Blame chunked_ostream.h

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// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
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// This file is part of libdap, A C++ implementation of the OPeNDAP Data
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// Access Protocol.
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// Copyright (c) 2013 OPeNDAP, Inc.
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// Author: James Gallagher <>
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// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// Lesser General Public License for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
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// You can contact OPeNDAP, Inc. at PO Box 112, Saunderstown, RI. 02874-0112.
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// Portions of this code were taken verbatim from  Josuttis,
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// "The C++ Standard Library," p.672
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#ifndef _chunkedostream_h
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#define _chunkedostream_h
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#include "chunked_stream.h"
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#include <streambuf>
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#include <ostream>
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#include <stdexcept>      // std::out_of_range
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#include "util.h"
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namespace libdap {
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class chunked_ostream;
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 * @brief output buffer for a chunked stream
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 * This performs buffered output encoding the data in the stream using
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 * the simple chunking protocol defined for DAP4's binary data transmission.
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 * Each block of data is prefixed by four bytes: A CHUNK TYPE byte followed
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 * by three bytes that are the CHUNK SIZE. There are three CHUNK TYPES:
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 * data, end and error, indicated by the code values 0x00, 0x01 and 0x02.
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 * The size of a chunk is limited to 2^24 data bytes + 4 bytes for the
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 * chunk header.
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class chunked_outbuf: public std::streambuf {
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	friend class chunked_ostream;
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	std::ostream &d_os;			// Write stuff here
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	unsigned int d_buf_size; 	// Size of the data buffer
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	char *d_buffer;				// Data buffer
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	bool d_big_endian;
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	chunked_outbuf(std::ostream &os, unsigned int buf_size) : d_os(os), d_buf_size(buf_size), d_buffer(0) {
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		if (d_buf_size & CHUNK_TYPE_MASK)
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			throw std::out_of_range("A chunked_outbuf (or chunked_ostream) was built using a buffer larger than 0x00ffffff");
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		d_big_endian = is_host_big_endian();
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		d_buffer = new char[buf_size];
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		// Trick: making the pointers think the buffer is one char smaller than it
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		// really is ensures that overflow() will be called when there's space for
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		// one more character.
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		setp(d_buffer, d_buffer + (buf_size - 1));
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	virtual ~chunked_outbuf() {
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		// call end_chunk() and not sync()
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		delete[] d_buffer;
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	// data_chunk and end_chunk might not be needed because they
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	// are called via flush() and ~chunked_outbuf(), resp. jhrg 9/13/13
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	int_type data_chunk();	// sync() and overflow() call this
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	int_type end_chunk();
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	int_type err_chunk(const std::string &msg;;
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	virtual std::streamsize xsputn(const char *s, std::streamsize num);
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	// Manipulate the buffer pointers using pbump() after filling the buffer
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	// and then call data_chunk(). Leave remainder in buffer. Or copy logic
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	// for data_chunk() into loop in this code.
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	virtual int_type overflow(int c);
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	virtual int_type sync();
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 * @brief A C++ stream class for chunked data.
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 * This class uses the chunked_outbuf class to provide for chunked
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 * binary serialization of data as specified by DAP4. Information
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 * to be serialized is broken into 'chunks' that are no more than
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 * 2^24 bytes in length. Each chunk is prefixed by a 4 byte header
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 * that indicates the type of chunk and size (number of bytes in the
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 * chunk body). There are three types of chunk: Data; End; and Error.
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 * In normal operation, a DAP4 data document/response is serialized as
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 * a sequence of DATA chunks followed by one END chunk (which may be
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 * zero bytes in length). If, during serialization, an error is detected,
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 * the currently buffered (but not sent) data are discarded and an
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 * ERROR chunk is sent with an error message.
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 * This class sends the END chunk when its destructor is called.
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 * Calling flush() on the ostream object will force a DATA chunk to be
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 * sent with the currently buffered data. Normal operation is to wait
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 * for the buffer to fill before sending a DATA chunk.
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 * @see chunked_outbuf
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class chunked_ostream: public std::ostream {
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	chunked_outbuf d_cbuf;
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	 * Get a chunked_ostream with a buffer.
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	 * @note The buffer size must not be more than 2^24 bytes (0x00ffffff)
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	 * @param buf_size The size of the buffer in bytes.
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	chunked_ostream(std::ostream &os, unsigned int buf_size) : std::ostream(&d_cbuf), d_cbuf(os, buf_size) { }
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	 * @brief Send an end chunk.
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	 * Normally, an end chunk is sent by closing the chunked_ostream, but this
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	 * method can be used to force sending it without closing the stream. Subsequent
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	 * calls to send data will send data chunks.
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	 * @note An end chunk is sent when the stream is closed.
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	 * @return EOF on error or the number of bytes sent in the chunk body.
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	int_type write_end_chunk() { return d_cbuf.end_chunk(); }
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	 * @brief Send the current contents of the buffer as a data chunk.
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	 * Normally, the chunked_ostream object waits until the buffer is full before sending
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	 * the next data chunk. This will force a send with whatever is in the buffer (e.g.,
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	 * the DMR text). Data added after this call will be sent in subsequent chunks.
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	 * @note Calling flush() on the stream forces a data chunk to be sent.
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	 * @return EOF on error, otherwise the number of bytes sent in the chunk body.
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	int_type write_data_chunk() { return d_cbuf.data_chunk(); }
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	 * @brief Send an error message down the stream.
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	 * When called, this method dumps all the data currently in the buffer and
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	 * sends the error message text instead, using a chunk type of CHUNK_ERR. The
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	 * write buffer is maintained, however, so the stream ibject can still be used.
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	 * @param msg The error message text
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	 * @return The number of bytes 'dumped' from the write buffer.
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	int_type write_err_chunk(const std::string &msg) { return d_cbuf.err_chunk(msg); }
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#endif		// _chunkedostream_h