/* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Rocky Bernstein This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Simple program to show using libcdio's version of the CD-DA paranoia. library. */ /* config.h has to come first else _FILE_OFFSET_BITS are redefined in say opensolaris. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" # define __CDIO_CONFIG_H__ 1 #endif #ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif # ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H # include #endif #include #include #include static void put_num(long int num, int f, int bytes) { unsigned int i; unsigned char c; for (i=0; bytes--; i++) { c = (num >> (i<<3)) & 0xff; if (write(f, &c, 1)==-1) { perror("Could not write to output."); exit(1); } } } #define writestr(fd, s) \ write(fd, s, sizeof(s)-1) /* Subtract 1 for trailing '\0'. */ /* Write a the header for a WAV file. */ static void write_WAV_header(int fd, int32_t i_bytecount){ ssize_t bytes_ret __attribute__((unused)); /* quick and dirty */ bytes_ret = writestr(fd, "RIFF"); /* 0-3 */ assert(bytes_ret > 0); put_num(i_bytecount+44-8, fd, 4); /* 4-7 */ bytes_ret = writestr(fd, "WAVEfmt "); /* 8-15 */ assert(bytes_ret > 0); put_num(16, fd, 4); /* 16-19 */ put_num(1, fd, 2); /* 20-21 */ put_num(2, fd, 2); /* 22-23 */ put_num(44100, fd, 4); /* 24-27 */ put_num(44100*2*2, fd, 4); /* 28-31 */ put_num(4, fd, 2); /* 32-33 */ put_num(16, fd, 2); /* 34-35 */ bytes_ret = writestr(fd, "data"); /* 36-39 */ assert(bytes_ret > 0); put_num(i_bytecount, fd, 4); /* 40-43 */ } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { cdrom_drive_t *d = NULL; /* Place to store handle given by cd-paranoia. */ char **ppsz_cd_drives; /* List of all drives with a loaded CDDA in it. */ /* See if we can find a device with a loaded CD-DA in it. */ ppsz_cd_drives = cdio_get_devices_with_cap(NULL, CDIO_FS_AUDIO, false); if (ppsz_cd_drives && *ppsz_cd_drives) { /* Found such a CD-ROM with a CD-DA loaded. Use the first drive in the list. */ d=cdda_identify(*ppsz_cd_drives, 1, NULL); } else { printf("Unable find or access a CD-ROM drive with an audio CD in it.\n"); exit(77); } /* Don't need a list of CD's with CD-DA's any more. */ cdio_free_device_list(ppsz_cd_drives); if ( !d ) { printf("Unable to identify audio CD disc.\n"); exit(77); } /* We'll set for verbose paranoia messages. */ cdda_verbose_set(d, CDDA_MESSAGE_PRINTIT, CDDA_MESSAGE_PRINTIT); if ( 0 != cdda_open(d) ) { printf("Unable to open disc.\n"); exit(77); } /* Okay now set up to read up to the first 300 frames of the first audio track of the Audio CD. */ { cdrom_paranoia_t *p = paranoia_init(d); lsn_t i_first_lsn = cdda_disc_firstsector(d); if ( -1 == i_first_lsn ) { printf("Trouble getting starting LSN\n"); } else { lsn_t i_cursor; ssize_t bytes_ret; track_t i_track = cdda_sector_gettrack(d, i_first_lsn); lsn_t i_last_lsn = cdda_track_lastsector(d, i_track); int fd = creat("track1s.wav", 0644); if (-1 == fd) { printf("Unable to create track1s.wav\n"); exit(1); } /* For demo purposes we'll read only 300 frames (about 4 seconds). We don't want this to take too long. On the other hand, I suppose it should be something close to a real test. */ if ( i_last_lsn - i_first_lsn > 300) i_last_lsn = i_first_lsn + 299; printf("Reading track %d from LSN %ld to LSN %ld\n", i_track, (long int) i_first_lsn, (long int) i_last_lsn); /* Set reading mode for full paranoia, but allow skipping sectors. */ paranoia_modeset(p, PARANOIA_MODE_FULL^PARANOIA_MODE_NEVERSKIP); paranoia_seek(p, i_first_lsn, SEEK_SET); write_WAV_header(fd, (i_last_lsn-i_first_lsn+1) * CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW); for ( i_cursor = i_first_lsn; i_cursor <= i_last_lsn; i_cursor ++) { /* read a sector */ int16_t *p_readbuf=paranoia_read(p, NULL); char *psz_err=cdda_errors(d); char *psz_mes=cdda_messages(d); if (psz_mes || psz_err) printf("%s%s\n", psz_mes ? psz_mes: "", psz_err ? psz_err: ""); free(psz_err); free(psz_mes); if( !p_readbuf ) { printf("paranoia read error. Stopping.\n"); break; } bytes_ret = write(fd, p_readbuf, CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW); assert(bytes_ret > 0); } close(fd); } paranoia_free(p); } cdda_close(d); exit(0); }