/* Copyright (C) 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011 Rocky Bernstein This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" # define __CDIO_CONFIG_H__ 1 #endif #include #include #include "cddb.h" cddb_opts_t cddb_opts; /*! Returns the sum of the decimal digits in a number. Eg. 1955 = 20 */ static int cddb_dec_digit_sum(int n) { int ret=0; for (;;) { ret += n%10; n = n/10; if (!n) return ret; } } /*! Compute the CDDB disk ID for an Audio disk. This is a funny checksum consisting of the concatenation of 3 things: the sum of the decimal digits of sizes of all tracks, the total length of the disk, and the number of tracks. */ uint32_t cddb_discid(CdIo_t *p_cdio, track_t i_tracks) { int i,t,n=0; msf_t start_msf; msf_t msf; for (i = 1; i <= i_tracks; i++) { cdio_get_track_msf(p_cdio, i, &msf); n += cddb_dec_digit_sum(cdio_audio_get_msf_seconds(&msf)); } cdio_get_track_msf(p_cdio, 1, &start_msf); cdio_get_track_msf(p_cdio, CDIO_CDROM_LEADOUT_TRACK, &msf); t = cdio_audio_get_msf_seconds(&msf)-cdio_audio_get_msf_seconds(&start_msf); return ((n % 0xff) << 24 | t << 8 | i_tracks); } #ifdef HAVE_CDDB bool init_cddb(CdIo_t *p_cdio, cddb_conn_t **pp_conn, cddb_disc_t **pp_cddb_disc, error_fn_t errmsg, track_t i_first_track, track_t i_tracks, int *i_cddb_matches) { track_t i; *pp_conn = cddb_new(); *pp_cddb_disc = NULL; if (!*pp_conn) { errmsg("unable to initialize libcddb"); return false; } if (NULL == cddb_opts.email) cddb_set_email_address(*pp_conn, "me@home"); else cddb_set_email_address(*pp_conn, cddb_opts.email); if (NULL == cddb_opts.server) cddb_set_server_name(*pp_conn, "freedb.freedb.org"); else cddb_set_server_name(*pp_conn, cddb_opts.server); if (cddb_opts.timeout >= 0) cddb_set_timeout(*pp_conn, cddb_opts.timeout); cddb_set_server_port(*pp_conn, cddb_opts.port); if (cddb_opts.http) cddb_http_enable(*pp_conn); else cddb_http_disable(*pp_conn); if (NULL != cddb_opts.cachedir) cddb_cache_set_dir(*pp_conn, cddb_opts.cachedir); if (cddb_opts.disable_cache) cddb_cache_disable(*pp_conn); *pp_cddb_disc = cddb_disc_new(); if (!*pp_cddb_disc) { errmsg("unable to create CDDB disc structure"); cddb_destroy(*pp_conn); return false; } for(i = 0; i < i_tracks; i++) { cddb_track_t *t = cddb_track_new(); cddb_track_set_frame_offset(t, cdio_get_track_lba(p_cdio, i+i_first_track)); cddb_disc_add_track(*pp_cddb_disc, t); } cddb_disc_set_length(*pp_cddb_disc, cdio_get_track_lba(p_cdio, CDIO_CDROM_LEADOUT_TRACK) / CDIO_CD_FRAMES_PER_SEC); if (!cddb_disc_calc_discid(*pp_cddb_disc)) { errmsg("libcddb calc discid failed."); cddb_destroy(*pp_conn); return false; } *i_cddb_matches = cddb_query(*pp_conn, *pp_cddb_disc); if (-1 == *i_cddb_matches) errmsg(cddb_error_str(cddb_errno(*pp_conn))); cddb_read(*pp_conn, *pp_cddb_disc); return true; } #endif /*HAVE_CDDB*/