Blob Blame History Raw
  Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012 Rocky Bernstein <>

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

/*! Common image routines.

  Because _img_private_t may vary over image formats, the routines are
  included into the image drivers after _img_private_t is defined.  In
  order for the below routines to work, there is a large part of
  _img_private_t that is common among image drivers. For example, see


typedef struct {
  /* Things common to all drivers like this.
     This must be first. */
  generic_img_private_t gen;
  internal_position_t pos;

  char         *psz_cue_name;
  char         *psz_access_mode; /* Just the name of the driver.
                                    We add this for regularity with other
                                    real CD drivers which has an access mode.
  char         *psz_mcn;        /* Media Catalog Number (5.22.3)
                                   exactly 13 bytes */
  track_info_t  tocent[CDIO_CD_MAX_TRACKS+1]; /* entry info for each track
                                                 add 1 for leadout. */
  discmode_t    disc_mode;

  /* Nero Specific stuff. Note: for the image_free to work, this *must*
     be last. */
  bool          is_dao;          /* True if some of disk at once. False
                                    if some sort of track at once. */
  uint32_t      mtyp;            /* Value of MTYP (media type?) tag */
  uint8_t       dtyp;            /* Value of DAOX media type tag */

  /* This is a hack because I don't really understnad NERO better. */
  bool            is_cues;

  CdioList_t    *mapping;        /* List of track information */
  uint32_t      size;
} _img_private_t;

  We don't need the image any more. Free all memory associated with
void  _free_image (void *p_user_data);

int _eject_media_image(void *p_user_data);

  Return the value associated with the key "arg".
const char * _get_arg_image (void *user_data, const char key[]);

  Return CD-Text object or NULL
cdtext_t * _get_cdtext_image(void *p_user_data);

  Get disc type associated with cd_obj.
discmode_t _get_discmode_image (void *p_user_data);

  Return the the kind of drive capabilities of device.

void _get_drive_cap_image (const void *user_data,
                           cdio_drive_read_cap_t  *p_read_cap,
                           cdio_drive_write_cap_t *p_write_cap,
                           cdio_drive_misc_cap_t  *p_misc_cap);

  Return the number of of the first track.
  CDIO_INVALID_TRACK is returned on error.
track_t _get_first_track_num_image(void *p_user_data);

  Find out if media has changed since the last call.
  @param p_user_data the CD object to be acted upon.
  @return 1 if media has changed since last call, 0 if not. Error
  return codes are the same as driver_return_code_t
  We always return DRIVER_OP_UNSUPPORTED.
int get_media_changed_image(const void *p_user_data);

  Return the media catalog number (MCN) from the CD or NULL if there
  is none or we don't have the ability to get it.

  Note: string is malloc'd so caller has to free() the returned
  string when done with it.
char * _get_mcn_image(const void *p_user_data);

  Return the number of tracks.
track_t _get_num_tracks_image(void *p_user_data);

  Return the starting MSF (minutes/secs/frames) for the track number
  track_num in obj.  Tracks numbers start at 1.
  The "leadout" track is specified either by
  using track_num LEADOUT_TRACK or the total tracks+1.

bool _get_track_msf_image(void *p_user_data, track_t i_track, msf_t *msf);

/*! Return number of channels in track: 2 or 4; -2 if not
  implemented or -1 for error.
  Not meaningful if track is not an audio track.
int get_track_channels_image(const void *p_user_data, track_t i_track);

/*! Return 1 if copy is permitted on the track, 0 if not, or -1 for error.
  Is this meaningful if not an audio track?
track_flag_t get_track_copy_permit_image(void *p_user_data, track_t i_track);

/*! Return 1 if track has pre-emphasis, 0 if not, or -1 for error.
  Is this meaningful if not an audio track?

  pre-emphasis is a non linear frequency response.
track_flag_t get_track_preemphasis_image(const void *p_user_data,
                                         track_t i_track);

/*! Return the starting LBA for the pregap for track number i_track.
  Track numbers start at 1.
  CDIO_INVALID_LBA is returned on error.
lba_t get_track_pregap_lba_image(const void *p_user_data, track_t i_track);

  Return the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) for track number
  i_track in p_cdio.  Track numbers start at 1.

  Note: string is malloc'd so caller has to free() the returned
  string when done with it.
char *get_track_isrc_image(const void *p_user_data, track_t i_track);

  Read a data sector

  @param p_cdio object to read from

  @param p_buf place to read data into.  The caller should make sure
  this location can store at least ISO_BLOCKSIZE, M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE,
  or M2F2_SECTOR_SIZE depending on the kind of sector getting read. If
  you don't know whether you have a Mode 1/2, Form 1/ Form 2/Formless
  sector best to reserve space for the maximum, M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE.

  @param i_lsn sector to read

  @param i_blocksize size of block. Should be either ISO_BLOCKSIZE
  M2RAW_SECTOR_SIZE, or M2F2_SECTOR_SIZE. See comment above under

  @param i_blocks number of blocks to read.

read_data_sectors_image ( void *p_user_data, void *p_buf,
                          lsn_t i_lsn,  uint16_t i_blocksize,
                          uint32_t i_blocks );

  Set the arg "key" with "value" in the source device.
  Currently "source" to set the source device in I/O operations
  is the only valid key.

  0 is returned if no error was found, and nonzero if there as an error.
int _set_arg_image (void *user_data, const char key[], const char value[]);