ARCHIVE_WRITE_HEADER(3) manual page == NAME == '''archive_write_header''' - functions for creating archives == LIBRARY == Streaming Archive Library (libarchive, -larchive) == SYNOPSIS == '''#include '''
'''archive_write_header'''(''struct archive *'', ''struct archive_entry *''); == DESCRIPTION == Build and write a header using the data in the provided '''struct archive_entry''' structure. See [[ManPagerchiventry3]] for information on creating and populating '''struct archive_entry''' objects. == RETURN VALUES == This function returns '''ARCHIVE_OK''' on success, or one of the following on error: '''ARCHIVE_RETRY''' for operations that might succeed if retried, '''ARCHIVE_WARN''' for unusual conditions that do not prevent further operations, and '''ARCHIVE_FATAL''' for serious errors that make remaining operations impossible. == ERRORS == Detailed error codes and textual descriptions are available from the '''archive_errno'''() and '''archive_error_string'''() functions. == SEE ALSO == [[ManPageBsdtar1]], [[ManPageibarchive3]], [[ManPagerchiveriteetptions3]], [[ManPageCpio5]], [[ManPageMtree5]], [[ManPageTar5]]