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Packit 08bd4c
Packit 08bd4c
== NAME == 
Packit 08bd4c
Packit 08bd4c
- description of libarchive internal interfaces 
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Packit 08bd4c
library provides a flexible interface for reading and writing 
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streaming archive files such as tar and cpio. 
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Internally, it follows a modular layered design that should 
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make it easy to add new archive and compression formats. 
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Externally, libarchive exposes most operations through an 
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opaque, object-style interface. 
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objects store information about a single filesystem object. 
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The rest of the library provides facilities to write 
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objects to archive files, 
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read them from archive files, 
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and write them to disk. 
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(There are plans to add a facility to read 
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objects from disk as well.) 
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Packit 08bd4c
The read and write APIs each have four layers: a public API 
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layer, a format layer that understands the archive file format, 
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a compression layer, and an I/O layer. 
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The I/O layer is completely exposed to clients who can replace 
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it entirely with their own functions. 
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In order to provide as much consistency as possible for clients, 
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some public functions are virtualized. 
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Eventually, it should be possible for clients to open 
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an archive or disk writer, and then use a single set of 
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code to select and write entries, regardless of the target. 
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From the outside, clients use the 
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API to manipulate an 
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object to read entries and bodies from an archive stream. 
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Internally, the 
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object is cast to an 
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object, which holds all read-specific data. 
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The API has four layers: 
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The lowest layer is the I/O layer. 
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This layer can be overridden by clients, but most clients use 
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the packaged I/O callbacks provided, for example, by 
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The compression layer calls the I/O layer to 
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read bytes and decompresses them for the format layer. 
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The format layer unpacks a stream of uncompressed bytes and 
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objects from the incoming data. 
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The API layer tracks overall state 
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(for example, it prevents clients from reading data before reading a header) 
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and invokes the format and compression layer operations 
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through registered function pointers. 
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In particular, the API layer drives the format-detection process: 
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When opening the archive, it reads an initial block of data 
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and offers it to each registered compression handler. 
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The one with the highest bid is initialized with the first block. 
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Similarly, the format handlers are polled to see which handler 
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is the best for each archive. 
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(Prior to 2.4.0, the format bidders were invoked for each 
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entry, but this design hindered error recovery.) 
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=== I/O Layer and Client Callbacks=== 
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The read API goes to some lengths to be nice to clients. 
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As a result, there are few restrictions on the behavior of 
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the client callbacks. 
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The client read callback is expected to provide a block 
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of data on each call. 
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A zero-length return does indicate end of file, but otherwise 
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blocks may be as small as one byte or as large as the entire file. 
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In particular, blocks may be of different sizes. 
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The client skip callback returns the number of bytes actually 
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skipped, which may be much smaller than the skip requested. 
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The only requirement is that the skip not be larger. 
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In particular, clients are allowed to return zero for any 
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skip that they don't want to handle. 
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The skip callback must never be invoked with a negative value. 
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Keep in mind that not all clients are reading from disk: 
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clients reading from networks may provide different-sized 
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blocks on every request and cannot skip at all; 
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advanced clients may use 
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to read the entire file into memory at once and return the 
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entire file to libarchive as a single block; 
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other clients may begin asynchronous I/O operations for the 
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next block on each request. 
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=== Decompresssion Layer=== 
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The decompression layer not only handles decompression, 
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it also buffers data so that the format handlers see a 
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much nicer I/O model. 
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The decompression API is a two stage peek/consume model. 
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A read_ahead request specifies a minimum read amount; 
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the decompression layer must provide a pointer to at least 
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that much data. 
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If more data is immediately available, it should return more: 
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the format layer handles bulk data reads by asking for a minimum 
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of one byte and then copying as much data as is available. 
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A subsequent call to the 
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function advances the read pointer. 
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Note that data returned from a 
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call is guaranteed to remain in place until 
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the next call to 
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Intervening calls to 
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should not cause the data to move. 
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Skip requests must always be handled exactly. 
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Decompression handlers that cannot seek forward should 
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not register a skip handler; 
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the API layer fills in a generic skip handler that reads and discards data. 
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A decompression handler has a specific lifecycle: 
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When the client invokes the public support function, 
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the decompression handler invokes the internal 
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function to provide bid and initialization functions. 
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This function returns 
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on error or else a pointer to a 
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'''struct''' decompressor_t. 
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This structure contains a 
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''void'' * config 
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slot that can be used for storing any customization information. 
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The bid function is invoked with a pointer and size of a block of data. 
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The decompressor can access its config data 
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through the 
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element of the 
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The bid function is otherwise stateless. 
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In particular, it must not perform any I/O operations. 
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The value returned by the bid function indicates its suitability 
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for handling this data stream. 
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A bid of zero will ensure that this decompressor is never invoked. 
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Return zero if magic number checks fail. 
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Otherwise, your initial implementation should return the number of bits 
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actually checked. 
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For example, if you verify two full bytes and three bits of another 
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byte, bid 19. 
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Note that the initial block may be very short; 
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be careful to only inspect the data you are given. 
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(The current decompressors require two bytes for correct bidding.) 
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The winning bidder will have its init function called. 
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This function should initialize the remaining slots of the 
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''struct'' decompressor_t 
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object pointed to by the 
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element of the 
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In particular, it should allocate any working data it needs 
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in the 
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slot of that structure. 
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The init function is called with the block of data that 
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was used for tasting. 
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At this point, the decompressor is responsible for all I/O 
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requests to the client callbacks. 
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The decompressor is free to read more data as and when 
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Satisfy I/O requests
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The format handler will invoke the 
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functions as needed. 
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The finish method is called only once when the archive is closed. 
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It should release anything stored in the 
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slots of the 
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It should not invoke the client close callback. 
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=== Format Layer=== 
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The read formats have a similar lifecycle to the decompression handlers: 
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Allocate your private data and initialize your pointers. 
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Formats bid by invoking the 
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decompression method but not calling the 
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This allows each bidder to look ahead in the input stream. 
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Bidders should not look further ahead than necessary, as long 
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look aheads put pressure on the decompression layer to buffer 
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lots of data. 
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Most formats only require a few hundred bytes of look ahead; 
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look aheads of a few kilobytes are reasonable. 
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(The ISO9660 reader sometimes looks ahead by 48k, which 
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should be considered an upper limit.) 
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Read header
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The header read is usually the most complex part of any format. 
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There are a few strategies worth mentioning: 
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For formats such as tar or cpio, reading and parsing the header is 
Packit 08bd4c
straightforward since headers alternate with data. 
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For formats that store all header data at the beginning of the file, 
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the first header read request may have to read all headers into 
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memory and store that data, sorted by the location of the file 
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Subsequent header read requests will skip forward to the 
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beginning of the file data and return the corresponding header. 
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Read Data
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The read data interface supports sparse files; this requires that 
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each call return a block of data specifying the file offset and 
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This may require you to carefully track the location so that you 
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can return accurate file offsets for each read. 
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Remember that the decompressor will return as much data as it has. 
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Generally, you will want to request one byte, 
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examine the return value to see how much data is available, and 
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possibly trim that to the amount you can use. 
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You should invoke consume for each block just before you return it. 
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Skip All Data
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The skip data call should skip over all file data and trailing padding. 
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This is called automatically by the API layer just before each 
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header read. 
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It is also called in response to the client calling the public 
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On cleanup, the format should release all of its allocated memory. 
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=== API Layer=== 
Packit 08bd4c
XXX to do XXX 
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The write API has a similar set of four layers: 
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an API layer, a format layer, a compression layer, and an I/O layer. 
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The registration here is much simpler because only 
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one format and one compression can be registered at a time. 
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=== I/O Layer and Client Callbacks=== 
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XXX To be written XXX 
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=== Compression Layer=== 
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XXX To be written XXX 
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=== Format Layer=== 
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XXX To be written XXX 
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=== API Layer=== 
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XXX To be written XXX 
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The write_disk API is intended to look just like the write API 
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to clients. 
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Since it does not handle multiple formats or compression, it 
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is not layered internally. 
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objects all contain an initial 
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object which provides common support for a set of standard services. 
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(Recall that ANSI/ISO C90 guarantees that you can cast freely between 
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a pointer to a structure and a pointer to the first element of that 
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object has a magic value that indicates which API this object 
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is associated with, 
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slots for storing error information, 
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and function pointers for virtualized API functions. 
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Packit 08bd4c
Connecting existing archiving libraries into libarchive is generally 
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quite difficult. 
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In particular, many existing libraries strongly assume that you 
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are reading from a file; they seek forwards and backwards as necessary 
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to locate various pieces of information. 
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In contrast, libarchive never seeks backwards in its input, which 
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sometimes requires very different approaches. 
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For example, libarchive's ISO9660 support operates very differently 
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from most ISO9660 readers. 
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The libarchive support utilizes a work-queue design that 
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keeps a list of known entries sorted by their location in the input. 
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Whenever libarchive's ISO9660 implementation is asked for the next 
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header, checks this list to find the next item on the disk. 
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Directories are parsed when they are encountered and new 
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items are added to the list. 
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This design relies heavily on the ISO9660 image being optimized so that 
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directories always occur earlier on the disk than the files they 
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Depending on the specific format, such approaches may not be possible. 
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The ZIP format specification, for example, allows archivers to store 
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key information only at the end of the file. 
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In theory, it is possible to create ZIP archives that cannot 
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be read without seeking. 
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Fortunately, such archives are very rare, and libarchive can read 
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most ZIP archives, though it cannot always extract as much information 
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as a dedicated ZIP program. 
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== SEE ALSO == 
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== HISTORY == 
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library first appeared in 
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FreeBSD 5.3. 
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== AUTHORS == 
Packit 08bd4c
Packit 08bd4c
Packit 08bd4c
library was written by 
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Tim Kientzle  <>