Packit Service 410935
This is a library for getting and setting POSIX.1e (formerly POSIX 6)
Packit Service 410935
draft 15 capabilities.
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Packit Service 410935
This library would not have been possible without the help of 
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Packit Service 410935
	Aleph1, Roland Buresund and Andrew Main, Alexander Kjeldaas.
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Packit Service 410935
More information on capabilities in the Linux kernel can be found at
Packit Service 410935
Packit Service 410935
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Packit Service 410935
Packit Service 410935
Packit Service 410935
	Linux-Caps % make
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Packit Service 410935
		builds the library and the programs
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	Linux-Caps % make install
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		installs the library libcap.XX.Y in /lib[64]/
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		the binaries in /sbin/
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		the <sys/capability.h> file in /usr/include
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		the libcap.pc file in /usr/lib[64]/pkgconfig
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* for some example programs look in progs.
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Packit Service 410935
Packit Service 410935
Packit Service 410935
Andrew G. Morgan <>