Blame D4FilterClause.h

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// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
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// This file is part of libdap, A C++ implementation of the OPeNDAP Data
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// Access Protocol.
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// Copyright (c) 2015 OPeNDAP, Inc.
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// Author: James Gallagher <>
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// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// Lesser General Public License for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
Packit a4aae4
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// You can contact OPeNDAP, Inc. at PO Box 112, Saunderstown, RI. 02874-0112.
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#ifndef _d4_filter_clause_h
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#define _d4_filter_clause_h
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#include <cassert>
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#include <vector>
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#include ""   // Use the same codes for D4 as we use in DAP2
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namespace libdap
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class D4Rvalue;
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class D4FilterClause;
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 * @brief List of DAP4 Filter Clauses
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class D4FilterClauseList
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    std::vector<D4FilterClause *> d_clauses;
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    void m_duplicate(const D4FilterClauseList &src;;
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    typedef std::vector<D4FilterClause *>::iterator iter;
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    typedef std::vector<D4FilterClause *>::const_iterator citer;
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    D4FilterClauseList() { }
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    D4FilterClauseList(const D4FilterClauseList &src) { m_duplicate(src); }
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    D4FilterClauseList(D4FilterClause *c) { add_clause(c); }
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    virtual ~D4FilterClauseList();
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    D4FilterClauseList &operator=(const D4FilterClauseList &rhs) {
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        if (this == &rhs)
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            return *this;
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        return *this;
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    void add_clause(D4FilterClause *c) {
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    D4FilterClause *get_clause(unsigned int i) {
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    citer cbegin() const { return d_clauses.begin(); }
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    citer cend() const { return d_clauses.end(); }
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    unsigned int size() const { return d_clauses.size(); }
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    // get the clause value; this version supports functional clauses
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    bool value(DMR &dmr);
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    bool value();
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 * @brief DAP4 filter clauses
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 * The DAP4 constraint expression provides a way to filter the values of
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 * Sequences (and possibly arrays and coverages, although those are still
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 * more ideas than anything at this point). This class holds the operator
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 * and operands of one DAP4 constraint's filter clause. The object is built
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 * during the parse phase of the constraint evaluation but is not evaluated
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 * until the data are sent or interned (read into the DAP4 variable object
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 * so that they can be used as input to some process other than directly
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 * being sent to a remote client).
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 * For filter clauses that are to be applied to a Sequence, each D4RValue
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 * will either be a constant or a BaseType* that will reference one of the
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 * Sequences fields. The method 'value()' is effectively the evaluator for
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 * the clause and nominally reads values from the rvalue objects.
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 * @note Potential optimization: Because Sequences might have an optimized
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 * representation as a STL vector of some built in types, there could be a
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 * value() method that takes a value and compares it to the clause's constant
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 * value using the supplied op.
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 * @note The 'ND' and 'map' ops are 'still just an idea' parts.
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class D4FilterClause
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	enum ops {
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		// Stock relops
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		null = 0,
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		less = SCAN_LESS,
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		greater = SCAN_GREATER,
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		less_equal = SCAN_LESS_EQL,
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		greater_equal = SCAN_GREATER_EQL,
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		equal = SCAN_EQUAL,
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		not_equal = SCAN_NOT_EQUAL,
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		// Regex match for strings
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		match = SCAN_REGEXP,
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		// The mapping operator; not sure if this will be implemented
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		// No Data 'operator' for array filtering; may not be impl'd
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    /** The operator */
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    ops d_op;
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    D4RValue *d_arg1, *d_arg2;
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    D4FilterClause() : d_op(null), d_arg1(0), d_arg2(0) { }
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    void m_duplicate(const D4FilterClause &rhs;;
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    // These methods factor out first the first argument and then the
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    // second. I could write one really large cmp() for all of this...
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    //template<typename T> bool cmp(ops op, BaseType *arg1, T arg2);
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    bool cmp(ops op, BaseType *arg1, BaseType *arg2);
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    friend class D4FilterClauseList;
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     * Build a D4FilterClause. The clause will take ownership of
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     * the two pointer arguments and delete them.
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     * @note When comparing an unsigned variable (UInt16) with a constant,
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     * at parse time (i.e., when the D4FilterClause is made) check that the
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     * constant is >= 0 and store it in an unsigned value at that time. This
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     * will avoid having to make the test repeatedly during filter evaluation.
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     * @note When parsing a constant, extract the value from the BaseType and
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     * store it in a local field, to avoid the overhead of extracting the
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     * value and looking up its type over an over.
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     * @param op The operator
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     * @param arg1 The left-hand operand
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     * @param arg2 The right-hand operand
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    D4FilterClause(const ops op, D4RValue *arg1, D4RValue *arg2) :
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    	d_op(op), d_arg1(arg1), d_arg2(arg2) {
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    	assert(op != null && "null operator");
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    	assert(arg1 && "null arg1");
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    	assert(arg2 && "null arg2");
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    D4FilterClause(const D4FilterClause &src) {
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    D4FilterClause &operator=(const D4FilterClause &rhs) {
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        if (this == &rhs)
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            return *this;
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        return *this;
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    virtual ~D4FilterClause() {
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    	delete d_arg1;
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    	delete d_arg2;
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    // get the clause value; this version supports functional clauses
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    bool value(DMR &dmr);
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    bool value();
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} // namespace libdap
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#endif // _clause_h