Blame tests/

Packit b040ce
Packit b040ce
import subprocess
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Packit b040ce
"""Helper functions, decorators,... for working with locales"""
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def get_avail_locales():
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    return {loc.decode(errors="replace").strip() for loc in subprocess.check_output(["locale", "-a"]).split()}
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def requires_locales(locales):
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    """A decorator factory to skip tests that require unavailable locales
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    :param set locales: set of required locales
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    **Requires the test to have the set of available locales defined as its
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    ``avail_locales`` attribute.**
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    canon_locales = {loc.replace("UTF-8", "utf8") for loc in locales}
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    def decorator(test_method):
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        def decorated(test, *args):
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            missing = canon_locales - set(test.avail_locales)
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            if missing:
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                test.skipTest("requires missing locales: %s" % missing)
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                return test_method(test, *args)
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        return decorated
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    return decorator