_sax_parser; context->userData = this; context->validate = false; xmlParseDocument(context); cleanup_parse(context); } } // namespace libdap