/* Copyright (C) 2004-2008, 2011-2012, 2014, 2017 Rocky Bernstein toc reading routine adapted from cuetools Copyright (C) 2003 Svend Sanjay Sorensen This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* This code implements low-level access functions for a CD images residing inside a disk file (*.bin) and its associated cue sheet. (*.cue). */ #include "portable.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_GLOB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H #include #else #define PRId64 "lld" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "cdio_assert.h" #include "_cdio_stdio.h" /* reader */ #define DEFAULT_CDIO_DEVICE "videocd.bin" #define DEFAULT_CDIO_CDRDAO "videocd.toc" #ifdef _WIN32 #define CDIO_FOPEN fopen_utf8 #else #define CDIO_FOPEN fopen #endif #include "image_common.h" #include "cdtext_private.h" static lsn_t get_disc_last_lsn_cdrdao (void *p_user_data); static bool parse_tocfile (_img_private_t *cd, const char *p_toc_name); static bool check_track_is_blocksize_multiple(const char *psz_fname, track_t i_track, off_t i_size, uint16_t i_blocksize) { if (i_size % i_blocksize) { cdio_info ("image %s track %d size (%" PRId64 ") not a multiple" " of the blocksize (%ld)", psz_fname ? psz_fname : "unknown??", i_track, (int64_t)i_size, (long int) i_blocksize); if (i_size % M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE == 0) cdio_info ("this may be a 2336-type disc image"); else if (i_size % CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW == 0) cdio_info ("this may be a 2352-type disc image"); return false; } return true; } /*! Initialize image structures. */ static bool _init_cdrdao (_img_private_t *env) { lsn_t lead_lsn; if (env->gen.init) return false; /* Have to set init before calling get_disc_last_lsn_cdrdao() or we will get into infinite recursion calling passing right here. */ env->gen.init = true; env->gen.i_first_track = 1; env->psz_mcn = NULL; env->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO; /* Read in TOC sheet. */ if ( !parse_tocfile(env, env->psz_cue_name) ) return false; lead_lsn = get_disc_last_lsn_cdrdao( (_img_private_t *) env); if (-1 == lead_lsn) return false; /* Fake out leadout track and sector count for last track*/ cdio_lsn_to_msf (lead_lsn, &env->tocent[env->gen.i_tracks].start_msf); env->tocent[env->gen.i_tracks].start_lba = cdio_lsn_to_lba(lead_lsn); env->tocent[env->gen.i_tracks-env->gen.i_first_track].sec_count = cdio_lsn_to_lba(lead_lsn - env->tocent[env->gen.i_tracks-1].start_lba); return true; } /*! Reads into buf the next size bytes. Returns -1 on error. Would be libc's seek() but we have to adjust for the extra track header information in each sector. */ static off_t _lseek_cdrdao (void *user_data, off_t offset, int whence) { _img_private_t *env = user_data; /* real_offset is the real byte offset inside the disk image The number below was determined empirically. I'm guessing the 1st 24 bytes of a bin file are used for something. */ off_t real_offset=0; unsigned int i; env->pos.lba = 0; for (i=0; igen.i_tracks; i++) { track_info_t *this_track=&(env->tocent[i]); env->pos.index = i; if ( (this_track->sec_count*this_track->datasize) >= offset) { int blocks = (int) (offset / this_track->datasize); int rem = (int) (offset % this_track->datasize); off_t block_offset = blocks * this_track->blocksize; real_offset += block_offset + rem; env->pos.buff_offset = rem; env->pos.lba += (lba_t)blocks; break; } real_offset += this_track->sec_count*this_track->blocksize; offset -= this_track->sec_count*this_track->datasize; env->pos.lba += this_track->sec_count; } if (i==env->gen.i_tracks) { cdio_warn ("seeking outside range of disk image"); return -1; } else { real_offset += env->tocent[i].datastart; return cdio_stream_seek(env->tocent[i].data_source, real_offset, whence); } } /*! Reads into buf the next size bytes. Returns -1 on error. FIXME: At present we assume a read doesn't cross sector or track boundaries. */ static ssize_t _read_cdrdao (void *user_data, void *data, size_t size) { _img_private_t *env = user_data; char buf[CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW] = { 0, }; char *p = data; ssize_t final_size=0; ssize_t this_size; track_info_t *this_track=&(env->tocent[env->pos.index]); ssize_t skip_size = this_track->datastart + this_track->endsize; while (size > 0) { int rem = (int) (this_track->datasize - env->pos.buff_offset); if (size <= rem) { this_size = cdio_stream_read(this_track->data_source, buf, size, 1); final_size += this_size; memcpy (p, buf, this_size); break; } /* Finish off reading this sector. */ cdio_warn ("Reading across block boundaries not finished"); size -= rem; this_size = cdio_stream_read(this_track->data_source, buf, rem, 1); final_size += this_size; memcpy (p, buf, this_size); p += this_size; cdio_stream_read(this_track->data_source, buf, rem, 1); /* Skip over stuff at end of this sector and the beginning of the next. */ cdio_stream_read(this_track->data_source, buf, skip_size, 1); /* Get ready to read another sector. */ env->pos.buff_offset=0; env->pos.lba++; /* Have gone into next track. */ if (env->pos.lba >= env->tocent[env->pos.index+1].start_lba) { env->pos.index++; this_track=&(env->tocent[env->pos.index]); skip_size = this_track->datastart + this_track->endsize; } } return final_size; } /*! Return the size of the CD in logical block address (LBA) units. FIXME: this assumes there is only one source for data or one track of silence. */ static lsn_t get_disc_last_lsn_cdrdao (void *p_user_data) { _img_private_t *p_env = p_user_data; track_t i_leadout = p_env->gen.i_tracks; uint16_t i_blocksize = p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].blocksize; off_t i_size; if (p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].sec_count) { i_size = p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].sec_count; } else { if (NULL == p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].data_source) { if (!p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].silence) { cdio_warn ("Data source for image %s is null", p_env->gen.source_name); return -1; } /* FIXME: this is only correct if there is one track of silence. */ i_size = p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].silence; } else { /* FIXME: this is only correct if there is one data source. */ i_size = cdio_stream_stat(p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].data_source) - p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].offset; } if (i_size < 0) { cdio_error ("Disc data size too small for track specification in image %s", p_env->gen.source_name); return (lsn_t)i_size; } if (check_track_is_blocksize_multiple(p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].filename, i_leadout-1, i_size, i_blocksize)) { i_size /= i_blocksize; } else { /* Round up */ i_size = (i_size / i_blocksize) + 1; } } i_size += p_env->tocent[i_leadout-1].start_lba; i_size -= CDIO_PREGAP_SECTORS; return (lsn_t)i_size; } #define MAXLINE 512 #define UNIMPLIMENTED_MSG \ cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d: unimplimented keyword: %s", \ psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_keyword) static bool parse_tocfile (_img_private_t *cd, const char *psz_cue_name) { /* The below declarations may be common in other image-parse routines. */ FILE *fp; char psz_line[MAXLINE]; /* text of current line read in file fp. */ unsigned int i_line=0; /* line number in file of psz_line. */ int i = -1; /* Position in tocent. Same as cd->gen.i_tracks - 1 */ char *psz_keyword, *psz_field, *psz_cue_name_dup; cdio_log_level_t log_level = (cd) ? CDIO_LOG_WARN : CDIO_LOG_INFO ; cdtext_field_t cdtext_key; /* The below declaration(s) may be unique to this image-parse routine. */ unsigned int i_cdtext_nest = 0; if (NULL == psz_cue_name) return false; psz_cue_name_dup = _cdio_strdup_fixpath(psz_cue_name); if (NULL == psz_cue_name_dup) return false; fp = CDIO_FOPEN (psz_cue_name_dup, "r"); cdio_free(psz_cue_name_dup); if (fp == NULL) { cdio_log(log_level, "error opening %s for reading: %s", psz_cue_name, strerror(errno)); return false; } if (cd) { cd->gen.b_cdtext_error = false; } while (fgets(psz_line, MAXLINE, fp)) { i_line++; /* strip comment from line */ /* todo: // in quoted strings? */ /* //comment */ if ((psz_field = strstr (psz_line, "//"))) *psz_field = '\0'; if ((psz_keyword = strtok (psz_line, " \t\n\r"))) { /* CATALOG "ddddddddddddd" */ if (0 == strcmp ("CATALOG", psz_keyword)) { if (-1 == i) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, "\"\t\n\r"))) { if (13 != strlen(psz_field)) { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d after word CATALOG:", psz_cue_name, i_line); cdio_log(log_level, "Token %s has length %ld. Should be 13 digits.", psz_field, (long int) strlen(psz_field)); goto err_exit; } else { /* Check that we have all digits*/ unsigned int j; for (j=0; j<13; j++) { if (!isdigit((unsigned char) psz_field[j])) { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d after word CATALOG:", psz_cue_name, i_line); cdio_log(log_level, "Character \"%c\" at postition %i of token \"%s\"" " is not all digits.", psz_field[j], j+1, psz_field); goto err_exit; } } if (NULL != cd) cd->psz_mcn = strdup (psz_field); } } else { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d after word CATALOG:", psz_cue_name, i_line); cdio_log(log_level, "Expecting 13 digits; nothing seen."); goto err_exit; } } else { goto err_exit; } /* CD_DA | CD_ROM | CD_ROM_XA */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("CD_DA", psz_keyword)) { if (-1 == i) { if (NULL != cd) cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA; } else { goto not_in_global_section; } } else if (0 == strcmp ("CD_ROM", psz_keyword)) { if (-1 == i) { if (NULL != cd) cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA; } else { goto not_in_global_section; } } else if (0 == strcmp ("CD_ROM_XA", psz_keyword)) { if (-1 == i) { if (NULL != cd) cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA; } else { goto not_in_global_section; } /* TRACK [] */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("TRACK", psz_keyword)) { i++; if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { if (0 == strcmp ("AUDIO", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].track_format = TRACK_FORMAT_AUDIO; cd->tocent[i].blocksize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; cd->tocent[i].datasize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; cd->tocent[i].datastart = 0; cd->tocent[i].endsize = 0; switch(cd->disc_mode) { case CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA; break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR: /* Disc type stays the same. */ break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED; break; default: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR; } } } else if (0 == strcmp ("MODE1", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].track_format = TRACK_FORMAT_DATA; cd->tocent[i].blocksize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; cd->tocent[i].datastart = CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].datasize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE; cd->tocent[i].endsize = CDIO_CD_EDC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_M1F1_ZERO_SIZE + CDIO_CD_ECC_SIZE; switch(cd->disc_mode) { case CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA; break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR: /* Disc type stays the same. */ break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED; break; default: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR; } } } else if (0 == strcmp ("MODE1_RAW", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].track_format = TRACK_FORMAT_DATA; cd->tocent[i].blocksize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; cd->tocent[i].datastart = CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].datasize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE; cd->tocent[i].endsize = CDIO_CD_EDC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_M1F1_ZERO_SIZE + CDIO_CD_ECC_SIZE; switch(cd->disc_mode) { case CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA; break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR: /* Disc type stays the same. */ break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED; break; default: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR; } } } else if (0 == strcmp ("MODE2", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].track_format = TRACK_FORMAT_XA; cd->tocent[i].datastart = CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].datasize = M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].endsize = 0; switch(cd->disc_mode) { case CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA; break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR: /* Disc type stays the same. */ break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED; break; default: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR; } } } else if (0 == strcmp ("MODE2_FORM1", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].track_format = TRACK_FORMAT_XA; cd->tocent[i].datastart = CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].datasize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; cd->tocent[i].endsize = 0; switch(cd->disc_mode) { case CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA; break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR: /* Disc type stays the same. */ break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED; break; default: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR; } } } else if (0 == strcmp ("MODE2_FORM2", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].track_format = TRACK_FORMAT_XA; cd->tocent[i].datastart = CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE + CDIO_CD_SUBHEADER_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].datasize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE; cd->tocent[i].endsize = CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_ECC_SIZE; switch(cd->disc_mode) { case CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA; break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR: /* Disc type stays the same. */ break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED; break; default: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR; } } } else if (0 == strcmp ("MODE2_FORM_MIX", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].track_format = TRACK_FORMAT_XA; cd->tocent[i].datasize = M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].blocksize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; cd->tocent[i].datastart = CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE + CDIO_CD_SUBHEADER_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].track_green = true; cd->tocent[i].endsize = 0; switch(cd->disc_mode) { case CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA; break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR: /* Disc type stays the same. */ break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED; break; default: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR; } } } else if (0 == strcmp ("MODE2_RAW", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].track_format = TRACK_FORMAT_XA; cd->tocent[i].blocksize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; cd->tocent[i].datastart = CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE + CDIO_CD_SUBHEADER_SIZE; cd->tocent[i].datasize = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE; cd->tocent[i].track_green = true; cd->tocent[i].endsize = 0; switch(cd->disc_mode) { case CDIO_DISC_MODE_NO_INFO: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA; break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_XA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR: /* Disc type stays the same. */ break; case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DA: case CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_DATA: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_CD_MIXED; break; default: cd->disc_mode = CDIO_DISC_MODE_ERROR; } } } else { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d after TRACK:", psz_cue_name, i_line); cdio_log(log_level, "'%s' not a valid mode.", psz_field); goto err_exit; } } if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { /* \todo: set sub-channel-mode */ #ifdef TODO if (0 == strcmp ("RW", psz_field)) ; else if (0 == strcmp ("RW_RAW", psz_field)) ; #endif } if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { goto format_error; } /* track flags */ /* [NO] COPY | [NO] PRE_EMPHASIS */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("NO", psz_keyword)) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { if (0 == strcmp ("COPY", psz_field)) { if (NULL != cd) cd->tocent[i].flags &= ~CDIO_TRACK_FLAG_COPY_PERMITTED; } else if (0 == strcmp ("PRE_EMPHASIS", psz_field)) if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].flags &= ~CDIO_TRACK_FLAG_PRE_EMPHASIS; } } else { goto format_error; } if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { goto format_error; } } else if (0 == strcmp ("COPY", psz_keyword)) { if (NULL != cd && i >= 0) cd->tocent[i].flags |= CDIO_TRACK_FLAG_COPY_PERMITTED; } else if (0 == strcmp ("PRE_EMPHASIS", psz_keyword)) { if (NULL != cd && i >= 0) cd->tocent[i].flags |= CDIO_TRACK_FLAG_PRE_EMPHASIS; /* TWO_CHANNEL_AUDIO */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("TWO_CHANNEL_AUDIO", psz_keyword)) { if (NULL != cd && i >= 0) cd->tocent[i].flags &= ~CDIO_TRACK_FLAG_FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO; /* FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO", psz_keyword)) { if (NULL != cd && i >= 0) cd->tocent[i].flags |= CDIO_TRACK_FLAG_FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO; /* ISRC "CCOOOYYSSSSS" */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("ISRC", psz_keyword)) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, "\"\t\n\r"))) { if (NULL != cd) cd->tocent[i].isrc = strdup(psz_field); } else { goto format_error; } /* SILENCE */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("SILENCE", psz_keyword)) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { if (NULL != cd) cd->tocent[i].silence = cdio_mmssff_to_lba (psz_field); } else { goto format_error; } cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d: SILENCE not fully implimented", psz_cue_name, i_line); /* ZERO */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("ZERO", psz_keyword)) { UNIMPLIMENTED_MSG; /* [FILE|AUDIOFILE] "" [] */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("FILE", psz_keyword) || 0 == strcmp ("AUDIOFILE", psz_keyword)) { if (0 <= i) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, "\"\t\n\r"))) { /* Handle "" */ if (cd) { char *psz_dirname = cdio_dirname(psz_cue_name); char *psz_filename = cdio_abspath(psz_dirname, psz_field); cd->tocent[i].filename = strdup (psz_filename); free(psz_filename); free(psz_dirname); /* To do: do something about reusing existing files. */ if (!(cd->tocent[i].data_source = cdio_stdio_new (psz_field))) { cdio_log (log_level, "%s line %d: can't open file `%s' for reading", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); goto err_exit; } } else { CdioDataSource_t *s = cdio_stdio_new (psz_field); if (!s) { cdio_log (log_level, "%s line %d: can't open file `%s' for reading", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); cdio_stdio_destroy (s); goto err_exit; } cdio_stdio_destroy (s); } } if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { /* Handle */ lba_t i_start_lba = cdio_lsn_to_lba(cdio_mmssff_to_lba (psz_field)); if (CDIO_INVALID_LBA == i_start_lba) { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d: invalid MSF string %s", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); goto err_exit; } if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].start_lba = i_start_lba; cdio_lba_to_msf(i_start_lba, &(cd->tocent[i].start_msf)); } } if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { /* Handle */ lba_t lba = cdio_mmssff_to_lba (psz_field); if (CDIO_INVALID_LBA == lba) { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d: invalid MSF string %s", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); goto err_exit; } if (cd) { off_t i_size = cdio_stream_stat(cd->tocent[i].data_source); if (lba) { if ( (lba * cd->tocent[i].datasize) > i_size) { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d: MSF length %s exceeds end of file", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); goto err_exit; } } else { lba = (lba_t) (i_size / cd->tocent[i].blocksize); } cd->tocent[i].sec_count = lba; } } if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { goto format_error; } } else { goto not_in_global_section; } /* DATAFILE "" #byte-offset */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("DATAFILE", psz_keyword)) { if (0 <= i) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, "\"\t\n\r"))) { /* Handle */ char *psz_dirname = cdio_dirname(psz_cue_name); char *psz_filename = cdio_abspath(psz_dirname, psz_field); if (cd) { cd->tocent[i].filename = strdup(psz_filename); /* To do: do something about reusing existing files. */ if (!(cd->tocent[i].data_source = cdio_stdio_new (psz_field))) { cdio_log (log_level, "%s line %d: can't open file `%s' for reading", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); free(psz_filename); free(psz_dirname); goto err_exit; } } else { CdioDataSource_t *s = cdio_stdio_new (psz_filename); if (!s) { cdio_log (log_level, "%s line %d: can't open file `%s' for reading", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); free(psz_filename); free(psz_dirname); goto err_exit; } cdio_stdio_destroy (s); } free(psz_filename); free(psz_dirname); } psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (psz_field) { /* Handle optional #byte-offset */ if ( psz_field[0] == '#') { long int offset; psz_field++; errno = 0; offset = strtol(psz_field, (char **)NULL, 10); if ( (LONG_MIN == offset || LONG_MAX == offset) && 0 != errno ) { cdio_log (log_level, "%s line %d: can't convert `%s' to byte offset", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); goto err_exit; } else { if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].offset = offset; } } psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"); } } if (psz_field) { /* Handle start-msf */ lba_t lba = cdio_mmssff_to_lba (psz_field); if (CDIO_INVALID_LBA == lba) { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d: invalid MSF string %s", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_field); goto err_exit; } if (cd) { cd->tocent[i].start_lba = lba; cdio_lba_to_msf(cd->tocent[i].start_lba, &(cd->tocent[i].start_msf)); } } else { /* No start-msf. */ if (cd) { if (i) { uint16_t i_blocksize = cd->tocent[i-1].blocksize; off_t i_size = cdio_stream_stat(cd->tocent[i-1].data_source); check_track_is_blocksize_multiple(cd->tocent[i-1].filename, i-1, i_size, i_blocksize); /* Append size of previous datafile. */ cd->tocent[i].start_lba = (lba_t) (cd->tocent[i-1].start_lba + (i_size / i_blocksize)); } cd->tocent[i].offset = 0; cd->tocent[i].start_lba += CDIO_PREGAP_SECTORS; cdio_lba_to_msf(cd->tocent[i].start_lba, &(cd->tocent[i].start_msf)); } } } else { goto not_in_global_section; } /* FIFO "" [] */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("FIFO", psz_keyword)) { goto unimplimented_error; /* START MM:SS:FF */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("START", psz_keyword)) { if (0 <= i) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { /* todo: line is too long! */ if (NULL != cd) { cd->tocent[i].pregap = cd->tocent[i].start_lba; cd->tocent[i].start_lba += cdio_mmssff_to_lba (psz_field); cdio_lba_to_msf(cd->tocent[i].start_lba, &(cd->tocent[i].start_msf)); } } if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { goto format_error; } } else { goto not_in_global_section; } /* PREGAP MM:SS:FF */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("PREGAP", psz_keyword)) { if (0 <= i) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { if (NULL != cd) cd->tocent[i].pregap = cdio_mmssff_to_lba (psz_field); } else { goto format_error; } if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { goto format_error; } } else { goto not_in_global_section; } /* INDEX MM:SS:FF */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("INDEX", psz_keyword)) { if (0 <= i) { if (NULL != (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { if (NULL != cd) { #if 0 if (1 == cd->tocent[i].nindex) { cd->tocent[i].indexes[1] = cd->tocent[i].indexes[0]; cd->tocent[i].nindex++; } cd->tocent[i].indexes[cd->tocent[i].nindex++] = cdio_mmssff_to_lba (psz_field) + cd->tocent[i].indexes[0]; #else ; #endif } } else { goto format_error; } if (NULL != strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r")) { goto format_error; } } else { goto not_in_global_section; } /* CD_TEXT { ... } */ /* todo: opening { must be on same line as CD_TEXT */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("CD_TEXT", psz_keyword)) { if (NULL == (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { goto format_error; } if ( 0 == strcmp( "{", psz_field ) ) { i_cdtext_nest++; } else { cdio_log (log_level, "%s line %d: expecting '{'", psz_cue_name, i_line); goto err_exit; } // TODO: implement language mapping } else if (0 == strcmp ("LANGUAGE_MAP", psz_keyword)) { /* LANGUAGE d { ... } */ } else if (0 == strcmp ("LANGUAGE", psz_keyword)) { /* Language number */ if (NULL == (psz_field = strtok (NULL, " \t\n\r"))) { goto format_error; } if ( 0 == strcmp( "{", psz_field ) ) { i_cdtext_nest++; } } else if (0 == strcmp ("{", psz_keyword)) { i_cdtext_nest++; } else if (0 == strcmp ("}", psz_keyword)) { if (i_cdtext_nest > 0) i_cdtext_nest--; } else if ( CDTEXT_FIELD_INVALID != (cdtext_key = cdtext_is_field (psz_keyword)) ) { if (NULL != cd) { if (NULL == cd->gen.cdtext) { cd->gen.cdtext = cdtext_init (); /* until language mapping is implemented ...*/ cd->gen.cdtext->block[cd->gen.cdtext->block_i].language_code = CDTEXT_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; } cdtext_set (cd->gen.cdtext, cdtext_key, (uint8_t*) strtok (NULL, "\"\t\n\r"), (-1 == i ? 0 : cd->gen.i_first_track + i), "ISO-8859-1"); } /* unrecognized line */ } else { cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d: warning: unrecognized word: %s", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_keyword); goto err_exit; } } } if (NULL != cd) { cd->gen.i_tracks = i+1; cd->gen.toc_init = true; } fclose (fp); return true; unimplimented_error: UNIMPLIMENTED_MSG; goto err_exit; format_error: cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d after word %s", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_keyword); goto err_exit; not_in_global_section: cdio_log(log_level, "%s line %d: word %s only allowed in global section", psz_cue_name, i_line, psz_keyword); err_exit: fclose (fp); return false; } /*! Reads a single audio sector from CD device into data starting from lsn. Returns 0 if no error. */ static driver_return_code_t _read_audio_sectors_cdrdao (void *user_data, void *data, lsn_t lsn, unsigned int nblocks) { _img_private_t *env = user_data; int ret; ret = cdio_stream_seek (env->tocent[0].data_source, lsn * CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW, SEEK_SET); if (ret!=0) return ret; ret = cdio_stream_read (env->tocent[0].data_source, data, CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW, nblocks); /* ret is number of bytes if okay, but we need to return 0 okay. */ return ret == 0; } /*! Reads a single mode2 sector from cd device into data starting from lsn. Returns 0 if no error. */ static driver_return_code_t _read_mode1_sector_cdrdao (void *user_data, void *data, lsn_t lsn, bool b_form2) { _img_private_t *env = user_data; int ret; char buf[CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW] = { 0, }; ret = cdio_stream_seek (env->tocent[0].data_source, lsn * CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW, SEEK_SET); if (ret!=0) return ret; /* FIXME: Not completely sure the below is correct. */ ret = cdio_stream_read (env->tocent[0].data_source, buf, CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW, 1); if (ret==0) return ret; memcpy (data, buf + CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE, b_form2 ? M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE: CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE); return DRIVER_OP_SUCCESS; } /*! Reads nblocks of mode1 sectors from cd device into data starting from lsn. Returns 0 if no error. */ static int _read_mode1_sectors_cdrdao (void *user_data, void *data, lsn_t lsn, bool b_form2, unsigned int nblocks) { _img_private_t *env = user_data; int i; int retval; unsigned int blocksize = b_form2 ? M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE : CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE; for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { if ( (retval = _read_mode1_sector_cdrdao (env, ((char *)data) + (blocksize * i), lsn + i, b_form2)) ) return retval; } return DRIVER_OP_SUCCESS; } /*! Reads a single mode1 sector from cd device into data starting from lsn. Returns 0 if no error. */ static driver_return_code_t _read_mode2_sector_cdrdao (void *user_data, void *data, lsn_t lsn, bool b_form2) { _img_private_t *env = user_data; int ret; char buf[CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW] = { 0, }; long unsigned int i_off = lsn * CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; /* For sms's VCD's (mwc1.toc) it is more like this: if (i_off > 272) i_off -= 272; There is that magic 272 that we find in read_audio_sectors_cdrdao again. */ /* NOTE: The logic below seems a bit wrong and convoluted to me, but passes the regression tests. (Perhaps it is why we get valgrind errors in vcdxrip). Leave it the way it was for now. Review this sector 2336 stuff later. */ ret = cdio_stream_seek (env->tocent[0].data_source, i_off, SEEK_SET); if (ret!=0) return ret; ret = cdio_stream_read (env->tocent[0].data_source, buf, CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW, 1); if (ret==0) return ret; /* See NOTE above. */ if (b_form2) memcpy (data, buf + CDIO_CD_SYNC_SIZE + CDIO_CD_HEADER_SIZE, M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE); else memcpy (data, buf + CDIO_CD_XA_SYNC_HEADER, CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE); return DRIVER_OP_SUCCESS; } /*! Reads nblocks of mode2 sectors from cd device into data starting from lsn. Returns 0 if no error. */ static driver_return_code_t _read_mode2_sectors_cdrdao (void *user_data, void *data, lsn_t lsn, bool b_form2, unsigned int nblocks) { _img_private_t *env = user_data; int i; int retval; for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { if ( (retval = _read_mode2_sector_cdrdao (env, ((char *)data) + (CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE * i), lsn + i, b_form2)) ) return retval; } return 0; } /*! Return an array of strings giving possible TOC disk images. */ char ** cdio_get_devices_cdrdao (void) { char **drives = NULL; unsigned int num_files=0; #ifdef HAVE_GLOB_H unsigned int i; glob_t globbuf; globbuf.gl_offs = 0; glob("*.toc", GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf); for (i=0; ipsz_vendor, "libcdio", sizeof(hw_info->psz_vendor)-1); hw_info->psz_vendor[sizeof(hw_info->psz_vendor)-1] = '\0'; strncpy(hw_info->psz_model, "cdrdao", sizeof(hw_info->psz_model)-1); hw_info->psz_model[sizeof(hw_info->psz_model)-1] = '\0'; strncpy(hw_info->psz_revision, CDIO_VERSION, sizeof(hw_info->psz_revision)-1); hw_info->psz_revision[sizeof(hw_info->psz_revision)-1] = '\0'; return true; } /*! Return the number of tracks in the current medium. CDIO_INVALID_TRACK is returned on error. */ static track_format_t _get_track_format_cdrdao(void *p_user_data, track_t i_track) { _img_private_t *p_env = p_user_data; if (!p_env->gen.init) return TRACK_FORMAT_ERROR; if (i_track > p_env->gen.i_tracks || i_track == 0) return TRACK_FORMAT_ERROR; return p_env->tocent[i_track-p_env->gen.i_first_track].track_format; } /*! Return true if we have XA data (green, mode2 form1) or XA data (green, mode2 form2). That is track begins: sync - header - subheader 12 4 - 8 FIXME: there's gotta be a better design for this and get_track_format? */ static bool _get_track_green_cdrdao(void *user_data, track_t i_track) { _img_private_t *env = user_data; if (!env->gen.init) _init_cdrdao(env); if (i_track > env->gen.i_tracks || i_track == 0) return false; return env->tocent[i_track-env->gen.i_first_track].track_green; } /*! Return the starting LSN track number i_track in obj. Track numbers start at 1. The "leadout" track is specified either by using i_track CDIO_CDROM_LEADOUT_TRACK or the total tracks+1. False is returned if there is no track entry. */ static lba_t _get_lba_track_cdrdao(void *p_user_data, track_t i_track) { _img_private_t *p_env = p_user_data; _init_cdrdao (p_env); if (i_track == CDIO_CDROM_LEADOUT_TRACK) i_track = p_env->gen.i_tracks+1; if (i_track <= p_env->gen.i_tracks+1 && i_track != 0) { return p_env->tocent[i_track-1].start_lba; } else return CDIO_INVALID_LBA; } /*! Check that a TOC file is valid. We parse the entire file. */ bool cdio_is_tocfile(const char *psz_cue_name) { int i; if (psz_cue_name == NULL) return false; i=strlen(psz_cue_name)-strlen("toc"); if (i>0) { if ( (psz_cue_name[i]=='t' && psz_cue_name[i+1]=='o' && psz_cue_name[i+2]=='c') || (psz_cue_name[i]=='T' && psz_cue_name[i+1]=='O' && psz_cue_name[i+2]=='C') ) { return parse_tocfile(NULL, psz_cue_name); } } return false; } /*! Initialization routine. This is the only thing that doesn't get called via a function pointer. In fact *we* are the ones to set that up. */ CdIo_t * cdio_open_am_cdrdao (const char *psz_source_name, const char *psz_access_mode) { if (psz_access_mode != NULL && strcmp(psz_access_mode, "image")) cdio_warn ("there is only one access mode, 'image' for cdrdao. Arg %s ignored", psz_access_mode); return cdio_open_cdrdao(psz_source_name); } /*! Initialization routine. This is the only thing that doesn't get called via a function pointer. In fact *we* are the ones to set that up. */ CdIo_t * cdio_open_cdrdao (const char *psz_cue_name) { CdIo_t *ret; _img_private_t *p_data; cdio_funcs_t _funcs; memset( &_funcs, 0, sizeof(_funcs) ); _funcs.eject_media = _eject_media_image; _funcs.free = _free_image; _funcs.get_arg = _get_arg_image; _funcs.get_cdtext = _get_cdtext_image; _funcs.get_cdtext_raw = NULL; _funcs.get_devices = cdio_get_devices_cdrdao; _funcs.get_default_device = cdio_get_default_device_cdrdao; _funcs.get_disc_last_lsn = get_disc_last_lsn_cdrdao; _funcs.get_discmode = _get_discmode_image; _funcs.get_drive_cap = _get_drive_cap_image; _funcs.get_first_track_num = _get_first_track_num_image; _funcs.get_hwinfo = get_hwinfo_cdrdao; _funcs.get_media_changed = get_media_changed_image; _funcs.get_mcn = _get_mcn_image; _funcs.get_num_tracks = _get_num_tracks_image; _funcs.get_track_channels = get_track_channels_image; _funcs.get_track_copy_permit = get_track_copy_permit_image; _funcs.get_track_format = _get_track_format_cdrdao; _funcs.get_track_green = _get_track_green_cdrdao; _funcs.get_track_lba = _get_lba_track_cdrdao; _funcs.get_track_msf = _get_track_msf_image; _funcs.get_track_preemphasis = get_track_preemphasis_image; _funcs.get_track_pregap_lba = get_track_pregap_lba_image; _funcs.get_track_isrc = get_track_isrc_image; _funcs.lseek = _lseek_cdrdao; _funcs.read = _read_cdrdao; _funcs.read_audio_sectors = _read_audio_sectors_cdrdao; _funcs.read_data_sectors = read_data_sectors_image; _funcs.read_mode1_sector = _read_mode1_sector_cdrdao; _funcs.read_mode1_sectors = _read_mode1_sectors_cdrdao; _funcs.read_mode2_sector = _read_mode2_sector_cdrdao; _funcs.read_mode2_sectors = _read_mode2_sectors_cdrdao; _funcs.run_mmc_cmd = NULL; _funcs.set_arg = _set_arg_image; _funcs.set_speed = cdio_generic_unimplemented_set_speed; _funcs.set_blocksize = cdio_generic_unimplemented_set_blocksize; if (NULL == psz_cue_name) return NULL; p_data = calloc(1, sizeof (_img_private_t)); p_data->gen.init = false; p_data->psz_cue_name = NULL; p_data->gen.data_source = NULL; p_data->gen.source_name = NULL; ret = cdio_new ((void *)p_data, &_funcs); if (ret == NULL) { free(p_data); return NULL; } ret->driver_id = DRIVER_CDRDAO; if (!cdio_is_tocfile(psz_cue_name)) { cdio_debug ("source name %s is not recognized as a TOC file", psz_cue_name); free(p_data); free(ret); return NULL; } _set_arg_image (p_data, "cue", psz_cue_name); _set_arg_image (p_data, "source", psz_cue_name); _set_arg_image (p_data, "access-mode", "cdrdao"); if (_init_cdrdao(p_data)) { return ret; } else { _free_image(p_data); free(ret); return NULL; } } bool cdio_have_cdrdao (void) { return true; }