#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void print_usage (const char *cmd) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s CACHED_LV [CACHED_LV2...]\n", cmd); } void print_size (guint64 bytes, gboolean newline) { BSSize size = bs_size_new_from_bytes (bytes, 1); char *size_str = bs_size_human_readable (size, BS_BUNIT_MiB, 2, true); printf ("%10s%s", size_str, newline ? "\n" : ""); free (size_str); bs_size_free (size); } void print_ratio (guint64 part, guint64 total, gboolean space, gboolean newline) { float percent = ((float) part / total) * 100; printf ("%s[%6.2f%%]%s", space ? " " : "", percent, newline ? "\n" : ""); } gboolean print_lv_stats (const char *vg_name, const char *lv_name, GError **error) { BDLVMLVdata *lv_data = bd_lvm_lvinfo (vg_name, lv_name, error); if (!lv_data) return FALSE; BDLVMCacheStats *stats = bd_lvm_cache_stats (vg_name, lv_name, error); if (!stats) return FALSE; printf ("%s/%s:\n", vg_name, lv_name); printf (" mode: %13s\n", bd_lvm_cache_get_mode_str (stats->mode, error)); /* ignoring 'error', must be a valid mode */ printf (" LV size: "); print_size (lv_data->size, TRUE); printf (" cache size: "); print_size (stats->cache_size, TRUE); printf (" cache used: "); print_size (stats->cache_used, FALSE); print_ratio (stats->cache_used, stats->cache_size, TRUE, TRUE); printf (" read misses: %10"G_GUINT64_FORMAT"\n", stats->read_misses); printf (" read hits: %10"G_GUINT64_FORMAT, stats->read_hits); print_ratio (stats->read_hits, stats->read_hits + stats->read_misses, TRUE, TRUE); printf (" write misses: %10"G_GUINT64_FORMAT"\n", stats->write_misses); printf (" write hits: %10"G_GUINT64_FORMAT, stats->write_hits); print_ratio (stats->write_hits, stats->write_hits + stats->write_misses, TRUE, TRUE); bd_lvm_lvdata_free (lv_data); bd_lvm_cache_stats_free (stats); return TRUE; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GError *error = NULL; if (argc < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "No cached LV to get the stats for specified!\n"); print_usage (argv[0]); return 1; } if ((g_strcmp0(argv[1], "-h") == 0) || g_strcmp0(argv[1], "--help") == 0) { print_usage (argv[0]); return 1; } /* check that we are runnig as root */ if ((getuid() != 0) || (geteuid() != 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "This utility must be run as root.\n"); return 1; } /* initialize the library -- we only need the LVM plugin */ BDPluginSpec lvm_plugin = {BD_PLUGIN_LVM, NULL}; BDPluginSpec *plugins[] = {&lvm_plugin, NULL}; ret = bd_init (plugins, NULL, &error); if (!ret) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialize the libblockdev library: %s\n", error->message); return 2; } gboolean ok = TRUE; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *slash = strchr (argv[i], '/'); if (!slash) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid LV specified: '%s'. Has to be in the VG/LV format.\n", argv[i]); ok = FALSE; continue; } *slash = '\0'; const char *vg_name = argv[i]; const char *lv_name = slash + 1; ret = print_lv_stats (vg_name, lv_name, &error); if (!ret) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to get stats for '%s/%s': %s\n", vg_name, lv_name, error->message); ok = FALSE; } } return ok ? 0 : 3; }