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1 Notes on the Free Translation Project
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Free software is going international!  The Free Translation Project is
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a way to get maintainers of free software, translators, and users all
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together, so that free software will gradually become able to speak many
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languages.  A few packages already provide translations for their
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   If you found this `ABOUT-NLS' file inside a distribution, you may
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assume that the distributed package does use GNU `gettext' internally,
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itself available at your nearest GNU archive site.  But you do _not_
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need to install GNU `gettext' prior to configuring, installing or using
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this package with messages translated.
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   Installers will find here some useful hints.  These notes also
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explain how users should proceed for getting the programs to use the
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available translations.  They tell how people wanting to contribute and
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work on translations can contact the appropriate team.
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1.1 INSTALL Matters
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Some packages are "localizable" when properly installed; the programs
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they contain can be made to speak your own native language.  Most such
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packages use GNU `gettext'.  Other packages have their own ways to
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internationalization, predating GNU `gettext'.
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   By default, this package will be installed to allow translation of
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messages.  It will automatically detect whether the system already
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provides the GNU `gettext' functions.  Installers may use special
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options at configuration time for changing the default behaviour.  The
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     ./configure --disable-nls
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will _totally_ disable translation of messages.
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   When you already have GNU `gettext' installed on your system and run
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configure without an option for your new package, `configure' will
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probably detect the previously built and installed `libintl' library
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and will decide to use it.  If not, you may have to to use the
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`--with-libintl-prefix' option to tell `configure' where to look for it.
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   Internationalized packages usually have many `po/LL.po' files, where
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LL gives an ISO 639 two-letter code identifying the language.  Unless
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translations have been forbidden at `configure' time by using the
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`--disable-nls' switch, all available translations are installed
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together with the package.  However, the environment variable `LINGUAS'
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may be set, prior to configuration, to limit the installed set.
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`LINGUAS' should then contain a space separated list of two-letter
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codes, stating which languages are allowed.
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1.2 Using This Package
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As a user, if your language has been installed for this package, you
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only have to set the `LANG' environment variable to the appropriate
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`LL_CC' combination.  If you happen to have the `LC_ALL' or some other
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`LC_xxx' environment variables set, you should unset them before
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setting `LANG', otherwise the setting of `LANG' will not have the
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desired effect.  Here `LL' is an ISO 639 two-letter language code, and
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`CC' is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code.  For example, let's
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suppose that you speak German and live in Germany.  At the shell
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prompt, merely execute `setenv LANG de_DE' (in `csh'),
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`export LANG; LANG=de_DE' (in `sh') or `export LANG=de_DE' (in `bash').
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This can be done from your `.login' or `.profile' file, once and for
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   You might think that the country code specification is redundant.
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But in fact, some languages have dialects in different countries.  For
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example, `de_AT' is used for Austria, and `pt_BR' for Brazil.  The
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country code serves to distinguish the dialects.
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   The locale naming convention of `LL_CC', with `LL' denoting the
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language and `CC' denoting the country, is the one use on systems based
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on GNU libc.  On other systems, some variations of this scheme are
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used, such as `LL' or `LL_CC.ENCODING'.  You can get the list of
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locales supported by your system for your language by running the
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command `locale -a | grep '^LL''.
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   Not all programs have translations for all languages.  By default, an
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English message is shown in place of a nonexistent translation.  If you
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understand other languages, you can set up a priority list of languages.
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This is done through a different environment variable, called
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`LANGUAGE'.  GNU `gettext' gives preference to `LANGUAGE' over `LANG'
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for the purpose of message handling, but you still need to have `LANG'
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set to the primary language; this is required by other parts of the
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system libraries.  For example, some Swedish users who would rather
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read translations in German than English for when Swedish is not
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available, set `LANGUAGE' to `sv:de' while leaving `LANG' to `sv_SE'.
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   Special advice for Norwegian users: The language code for Norwegian
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bokma*l changed from `no' to `nb' recently (in 2003).  During the
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transition period, while some message catalogs for this language are
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installed under `nb' and some older ones under `no', it's recommended
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for Norwegian users to set `LANGUAGE' to `nb:no' so that both newer and
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older translations are used.
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   In the `LANGUAGE' environment variable, but not in the `LANG'
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environment variable, `LL_CC' combinations can be abbreviated as `LL'
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to denote the language's main dialect.  For example, `de' is equivalent
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to `de_DE' (German as spoken in Germany), and `pt' to `pt_PT'
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(Portuguese as spoken in Portugal) in this context.
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1.3 Translating Teams
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For the Free Translation Project to be a success, we need interested
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people who like their own language and write it well, and who are also
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able to synergize with other translators speaking the same language.
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Each translation team has its own mailing list.  The up-to-date list of
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teams can be found at the Free Translation Project's homepage,
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`', in the "Teams" area.
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   If you'd like to volunteer to _work_ at translating messages, you
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should become a member of the translating team for your own language.
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The subscribing address is _not_ the same as the list itself, it has
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`-request' appended.  For example, speakers of Swedish can send a
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message to `', having this message body:
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   Keep in mind that team members are expected to participate
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_actively_ in translations, or at solving translational difficulties,
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rather than merely lurking around.  If your team does not exist yet and
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you want to start one, or if you are unsure about what to do or how to
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get started, please write to `' to
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reach the coordinator for all translator teams.
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   The English team is special.  It works at improving and uniformizing
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the terminology in use.  Proven linguistic skills are praised more than
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programming skills, here.
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1.4 Available Packages
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Languages are not equally supported in all packages.  The following
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matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of June
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2010.  The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages
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PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a
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translation percentage of at least 50%.
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     Ready PO files       af am an ar as ast az be be@latin bg bn_IN bs ca
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     a2ps               |                       []                      [] |
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     aegis              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     ant-phone          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     anubis             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     aspell             |                []                             [] |
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     bash               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     bfd                |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     bibshelf           |                []                                |
Packit Service af52df
     binutils           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     bison              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     bison-runtime      |                []                                |
Packit Service af52df
     bluez-pin          | []             []                                |
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     bombono-dvd        |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     buzztard           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     cflow              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     clisp              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     coreutils          |                                   []          [] |
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     cpio               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     cppi               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     cpplib             |                                               [] |
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     cryptsetup         |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     dfarc              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     dialog             |                             []                [] |
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     dico               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     diffutils          |                                               [] |
Packit Service af52df
     dink               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     doodle             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     e2fsprogs          |                                               [] |
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     enscript           |                                               [] |
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     exif               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     fetchmail          |                                               [] |
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     findutils          |                                   []             |
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     flex               |                                               [] |
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     freedink           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gas                |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gawk               |                []                             [] |
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     gcal               |                                               [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gcc                |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-examples   | []             []                 []          [] |
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     gettext-runtime    |                                   []          [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-tools      |                                   []          [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gip                |                                   []             |
Packit Service af52df
     gjay               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gliv               |                                   []             |
Packit Service af52df
     glunarclock        |                []                 []             |
Packit Service af52df
     gnubiff            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gnucash            |                                               [] |
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     gnuedu             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gnulib             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet-gtk         |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gnutls             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gold               |                                                  |
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     gpe-aerial         |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-beam           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-bluetooth      |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-calendar       |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-clock          |                []                                |
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     gpe-conf           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-contacts       |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-edit           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-filemanager    |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-go             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-login          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-ownerinfo      |                []                                |
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     gpe-package        |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-sketchbook     |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-su             |                []                                |
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     gpe-taskmanager    |                []                                |
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     gpe-timesheet      |                []                                |
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     gpe-today          |                []                                |
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     gpe-todo           |                                                  |
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     gphoto2            |                                                  |
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     gprof              |                                   []             |
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     gpsdrive           |                                                  |
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     gramadoir          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     grep               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     grub               |                []                             [] |
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     gsasl              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gss                |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-bad    |                                   []             |
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     gst-plugins-base   |                                   []             |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-good   |                                   []             |
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     gst-plugins-ugly   |                                   []             |
Packit Service af52df
     gstreamer          | []                                []          [] |
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     gtick              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkam              |                       []                         |
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     gtkorphan          |                                   []             |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkspell           | []             []     []                         |
Packit Service af52df
     gutenprint         |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     hello              |                                   []             |
Packit Service af52df
     help2man           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     hylafax            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     idutils            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     indent             |                                   []          [] |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_15924          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166           | []          []        []          []  []   [] [] |
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     iso_3166_2         |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_4217           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639            |             [] []     []              []         |
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     iso_639_3          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     jwhois             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     kbd                |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch           |                                               [] |
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     keytouch-editor    |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-keyboa... |                                               [] |
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     klavaro            |          []                                      |
Packit Service af52df
     latrine            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     ld                 |                                   []             |
Packit Service af52df
     leafpad            |                                   []          [] |
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     libc               |                                   []          [] |
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     libexif            |                       ()                         |
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     libextractor       |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     libgnutls          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpewidget       |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpg-error       |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2         |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2_port    |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     libgsasl           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     libiconv           |                                   []             |
Packit Service af52df
     libidn             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     lifelines          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     liferea            |                             []                [] |
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     lilypond           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     linkdr             |          []                                      |
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     lordsawar          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     lprng              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     lynx               |                                               [] |
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     m4                 |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     mailfromd          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     mailutils          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     make               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db-manpages    |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     minicom            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     mkisofs            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     myserver           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     nano               |                                   []          [] |
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     opcodes            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     parted             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     pies               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     popt               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     psmisc             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     pspp               |                                               [] |
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     pwdutils           |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     radius             |                                               [] |
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     recode             |                       []                      [] |
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     rosegarden         |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     rpm                |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     rush               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     sarg               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     screem             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     scrollkeeper       |                    [] []                      [] |
Packit Service af52df
     sed                |                []                             [] |
Packit Service af52df
     sharutils          |                                   []          [] |
Packit Service af52df
     shishi             |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     skencil            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege-manual     |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     soundtracker       |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     sp                 |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     sysstat            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     tar                |                                   []             |
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     texinfo            |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     tin                |                                                  |
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     unicode-han-tra... |                                                  |
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     unicode-transla... |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     util-linux-ng      |                                               [] |
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     vice               |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     vmm                |                                                  |
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     vorbis-tools       |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     wastesedge         |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     wdiff              |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     wget               |                       []                      [] |
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     wyslij-po          |                                                  |
Packit Service af52df
     xchat              |                []     []          []          [] |
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     xdg-user-dirs      | []    []    [] []     []    []    []  []      [] |
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     xkeyboard-config   |                                   []          [] |
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                          af am an ar as ast az be be@latin bg bn_IN bs ca
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                           6  0  1  2  3 19   1 10     3    28   3    1 38
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                          crh cs da  de  el en en_GB en_ZA eo es et eu fa
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     a2ps               |     [] []  []  []     []            [] []       |
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     aegis              |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     ant-phone          |        []  ()                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     anubis             |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     aspell             |     [] []  []         []            []          |
Packit Service af52df
     bash               |     []                           [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     bfd                |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     bibshelf           |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     binutils           |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     bison              |            []  []                               |
Packit Service af52df
     bison-runtime      |        []  []  []                      []       |
Packit Service af52df
     bluez-pin          |     [] []  []  []                [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     bombono-dvd        |        []                                       |
Packit Service af52df
     buzztard           |     [] []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     cflow              |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     clisp              |        []  []     []                []          |
Packit Service af52df
     coreutils          |     [] []  []                          []       |
Packit Service af52df
     cpio               |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     cppi               |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     cpplib             |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     cryptsetup         |            []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     dfarc              |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     dialog             |        []  []                    [] []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     dico               |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     diffutils          |     [] []  []  []                [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     dink               |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     doodle             |            []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     e2fsprogs          |     []     []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     enscript           |        []  []         []                        |
Packit Service af52df
     exif               |     () []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     fetchmail          |     [] []  ()  []     []            []          |
Packit Service af52df
     findutils          |     [] []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     flex               |            []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     freedink           |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gas                |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gawk               |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gcal               |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gcc                |            []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-examples   |            []  []                [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-runtime    |        []  []                    [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-tools      |            []                       []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gip                |        []  []                       []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gjay               |            []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gliv               |     [] []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     glunarclock        |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gnubiff            |            ()                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gnucash            |     []     ()  ()     ()            ()          |
Packit Service af52df
     gnuedu             |        []                           []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gnulib             |            []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet             |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet-gtk         |        []                                       |
Packit Service af52df
     gnutls             |     []     []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gold               |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-aerial         |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-beam           |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-bluetooth      |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-calendar       |        []                                       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-clock          |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-conf           |     [] []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-contacts       |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-edit           |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-filemanager    |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-go             |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-login          |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-ownerinfo      |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-package        |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-sketchbook     |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-su             |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-taskmanager    |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-timesheet      |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-today          |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-todo           |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gphoto2            |     [] []  ()         []            []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gprof              |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gpsdrive           |        []                           [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gramadoir          |        []  []                    []             |
Packit Service af52df
     grep               |     []                                          |
Packit Service af52df
     grub               |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gsasl              |            []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gss                |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-bad    |     [] []  []                       []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-base   |     [] []  []                       []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-good   |     [] []  []  []                   []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-ugly   |     [] []  []  []                   []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gstreamer          |     [] []  []                       []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gtick              |        []  ()                    []             |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkam              |     [] []  ()                    [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkorphan          |     [] []  []                    []             |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkspell           |     [] []  []  []                [] []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gutenprint         |        []  []         []                        |
Packit Service af52df
     hello              |        []  []                    [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     help2man           |            []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     hylafax            |            []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     idutils            |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     indent             |     [] []  []                    [] [] [] []    |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_15924          |        []      ()                [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166           | []  [] []  []  ()                [] [] [] ()    |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166_2         |                ()                               |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_4217           |     [] []  []  ()                   [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639            | []  [] []  []  ()                [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639_3          | []                                              |
Packit Service af52df
     jwhois             |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     kbd                |     [] []  []  []                   []          |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch           |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-editor    |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-keyboa... |        []                                       |
Packit Service af52df
     klavaro            |     [] []  []                    []             |
Packit Service af52df
     latrine            |        []  ()                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     ld                 |        []                           []          |
Packit Service af52df
     leafpad            |     [] []  []  []                   []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     libc               |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     libexif            |        []  []         ()                        |
Packit Service af52df
     libextractor       |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     libgnutls          |     []                                          |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpewidget       |        []  []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpg-error       |     []     []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2         |        []  ()                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2_port    |        []  ()                             []    |
Packit Service af52df
     libgsasl           |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     libiconv           |     [] []  []                    []    []       |
Packit Service af52df
     libidn             |     []     []                    []             |
Packit Service af52df
     lifelines          |        []  ()                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     liferea            |     []     []  []                   []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     lilypond           |     []     []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     linkdr             |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     lordsawar          |        []                                       |
Packit Service af52df
     lprng              |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     lynx               |     [] []  []                          []       |
Packit Service af52df
     m4                 |     [] []  []  []                               |
Packit Service af52df
     mailfromd          |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     mailutils          |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     make               |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db             |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db-manpages    |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     minicom            |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     mkisofs            |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     myserver           |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     nano               |            []                       []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     opcodes            |            []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     parted             |     []     []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     pies               |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     popt               |     [] []  []                    [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     psmisc             |     []     []                             []    |
Packit Service af52df
     pspp               |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     pwdutils           |        []                                       |
Packit Service af52df
     radius             |                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     recode             |     [] []  []  []                [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     rosegarden         |     ()     ()                       ()          |
Packit Service af52df
     rpm                |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     rush               |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     sarg               |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     screem             |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     scrollkeeper       |     [] []  []         []            []          |
Packit Service af52df
     sed                |     []     []  []                [] [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     sharutils          |        []  []                       [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     shishi             |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     skencil            |        []  ()                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege            |            []                    []    []       |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege-manual     |                                  []    []       |
Packit Service af52df
     soundtracker       |        []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     sp                 |            []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     sysstat            |        []  []                             []    |
Packit Service af52df
     tar                |     []     []                          [] []    |
Packit Service af52df
     texinfo            |            []                    [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
     tin                |            []                          []       |
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-han-tra... |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-transla... |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     util-linux-ng      |     [] []  []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     vice               |        ()  ()                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     vmm                |            []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     vorbis-tools       |     []                           []             |
Packit Service af52df
     wastesedge         |        []                                       |
Packit Service af52df
     wdiff              |            []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     wget               |     []     []                          []       |
Packit Service af52df
     wyslij-po          |                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     xchat              |     []     []  []                   [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     xdg-user-dirs      | []  [] []  []  []                [] [] [] []    |
Packit Service af52df
     xkeyboard-config   | []  [] []  []                    [] []          |
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
                          crh cs da  de  el en en_GB en_ZA eo es et eu fa
Packit Service af52df
                           5  64 105 117 18  1   8     0   28 89 18 19  0
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
                          fi  fr  ga gl gu he hi hr hu hy id  is it ja ka kn
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
     a2ps               | []  []                          []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     aegis              |     []                                 []          |
Packit Service af52df
     ant-phone          |     []                                 []          |
Packit Service af52df
     anubis             | []  []                          []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     aspell             |     []  []                      []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     bash               | []  []                          []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     bfd                | []  []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     bibshelf           | []  []  []                      []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     binutils           | []  []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     bison              | []  []  []                      []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     bison-runtime      | []  []  []                      []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     bluez-pin          | []  []  []                [] [] []  []    []       |
Packit Service af52df
     bombono-dvd        | []                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     buzztard           |                                 []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     cflow              | []      []                      []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     clisp              |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     coreutils          |     []  []                []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     cpio               | []  []  []                      []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     cppi               | []  []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     cpplib             | []  []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     cryptsetup         |     []                          []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     dfarc              | []  []                                 []          |
Packit Service af52df
     dialog             |     []  [] []                   []  [] [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     dico               |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     diffutils          | []  []  [] []    []       []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     dink               |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     doodle             |         []                             []          |
Packit Service af52df
     e2fsprogs          |     []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     enscript           |     []  []             []       []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     exif               | []  []                          []  [] [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     fetchmail          |     []                          []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     findutils          | []  []  []                []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     flex               | []  []  []                                         |
Packit Service af52df
     freedink           | []  []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gas                |     []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gawk               |     []  []       []             []     () []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gcal               |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gcc                |                                 []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-examples   | []  []  []                []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-runtime    | []  []  []                      []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-tools      |     []                          []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gip                | []  []  [] []                   []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gjay               | []                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gliv               | []  ()                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     glunarclock        | []      []                []    []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gnubiff            |     ()                          []     ()          |
Packit Service af52df
     gnucash            | ()  ()           ()       ()           () []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gnuedu             |     []                                 []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gnulib             | []  []  []                []           [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet             |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet-gtk         |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gnutls             |     []                                 []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gold               | []                              []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-aerial         | []  []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-beam           | []  []                          []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-bluetooth      | []                              []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-calendar       | []                                        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-clock          | []  []                    []    []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-conf           | []  []                          []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-contacts       | []  []                          []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-edit           | []                              []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-filemanager    | []                        []    []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-go             | []  []                    []    []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-login          | []                              []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-ownerinfo      | []  []                    []    []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-package        | []                              []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-sketchbook     | []  []                          []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-su             | []  []     []             []    []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-taskmanager    | []  []                    []    []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-timesheet      | []  []  []                      []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-today          | []  []  [] []             []    []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-todo           | []                              []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gphoto2            | []  []                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gprof              | []  []  []                      []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     gpsdrive           |            []                   []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gramadoir          |     []  []                      []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     grep               | []                                     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     grub               | []                        []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gsasl              | []  []  []                      []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gss                | []  []  []                      []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-bad    | []  []                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-base   | []  []                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-good   | []  []                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-ugly   | []  []                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gstreamer          | []  []                    []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gtick              | []  []  []                      []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkam              |     []                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkorphan          |     []                          []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkspell           | []  []  [] []             [] [] []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gutenprint         | []  []                    []           []          |
Packit Service af52df
     hello              | []      []                      []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     help2man           | []  []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     hylafax            |                                 []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     idutils            | []  []  []                []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     indent             | []  []  [] []             []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_15924          | []  ()                          []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166           | []  ()  [] [] [] [] [] [] []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166_2         |     ()                    []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_4217           | []  ()                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639            | []  ()  []    []          []    []     [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639_3          |     ()                                 []       [] |
Packit Service af52df
     jwhois             | []  []                    []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     kbd                |     []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch           | []  []  []                []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-editor    | []      []                []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-keyboa... | []      []                []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     klavaro            |            []             []                       |
Packit Service af52df
     latrine            | []                              []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     ld                 | []  []  []                      []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     leafpad            | []  []  []       []       []    []     [] ()       |
Packit Service af52df
     libc               | []  []     []                   []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     libexif            |                                        []          |
Packit Service af52df
     libextractor       |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     libgnutls          |     []                                 []          |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpewidget       | []      []                      []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpg-error       |     []                                 []          |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2         |     []                                 [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2_port    |     []                                 [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     libgsasl           | []  []  []                      []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     libiconv           | []  []  []                      []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     libidn             | []  []                          []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     lifelines          |     ()                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     liferea            |     []                    []           [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     lilypond           | []  []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     linkdr             | []               []    [] []           []          |
Packit Service af52df
     lordsawar          |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     lprng              |                                 []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     lynx               |     []                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     m4                 | []  []  [] []                   []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     mailfromd          |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     mailutils          |     []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     make               | []  []  [] []    []    []       []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db             |                                 []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db-manpages    |                                 []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     minicom            | []  []                    []    []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     mkisofs            | []  []                          []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     myserver           |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     nano               | []  []  [] []             []           []          |
Packit Service af52df
     opcodes            | []  []  []                      []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     parted             |     []                          []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     pies               |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     popt               | []  []  [] []             []    []  [] [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     psmisc             | []  []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     pspp               |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     pwdutils           |     []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     radius             |     []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     recode             | []  []  [] []    []       []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     rosegarden         | ()  ()                          ()     () ()       |
Packit Service af52df
     rpm                |                                 []        []       |
Packit Service af52df
     rush               |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     sarg               |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     screem             |                                        [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     scrollkeeper       | []                        []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
     sed                | []  []  [] []             []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     sharutils          | []  []  []                []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     shishi             |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     skencil            |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege            | []  []     []                          []          |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege-manual     |     []     []                                      |
Packit Service af52df
     soundtracker       |     []                                 []          |
Packit Service af52df
     sp                 |     []                                    ()       |
Packit Service af52df
     sysstat            | []  []                          []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     tar                | []  []  []                []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     texinfo            |     []                          []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     tin                |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-han-tra... |                                                    |
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-transla... |     []  []                                         |
Packit Service af52df
     util-linux-ng      | []  []                    []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     vice               |     ()                    ()           ()          |
Packit Service af52df
     vmm                |     []                                             |
Packit Service af52df
     vorbis-tools       |                                 []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     wastesedge         |     ()                                 ()          |
Packit Service af52df
     wdiff              | []                                                 |
Packit Service af52df
     wget               | []  []  []             [] []    []     [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     wyslij-po          | []  []                          []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     xchat              | []  []        []    []    []    []     [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     xdg-user-dirs      | []  []  [] [] [] [] []    []    []  [] [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     xkeyboard-config   | []  []                    []    []     []          |
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
                          fi  fr  ga gl gu he hi hr hu hy id  is it ja ka kn
Packit Service af52df
                          105 121 53 20  4  8  3  5 53  2 120  5 84 67  0  4
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
                          ko ku ky lg lt lv mk ml mn mr ms mt nb nds ne
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
     a2ps               |                               []              |
Packit Service af52df
     aegis              |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     ant-phone          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     anubis             |                               []    []        |
Packit Service af52df
     aspell             |                         []                    |
Packit Service af52df
     bash               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     bfd                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     bibshelf           |                []             []              |
Packit Service af52df
     binutils           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     bison              |                               []              |
Packit Service af52df
     bison-runtime      |       []    [] []             []    []        |
Packit Service af52df
     bluez-pin          |    [] []    [] []             []              |
Packit Service af52df
     bombono-dvd        |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     buzztard           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     cflow              |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     clisp              |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     coreutils          |          []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     cpio               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     cppi               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     cpplib             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     cryptsetup         |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     dfarc              |                   []                          |
Packit Service af52df
     dialog             |    []       [] []             []    []        |
Packit Service af52df
     dico               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     diffutils          |                []             []              |
Packit Service af52df
     dink               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     doodle             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     e2fsprogs          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     enscript           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     exif               |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     fetchmail          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     findutils          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     flex               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     freedink           |                                     []        |
Packit Service af52df
     gas                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gawk               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gcal               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gcc                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-examples   |       []       []             [] []           |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-runtime    | []                                            |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-tools      | []                                            |
Packit Service af52df
     gip                |                []             []              |
Packit Service af52df
     gjay               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gliv               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     glunarclock        |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gnubiff            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gnucash            | ()          ()                      ()     () |
Packit Service af52df
     gnuedu             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gnulib             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet-gtk         |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gnutls             |                               []              |
Packit Service af52df
     gold               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-aerial         |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-beam           |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-bluetooth      |                []                []           |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-calendar       |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-clock          | []    []       []             [] []           |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-conf           | []             []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-contacts       | []             []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-edit           |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-filemanager    | []             []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-go             | []             []                []           |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-login          |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-ownerinfo      |                []             []              |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-package        | []             []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-sketchbook     | []             []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-su             | []    []       []             [] [] []        |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-taskmanager    | [] [] []       []             [] []           |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-timesheet      |                []             []              |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-today          |       []       []             [] []           |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-todo           |                []                   []        |
Packit Service af52df
     gphoto2            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gprof              |                               []              |
Packit Service af52df
     gpsdrive           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gramadoir          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     grep               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     grub               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gsasl              |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gss                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-bad    |             [] []                [] []        |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-base   |             [] []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-good   |                []                []           |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-ugly   |             [] []             [] [] []        |
Packit Service af52df
     gstreamer          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gtick              |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkam              |                                     []        |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkorphan          |                []                      []     |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkspell           |       []    [] []       []    []    [] []     |
Packit Service af52df
     gutenprint         |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     hello              | []             []             []              |
Packit Service af52df
     help2man           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     hylafax            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     idutils            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     indent             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_15924          |             [] []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166           | [] []       () [] [] []    []       []        |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166_2         |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_4217           |             []                      []        |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639            |                      []    []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639_3          |                            []                 |
Packit Service af52df
     jwhois             |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     kbd                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch           |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-editor    |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-keyboa... |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     klavaro            |                                     []        |
Packit Service af52df
     latrine            |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     ld                 |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     leafpad            | []          [] []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     libc               | []                                            |
Packit Service af52df
     libexif            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     libextractor       |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     libgnutls          |                               []              |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpewidget       |                []             []              |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpg-error       |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2         |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2_port    |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     libgsasl           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     libiconv           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     libidn             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     lifelines          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     liferea            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     lilypond           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     linkdr             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     lordsawar          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     lprng              |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     lynx               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     m4                 |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     mailfromd          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     mailutils          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     make               | []                                            |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db-manpages    |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     minicom            |                                     []        |
Packit Service af52df
     mkisofs            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     myserver           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     nano               |                               []    []        |
Packit Service af52df
     opcodes            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     parted             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     pies               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     popt               | []             []                   []        |
Packit Service af52df
     psmisc             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     pspp               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     pwdutils           |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     radius             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     recode             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     rosegarden         |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     rpm                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     rush               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     sarg               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     screem             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     scrollkeeper       |                                     []     [] |
Packit Service af52df
     sed                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     sharutils          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     shishi             |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     skencil            |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege            |                                     []        |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege-manual     |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     soundtracker       |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     sp                 |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     sysstat            |                []                             |
Packit Service af52df
     tar                |       []                                      |
Packit Service af52df
     texinfo            |                                     []        |
Packit Service af52df
     tin                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-han-tra... |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-transla... |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     util-linux-ng      |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     vice               |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     vmm                |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     vorbis-tools       |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     wastesedge         |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     wdiff              |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     wget               |             []                                |
Packit Service af52df
     wyslij-po          |                                               |
Packit Service af52df
     xchat              | []             [] []                          |
Packit Service af52df
     xdg-user-dirs      | [] []       [] [] []       []       [] []     |
Packit Service af52df
     xkeyboard-config   | []    []    []                                |
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
                          ko ku ky lg lt lv mk ml mn mr ms mt nb nds ne
Packit Service af52df
                          20  5 10  1 13 48  4  2  2  4 24 10 20  3   1
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
                          nl  nn or pa pl  ps pt pt_BR ro ru rw sk sl sq sr
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
     a2ps               | []           []     []  []   [] []       []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     aegis              | []                      []      []                |
Packit Service af52df
     ant-phone          |                         []   []                   |
Packit Service af52df
     anubis             | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     aspell             | []                           [] []    [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     bash               | []                                    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     bfd                |                                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     bibshelf           | []  []                                            |
Packit Service af52df
     binutils           |                                 []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     bison              | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     bison-runtime      | []           []     []  []   [] []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     bluez-pin          | []           []         []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     bombono-dvd        |     []                          ()                |
Packit Service af52df
     buzztard           | []  []                                            |
Packit Service af52df
     cflow              |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     clisp              | []                              []                |
Packit Service af52df
     coreutils          | []           []     []  []      []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     cpio               | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     cppi               |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     cpplib             | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     cryptsetup         | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     dfarc              |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     dialog             | []           []         []      []                |
Packit Service af52df
     dico               |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     diffutils          | []           []         []   [] []             [] |
Packit Service af52df
     dink               | ()                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     doodle             | []                                          []    |
Packit Service af52df
     e2fsprogs          | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     enscript           | []                      []   [] []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     exif               | []           []              [] ()    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     fetchmail          | []           []                 []          []    |
Packit Service af52df
     findutils          | []           []     []          []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     flex               | []           []         []   [] []                |
Packit Service af52df
     freedink           | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gas                |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gawk               | []           []         []   []                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gcal               |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gcc                |                                                [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-examples   | []           []     []       [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-runtime    | []  []       []     []       [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-tools      |              []              [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gip                | []           []                 []    []       [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gjay               |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gliv               | []           []         []   [] []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     glunarclock        | []                      []   []       []       [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gnubiff            | []                           ()                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gnucash            | []           ()         ()      ()                |
Packit Service af52df
     gnuedu             | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     gnulib             | []           []                 []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet             |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet-gtk         |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gnutls             | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gold               |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-aerial         | []                  []  []   [] []       []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-beam           | []                  []  []   [] []       []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-bluetooth      | []                      []                        |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-calendar       |                         []      []       []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-clock          | []                  []  []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-conf           | []                  []  []   [] []    [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-contacts       |                         []   [] []       []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-edit           | []           []                          []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-filemanager    | []                              []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-go             | []           []         []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-login          | []                      []                        |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-ownerinfo      | []                  []  []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-package        | []                                       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-sketchbook     | []                  []  []   [] []       []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-su             | []                  []  []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-taskmanager    | []                  []  []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-timesheet      | []                  []  []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-today          | []                  []  []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-todo           | []                      []      []       []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gphoto2            | []        [] []         []   [] []    []       [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gprof              | []                      []   []                   |
Packit Service af52df
     gpsdrive           | []                              []                |
Packit Service af52df
     gramadoir          | []                                    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     grep               | []           []                 []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     grub               | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     gsasl              | []           []                       []       [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gss                |              []              []       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-bad    | []           []         []      []    []    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-base   | []           []         []      []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-good   | []           []         []      []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-ugly   | []           []         []      []    [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     gstreamer          | []           []         []      []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gtick              | []                              []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkam              | []        [] []         []      []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkorphan          | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     gtkspell           | []           []     []  []   [] []    [] [] [] [] |
Packit Service af52df
     gutenprint         | []                              []                |
Packit Service af52df
     hello              | []           []                       [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     help2man           |              []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     hylafax            | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     idutils            | []           []         []   [] []                |
Packit Service af52df
     indent             | []           []         []   [] []    []       [] |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_15924          | []           []                 []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166           | []  [] [] [] []     ()  []   [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166_2         | []           []                          []       |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_4217           | []  []       []     []          [] []    []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639            | []     [] [] []                 [] [] [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639_3          |        [] []                                      |
Packit Service af52df
     jwhois             | []           []         []   []                   |
Packit Service af52df
     kbd                | []           []              []                   |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch           | []           []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-editor    | []           []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-keyboa... | []           []                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     klavaro            | []                      []                        |
Packit Service af52df
     latrine            |              []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     ld                 |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     leafpad            | []  []       []     []  []      []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     libc               | []           []                 []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     libexif            | []           []         ()            []          |
Packit Service af52df
     libextractor       |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     libgnutls          | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpewidget       | []           []                          []       |
Packit Service af52df
     libgpg-error       |              []              []                   |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2         | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2_port    | []           []         []      []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     libgsasl           | []           []              []       []       [] |
Packit Service af52df
     libiconv           | []           []                       [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     libidn             | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     lifelines          | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     liferea            | []           []     []  []   [] ()    ()    []    |
Packit Service af52df
     lilypond           | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     linkdr             | []                  []          []                |
Packit Service af52df
     lordsawar          |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     lprng              |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     lynx               | []                      []      []                |
Packit Service af52df
     m4                 | []           []         []   [] []                |
Packit Service af52df
     mailfromd          |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     mailutils          |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     make               | []           []         []      []                |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db             | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     man-db-manpages    | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     minicom            |              []         []   [] []                |
Packit Service af52df
     mkisofs            | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     myserver           |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     nano               | []           []         []      []                |
Packit Service af52df
     opcodes            | []                           []                   |
Packit Service af52df
     parted             | []           []                 []    []          |
Packit Service af52df
     pies               |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     popt               | []           []     []          []                |
Packit Service af52df
     psmisc             | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     pspp               | []                      []                        |
Packit Service af52df
     pwdutils           |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     radius             | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     recode             | []           []     []  []   [] []    [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     rosegarden         |              ()                 ()                |
Packit Service af52df
     rpm                | []           []     []                            |
Packit Service af52df
     rush               | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     sarg               |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     screem             |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     scrollkeeper       | []  []       []              [] []    []    [] [] |
Packit Service af52df
     sed                | []           []     []  []   [] []    [] []    [] |
Packit Service af52df
     sharutils          | []           []                 []             [] |
Packit Service af52df
     shishi             |              []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     skencil            |                     []  []                        |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege            | []           []         []      []                |
Packit Service af52df
     solfege-manual     | []           []         []                        |
Packit Service af52df
     soundtracker       |                                       []          |
Packit Service af52df
     sp                 |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     sysstat            | []           []         []      []                |
Packit Service af52df
     tar                | []           []                 []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     texinfo            | []           []              [] []                |
Packit Service af52df
     tin                |                                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-han-tra... |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-transla... |                                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     util-linux-ng      | []           []         []      []       []       |
Packit Service af52df
     vice               | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     vmm                | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     vorbis-tools       | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     wastesedge         | []                                                |
Packit Service af52df
     wdiff              | []           []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     wget               | []           []     []  []      []    [] []       |
Packit Service af52df
     wyslij-po          | []  []       []                                   |
Packit Service af52df
     xchat              | []        [] []     []          []    [] [] [] [] |
Packit Service af52df
     xdg-user-dirs      | []  [] [] [] []  [] []  []   [] []    [] [] [] [] |
Packit Service af52df
     xkeyboard-config   | []           []                 []                |
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
                          nl  nn or pa pl  ps pt pt_BR ro ru rw sk sl sq sr
Packit Service af52df
                          135 10  4  7 105  1 29  62   47 91  3 54 46  9 37
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
                          sv  sw ta te tg th tr uk vi  wa zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
     a2ps               | []              [] [] [] []                       | 27
Packit Service af52df
     aegis              |                          []                       |  9
Packit Service af52df
     ant-phone          | []                 []    []      []               |  9
Packit Service af52df
     anubis             | []                 [] [] []                       | 15
Packit Service af52df
     aspell             |                       [] []  []                   | 20
Packit Service af52df
     bash               | []                    [] []                       | 12
Packit Service af52df
     bfd                |                          []                       |  6
Packit Service af52df
     bibshelf           | []                       []      []               | 16
Packit Service af52df
     binutils           |                       [] []                       |  8
Packit Service af52df
     bison              | []                       []                       | 12
Packit Service af52df
     bison-runtime      | []              []    [] []      []          []   | 29
Packit Service af52df
     bluez-pin          | []              [] [] [] []  []  []          []   | 37
Packit Service af52df
     bombono-dvd        |                          []                       |  4
Packit Service af52df
     buzztard           |                          []                       |  7
Packit Service af52df
     cflow              |                       [] []      []               |  9
Packit Service af52df
     clisp              |                                                   | 10
Packit Service af52df
     coreutils          | []                    [] []      []               | 22
Packit Service af52df
     cpio               | []                 [] [] []      []          []   | 13
Packit Service af52df
     cppi               |                       [] []                       |  5
Packit Service af52df
     cpplib             | []                 [] [] []      []          []   | 14
Packit Service af52df
     cryptsetup         | []                       []                       |  7
Packit Service af52df
     dfarc              |                          []                       |  9
Packit Service af52df
     dialog             | []  []          []       []  []  []          []   | 30
Packit Service af52df
     dico               |                       []                          |  2
Packit Service af52df
     diffutils          | []                 [] [] []      []          []   | 30
Packit Service af52df
     dink               |                                                   |  4
Packit Service af52df
     doodle             | []                       []                       |  7
Packit Service af52df
     e2fsprogs          | []                 []    []                       | 11
Packit Service af52df
     enscript           | []                 [] [] []                       | 17
Packit Service af52df
     exif               | []                       []      []               | 16
Packit Service af52df
     fetchmail          |                    []    []      []               | 17
Packit Service af52df
     findutils          | []                 [] [] []      []               | 20
Packit Service af52df
     flex               | []                 []    []                  []   | 15
Packit Service af52df
     freedink           |                          []                       | 10
Packit Service af52df
     gas                |                    []                             |  4
Packit Service af52df
     gawk               | []                 []    []      []               | 18
Packit Service af52df
     gcal               | []                 []                             |  5
Packit Service af52df
     gcc                | []                 []            []               |  7
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-examples   | []                 [] [] []      []    []    []   | 34
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-runtime    | []                 [] [] []      []    []    []   | 29
Packit Service af52df
     gettext-tools      | []                 [] [] []      []          []   | 22
Packit Service af52df
     gip                | []                       []      []          []   | 22
Packit Service af52df
     gjay               |                          []                       |  3
Packit Service af52df
     gliv               | []                 []    []                       | 14
Packit Service af52df
     glunarclock        | []                       []  []  []          []   | 19
Packit Service af52df
     gnubiff            | []                       []                       |  4
Packit Service af52df
     gnucash            |                    () [] ()      []          ()   | 10
Packit Service af52df
     gnuedu             |                          []                  []   |  7
Packit Service af52df
     gnulib             | []                    [] []      []               | 16
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet             |                          []                       |  1
Packit Service af52df
     gnunet-gtk         | []                 []    []                       |  5
Packit Service af52df
     gnutls             | []                       []      []               | 10
Packit Service af52df
     gold               |                          []                       |  4
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-aerial         | []                       []      []               | 18
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-beam           | []                       []      []               | 19
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-bluetooth      | []                       []      []               | 13
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-calendar       | []                       []  []  []               | 12
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-clock          | []                 []    []  []  []               | 28
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-conf           | []                       []  []  []               | 20
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-contacts       | []                       []      []               | 17
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-edit           | []                       []      []               | 12
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-filemanager    | []                       []  []  []               | 16
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-go             | []                 []    []  []  []               | 25
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-login          | []                       []      []               | 11
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-ownerinfo      | []                 []    []      []          []   | 25
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-package        | []                       []      []               | 13
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-sketchbook     | []                       []      []               | 20
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-su             | []                 []    []  []  []               | 30
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-taskmanager    | []                 []    []  []  []               | 29
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-timesheet      | []                 []    []      []          []   | 25
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-today          | []                 []    []  []  []          []   | 30
Packit Service af52df
     gpe-todo           | []                       []  []  []               | 17
Packit Service af52df
     gphoto2            | []                    [] []      []          []   | 24
Packit Service af52df
     gprof              | []                 []    []                       | 15
Packit Service af52df
     gpsdrive           | []                       []      []               | 11
Packit Service af52df
     gramadoir          | []                       []      []               | 11
Packit Service af52df
     grep               |                 []       []      []               | 10
Packit Service af52df
     grub               | []                       []      []               | 14
Packit Service af52df
     gsasl              | []                       []      []          []   | 14
Packit Service af52df
     gss                | []                       []      []               | 11
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-bad    | []                 []    []      []               | 26
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-base   | []                 [] [] []      []               | 24
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-good   | []                 []    []      []               | 24
Packit Service af52df
     gst-plugins-ugly   | []                 [] [] []      []               | 29
Packit Service af52df
     gstreamer          | []                    [] []      []               | 22
Packit Service af52df
     gtick              |                       [] []      []               | 13
Packit Service af52df
     gtkam              | []                       []      []               | 20
Packit Service af52df
     gtkorphan          | []                       []      []               | 14
Packit Service af52df
     gtkspell           | []              [] [] [] []  []  []    []    []   | 45
Packit Service af52df
     gutenprint         | []                                                | 10
Packit Service af52df
     hello              | []              [] []    []      []          []   | 21
Packit Service af52df
     help2man           | []                       []                       |  7
Packit Service af52df
     hylafax            |                          []                       |  5
Packit Service af52df
     idutils            | []                 []    []      []               | 17
Packit Service af52df
     indent             | []                 [] [] []      []          []   | 30
Packit Service af52df
     iso_15924          |                 ()    [] ()      []          []   | 16
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166           | []        []    () [] [] ()  []  []    []    ()   | 53
Packit Service af52df
     iso_3166_2         |                 ()    [] ()      []               |  9
Packit Service af52df
     iso_4217           | []              () [] [] ()      []    []         | 26
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639            | []     [] []    ()    [] ()  []  []    []    []   | 38
Packit Service af52df
     iso_639_3          |        []                ()                       |  8
Packit Service af52df
     jwhois             | []                 []    []      []          []   | 16
Packit Service af52df
     kbd                | []                 [] [] []      []               | 15
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch           | []                       []      []               | 16
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-editor    | []                       []      []               | 14
Packit Service af52df
     keytouch-keyboa... | []                       []      []               | 14
Packit Service af52df
     klavaro            |                          []                       | 11
Packit Service af52df
     latrine            |                    []    []      []               | 10
Packit Service af52df
     ld                 | []                 []    []                  []   | 11
Packit Service af52df
     leafpad            | []                 [] [] []      []          []   | 33
Packit Service af52df
     libc               | []                 []    []      []          []   | 21
Packit Service af52df
     libexif            |                          []      ()               |  7
Packit Service af52df
     libextractor       |                          []                       |  1
Packit Service af52df
     libgnutls          | []                       []      []               |  9
Packit Service af52df
     libgpewidget       | []                       []      []               | 14
Packit Service af52df
     libgpg-error       | []                       []      []               |  9
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2         |                       [] []                       |  8
Packit Service af52df
     libgphoto2_port    | []                    [] []                  []   | 14
Packit Service af52df
     libgsasl           | []                       []      []               | 13
Packit Service af52df
     libiconv           | []                       []  []  []               | 21
Packit Service af52df
     libidn             | ()                       []      []               | 11
Packit Service af52df
     lifelines          | []                                                |  4
Packit Service af52df
     liferea            | []                 []            []               | 21
Packit Service af52df
     lilypond           |                          []                       |  7
Packit Service af52df
     linkdr             | []                 []    []      []          []   | 17
Packit Service af52df
     lordsawar          |                                                   |  1
Packit Service af52df
     lprng              |                          []                       |  3
Packit Service af52df
     lynx               | []                 [] [] []                       | 17
Packit Service af52df
     m4                 | []                       []      []          []   | 19
Packit Service af52df
     mailfromd          |                       [] []                       |  3
Packit Service af52df
     mailutils          |                          []                       |  5
Packit Service af52df
     make               | []                 []    []      []               | 21
Packit Service af52df
     man-db             | []                       []      []               |  8
Packit Service af52df
     man-db-manpages    |                                                   |  4
Packit Service af52df
     minicom            | []                       []                       | 16
Packit Service af52df
     mkisofs            |                          []      []               |  9
Packit Service af52df
     myserver           |                                                   |  0
Packit Service af52df
     nano               | []                       []      []          []   | 21
Packit Service af52df
     opcodes            | []                 []    []                       | 11
Packit Service af52df
     parted             | []                 [] [] []                  []   | 15
Packit Service af52df
     pies               |                       [] []                       |  3
Packit Service af52df
     popt               | []              [] []    []      []          []   | 27
Packit Service af52df
     psmisc             | []                       []                       | 11
Packit Service af52df
     pspp               |                                                   |  4
Packit Service af52df
     pwdutils           | []                       []                       |  6
Packit Service af52df
     radius             |                       [] []                       |  9
Packit Service af52df
     recode             | []                 []    []      []               | 28
Packit Service af52df
     rosegarden         | ()                                                |  0
Packit Service af52df
     rpm                | []                       []                  []   | 11
Packit Service af52df
     rush               |                       [] []                       |  4
Packit Service af52df
     sarg               |                                                   |  1
Packit Service af52df
     screem             |                          []                       |  3
Packit Service af52df
     scrollkeeper       | []                 [] [] []                  []   | 27
Packit Service af52df
     sed                | []                 []    []      []          []   | 30
Packit Service af52df
     sharutils          | []                 []    []      []          []   | 22
Packit Service af52df
     shishi             |                          []                       |  3
Packit Service af52df
     skencil            | []                       []                       |  7
Packit Service af52df
     solfege            | []                 []    []      []               | 16
Packit Service af52df
     solfege-manual     |                    []                             |  8
Packit Service af52df
     soundtracker       | []                 []    []                       |  9
Packit Service af52df
     sp                 |                    []                             |  3
Packit Service af52df
     sysstat            |                          []      []               | 15
Packit Service af52df
     tar                | []                 [] [] []      []          []   | 23
Packit Service af52df
     texinfo            | []                 [] [] []      []               | 17
Packit Service af52df
     tin                |                                                   |  4
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-han-tra... |                                                   |  0
Packit Service af52df
     unicode-transla... |                                                   |  2
Packit Service af52df
     util-linux-ng      | []                 [] [] []                       | 20
Packit Service af52df
     vice               | ()                 ()                             |  1
Packit Service af52df
     vmm                |                          []                       |  4
Packit Service af52df
     vorbis-tools       |                          []                       |  6
Packit Service af52df
     wastesedge         |                                                   |  2
Packit Service af52df
     wdiff              | []                       []                       |  7
Packit Service af52df
     wget               | []                 []    []      []          []   | 26
Packit Service af52df
     wyslij-po          |                       [] []                       |  8
Packit Service af52df
     xchat              | []              []    [] []      []          []   | 36
Packit Service af52df
     xdg-user-dirs      | []     [] []    [] [] [] []      []    []    []   | 63
Packit Service af52df
     xkeyboard-config   | []                    [] []                       | 22
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
       85 teams           sv  sw ta te tg th tr uk vi  wa zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
Packit Service af52df
      178 domains         119  1  3  3  0 10 65 51 155 17  98     7    41    2618
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
   Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of
Packit Service af52df
visible blocks let us expect.  This is because a few extra PO files are
Packit Service af52df
used for implementing regional variants of languages, or language
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
   For a PO file in the matrix above to be effective, the package to
Packit Service af52df
which it applies should also have been internationalized and
Packit Service af52df
distributed as such by its maintainer.  There might be an observable
Packit Service af52df
lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
   If June 2010 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy of
Packit Service af52df
this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites.  The most up-to-date
Packit Service af52df
matrix with full percentage details can be found at
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
1.5 Using `gettext' in new packages
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
If you are writing a freely available program and want to
Packit Service af52df
internationalize it you are welcome to use GNU `gettext' in your
Packit Service af52df
package.  Of course you have to respect the GNU Library General Public
Packit Service af52df
License which covers the use of the GNU `gettext' library.  This means
Packit Service af52df
in particular that even non-free programs can use `libintl' as a shared
Packit Service af52df
library, whereas only free software can use `libintl' as a static
Packit Service af52df
library or use modified versions of `libintl'.
Packit Service af52df
Packit Service af52df
   Once the sources are changed appropriately and the setup can handle
Packit Service af52df
the use of `gettext' the only thing missing are the translations.  The
Packit Service af52df
Free Translation Project is also available for packages which are not
Packit Service af52df
developed inside the GNU project.  Therefore the information given above
Packit Service af52df
applies also for every other Free Software Project.  Contact
Packit Service af52df
`' to make the `.pot' files available
Packit Service af52df
to the translation teams.
Packit Service af52df