Blame chunked_istream.h

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// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
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// This file is part of libdap, A C++ implementation of the OPeNDAP Data
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// Access Protocol.
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// Copyright (c) 2013 OPeNDAP, Inc.
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// Author: James Gallagher <>
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// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// Lesser General Public License for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
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// You can contact OPeNDAP, Inc. at PO Box 112, Saunderstown, RI. 02874-0112.
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// Portions of this code were taken verbatim from Josuttis,
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// "The C++ Standard Library," p.672
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#ifndef _chunked_istream_h
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#define _chunked_istream_h
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#include "chunked_stream.h"
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#include <stdint.h>
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#include <streambuf>
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#include <istream>
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#include <stdexcept>
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#include <string>
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namespace libdap {
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class chunked_inbuf: public std::streambuf {
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	std::istream &d_is;
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	uint32_t d_buf_size;	// Size of the data buffer
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	char *d_buffer;			// data buffer
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	// In the original implementation of this class, the byte order of the data stream
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	// was passed in via constructors. When BYTE_ORDER_PREFIX is defined that is the
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	// case. However, when it is not defined, the byte order is read from the chunk
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	// header's high order byte (in bit position 2 - see chunked_stream.h). jhrg 11/24/13
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	bool d_twiddle_bytes; 	// receiver-makes-right encoding (byte order)...
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	bool d_set_twiddle;
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	// If an error chunk is read, save the message here
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	std::string d_error_message;
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	bool d_error;
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	 * @brief allocate the internal buffer.
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	 * Allocate d_buf_size + putBack characters for the read buffer.
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	 * @param size How much can the buffer hold? Does not include the putBack
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	 * chars.
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	void m_buffer_alloc() {
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		delete d_buffer;
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		d_buffer = new char[d_buf_size];
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		setg(d_buffer, 	// beginning of put back area
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			 d_buffer, 	// read position
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		     d_buffer); // end position
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	 * @brief Build a chunked input buffer.
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	 * This reads from a chunked stream, extracting an entire chunk and storing it in a
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	 * buffer in one operation. If the chunked_inbuf reads a chunk header that indicates
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	 * the next chunk is going  be bigger than its current buffer size, the object will
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	 * make the buffer larger. This object support 128 characters of 'put back' space. Since
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	 * DAP4 uses receiver makes right, the buffer must be told if it should 'twiddle' the
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	 * header size information. In DAP4 the byte order is sent using a one-byte code _before_
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	 * the chunked transmission starts.
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	 * @note In the current implementation, the byte order of the sender is read from the
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	 * first chunk header. The method twiddle_bytes() returns false until the first chunk is
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	 * read, then it returns the correct value. Only the first chunk_header is tested for the
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	 * byte order flag; all subsequent chunks are assumed to use the same byte order.
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	 * @param is Use this as a data source
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	 * @param size The size of the input buffer. This should match the likely chunk size.
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	 * If it is smaller than a chunk, it will be resized.
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	 * @param twiddle_bytes Should the header bytes be twiddled? True if this host and the
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	 * send use a different byte-order. The sender's byte order must be sent out-of-band.
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	chunked_inbuf(std::istream &is, int size, bool twiddle_bytes = false)
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        : d_is(is), d_buf_size(size), d_buffer(0), d_twiddle_bytes(twiddle_bytes), d_error(false) {
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		if (d_buf_size & CHUNK_TYPE_MASK)
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			throw std::out_of_range("A chunked_outbuf (or chunked_ostream) was built using a buffer larger than 0x00ffffff");
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    chunked_inbuf(std::istream &is, int size)
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        : d_is(is), d_buf_size(size), d_buffer(0), d_twiddle_bytes(false), d_set_twiddle(false), d_error(false) {
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        if (d_buf_size & CHUNK_TYPE_MASK)
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            throw std::out_of_range("A chunked_outbuf (or chunked_ostream) was built using a buffer larger than 0x00ffffff");
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	virtual ~chunked_inbuf() {
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		delete[] d_buffer;
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	int_type read_next_chunk();
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	int bytes_in_buffer() const { return (egptr() - gptr()); }
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	// d_twiddle_bytes is false initially and is set to the correct value
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	// once the first chunk is read.
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	bool twiddle_bytes() const { return d_twiddle_bytes; }
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	bool error() const { return d_error; }
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	std::string error_message() const { return d_error_message; }
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	virtual int_type underflow();
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	virtual std::streamsize xsgetn(char* s, std::streamsize num);
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class chunked_istream: public std::istream {
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	chunked_inbuf d_cbuf;
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	chunked_istream(std::istream &is, int size, bool twiddle_bytes = false) : std::istream(&d_cbuf), d_cbuf(is, size, twiddle_bytes) { }
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    chunked_istream(std::istream &is, int size) : std::istream(&d_cbuf), d_cbuf(is, size) { }
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	int read_next_chunk() { return d_cbuf.read_next_chunk(); }
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	 * How many bytes have been read from the stream and are now in the internal buffer?
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	 * @return Number of buffered bytes.
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	int bytes_in_buffer() const { return d_cbuf.bytes_in_buffer(); }
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	 * Should the receiver twiddle the bytes to match the local machine's byte order?
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	 * Since DAP4 uses 'receiver makes right' encoding, the onus is on the client to
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	 * reorder the bytes if it is, e.g., a big endian machine reading data from a little
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	 * endian server.
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	 * @return True if the client (caller) should swap bytes in multi-byte integers, etc.,
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	 * and false if not. This does not directly tell the endian nature of the remote server,
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	 * although that can be inferred.
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	bool twiddle_bytes() const { return d_cbuf.twiddle_bytes(); }
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	bool error() const { return d_cbuf.error(); }
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	std::string error_message() const { return d_cbuf.error_message(); }
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#endif	// _chunked_istream_h