Blame README.dodsrc

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Current for version 3.7.6 (12 March 2007)
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The libdap client-side configuration file (.dodsrc) is used to configure how
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clients cache responses and how they interact with proxy servers. By default
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the configuration file resides in a users home directory and is called
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`.dodsrc'. This can be changed by creating the environment variable
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DODS_CONF and setting it to the full pathname of the configuration file.
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About the Win32 builds:
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For Win32 (Windows XP and Vista) a client linked with libdapclient will look
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for the .dodsrc file in the following locations: C:\Dods; %APPDATA%; %TEMP%;
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and %TMP%. If no .dodsrc file is found, the library will create one in
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%APPDATA%. Note that on some Windows XP machines a user's 'Application Data'
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directory is hidden. To see and edit the .dodsrc file, open a file browser
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window from the Start menu, go to your home directory and then type in 
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'Application Data'. The .dodsrc file will be created by the first OPeNDAP
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client to run if there's not a copy already there.
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Another note about the Win32 builds and the .dodsrc file: It appears that
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client-side caching does not work in recent versions of the library, so until
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further notice, leave USE_CACHE set to zero.
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New feature added with libdap version 3.7.3 (7 Nov 2006)
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The configuration file can now be used to control client-side behavior when
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accessing servers using SSL. By default, certificates must be signed by a
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certificate authority. The libcurl package recognizes a large set of 
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CAs; you can sign your own certificates as well (but see the OpenSSL
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documentation for more information). In addition, server hosts must identify
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themselves using the same name as is used in the certificate.
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To disable these features, set the configuration parameter VALIDATE_SSL to
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zero. By default, these features are now enabled following the defaults for
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If a DODS client starts and cannot find the configuration file, then one with
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default parameters will be created in the user's home directory. By default
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caching will be enabled with a maximum cache size of 20M and a default
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expiration time of 24 hours. By default no proxy server is configured and SSL
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hosts and certificates are validated. Also by default, compression is not
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A sample configuration file looks like (the line numbers are not part of the
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file; they've been added to make the description clearer):
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0   # Comments start with a `#' in the first column.
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5	CACHE_ROOT=/home/jimg/.dods_cache/
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10	NO_PROXY_FOR=http,
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11	AIS_DATABASE=.ais_sst_database
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Starting a line with a `#' makes that line a comment. 
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The parameters on lines 1 through 6 determine how the DAP++ library will use
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its HTTP 1.1 cache. If the value of USE_CACHE is 1, the cache is active. A
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value of 0 turns off the cache. Make sure you use zero (0) and not the letter
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The value of MAX_CACHE_SIZE sets the maximum size of the cache in megabytes.
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Once the cache reaches this size, caching more objects will cause cache
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garbage collection. The algorithm used is to first purge the cache of any
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stale entries and then remove remaining entries starting with those that have
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the lowest hit count. Garbage collection stops when 90% of the cache has been
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The value of MAX_CACHED_OBJ sets the maximum size of any individual object in
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the cache in megabytes. Objects received from a server larger than this value
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will not be cached even if there's room for them without purging other
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The parameter CACHE_ROOT contains the pathname to the cache's top directory.
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If two or more users want to share a cache, then they must both have read and
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write permissions to the cache root.
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If the value of IGNORE_EXPIRES is 1, then Expires: headers in response
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documents will be ignored. The value of DEFAULT_EXPIRES sets the expiration
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time for any response that does not include either an Expires or
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Last-Modified header. The value is given in seconds; 86,400 is 24 hours. In
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general you should *not* ignore the Expires header; the server probably had a
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good reason to send it along with the response. This parameter is here for
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unusual situations.
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Note: If a Last-Modified header is returned with the response, and there's
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*no* Expires header, the expiration time is is 10% of the difference between
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the current time and the LM time or 48 hours, whichever is smaller. Note that
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libdap ignores the DEFAULT_EXPIRES time in this case. Any request made before
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the expiration time will use the cached response without validation. Any
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request made after the expiration time will use a conditional GET. Servers
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that have been upgraded to 3.2 or greater will return a 304 response if the
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cached response is still valid or a new response if it is not valid.
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If the value of ALWAYS_VALIDATE is 1, then all accesses will be validated with
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the origin server. A value of 0 causes libwww to use the more complex
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expiration and validate algorithm.
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If the DEFLATE parameter is set to one (DEFLATE=1) then clients will request 
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that servers compress data transmissions. Servers may or may not honor this
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request depending on their abilities.
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Set VALIDATE_SSL to zero to turn off SSL server host and certificate
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validation. By default, SSL hosts and certificates are now validated. If
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you're using your own certificates and don't want to pay to have them signed
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by a CA or to run your own authorization site, use this to defeat SSL
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validation. The old libdap default behavior was to _not_ perform validation
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(because that was the old libcurl default) and we've included this option so
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that you can get that old behavior.
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Note that the parameters PROXY_SERVER and NO_PROXY_FOR may be repeated
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to add multiple proxy servers, suppress proxy access for several hosts, etc.
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Lines 9 and 10 contain the parameters used to configure a proxy server.
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The parameter PROXY_SERVER configures a default proxy server. The format is
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    PROXY_SERVER=<protocol>,<proxy host url>
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The only supported protocols are http, https, and ftp.
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<proxy host url> must be a full URL to the host running the proxy server. If a
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password is used to access the proxy server, include it in the URL using the
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<user:password@host> syntax as shown in the example.
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The NO_PROXY parameter provides a simple way to say that access to a certain
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host should never go through a proxy. The syntax of NO_PROXY is:
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where <protocol> is as for PROXY_SERVER
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<hostname> is the name of the host, not a url.
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The Ancillary Information Service
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See README.AIS for more information about the AIS.